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#226 Le 31/08/2013, à 15:36


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Tu peux poster ton .gtkrc-2.0 pour que je puisse modifier ces barres car j'ai déjà complètement modifier mon thème GTK2/GTK3, que je vois où tu as inséré ce: bg[SELECTED] = mix(0.80, "#6E97C5", shade(0.75, @bg_color))

Voici le miens:

#gtk-menu-popup-delay = 0
#gtk-menu-popdown-delay = 0

style "xfdesktop-icon-view"
        XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 0
        XfdesktopIconView::ellipsize-icon-labels = 0
        fg[NORMAL] = "#e2ebed"
        fg[SELECTED] = "#e2ebed"
        fg[ACTIVE] = "#e2ebed"
widget_class "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view"

style "panel"
        fg[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"     #"#0080FF"  
        fg[SELECTED] = "#FFFFFF"
        fg[ACTIVE] = "#FFFFFF"
        fg[PRELIGHT] = "#FFFFFF"
        text[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"  #"#0080FF" # color for the text in the weather applet
widget_class "*Panel*" style "panel"

style "xfce-panel-window-style"
   # Temps en miliseconds avant que le panel ne s'affiche lorsque le curseur de la souris le rencontre
   XfcePanelWindow::popup-delay = 600
   # Temps en milliseconds avant que le panel ne disparaisse après que le curseur de la souris l'ai quitté
   XfcePanelWindow::popdown-delay = 200
 class "XfcePanelWindow" style "xfce-panel-window-style"
 # GTK theme preferences
bg[NORMAL]        = "#333333"
bg[ACTIVE]        = "#333333"
bg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#333333"
fg[NORMAL]        = "#eeeeee"
fg[ACTIVE]        = "#eeeeee"
fg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#eeeeee"
text[NORMAL]      = "#eeeeee"
text[PRELIGHT]    = "#eeeeee"
text[SELECTED]    = "#eeeeee"
text[INSENSITIVE] = "#eeeeee"
text[ACTIVE]      = "#eeeeee"


#227 Le 31/08/2013, à 15:52

Compte anonymisé

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Ha oui, moi j'ai modifié directement dans le thème.
Dans le dossier GTK2

gtk-color-scheme = "base_color:#DADADA\nbg_color:#C6C6C6"
gtk-color-scheme = "text_color:#161616\nfg_color:#242424"
gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color:#646464\nselected_fg_color:#ffffff"
gtk-color-scheme = "tooltip_bg_color:#080808\ntooltip_fg_color:#ffffff\nlink_color:#4a90f9"

gtk-color-scheme = "theme_bg_dark_color:#C6C6C6\ntheme_fg_dark_color:#363636\ntheme_text_dark_color:#242424"
gtk-color-scheme = "sidebar_background:#c8cdd0"

# link_color:#4a90f9"
gtk-auto-mnemonics	= 1

style "default" {
	xthickness	= 1
	ythickness	= 1

	# Style Properties
	GtkButton   			::child-displacement-x	= 0
	GtkButton				::child-displacement-y	= 0
	GtkButton				::default-border		= {0, 0, 0, 0}
	GtkButton				::image-spacing			= 4
	GtkToolButton			::icon-spacing			= 4

	GtkCheckButton			::indicator-size		= 16
	GtkRadioButton			::indicator-size		= 16

	GtkEntry				::honors-transparent-bg-hint	= 1
	#GtkEntry				::invisible-char				= 0x2022
	GtkEntry				::progress-border				= {2, 2, 2, 2}
    GtkEntry    			::state-hint        			= 0

	GtkProgressBar			::min-vertical-bar-width		= 15    ########################## LARGEUR DU PULSAR
	GtkProgressBar			::min-horizontal-bar-height		= 15    ########################## LARGEUR DU PULSAR

	GtkExpander				::expander-size			= 14

	GtkMenuBar  			::internal-padding		= 0
	GtkMenuBar  			::window-dragging		= 1
	#GtkMenuBar				::shadow-type			= GTK_SHADOW_NONE
	GtkMenu					::horizontal-padding	= 0
	GtkMenu					::vertical-padding		= 0
	GtkSeparatorMenuItem	::horizontal-padding	= 7

	GtkNotebook				::tab-overlap			= 2		# Default = 2
	GtkNotebook				::tab-curvature			= 1		# Default = 1
	GtkPaned				::handle-size			= 6

	GtkRange				::trough-border			= 0
	GtkRange				::slider-width			= 15
	GtkRange				::stepper-size			= 1

	GtkScale				::slider-length			= 14
	GtkScale				::slider-width			= 14
	GtkScale				::trough-side-details	= 1

	GtkScrollbar    		::has-backward-stepper		= 0  
	GtkScrollbar			::has-forward-stepper		= 1   # El maldito rollo de gtk2 y las scrollbars
	GtkScrollbar			::min-slider-length			= 30
	GtkScrollbar			::slider-width				= 9
	GtkScrollbar			::trough-border				= 3
	GtkScrollbar			::activate-slider 			= FALSE
	GtkScrollbar			::trough-side-details		= 0
	GtkScrollbar			::stepper-size              = 1

	GtkScrolledWindow		::scrollbar-spacing			= 0
	GtkScrolledWindow		::scrollbars-within-bevel	= 1

	GtkToolbar				::internal-padding			= 0
	GtkToolbar				::window-dragging			= 1

	GtkTreeView				::expander-size				= 7
	GtkTreeView				::odd_row_color				= shade (1.05, @base_color)

	# en eclipse afecta backcolor de "Quick Type Hierarchy (CTRL+T)"
	#GtkTreeView			::even_row_color			= shade (1.05, @base_color)

	GtkWidget				::link-color 				= @link_color
    GtkWidget				::focus-padding				= 0
	WnckTasklist			::fade-overlay-rect			= 0
    GtkWindow               ::resize-grip-height        = 0 # Ocultar resize-grip
    GtkWindow               ::resize-grip-width         = 0

