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#1 Le 15/03/2014, à 14:36


Au secours problème de sécurité avec mon PC!!!!!

Bonjour, j'ai  besoin  d'aide  je pense  mettre  fait  piraté!!!!

j’étais  avec  une  amis  en train  de  boire  un  café,  on  discuter  tranquille  une  fenêtre de  google  chrome  ouvert  sur  mon  pc  et  une  fenêtre  skype.
Soudain  un  bruit  de  radio qui  tourne  dans  le  vide qui  est  émis  par  mon  pc. 

Est il  possible  que  quelqu'un  est  essayer d’écouter  la conversation  a  mon  insu?

Comment  vérifier ?

j'ai été  obligé de redémarrer  mon  Pc  pour  que  le  bruit  s’arrête.

Comment  puis  vérifier?

Hors ligne

#2 Le 15/03/2014, à 15:08


Re : Au secours problème de sécurité avec mon PC!!!!!

chrome = spyware (by google)
skype = spyware (by Microsoft)

PC fixe sous Bionic 64 bits et portable avec Focal 64 bits

Hors ligne

#3 Le 15/03/2014, à 16:10


Re : Au secours problème de sécurité avec mon PC!!!!!

Qu'appelle-tu "bruit de radio"?
Ce sont des crachoullis émis dans les hauts parleurs ou de la musique ?
Si c'est le premier, sache que les ordinateurs sont sensibles aux ondes éléctromagnétiques et captent parfois du signal émmis par un téléphone portable (surtout s'il est activé par un appel).
Si c'est de la musique: pub envahissante probable.

N'importe qui peut voir ce que tu sembles être; quelques rares seulement peuvent tâter ce que tu est. Et ces derniers n'osent contredire l'opinion du grand nombre, renforcés par toute la majesté de l'État. Machiavel-Le Prince.

Hors ligne

#4 Le 15/03/2014, à 16:43


Re : Au secours problème de sécurité avec mon PC!!!!!

Bonjour il existe en effet des logiciels pour réaliser des audits de sécurité sous GNU/Linux (Lynis par exemple) mais encore faut-il les comprendre .

Ce qu'il faut en premier lieu c’est identifier s'il s'agit réellement d'un problème de sécurité ou comme dit plus haut de spam ou autre .
Après aussi tu peux essayer de nous donner plus d'informations :
Quel système utilises-tu ?
Es-tu connecté à un hotspot wifi ?
As-tu installé des programmes venant d'ailleurs que la logithèque ou synaptic ?
As-tu prêté ton pc à quelqu'un ?

Nous mourrons tous .

Hors ligne

#5 Le 15/03/2014, à 23:39


Re : Au secours problème de sécurité avec mon PC!!!!!

Après aussi tu peux essayer de nous donner plus d'informations :
Quel système utilises-tu ?
Es-tu connecté à un hotspot wifi ?
As-tu installé des programmes venant d'ailleurs que la logithèque ou synaptic ?
As-tu prêté ton pc à quelqu'un ?

-PC sous ubuntu 13.10 que  je ne prête à personne
- De temps en temps  je me connecte  a la  wifi des  hôtel  quand  je suis en  déplacement.
-  j'utilise en  général  des  des applis  qui viennent  de synaptic ou de la  logitheque

j'ai lancé Lynis voici  le  resultat:

xxxxxx@xxxxxx-EasyNote-TK85:~$ sudo lynis --check-all -Q
[sudo] password for user: 

[ Lynis 1.3.0 ]

 Lynis comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are
 welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
 See LICENSE file for details about using this software.

