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#1 Le 14/02/2013, à 19:18


Thunderbird en pop3s, p3scan et clamav

J'essai d'utiliser  l'antivirus clamav pour scanner les mails reçus par Thunderbird en pop3s en utilisant le proxy p3scan .
Je me suis inpiré de la page de documentation:, mais j'ai du mal:
p3scan V2 ne semble pas gérer le pop3s.

j'ai récupéré le p3scan v3, transformé le … t.i386.rpm en . deb avec alien, mis les liens qu'il faut pour accéder aux librairies voulues

sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/ 
sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/ 

, créé les dossier comme indiqué dans le readme de p3scan,
Création des répertoires et affectation au user mail

[code]mkdir /var/run/p3scan
chown mail /var/run/p3scan[/code]
root@ubuntu-desktop:/etc# chown mail p3scan 
root@ubuntu-desktop:/etc# cd /var/spool 
root@ubuntu-desktop:/var/spool# chown -R mail p3scan

Mis en place iptables:

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m multiport --dport 110,995 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8110

@ubuntu-desktop:~$ sudo id mail 
uid=8(mail) gid=8(mail) groupes=8(mail) 

sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport pop3s -m owner --uid-owner 8 -j ACCEPT

sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport pop3s -j REDIRECT --to 8110

Démarrer p3scan à la main et maintenant il "écoute" bien le port 8110 mais crash à la réception des messages:

@ubuntu-desktop:~$ sudo p3scan -d 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: P3Scan Version 3.0_rc1 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: Selected scannertype: basic (Basic file invocation scanner) 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: Listening on 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: Changing uid (we are root) 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: Running as user: mail group: mail 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: RX compiled succesfully 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: p3scan.conf: /etc/p3scan/p3scan.conf 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: logopt: 3 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: logfac: 24 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: debug: enabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: debug-imap: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: debug-memory: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: debug-message: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: debug-scanning: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: debug-smtp: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: Internal ClamAV - Not in use. 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: DEMIME - Not in use. 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: ip: Any 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: maxchilds: 10 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: port: 8110 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: quiet: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: Target ip/port not enabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: virusregexp: .*: (.*) FOUND 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: pidfile: /var/run/p3scan/ 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: user: mail 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: notifydir: /var/spool/p3scan/notify 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: virusdir: /var/spool/p3scan 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: delete: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: freespace: 10000 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: scanner: 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: broken: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: template: /etc/p3scan/p3scan-en.mail 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: subject: [Virus] found in a mail to you: 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: blacklist subject: [Blacklisted] mail to you: 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: blackshort: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: notify: Per instruction, the message has been deleted. 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: emailport: 25 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: smtprset: Virus detected! P3scan rejected message! 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: password: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: sslport: 995 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: imapport: 143 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: imapsport: 993 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: mail: /bin/mail 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: timeout: 30 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: altvnmsg: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: useurl: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: authuser: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: cleankill: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: noeom: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: nospampipe: disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: PIPELINING processing disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: STLS processing disabled 
18:47:03 p3scan[4446]: Waiting for connections..... 

Lancement  de Thunderbird

18:59:34 p3scan[4446]: Connection received..... 
18:59:34 p3scan[4446]: Forked, pid=4604, numprocs=1 
18:59:34 p3scan[4604]: setting the virusdir to /var/spool/p3scan/children/4604/ 
18:59:34 p3scan[4604]: Initialize Context 
18:59:34 p3scan[4604]: starting proxy 
18:59:34 p3scan[4604]: POP3S Connection from 
18:59:34 p3scan[4604]: Real-server address is 
18:59:34 p3scan[4446]: Connection received..... 
18:59:34 p3scan[4446]: Forked, pid=4605, numprocs=2 
18:59:34 p3scan[4605]: setting the virusdir to /var/spool/p3scan/children/4605/ 
18:59:34 p3scan[4605]: Initialize Context 
18:59:34 p3scan[4605]: starting proxy 
18:59:34 p3scan[4605]: POP3S Connection from 
18:59:34 p3scan[4605]: Real-server address is 
18:59:35 p3scan[4605]: SSL: Error loading certificate from file 
18:59:35 p3scan[4605]: SSL: Error loading private key from file 
18:59:35 p3scan[4605]: Accepting SSL connection... --> 
18:59:35 p3scan[4605]: Error accepting SSL connection 
18:59:35 p3scan[4446]: waitpid: child 4605 died with status 1, numprocs is now 1 
18:59:47 p3scan[4604]: SSL: Error loading certificate from file 
18:59:47 p3scan[4604]: SSL: Error loading private key from file 
18:59:47 p3scan[4604]: Accepting SSL connection... --> 
18:59:47 p3scan[4604]: Error accepting SSL connection 
18:59:47 p3scan[4446]: waitpid: child 4604 died with status 1, numprocs is now 0 

Y a-t-il un expert en SSL qui saurait me dire ce qui manque?

Linux tout seul sur HP Pavilion DV7 et Acer Aspire T650, Canon MG3650 en wifi
Debian 11 Bullseye Gnome/Xorg, Gnome/Wayland avec SDDM

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