	# Color Definitions
	bg[NORMAL]          = @bg_color
	bg[PRELIGHT]		= shade (1.02, @bg_color)
	bg[SELECTED]		= @selected_bg_color
	bg[INSENSITIVE] 	= shade(0.98, @bg_color)
	bg[ACTIVE]          = @bg_color

	fg[NORMAL]          = @fg_color
	fg[PRELIGHT]		= @text_color
	fg[SELECTED]		= @selected_fg_color
	fg[INSENSITIVE] 	= mix (0.60, @fg_color, @bg_color)
	fg[ACTIVE]			= @text_color
	#fg[ACTIVE]			= @text_color

	text[NORMAL]		= @text_color
	text[PRELIGHT]		= @text_color
	text[SELECTED]		= @selected_fg_color
	text[INSENSITIVE]	= mix (0.60, @fg_color, @bg_color)
	text[ACTIVE]		= @text_color

	base[NORMAL]		= @base_color
	base[PRELIGHT]		= shade (0.95, @bg_color)
	base[SELECTED]		= @selected_bg_color
	base[INSENSITIVE]	= shade (0.85, @base_color)
	base[ACTIVE]		= @selected_bg_color

	engine "murrine" {
		animation			= FALSE
        arrowstyle			= 1			# Estilo flechas menu (triangulos)
		border_shades       = {1.0, 0.9}
		colorize_scrollbar	= TRUE
		contrast			= 0.6
		default_button_color	= shade (1.28, @selected_bg_color)
		comboboxstyle 		= 0			# 0 = normal combobox, 1 = colorized combobox button		
		expanderstyle		= 0			# Treview expander (triangulo)
		focusstyle			= 3 # 0 to disable focus drawing. 
								# 1 to use dots. 
								# 2 to use a small colored rectangle. 
								# 3 to use a colored rectangle that touches the borders.
		focus_color 		= shade(1.20, mix(0.90, @selected_bg_color, @bg_color))

		glazestyle			= 0 # 0 = flat highlight, 
								# 1 = curved highlight
								# 2 = concave style, 
								# 3 = top curved highlight, 
								# 4 = beryl highlight
		glowstyle			= 0 # 0 = top, 1 = bottom, 2 = top and bottom, 3 = horizontal, 4 = centered glow
   		gradient_shades		= {1.00, 0.92, 0.93, 0.85}              
		highlight_shade		= 1.0
		lightborder_shade	= 1.0
		lightborderstyle	= 1 # 0 = top side, 1 = all sides
		listviewstyle		= 0 # 0 = nothing, 1 = dotted, 2 = line
		menubaritemstyle	= 0 # 0 = menuitem look, 1 = button look
		menubarstyle		= 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient, 3 = striped
		menuitemstyle		= 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = striped
		menustyle		    = 3 # 0 = no vertical menu stripe, 1 = display vertical menu stripe, 2 = faint? 3 = borderless
		progressbarstyle	= 2   ################# Barre Avec Rayure
		reliefstyle			= 0  # 0 = flat, 1 = inset, 2 = shadow, 3 = shadow with gradient, 4 = stronger shadow with gradient
		rgba				= FALSE	# alpha transparency
		roundness			= 3 # 0 = square
		scrollbarstyle		= 0 # 0 = nothing
		separatorstyle 		= 1	# 0 = Hard seperators 1 = Smooth seperators
		shadow_shades		= {0.9, 1.1}
		sliderstyle		    = 1 # 0 = nothing added
		stepperstyle		= 1 # 0 = standard, 1 = integrated stepper handles, 2 = unknown
		toolbarstyle		= 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient
		trough_shades		= {0.85, 1.0}

style "test" = "default" {
  fg[NORMAL]       	=  "#00FF00"
  fg[ACTIVE]       	=  "#00FF00"
  fg[PRELIGHT]     	=  "#00FF00"
  fg[SELECTED]     	=  "#00FF00"
  fg[INSENSITIVE]  	=  "#00FF00"

  bg[NORMAL]       	=  "#FF0000"
  bg[ACTIVE]        =  "#FF0000"
  bg[PRELIGHT]      =  "#FF0000"
  bg[SELECTED]      =  "#FF0000"
  bg[INSENSITIVE]  	=  "#FF0000"

  text[NORMAL]      =  "#0000FF"
  text[ACTIVE]      =  "#0000FF"
  text[PRELIGHT]    =  "#0000FF"
  text[SELECTED]    =  "#0000FF"
  text[INSENSITIVE] =  "#0000FF"

  base[NORMAL]      =  "#FFFF00"
  base[ACTIVE]      =  "#FFFF00"
  base[PRELIGHT]    =  "#FFFF00"
  base[SELECTED]    =  "#FFFF00"
  base[INSENSITIVE] =  "#FFFF00"

style "wide" {
	xthickness	= 2
	ythickness	= 2

style "wider" {
	xthickness	= 3
	ythickness	= 3

style "button"  {
    xthickness	= 3
    ythickness	= 3

    bg[NORMAL]              = shade (0.86, @base_color)
    bg[PRELIGHT]            = shade (0.885, @base_color)    
	bg[ACTIVE]              = shade (1.35, @selected_bg_color)	# Pulsado
	bg[SELECTED]            = shade (1.00, @selected_bg_color)	# 
	bg[INSENSITIVE]         = shade (0.95, @bg_color)

    fg[NORMAL]       	    = shade (0.95, @fg_color)

	engine "murrine" {
		contrast                = 0.85
		gradient_shades         = {1.15,1.07,1.08,1.05}
		border_shades			= {1.10, 0.95}
		lightborderstyle		= 1 # 0 = top side, 1 = all sides
		lightborder_shade       = 1.1
        highlight_shade			= 1.03
		roundness				= 2
		focusstyle				= 0		
		glowstyle				= 0 # 0 = top, 1 = bottom, 2 = top and bottom, 3 = horizontal, 4 = centered glow
        glow_shade              = 1.25
        reliefstyle             = 3
		textstyle               = 1
		text_shade				= 1.1      

style "button_label" {
	#fg[ACTIVE]			= "#fff"
	#fg[SELECTED]		= "#fff"
	#text[ACTIVE]		= "#fff"
	#text[SELECTED]		= "#fff"

style "checkradio_label" {	
	fg[ACTIVE]		= @text_color		# Forzar color texto en radiobutton-eclipse