 Copyright 2007-2012 - Michael Boelen,

[+] Initializing program
  - Detecting OS...                                           [ DONE ]
  - Clearing log file (/var/log/lynis.log)...                 [ DONE ]

  Program version:           1.3.0
  Operating system:          Linux
  Operating system name:     Ubuntu
  Operating system version:  13.10
  Kernel version:            3.11.0-19-generic
  Hardware platform:         i686
  Hostname:                  User-EasyNote-TK85
  Auditor:                   [Unknown]
  Profile:                   /etc/lynis/default.prf
  Log file:                  /var/log/lynis.log
  Report file:               /var/log/lynis-report.dat
  Report version:            1.0
  - Checking profile file (/etc/lynis/default.prf)...
  - Program update status...                                  [ WARNING ]

        Notice: Lynis update available
          Current version : 130   Latest version : 146
          Please update to the latest version for new features, bug fixes, tests
          and baselines.

[+] System Tools
  - Scanning available tools...
  - Checking system binaries...
    - Checking /bin...                                        [ FOUND ]
    - Checking /sbin...                                       [ FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/bin...                                    [ FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/sbin...                                   [ FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/local/bin...                              [ FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/local/sbin...                             [ FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/local/libexec...                          [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/libexec...                                [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/sfw/bin...                                [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/sfw/sbin...                               [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/sfw/libexec...                            [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking /opt/sfw/bin...                                [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking /opt/sfw/sbin...                               [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking /opt/sfw/libexec...                            [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/xpg4/bin...                               [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/css/bin...                                [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking /usr/ucb...                                    [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Boot and services
  - Checking boot loaders
    - Checking presence GRUB2...                              [ OK ]
    - Checking presence LILO...                               [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking presence YABOOT...                             [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Check services at startup (rc2.d)...                      [ DONE ]
        Result: found 13 services
  - Check startup files (permissions)...                      [ OK ]

[+] Kernel
  - Checking default run level...                             [ UNKNOWN ]
  - Checking CPU support (NX/PAE)
      CPU supports PAE and NoeXecute                          [ YES ]
  - Checking kernel version                                   [ DONE ]
  - Checking kernel type                                      [ DONE ]
  - Checking loaded kernel modules                            [ DONE ]
      Found 65 active modules
  - Checking Linux kernel configuration file...               [ FOUND ]
  - Checking for available kernel update...                   [ OK ]
  - Checking core dumps configuration...                      [ ENABLED ]
    - Checking setuid core dumps configuration...             [ DISABLED ]

[+] Memory and processes
  - Checking /proc/meminfo...                                 [ FOUND ]
  - Searching for dead/zombie processes...                    [ OK ]
  - Searching for IO waiting processes...                     [ OK ]

[+] Users, Groups and Authentication
  - Search administrator accounts...                          [ OK ]
  - Checking consistency of group files (grpck)...            [ OK ]
  - Checking non unique group ID's...                         [ OK ]
  - Checking non unique group names...                        [ OK ]
  - Checking password file consistency...                     [ OK ]
  - Query system users (non daemons)...                       [ DONE ]
  - Checking NIS+ authentication support                      [ NOT ENABLED ]
  - Checking NIS authentication support                       [ NOT ENABLED ]
  - Checking sudoers file                                     [ FOUND ]
    - Check sudoers file permissions                          [ OK ]
  - Checking PAM password strength tools                      [ SUGGESTION ]
  - Checking PAM configuration files (pam.conf)               [ FOUND ]
  - Checking PAM configuration files (pam.d)                  [ FOUND ]
  - Checking PAM modules                                      [ FOUND ]
  - Checking LDAP module in PAM                               [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking accounts without expire date                     [ SUGGESTION ]
  - Checking user password aging                              [ DISABLED ]
  - Determining default umask
    - Checking umask (/etc/profile)                           [ SUGGESTION ]
    - Checking umask (/etc/login.defs)                        [ SUGGESTION ]
    - Checking umask (/etc/init.d/rc)                         [ SUGGESTION ]
  - Checking LDAP authentication support                      [ NOT ENABLED ]

[+] Shells
  - Checking shells from /etc/shells...
    Result: found 4 shells (valid shells: 4).