style "checkbutton" {
	engine "pixmap" {
		image {
			function = CHECK
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = NORMAL
			shadow = OUT
			overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = CHECK
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = PRELIGHT
			shadow = OUT
			overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = CHECK
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = ACTIVE
			shadow = OUT
			overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = CHECK
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = INSENSITIVE
			shadow = OUT
			overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = CHECK
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = NORMAL
			shadow = IN
			overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = CHECK
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = PRELIGHT
			shadow = IN
			overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = CHECK
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = ACTIVE
			shadow = IN
			overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = CHECK
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = INSENSITIVE
			shadow = IN
			overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = FLAT_BOX
			recolorable = TRUE
			stretch = TRUE
			file = "assets/null.png"

style "radiobutton" {
	engine "pixmap" {
		image {
			function = OPTION
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = NORMAL
			shadow = OUT
			overlay_file = "assets/radio-unselected.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = OPTION
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = PRELIGHT
			shadow = OUT
			overlay_file = "assets/radio-unselected.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = OPTION
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = ACTIVE
			shadow = OUT
			overlay_file = "assets/radio-unselected.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = OPTION
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = INSENSITIVE
			shadow = OUT
			overlay_file = "assets/radio-unselected-insensitive.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = OPTION
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = NORMAL
			shadow = IN
			overlay_file = "assets/radio-selected.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = OPTION
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = PRELIGHT
			shadow = IN
			overlay_file = "assets/radio-selected.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = OPTION
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = ACTIVE
			shadow = IN
			overlay_file = "assets/radio-selected.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = OPTION
			recolorable = TRUE
			state = INSENSITIVE
			shadow = IN
			overlay_file = "assets/radio-selected-insensitive.png"
			overlay_stretch = FALSE

		image {
			function = FLAT_BOX
			recolorable = TRUE
			stretch = TRUE
			file = "assets/null.png"

style "entry" = "default" { # text
	xthickness	= 3
	ythickness	= 3

    # ------- otro entry -------------
	 GtkWidget	::focus-line-width	= 2
	 GtkWidget	::focus-padding		= 1
	# bg[ACTIVE]				        = shade (0.78, @bg_color)
	# bg[NORMAL]				        = shade (2.20, @bg_color)
	# bg[PRELIGHT]				    = shade (1.18, @selected_bg_color)
	# bg[SELECTED]				    = shade (0.9, @selected_bg_color)
	# bg[INSENSITIVE]				    = shade (0.98, @bg_color)
    # ------- fin otro entry ----------

	bg[SELECTED]	= shade(1.18, mix (0.8, @selected_bg_color, @base_color))
	text[ACTIVE]	= @selected_fg_color

	engine "murrine" {
		contrast			= 0.6
		roundness			= 2		
		border_shades		= {1.2, 1.0}
		focusstyle  		= 3

style "toolbar_entry" = "entry" { # text

	base[NORMAL]			= shade(0.93, @base_color)
	engine "murrine" {
		contrast			= 0.7
		border_shades		= {1.2, 1.0}
		focus_color 		= shade (1.0, @selected_bg_color)

style "expander" {
	bg[NORMAL]		= "#FFF"
	fg[NORMAL]		= shade (2.0, @text_color)
	fg[PRELIGHT]		= shade (2.0, @text_color)

	engine "murrine" {
		contrast	= 1.2
		gradient_shades	= {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}

style "frame_title" {
	fg[NORMAL]	= lighter (@fg_color)

style "handle" {


class "GtkPaned"	style "handle"

style "separator" = "wide" {
	engine "murrine" {
		contrast            	= 0.4

style "menubar" {
	xthickness	= 3
	ythickness	= 0

	fg[PRELIGHT]	    = @selected_fg_color
	fg[ACTIVE]	        = @selected_fg_color
	fg[SELECTED]	    = @selected_fg_color

    bg[NORMAL]          = shade (1.00, @theme_bg_dark_color)
	engine "murrine" {
		gradient_shades     	= {1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00}		
		contrast            	= 0.4
		textstyle               = 1
		text_shade				= 1.15

style "menu" {
	xthickness	= 0
	ythickness	= 0
	GtkMenuItem::arrow-scaling	= 0.5

	bg[NORMAL]			= shade (1.05, @theme_bg_dark_color)

	engine "murrine" {
		gradient_shades		= {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
		roundness		    = 1 # 0 = squared 

style "menu_item_white" {
	xthickness	= 2
	ythickness	= 3

	fg[NORMAL] 			= shade (0.94, @theme_fg_dark_color)		# menu item normal
    fg[INSENSITIVE] 	= mix(0.65, @theme_fg_dark_color, @theme_bg_dark_color)	    # menu item deshabilitados
	fg[PRELIGHT]		= @selected_fg_color						# menu item seleccionado

	text[NORMAL]        = shade (0.94, @theme_fg_dark_color)		# Color check/radio menu
	text[INSENSITIVE] 	= mix(0.65, @theme_text_dark_color, @theme_bg_dark_color)	    
	text[PRELIGHT]      = @selected_fg_color            			# Color check/radio menu

    bg[PRELIGHT]      	= shade (1.00, @selected_bg_color)
    bg[SELECTED]      	= shade (1.00, @selected_bg_color)

	engine "murrine" {
        gradient_shades		= {0.90, 0.95, 0.95, 1.00}
		border_shades 		= {1.40, 1.0}
        roundness           = 1
        contrast            = 0.8           # Contraste separadores
		#textstyle           = 2
		#text_shade			= 0.4

style "menu_item_black" {
	xthickness	= 2
	ythickness	= 3

	fg[PRELIGHT]	= @selected_fg_color
    bg[PRELIGHT]      = shade (0.94, @selected_bg_color)
    bg[SELECTED]      = shade (0.94, @selected_bg_color)

	engine "murrine" {
        gradient_shades		= {1.30, 1.15, 1.15, 1.00}
        roundness           = 1
        contrast            = 0.0

style "notebook" {
    xthickness		= 2 
    ythickness		= 2
	bg[NORMAL]		= shade (0.97, @bg_color)		# selected tab entire
	bg[ACTIVE]		= shade (0.90, @bg_color)		# unselected tab
	bg[INSENSITIVE]	= shade (0.87, @bg_color)		# disabled controls

	fg[NORMAL]          = @text_color				# text selected tab
	fg[ACTIVE]          = shade (1.25, @fg_color)	# text unselected tab
	fg[INSENSITIVE] 	= shade (1.35, @fg_color)

	engine "murrine" {
		#gradient_shades		= {1.10,0.98,0.92,0.85}
        gradient_shades		= {1.16,1.10,1.00,0.95}
		lightborderstyle		= 0		
		lightborder_shade       = 1.1
		contrast 			= 0.5
        highlight_shade		= 1.03
		roundness 			= 2
		prelight_shade		= 1.5
		focusstyle = 2

style "progressbar" {
	xthickness	= 6   ####################### BORDURE AUTOUR DU PULSAR
	ythickness	= 2   ####################### BORDURE AUTOUR DU PULSAR

	bg[SELECTED] = mix(0.80, "#6E97C5", shade(0.75, @bg_color))	# Pulsar  ####### SUPPRESSION DU MIX & COULEUR PERSONNALISEE

	engine "murrine" {
		gradient_shades		= {0.30, 1.10, 1.10, 1.15}  ############ DIFFERENTS EFFETS LE PREMIER = OMBRE
        border_shades		= {0.8, 1.4}
		roundness			= 2
		glowstyle				= 3 ## 0 = EFFET EAU # 0 = top, 1 = bottom, 2 = top and bottom, 3 = horizontal, 4 = centered glow
        glow_shade              = 1.90  #### METRE UNE LUEUR DANS LE PULSAR

style "scale" { # slider

	GtkScale::trough-border = 0
	GtkScale::slider-width = 20
	GtkScale::slider-length = 15
	GtkScale::trough-side-details = 1

	xthickness	= 2
	ythickness	= 2

	bg[SELECTED]            = shade (1.27, @selected_bg_color)

	engine "murrine" {
		sliderstyle			= 2 						# forma del slider
		contrast 			= 0.4						# borde de todos los elementos
		gradient_shades 	= {1.1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.85}		# gradiente del slider
		border_shades 		= {0.9, 0.8}				# borde del slider
		roundness 			= 2
		lightborder_shade 	= 1.30						# brillo del trough-higlight
		trough_border_shades = {0.9, 1.12}
		glow_shade = 1.0
		reliefstyle = 0
#		shadow_shades = { 1.0, 0.9 }

style "scrollbar" {
	bg[SELECTED]		= shade (0.70, @base_color)			# color indicador
	bg[NORMAL]			= shade (0.83, @bg_color)			# color borde indicador

    # color flechas (stepper)	
    fg[NORMAL]          = shade (1.00, @base_color)
	fg[PRELIGHT]		= shade (1.00, @base_color)
	fg[ACTIVE]		    = shade (1.00, @base_color)
    fg[SELECTED]        = shade (1.00, @base_color)
    fg[INSENSITIVE]     = shade (1.00, @base_color)
	engine "murrine" {
        roundness               = 10
        gradient_shades			= {1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0}
        highlight_shade			= 1.0
        glow_shade              = 1.0
        reliefstyle             = 0
        prelight_shade          = .75
        gradient_colors         = FALSE
        lightborder_shade       = 1.0
        lightborderstyle        = 0
        trough_shades           = {1.00, 1.08}
        border_shades           = {1.32, 1.32}
        contrast                = 0.00

style "overlay_scrollbar"
	bg[SELECTED] 				= shade (1.0, @selected_bg_color)
	bg[INSENSITIVE] 			= shade (0.85, @bg_color)
	bg[ACTIVE] 					= shade (0.6, @bg_color)

style "spinbutton" = "button" { # input/stepper 
	bg[NORMAL]		= shade (0.94, @base_color)
    fg[ACTIVE]      = @text_color        # color flechas boton-spin pulsada

    # Colores flechas-spin
    # fg[NORMAL]        = "#F00"        # color flechas boton-spin
    # fg[ACTIVE]        = "#f00"        # color flechas boton-spin pulsada
    # fg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#F00"        # color flechas boton-spin disabled
    # fg[PRELIGHT]      = "#F00"        # color flechas boton-spin prelight

    # Colores entry-spin
    # base[NORMAL]      = "#F00"        # color fondo entry-spin
    # base[INSENSITIVE] = "#F00"        # color fondo entry-spin disabled

    # Colores boton-spin
    # bg[NORMAL]        = "#F00"        # color boton-spin y borde entry-spin 
    # bg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#F00"        # color boton-spin disabled
    # bg[SELECTED]      = "#F00"        # color focus borde entry-spin

    # text[NORMAL]        = "#F00"        # color texto entry-spin
    # text[SELECTED]      = "#F00"        # color texto seleccionado entry-spin
    # text[ACTIVE]        = "#F00"        # color texto seleccionado entry-spin unfocused
    # text[INSENSITIVE]   = "#F00"        # color texto disabled 

	engine "murrine" {
		contrast		= 1.0
        border_shades           = {1.2, 1.0}
        #lightborder_shade		= 1.00

style "toolbar" = "wider"{
	#bg[NORMAL]		= shade(1.37, mix (0.75, @theme_bg_dark_color, @sidebar_background))
    bg[NORMAL]		= shade(1.00, @theme_bg_dark_color)
	fg[ACTIVE]		= @text_color

	engine "murrine" {
		separatorstyle          = 0
		lightborderstyle        = 0		
		lightborder_shade		= 1.0       # Regula el efecto 3D del borde superior de la toolbar
		contrast                = 1.0       # Regula el contraste del borde inferior de la toolbar
        gradient_shades     	= {1.00,0.98,0.98,0.95}        

style "toolbar_button" {
    xthickness	= 3
    ythickness	= 2	

	bg[NORMAL]		= shade(0.90, @bg_color)
    bg[PRELIGHT] 	= shade(0.91, @bg_color)
    bg[ACTIVE] 		= shade(0.76, @bg_color)
	bg[SELECTED] 	= shade(0.80, @bg_color)
	bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(0.83, @bg_color)
	fg[ACTIVE]		= @text_color

	engine "murrine" {
		gradient_shades     	= {1.00,0.96,0.96,0.90}
		border_shades           = {1.10, 1.00}
		contrast                = 0.80
		lightborderstyle		= 1
		lightborder_shade       = 1.1
        glow_shade              = 1.0
		textstyle               = 1