[+] File systems
  - Checking mount points
    - Checking /home mount point...                           [ OK ]
    - Checking /tmp mount point...                            [ SUGGESTION ]
  - Checking for old files in /tmp...                         [ OK ]
  - Checking /tmp sticky bit...                               [ OK ]
  - ACL support root file system...                           [ ENABLED ]
  - Checking Locate database...                               [ FOUND ]

[+] Storage
grep: /etc/modprobe.d: est un dossier
  - Checking usb-storage driver (modprobe config)...          [ NOT DISABLED ]
egrep: /etc/modprobe.d: est un dossier
egrep: /etc/modprobe.d: est un dossier
  - Checking firewire ohci driver (modprobe config)...        [ NOT DISABLED ]

[+] NFS
  - Check running NFS daemon...                               [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Software: name services
  - Checking default DNS search domain...                     [ NONE ]
  - Checking search domains...                                [ FOUND ]
  - Checking /etc/resolv.conf options...                      [ NONE ]
  - Searching DNS domain name...                              [ UNKNOWN ]
  - Checking nscd status...                                   [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking BIND status...                                   [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking PowerDNS status...                               [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking ypbind status...                                 [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Ports and packages
  - Searching package managers...
    - Searching RPM package manager...                        [ FOUND ]
      - Querying RPM package manager...
    - Searching dpkg package manager...                       [ FOUND ]
      - Querying package manager...
    - Query unpurged packages...                              [ FOUND ]
  - Checking security repository in sources.list file...      [ OK ]
  - Checking APT package database...                          [ OK ]
  - Checking vulnerable packages...                           [ OK ]
  - Checking upgradeable packages...                          [ SKIPPED ]

[+] Networking
  - Checking configured nameservers...
    - Testing nameservers...
        Nameserver:                              [ OK ]
    - Minimal of 2 responsive nameservers...                  [ WARNING ]
  - Checking default gateway...                               [ DONE ]
  - Checking promiscuous interfaces...                        [ OK ]
  - Checking waiting connections...                           [ OK ]

[+] Printers and Spools
  - Checking cups daemon...                                   [ RUNNING ]
  - Checking cups configuration file...                       [ OK ]
  - Checking cups addresses/sockets...                        [ FOUND ]

[+] Software: e-mail and messaging
  - Checking Exim status...                                   [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking Postfix status...                                [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking Qmail smtpd status...                            [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Software: firewalls
  - Checking iptables kernel module...                        [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking pf configuration...                              [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking host based firewall                              [ NOT ACTIVE ]

[+] Software: webserver
  - Checking Apache...                                        [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Searching nginx process...                                [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] SSH Support
  - Checking running SSH daemon...                            [ FOUND ]
    - Searching SSH configuration...                          [ FOUND ]
    - Checking defined SSH options...                         [ DONE ]
    - SSH option: PermitRootLogin...                          [ WARNING ]
    - SSH option: Protocol...                                 [ OK ]
    - SSH option: StrictModes...                              [ OK ]
    - SSH option: AllowUsers...                               [ NOT FOUND ]
    - SSH option: AllowGroups...                              [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] SNMP Support
  - Checking running SNMP daemon...                           [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Databases
  - MySQL process status...                                   [ NOT FOUND ]
  - PostgreSQL processes status...                            [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Oracle processes status...                                [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] LDAP Services
  - Checking OpenLDAP instance...                             [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Software: PHP
  - Checking PHP...                                           [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Squid Support
  - Checking running Squid daemon...                          [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Logging and files
  - Checking for a running syslog daemon...                   [ OK ]
    - Checking Syslog-NG status                               [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking Metalog status                                 [ NOT FOUND ]
    - Checking RSyslog status                                 [ FOUND ]
    - Checking RFC 3195 daemon status                         [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking minilogd instances                               [ NONE ]
  - Checking logrotate presence                               [ OK ]
  - Checking log directories (static list)                    [ DONE ]
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs
      Output information may be incomplete.
  - Checking open log files                                   [ DONE ]
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs
      Output information may be incomplete.
  - Checking deleted files in use                             [ FILES FOUND ]