# toolbar separator
style "toolbar_separator" {
	xthickness = 0
  	ythickness = 0

	bg[NORMAL]	    = shade (0.85, @bg_color)
	engine "murrine" {
		border_shades           = {1.00, 1.00}
		contrast                = 0.3
		lightborder_shade       = 1.1

style "tooltips" {
	xthickness	= 8
	ythickness	= 4

	bg[NORMAL]	= @tooltip_bg_color
	fg[NORMAL]	= @tooltip_fg_color

	GtkWidget::new-tooltip-style	= 0

	engine "murrine" {
		border_colors	= { "#080808", "#080808" }

style "treeview" {
	base[SELECTED]  = shade (1.10, @selected_bg_color)		# seleccion row focused
	base[ACTIVE]  	= shade (1.10, @selected_bg_color)		# seleccion row unfocused

	fg[NORMAL]		= shade (1.00, @fg_color)				# header txt color

	bg[SELECTED]	= shade (1.80, @selected_bg_color)		# backgr mini-checkbox checked
	text[NORMAL]    = shade (1.05, @fg_color)				# txt+indicador checked normal
	text[SELECTED]  = @selected_fg_color					# txt+indicador selected focused
	text[ACTIVE] 	= @selected_fg_color					# txt+indicador selected unfocused

	engine "murrine" {
		gradient_shades		= {1.00, 1.05, 1.05, 1.10}        
		separatorstyle 		= 0		       
		contrast			= 0.75

style "treeview_header" = "button" {
	ythickness	= 1
    GtkWidget	::focus-padding	= 0

	bg[NORMAL]					= shade (0.91, @base_color)
	bg[PRELIGHT]				= shade (0.91, @base_color)
	bg[INSENSITIVE]				= shade (0.88, @base_color)
	bg[ACTIVE]					= shade( 1.20, @selected_bg_color)

	engine "murrine" {
		gradient_shades         = {1.10,1.05,1.03,1.00}
		contrast				= 0.75
        lightborderstyle		= 1
		roundness				= 0
		textstyle				= 1
        glow_shade              = 1.0
		prelight_shade			= 1.9


style "checkradio"  {
    xthickness	= 3
    ythickness	= 3

	base[NORMAL]					= shade (1.02, @bg_color)			# radiocheck normal
	bg[SELECTED]    			    = shade (1.00, @bg_color)	# radiocheck color checked

    bg[ACTIVE]                      = shade (0.90, @bg_color)			# button option selected
    bg[NORMAL]                      = shade (0.91, @bg_color)
    bg[PRELIGHT]    			    = shade (1.00, @bg_color)
	bg[INSENSITIVE] 			    = shade (0.93, @bg_color)

	text[NORMAL]                    = shade (0.80, @selected_bg_color)	# indicador normal    
	text[PRELIGHT]                  = shade (0.80, @selected_bg_color)	# indicador hover
	text[ACTIVE]					= shade (0.80, @selected_bg_color)	# indicador click

	engine "murrine" {
		contrast                = 1.00
		# gradient_shades         = {1.30,1.08,0.98,0.98}
		gradient_shades         = {1.25, 1.00, 0.88, 1.05}
		lightborderstyle		= 0
		lightborder_shade       = 0.90
		textstyle               = 0


style "separator" = "wide" {
	engine "murrine" {
		contrast            	= 0.4
class "GtkSeparator"			style "separator"

# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================

style "ff-default" {
	GtkCheckButton::indicator-size = 14

style	"ff-statusbar" {

#widget	"MozillaGtkWidget*Toolbar*"		style	"theme-toolbar"
#widget	"MozillaGtkWidget*Statusbar*"	style	"ff-statusbar"

widget	"MozillaGtkWidget*"	style	"ff-default"

# The following part of the gtkrc applies the different styles to the widgets.

# The default style is applied to every widget
class "GtkWidget"				style "default"
class "GtkFrame"				style "wide"
class "GtkCalendar"				style "wide"
class "GtkEntry"				style "entry"

class "GtkSpinButton"			style "spinbutton"
class "GtkScale"				style "scale"
class "GtkVScale"				style "scale"
class "GtkHScale"				style "scale"
class "GtkScrollbar"			style "scrollbar"
# Overlay scrollbar
widget_class "*<OsScrollbar>" 	style "overlay_scrollbar"
widget_class "*<OsThumb>" 		style "overlay_scrollbar"
# General matching follows. The order is choosen so that the right styles override
# each other. EG. progressbar needs to be more important than the menu match.
widget_class "*<GtkButton>"			    style "button"
widget_class "*<GtkButton>*<GtkLabel>"  style "button_label"

widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>"			style "notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLabel>"        style "notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkDrawingArea>"  style "notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLayout>"       style "notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkNotebookPage>" style "notebook"

widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>*"			style "menubar"
widget_class "*<GtkMenu>*"			    style "menu"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*"			style "menu_item_white"
#widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>.<GtkMenuItem>*"	style "menu_item_white"
#widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>.<GtkMenuItem>*"	style "menu_item_black"

widget_class "*<GtkToolbar>"                    style "toolbar"
widget_class "*<GtkHandleBox>"                  style "toolbar"
widget_class "*<GtkToolbar>.*.<GtkButton>*"     style "toolbar_button"
widget_class "*<GtkToolbar>.*.<GtkEntry>*"     style "toolbar_entry"
class "GtkSeparatorToolItem"		            style "toolbar_separator"

widget_class "*.<GtkFrame>.<GtkLabel>"			style "frame_title"
widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>*"					style "treeview"

class "*GtkExpander*"  							style "expander"

widget_class "*<GtkProgress>"					style "progressbar"

# Treeview headers (and similar stock GTK+ widgets)
widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>"		style "treeview_header"
widget_class "*.<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>"			style "treeview_header"
widget_class "*.<GtkList>.<GtkButton>"			style "treeview_header"
widget_class "*.<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>"			style "treeview_header"

# The window of the tooltip is called "gtk-tooltip"
widget "gtk-tooltip*"							style "tooltips"

# Radiobutton and Checkbox
# If you have problems displaying the checkbox or radio buttons in gtk2
# uncomment the two lines following (remove the # symbol of the beginning of the line)

# widget_class "*<GtkCheckButton>*"				style "checkradio"
# widget_class "*<GtkRadioButton>*" 				style "checkradio"

# and comment on these (put the # symbol at the beginning of the line)
# widget_class "*<GtkCheckButton>*"				style "checkbutton"
# widget_class "*<GtkRadioButton>*" 				style "radiobutton"

widget_class "*<GtkCheckButton>*" 					style		  "checkbutton"
widget_class "*<GtkCheckButton>*<GtkLabel>"			style:highest "checkradio_label"

widget_class "*<GtkRadioButton>*"					style 		  "checkradio"
widget_class "*<GtkDialog>*<GtkRadioButton>*"		style:highest "radiobutton"
widget_class "*<GtkFrame>*<GtkRadioButton>*" 		style:highest "radiobutton"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkRadioButton>*" 	style:highest "radiobutton"
widget_class "*<GtkRadioButton>*<GtkLabel>"			style:highest "checkradio_label"

# Following are special cases and workarounds for issues in applications.
# Firefox
style "FireFox-MenuBar" = "menubar" {
	GtkMenuBar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
widget "MozillaGtkWidget*GtkMenuBar" 			style "FireFox-MenuBar"
widget "MozillaGtkWidget*GtkCheck*"				style:highest "checkbutton"
widget "MozillaGtkWidget*GtkRadio*"				style:highest "radiobutton"

# For Google Chrome/Chromium integration.
style "chrome-gtk-frame" {
    ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-size		    	= 120
    ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-color		    = shade (1.06, @theme_bg_dark_color)
    ChromeGtkFrame::inactive-frame-gradient-color	= shade (1.06, @theme_bg_dark_color)
    ChromeGtkFrame::frame-color			        	= shade (0.64, @theme_bg_dark_color)
    ChromeGtkFrame::inactive-frame-color			= shade (0.64, @theme_bg_dark_color)

    ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-trough-color			= shade (0.99, @bg_color)
    ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-slider-prelight-color	= shade (0.87, @bg_color)
    ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-slider-normal-color	= shade (0.80, @bg_color)
class "ChromeGtkFrame"	style "chrome-gtk-frame"

# For places where the text color is used instead of the fg color.
style "text_is_fg_color_workaround" {
	text[NORMAL]		= @fg_color
	text[PRELIGHT]		= @fg_color
	text[SELECTED]		= @selected_fg_color
	text[ACTIVE]		= @fg_color
	text[INSENSITIVE]	= mix(0.65, @fg_color, @bg_color)
widget_class "*.<GtkComboBox>.<GtkCellView>"	style "text_is_fg_color_workaround"

# For menus where the text color is used instead of the fg color.
style "menuitem_text_is_fg_color_workaround" {
	text[NORMAL]		= @fg_color
	text[PRELIGHT]		= @selected_fg_color
	text[SELECTED]		= @selected_fg_color
	text[ACTIVE]		= @fg_color
	text[INSENSITIVE]	= mix(0.65, @fg_color, @bg_color)
widget "*.gtk-combobox-popup-menu.*"	style "menuitem_text_is_fg_color_workaround"

# For places where the fg color is used instead of the text color.
style "fg_is_text_color_workaround" {
	fg[NORMAL]		= @text_color
	fg[PRELIGHT]	= @text_color
	fg[SELECTED]	= @selected_fg_color
	fg[ACTIVE]		= @selected_fg_color
	fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix(0.65, @text_color, @bg_color)
widget_class "*<GtkListItem>*"		style "fg_is_text_color_workaround"
widget_class "*<GtkCList>"		    style "fg_is_text_color_workaround"
widget_class "*<EelEditableLabel>"	style "fg_is_text_color_workaround"

style "performance-fix" {	

	engine "murrine" {
		textstyle = 0
		contrast = 0.5
widget "*OOoFixed*"			style "performance-fix" # Openoffice/Libreoffice

# For gvim scrollbars.
style "vim-scrollbar" = "scrollbar" {
	GtkScrollbar	::slider_width		= 16
	GtkScrollbar	::stepper_size		= 16

	engine "pixmap" {
		image {
			function	= BOX
			orientation	= VERTICAL
			file		= "assets/scroll-background.png"
widget "vim-main-window.*Scrollbar*"	style "vim-scrollbar"

# For Eclipse (swt) toolbars.
widget "*swt*toolbar*"			style "toolbar"

# ---------------------------------
# Xfce panel theming
# ---------------------------------
style "xfce-panel" {
    fg[NORMAL]          = @theme_fg_dark_color
    fg[PRELIGHT]        = @selected_fg_color
    fg[ACTIVE]          = @selected_fg_color
    fg[SELECTED]        = @selected_fg_color

    bg[NORMAL]          = shade (1.00, @theme_bg_dark_color)
    bg[PRELIGHT]        = shade (0.80, @theme_bg_dark_color)
    bg[ACTIVE]          = shade (0.50, @theme_bg_dark_color)
    bg[SELECTED]        = shade (1.20, @selected_bg_color)
    engine "murrine" {
        gradient_shades         = {0.80, 0.85, 0.95, 1.00}
        roundness           = 2
        contrast            = 0.2
    xthickness = 3
    ythickness = 3
widget "*Xfce*Panel*"   style "xfce-panel"
class "*Xfce*Panel*"    style "xfce-panel"

style "xfdesktop-icon-view" {
    XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 0
    XfdesktopIconView::selected-label-alpha = 100
    XfdesktopIconVIew::ellipsize-icon-labels = 1

    XfdesktopIconView::shadow-x-offset = 1
    XfdesktopIconView::shadow-y-offset = 1
    XfdesktopIconView::shadow-color = "#000000"
    XfdesktopIconView::selected-shadow-x-offset = 1
    XfdesktopIconView::selected-shadow-y-offset = 1
    XfdesktopIconView::selected-shadow-color = "#000000"

    XfdesktopIconView::cell-spacing = 0
    XfdesktopIconView::cell-padding = 0
    XfdesktopIconView::cell-text-width-proportion = 2

    base[NORMAL]   = @selected_bg_color
    base[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
    base[ACTIVE]   = @selected_bg_color

    fg[NORMAL]      = @selected_fg_color
    fg[SELECTED]    = @selected_fg_color
    fg[ACTIVE]      = @selected_fg_color

widget_class "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view"