[+] Insecure services
  - Checking inetd status...                                  [ NOT ACTIVE ]

[+] Banners and identification
  - /etc/motd...                                              [ NOT FOUND ]
  - /etc/issue...                                             [ FOUND ]
    - /etc/issue contents...                                  [ WEAK ]
  - /etc/                                         [ FOUND ]
    - /etc/ contents...                              [ WEAK ]

[+] Scheduled tasks
  - Checking crontab/cronjob                                  [ DONE ]
  - Checking atd status                                       [ NOT RUNNING ]

[+] Accounting
  - Checking accounting information...                        [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking auditd                                           [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Time and Synchronization
  - Checking running NTP daemon...                            [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking NTP client in crontab file...                    [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking NTP client in cron.d files...                    [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking for a running NTP daemon or client...            [ WARNING ]
  - Checking NTP daemon...                                    [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Cryptography
  - Checking SSL certificate expiration...                    [ OK ]

[+] Virtualization

[+] Security frameworks
  - Checking presence AppArmor                                [ FOUND ]
    - Checking AppArmor status                                [ ENABLED ]
  - Checking presence SELinux                                 [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking presence grsecurity                              [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Software: file integrity
  - Checking AFICK...                                         [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking AIDE...                                          [ FOUND ]
  - Checking Osiris...                                        [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking Samhain...                                       [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking Tripwire...                                      [ FOUND ]
  - Checking presence integrity tool...                       [ FOUND ]

[+] Software: Malware scanners
  - Checking chkrootkit...                                    [ FOUND ]
  - Checking Rootkit Hunter...                                [ FOUND ]
  - Checking ClamAV scanner...                                [ NOT FOUND ]
  - Checking ClamAV daemon...                                 [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] System Tools
  - Starting file permissions check...
    /etc/lilo.conf                                            [ NOT FOUND ]
    /root/.ssh                                                [ NOT FOUND ]

[+] Home directories
  - Checking shell history files...                           [ OK ]

[+] Kernel Hardening
  - Comparing sysctl key pairs with scan profile...
      - kernel.core_uses_pid (exp: 1)                         [ DIFFERENT ]
      - kernel.ctrl-alt-del (exp: 0)                          [ OK ]
      - kernel.sysrq (exp: 0)                                 [ DIFFERENT ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects (exp: 0)           [ DIFFERENT ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route (exp: 0)        [ OK ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.bootp_relay (exp: 0)                [ OK ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding (exp: 0)                 [ OK ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians (exp: 1)               [ DIFFERENT ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.mc_forwarding (exp: 0)              [ OK ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.proxy_arp (exp: 0)                  [ OK ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter (exp: 1)                  [ OK ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects (exp: 0)             [ DIFFERENT ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_redirects (exp: 0)       [ DIFFERENT ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route (exp: 0)    [ DIFFERENT ]
      - net.ipv4.conf.default.log_martians (exp: 1)           [ DIFFERENT ]
      - net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts (exp: 1)         [ OK ]
      - net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses (exp: 1)   [ OK ]
      - net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies (exp: 1)                      [ OK ]
      - net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps (exp: 0)                      [ DIFFERENT ]
      - net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects (exp: 0)           [ DIFFERENT ]
      - net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route (exp: 0)        [ OK ]
      - net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_redirects (exp: 0)       [ DIFFERENT ]
      - net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_source_route (exp: 0)    [ OK ]

[+] Hardening
    - Installed compiler(s)...                                [ FOUND ]
    - Installed malware scanner...                            [ FOUND ]