# widget "xfwm4-tabwin*" style "murrine-dark"
include "apps/thunar.rc"		# thunar especific
include "apps/terminal.rc"
include "apps/gmusicbrowser.rc"

Ligne 33 et 34 La largeur:
GtkProgressBar            ::min-vertical-bar-width        = 15   
GtkProgressBar            ::min-horizontal-bar-height        = 15

Ligne 563 à 577 Ma bidouille

style "progressbar" {
	xthickness	= 6   ####################### BORDURE AUTOUR DU PULSAR
	ythickness	= 2   ####################### BORDURE AUTOUR DU PULSAR

	bg[SELECTED] = mix(0.80, "#6E97C5", shade(0.75, @bg_color))	# Pulsar  ####### SUPPRESSION DU MIX & COULEUR PERSONNALISEE

	engine "murrine" {
		gradient_shades		= {0.30, 1.10, 1.10, 1.15}  ############ DIFFERENTS EFFETS LE PREMIER = OMBRE
        border_shades		= {0.8, 1.4}
		roundness			= 2
		glowstyle				= 3 ## 0 = EFFET EAU # 0 = top, 1 = bottom, 2 = top and bottom, 3 = horizontal, 4 = centered glow
        glow_shade              = 1.90  #### METRE UNE LUEUR DANS LE PULSAR

EDIT: Je t'ai commenté quelques repères

Dernière modification par Compte anonymisé (Le 31/08/2013, à 15:56)

#228 Le 31/08/2013, à 17:12


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Super t'es un chef, ça marche! tongue

Voici le mien:

style "murrine-progressbar"
	xthickness   = 0
	ythickness   = 0

	fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
	bg[NORMAL]   = shade (1.05, @bg_color)
	bg[SELECTED]	= mix(0.80, "#6E97C5", shade(0.75, @bg_color))

	engine "murrine" {
		gradient_shades = {0.30, 1.10, 1.10, 1.15}
		trough_shades	= {0.95, 1.15}
		trough_border_shades	= { 0.8, 0.7 }
		roundness 	= 3
		contrast	= 3.0
		border_shades	= { 0.8, 1.4 }
		lightborder_shade   = 3.0
		glowstyle	= 3
		glow_shade	= 1.5

Dernière modification par fcn50 (Le 31/08/2013, à 18:05)

#229 Le 31/08/2013, à 18:50

The Uploader

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

golgot200 a écrit :

J'aurais bien aimé que ça soit ça soit si simple. Dans ce fichier se sont les quelques bases de couleurs qui seront "mixées" avec des valeurs. Et comme j'y connais rien en code, je suis bloqué. Le gtk2 je commençais un peu à m'y faire mais le Gtk3 c'est vraiment un autre monde.

Le code des thèmes GTK3, c'est du CSS :
[Wikibooks] - le langage CSS
GTK+3 et style CSS
When you make a GTK3 theme...
GTK+ with CSS (site dédié, plus lisible)

Exemples avec le thème Greybird (le thème de Xubuntu) : … er/gtk-3.0

Dernière modification par The Uploader (Le 31/08/2013, à 18:55)

- Oldies PC : Intel Pentium 3 @ 800 Mhz sur CM ASUS P2B-F, GeForce 4 Ti4800 SE, Disque Dur Hitachi 160 Go, 512 Mo de RAM, 3DFX Voodoo 2, Sound Blaster 16 ISA PnP, Windows 98 SE / XP)
- Desktop : Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4 GHz sur CM ASUS Z170-P, GeForce GTX 1070, SSD Samsung 850 EVO 1 To, 16 Go de RAM, Disque Dur Seagate Barracuda 3 To, Windows 10

Hors ligne

#230 Le 31/08/2013, à 19:05

Compte anonymisé

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

@The Uploader
Merci pour l'info et les liens smile

Content de t'avoir aidé cool

Moi je passe à la couleur Gris foncé (Carbon). Avec le bleu ciel ça devrait péter !!!  Ce sera plus dur au niveau choix de la couleur de la police.

#231 Le 01/09/2013, à 09:00


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

golgot200 a écrit :

Moi je passe à la couleur Gris foncé (Carbon). Avec le bleu ciel ça devrait péter !!!  Ce sera plus dur au niveau choix de la couleur de la police.

J'ai toujours mon environnement en gris clair/foncé, sur le foncé la police en blanc et sur le clair la police en noir. Je trouve ça plus lisible et ça fatigue bien moins les yeux:




Par contre, ça fait longtemps que je cherche comment modifier la couleur de la police de Nautilus uniquement, sans succès.

Dernière modification par fcn50 (Le 21/09/2013, à 13:43)

#232 Le 01/09/2013, à 12:03

Compte anonymisé

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Sous Gnome 2 je l'avais fait mais voilà c'est vieux.

Voilà pour l'instant où j'en suis au niveau GTK2 et GTK3

J'ai arrondi les boutons
Donné du relief au pulsar . J'ai fait vite fait une texture avec Gimp

Parce ce que dans le thème, je ne trouve pas où donner un effet de fente au logement du pulsar




J'ai trouvé dans un css une option de couleur que si tu change, c'est généralisé sur tout le thème.

Dernière modification par Compte anonymisé (Le 01/09/2013, à 12:05)

#233 Le 01/09/2013, à 12:56


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

golgot200 a écrit :

J'ai trouvé dans un css une option de couleur que si tu change, c'est généralisé sur tout le thème.

Moi aussi et c'est bien ça le problème, je voudrais uniquement changer la couleur de la police sous les dossiers dans Nautilus et pas partout.

Mes barres de progressions: tongue


#234 Le 01/09/2013, à 12:56


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013


Si je peux me permettre je trouve que ton thème serait plus beau avec une bordure de fenêtre de couleur grise voire gris-foncé pour trancher.

idem pour les boutons (maximiser-minimiser-fermer) qui ne sont pas trop en adéquation avec le thème que tu développes.