  -[ Lynis 1.3.0 Results ]-

  Tests performed: 146
   - [22:36:10] Warning: Couldn't find 2 responsive nameservers [test:NETW-2705] [impact:L]
   - [22:36:11] Warning: Root can directly login via SSH [test:SSH-7412] [impact:M]
   - [22:36:14] Warning: No running NTP daemon or available client found [test:TIME-3104] [impact:M]

   - [22:35:30] Suggestion: update to the latest stable release.
   - [22:35:38] Suggestion: Install a PAM module for password strength testing like pam_cracklib or pam_passwdqc [test:AUTH-9262]
   - [22:35:38] Suggestion: When possible set expire dates for all password protected accounts [test:AUTH-9282]
   - [22:35:38] Suggestion: Configure password aging limits to enforce password changing on a regular base [test:AUTH-9286]
   - [22:35:38] Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/profile could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328]
   - [22:35:38] Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/login.defs could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328]
   - [22:35:38] Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/init.d/rc could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328]
   - [22:35:38] Suggestion: To decrease the impact of a full /tmp file system, place /tmp on a separated partition [test:FILE-6310]
   - [22:35:39] Suggestion: Disable drivers like USB storage when not used, to prevent unauthorized storage or data theft [test:STRG-1840]
   - [22:35:39] Suggestion: Disable drivers like firewire storage when not used, to prevent unauthorized storage or data theft [test:STRG-1846]
   - [22:35:57] Suggestion: Purge removed packages (183 found) with aptitude purge command, to cleanup old configuration files, cron jobs and startup scripts. [test:PKGS-7346]
   - [22:36:10] Suggestion: Install package apt-show-versions for patch management purposes [test:PKGS-7394]
   - [22:36:10] Suggestion: Check your resolv.conf file and fill in a backup nameserver if possible [test:NETW-2705]
   - [22:36:11] Suggestion: Configure a firewall/packet filter to filter incoming and outgoing traffic [test:FIRE-4590]
   - [22:36:14] Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/issue, to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7126]
   - [22:36:14] Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/, to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7130]
   - [22:36:14] Suggestion: Enable auditd to collect audit information [test:ACCT-9628]
   - [22:36:14] Suggestion: Check if any NTP daemon is running or a NTP client gets executed daily, to prevent big time differences and avoid problems with services like kerberos, authentication or logging differences. [test:TIME-3104]
   - [22:36:15] Suggestion: One or more sysctl values differ from the scan profile and could be tweaked [test:KRNL-6000]
   - [22:36:15] Suggestion: Harden the system by removing unneeded compilers. This can decrease the chance of customized trojans, backdoors and rootkits to be compiled and installed [test:HRDN-7220]
   - [22:36:15] Suggestion: Harden compilers and restrict access to world [test:HRDN-7222]
  - Test and debug information      : /var/log/lynis.log
  - Report data                     : /var/log/lynis-report.dat
  Notice: Lynis update available
  Current version : 130    Latest version : 146
  Hardening index : [54]     [##########          ]
  Tip: Disable all tests which are not relevant or are too strict for the
       purpose of the particular machine. This will remove unwanted suggestions
       and also boost the hardening index. Each test should be properly analyzed
       to see if the related risks can be accepted, before disabling the test.
  Lynis 1.3.0
  Copyright 2007-2012 - Michael Boelen,

Dernière modification par axifab66 (Le 15/03/2014, à 23:42)

Hors ligne

#6 Le 16/03/2014, à 00:17


Re : Au secours problème de sécurité avec mon PC!!!!!

Warning: Root can directly login via SSH

Je ne connais pas tres bien Lynis mais ça c'est pas bien .

sudo apt-get purge openssh-server

Nous mourrons tous .