Sinon c'est super d'arriver à trafiquer comme tu le fais ; )

14.04 unity et Linux Mint KDE 13 zsh-meilleur shell   script fire

Hors ligne

#235 Le 01/09/2013, à 13:19

Compte anonymisé

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013


Tiens met des rayures :

		progressbarstyle	= 2   ################# Barre Avec Rayure
		reliefstyle			= 0  # 0 = flat, 1 = inset, 2 = shadow, 3 = shadow with gradient, 4 = stronger shadow with gradient

#236 Le 01/09/2013, à 13:29


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

golgot200 a écrit :

Tiens met des rayures :

Ouais j'ai déjà essayé mais je trouve que ça donne pas top, je préfère d'un trait, avec les ombres et effets c'est sobre et moderne. smile

#237 Le 01/09/2013, à 15:58


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

golgot200 a écrit :

Tiens met des rayures :

Je viens de me rendre compte que chez moi les rainures sont blanches alors que chez toi elles sont bleus, d'où le fait que je ne les aiment pas..! Pourquoi c'est différent?

#238 Le 02/09/2013, à 12:43

Compte anonymisé

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013


Faut bidouiller le code pour la couleur (Je regarde où c'est)

Le mien maintenant avec un dégradé ombre et gris pour l'encoche du pulsar en gtk3 :


Il y a juste un petit écart de 1 millimètre que je vais essayé de régler ...


Moi les rayures prennent bien la couleur choisi #242424

style "progressbar" {
	xthickness	= 15   ####################### BORDURE AUTOUR DU PULSAR
	ythickness	= 5   ####################### BORDURE AUTOUR DU PULSAR

	bg[SELECTED] = mix(0.80, "#242424", shade(0.75, @bg_color))	# Pulsar  ####### SUPPRESSION DU MIX & COULEUR PERSONNALISEE


bg[SELECTED] = mix(0.80, "#242424", shade(0.75, @bg_color))

J'ai supprimé la base @..... pour "#242424"

Dernière modification par Compte anonymisé (Le 02/09/2013, à 12:54)

#239 Le 02/09/2013, à 14:35


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Chouette on avancent smile J'ai trouvé, c'est ceci:

style "murrine-progressbar"
	xthickness   = 0
	ythickness   = 0

	fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
	bg[NORMAL]   = shade (1.05, @bg_color)
	bg[SELECTED] = mix(0.80,"#6E97C5", shade(0.75, @bg_color))

	engine "murrine" {
		gradient_shades = {0.30, 1.10, 1.10, 1.15}
		trough_shades	= {0.95, 1.15}
		trough_border_shades  = { 0.8, 0.7 }
		roundness 	= 3
		contrast	= 3.0
		border_shades	= { 0.8, 1.4 }
		lightborder_shade   = 0.0 <<<<<<!!!!!! à 0 c'est bleu!
		glowstyle	= 3
		glow_shade	= 1.5

Dernière modification par fcn50 (Le 02/09/2013, à 14:36)

#240 Le 02/09/2013, à 14:38

The Uploader

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Faudrait peut-être faire un fil de discussion à part, non ?

- Oldies PC : Intel Pentium 3 @ 800 Mhz sur CM ASUS P2B-F, GeForce 4 Ti4800 SE, Disque Dur Hitachi 160 Go, 512 Mo de RAM, 3DFX Voodoo 2, Sound Blaster 16 ISA PnP, Windows 98 SE / XP)
- Desktop : Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4 GHz sur CM ASUS Z170-P, GeForce GTX 1070, SSD Samsung 850 EVO 1 To, 16 Go de RAM, Disque Dur Seagate Barracuda 3 To, Windows 10

Hors ligne

#241 Le 02/09/2013, à 14:47


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

The Uploader a écrit :

Faudrait peut-être faire un fil de discussion à part, non ?

Je suis d'accord, pour ceux qui veulent juste voir les screens, c'est pas très pratique…

Édit : malgré que ce soit super intéressant, je pense que ça mérite un topic à part… smile

Dernière modification par tsagobar (Le 02/09/2013, à 14:53)

Hors ligne

#242 Le 02/09/2013, à 15:05

Compte anonymisé

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Désolé, c'est vrai. neutral

#243 Le 02/09/2013, à 15:20


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Affirmatif... On c'est laissé emporter par la joie ! tongue

Dernière modification par fcn50 (Le 02/09/2013, à 15:38)

#244 Le 02/09/2013, à 15:20

The Uploader

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Demande aux modos de faire un fil séparé. ^^

- Oldies PC : Intel Pentium 3 @ 800 Mhz sur CM ASUS P2B-F, GeForce 4 Ti4800 SE, Disque Dur Hitachi 160 Go, 512 Mo de RAM, 3DFX Voodoo 2, Sound Blaster 16 ISA PnP, Windows 98 SE / XP)
- Desktop : Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4 GHz sur CM ASUS Z170-P, GeForce GTX 1070, SSD Samsung 850 EVO 1 To, 16 Go de RAM, Disque Dur Seagate Barracuda 3 To, Windows 10

Hors ligne

#245 Le 02/09/2013, à 15:37


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Bonne idée ! Un fil du genre: "modifier les thèmes GTK2/3" dans la même section, en y transférant les messages d'ici...

#246 Le 02/09/2013, à 16:28

Compte anonymisé

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013



#247 Le 02/09/2013, à 19:26

Compte anonymisé

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

EN Chantier :
Bon le mien Style Carbon qui avance doux en essayant à ce que le gtk2 et gtk3 soit homogène :

1378142548.png 1378142805.png

Dernière modification par Compte anonymisé (Le 02/09/2013, à 19:37)

#248 Le 02/09/2013, à 21:19

Compte anonymisé

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

On y est presque. Plus lisible et les boutons quasi identiques pour le GTK2 et 3


EDIt : Mouais un bug sur la capture d'écran, c'est pas le thème smile

Dernière modification par Compte anonymisé (Le 02/09/2013, à 21:21)

#249 Le 03/09/2013, à 06:43


Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013

Ben ça a de la gueule tout ça. cool C'est quelle police?

Dernière modification par fcn50 (Le 03/09/2013, à 06:49)

#250 Le 03/09/2013, à 10:06

Compte anonymisé

Re : A quoi ressemble votre environnement -- Printemps/été 2013


Classic Robot