Hors ligne

#7 Le 16/03/2014, à 00:24


Re : Au secours problème de sécurité avec mon PC!!!!!

j'ai aussi lancé  Tiger, voici  les  resultats:

farkgis@farkgis-EasyNote-TK85:~$ tiger
Tiger UN*X security checking system
   Developed by Texas A&M University, 1994
   Updated by the Advanced Research Corporation, 1999-2002
   Further updated by Javier Fernandez-Sanguino, 2001-2010
   Contributions by Francisco Manuel Garcia Claramonte, 2009-2010
   Covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL)

/usr/lib/tiger/util/gethostinfo: 65: /usr/lib/tiger/util/gethostinfo: cannot create /var/lib/tiger/work/te.3964: Permission denied
/bin/rm: cannot remove '/var/lib/tiger/work/te.3964': Permission denied
Will try to check using config for 'i686' running Linux 3.11.0-19-generic...
--CONFIG-- [con005c] Using configuration files for Linux 3.11.0-19-generic. Using
           configuration files for generic Linux 3.
This script should be run from a super-user account.
Control file /etc/tiger/tigerrc not defined or not readable... exiting...
farkgis@farkgis-EasyNote-TK85:~$ sudo tiger
[sudo] password for farkgis: 
Tiger UN*X security checking system
   Developed by Texas A&M University, 1994
   Updated by the Advanced Research Corporation, 1999-2002
   Further updated by Javier Fernandez-Sanguino, 2001-2010
   Contributions by Francisco Manuel Garcia Claramonte, 2009-2010
   Covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL)

Will try to check using config for 'i686' running Linux 3.11.0-19-generic...
--CONFIG-- [con005c] Using configuration files for Linux 3.11.0-19-generic. Using
           configuration files for generic Linux 3.
Tiger security scripts *** 3.2.3, 2008. ***
22:46> Beginning security report for farkgis-EasyNote-TK85.
22:46> Starting file systems scans in background...
22:46> Checking password files...
22:46> Checking group files...
22:46> Checking user accounts...
22:47> Checking .rhosts files...
22:47> Checking .netrc files...
22:47> Checking ttytab, securetty, and login configuration files...
22:47> Checking PATH settings...
22:47> Checking anonymous ftp setup...
22:47> Checking mail aliases...
22:47> Checking cron entries...
22:47> Checking 'services' configuration...
22:47> Checking NFS export entries...
22:47> Checking permissions and ownership of system files...
--CONFIG-- [con010c] Filesystem 'pstore' used by 'none' is not recognised as a valid filesystem
--CONFIG-- [con010c] Filesystem 'fuse.gvfsd-fuse' used by 'gvfsd-fuse' is not recognised as a valid filesystem
--CONFIG-- [con010c] Filesystem 'fuse.gvfsd-fuse' used by 'gvfsd-fuse' is not recognised as a valid filesystem
22:47> Checking for indications of break-in...
--CONFIG-- [con010c] Filesystem 'pstore' used by 'none' is not recognised as a valid filesystem
--CONFIG-- [con010c] Filesystem 'fuse.gvfsd-fuse' used by 'gvfsd-fuse' is not recognised as a valid filesystem
--CONFIG-- [con010c] Filesystem 'fuse.gvfsd-fuse' used by 'gvfsd-fuse' is not recognised as a valid filesystem
22:47> Performing rootkit checks...
22:49> Performing system specific checks...
/bin/grep: /etc/inittab: No such file or directory
23:12> Performing root directory checks...
23:12> Checking for secure backup devices...
23:12> Checking for the presence of log files...
23:12> Checking for the setting of user's umask...
23:12> Checking for listening processes...
23:12> Checking SSHD's configuration...
23:12> Checking the printers control file...
23:12> Checking ftpusers configuration...
23:12> Checking NTP configuration...
23:12> Waiting for filesystems scans to complete...
23:12> Filesystems scans completed...
23:12> Performing check of embedded pathnames...
23:13> Security report completed for farkgis-EasyNote-TK85.
Security report is in `/var/log/tiger/'.

Hors ligne

#8 Le 16/03/2014, à 00:27


Re : Au secours problème de sécurité avec mon PC!!!!!

ça  y est  j'ai  lancé  la  commande :

sudo apt-get purge openssh-server

Hors ligne