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#1 Le 19/01/2012, à 16:07


Plus de Documents ni de préférences suite à une mise à jour


Grosse frayeur (justifiée?) après une MAJ hier:
Mon dossier Documents est totalement vide et j'ai perdu toutes les préférences (apparence etc) tant au niveau du bureau que de Firefox (je n'ai même plus de marques pages, de modules etc)...
J'ai aucune idée de ce qu'il se passe, est-ce quelqu'un pourrait m'aider s'il vous plais?? neutral
Je précise que ma partition est chiffrée à l'installation normalement (au premier démarrage après le problème il y avait pas mal de fichiers qui commençaient par encrypted dans le dossier personnel mais ils n'apparaissent plus). Je suis sous 11.10 avec Gnome Shell sinon.

Merci d'avance!!

Hors ligne

#2 Le 21/01/2012, à 14:31


Re : Plus de Documents ni de préférences suite à une mise à jour

je viens d'avoir une mise à jour, notamment du kernel, mais ça ne change rien...
Help svp j'ai perdu toutes mes données pour l'instant! sad

Hors ligne

#3 Le 23/01/2012, à 23:41


Re : Plus de Documents ni de préférences suite à une mise à jour


Hors ligne

#4 Le 24/01/2012, à 00:52


Re : Plus de Documents ni de préférences suite à une mise à jour

N'aurais tu pas un autre utilisateur ? Regarde dans le dossier home si il y a plus d'un dossier

J'ai perdu ! :(

Hors ligne

#5 Le 24/01/2012, à 01:56


Re : Plus de Documents ni de préférences suite à une mise à jour

salut, merci pour ta réponse!

si j'ai un deuxième compte mais sur lequel il n'y a presque rien. Le seul fichier que j'y avais enregistré dans Documents est resté à sa place...
Note: je sais pas si ça permet d'y voir plus clair mais un rkhunter --checkall donne:

[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.3.8 ]
Checking system commands...
  Performing 'strings' command checks
    Checking 'strings' command                               [ OK ]
  Performing 'shared libraries' checks
    Checking for preloading variables                        [ None found ]
    Checking for preloaded libraries                         [ None found ]
    Checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable                        [ Not found ]
  Performing file properties checks
    Checking for prerequisites                               [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/adduser                                        [ OK ]
    /usr/sbin/chroot                                         [ OK ]
    /usr/sbin/cron                                           [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/groupadd                                       [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/groupdel                                       [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/groupmod                                       [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/grpck                                          [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/nologin                                        [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/pwck                                           [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/rsyslogd                                       [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/tcpd                                           [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/useradd                                        [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/userdel                                        [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/usermod                                        [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/vipw                                           [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/unhide                                         [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/unhide-tcp                                     [ Warning ]
    /usr/sbin/unhide-linux26                                 [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/awk                                             [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/basename                                        [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/chattr                                          [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/cut                                             [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/diff                                            [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/dirname                                         [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/dpkg                                            [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/dpkg-query                                      [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/du                                              [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/env                                             [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/file                                            [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/find                                            [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/GET                                             [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/groups                                          [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/head                                            [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/id                                              [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/killall                                         [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/last                                            [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/lastlog                                         [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/ldd                                             [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/less                                            [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/locate                                          [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/logger                                          [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/lsattr                                          [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/lsof                                            [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/mail                                            [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/md5sum                                          [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/mlocate                                         [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/newgrp                                          [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/passwd                                          [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/perl                                            [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/pgrep                                           [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/pstree                                          [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/rkhunter                                        [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/runcon                                          [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/sha1sum                                         [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/sha224sum                                       [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/sha256sum                                       [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/sha384sum                                       [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/sha512sum                                       [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/size                                            [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/sort                                            [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/stat                                            [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/strace                                          [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/strings                                         [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/sudo                                            [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/tail                                            [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/test                                            [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/top                                             [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/touch                                           [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/tr                                              [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/uniq                                            [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/users                                           [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/vmstat                                          [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/w                                               [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/watch                                           [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/wc                                              [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/wget                                            [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/whatis                                          [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/whereis                                         [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/which                                           [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/who                                             [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/whoami                                          [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/unhide.rb                                       [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/mawk                                            [ OK ]
    /usr/bin/lwp-request                                     [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/bsd-mailx                                       [ Warning ]
    /usr/bin/w.procps                                        [ Warning ]
    /sbin/depmod                                             [ Warning ]
    /sbin/fsck                                               [ Warning ]
    /sbin/ifconfig                                           [ OK ]
    /sbin/ifdown                                             [ Warning ]
    /sbin/ifup                                               [ Warning ]
    /sbin/init                                               [ Warning ]
    /sbin/insmod                                             [ Warning ]
    /sbin/ip                                                 [ Warning ]
    /sbin/lsmod                                              [ Warning ]
    /sbin/modinfo                                            [ Warning ]
    /sbin/modprobe                                           [ Warning ]
    /sbin/rmmod                                              [ Warning ]
    /sbin/route                                              [ Warning ]
    /sbin/runlevel                                           [ Warning ]
    /sbin/sulogin                                            [ Warning ]
    /sbin/sysctl                                             [ Warning ]
    /bin/bash                                                [ Warning ]
    /bin/cat                                                 [ OK ]
    /bin/chmod                                               [ OK ]
    /bin/chown                                               [ OK ]
    /bin/cp                                                  [ OK ]
    /bin/date                                                [ OK ]
    /bin/df                                                  [ OK ]
    /bin/dmesg                                               [ Warning ]
    /bin/echo                                                [ OK ]
    /bin/ed                                                  [ OK ]
    /bin/egrep                                               [ Warning ]
    /bin/fgrep                                               [ Warning ]
    /bin/fuser                                               [ Warning ]
    /bin/grep                                                [ Warning ]
    /bin/ip                                                  [ Warning ]
    /bin/kill                                                [ Warning ]
    /bin/less                                                [ Warning ]
    /bin/login                                               [ Warning ]
    /bin/ls                                                  [ OK ]
    /bin/lsmod                                               [ Warning ]
    /bin/mktemp                                              [ OK ]
    /bin/more                                                [ Warning ]
    /bin/mount                                               [ Warning ]
    /bin/mv                                                  [ OK ]
    /bin/netstat                                             [ OK ]
    /bin/ps                                                  [ Warning ]
    /bin/pwd                                                 [ OK ]
    /bin/readlink                                            [ OK ]
    /bin/sed                                                 [ Warning ]
    /bin/sh                                                  [ Warning ]
    /bin/su                                                  [ Warning ]
    /bin/touch                                               [ OK ]
    /bin/uname                                               [ OK ]
    /bin/which                                               [ Warning ]
    /bin/dash                                                [ Warning ]
[Press <ENTER> to continue]
Checking for rootkits...
  Performing check of known rootkit files and directories
    55808 Trojan - Variant A                                 [ Not found ]
    ADM Worm                                                 [ Not found ]
    AjaKit Rootkit                                           [ Not found ]
    Adore Rootkit                                            [ Not found ]
    aPa Kit                                                  [ Not found ]
    Apache Worm                                              [ Not found ]
    Ambient (ark) Rootkit                                    [ Not found ]
    Balaur Rootkit                                           [ Not found ]
    BeastKit Rootkit                                         [ Not found ]
    beX2 Rootkit                                             [ Not found ]
    BOBKit Rootkit                                           [ Not found ]
    cb Rootkit                                               [ Not found ]
    CiNIK Worm (Slapper.B variant)                           [ Not found ]
    Danny-Boy's Abuse Kit                                    [ Not found ]
    Devil RootKit                                            [ Not found ]
    Dica-Kit Rootkit                                         [ Not found ]
    Dreams Rootkit                                           [ Not found ]
    Duarawkz Rootkit                                         [ Not found ]
    Enye LKM                                                 [ Not found ]
    Flea Linux Rootkit                                       [ Not found ]
    FreeBSD Rootkit                                          [ Not found ]
    Fu Rootkit                                               [ Not found ]
    Fuck`it Rootkit                                          [ Not found ]
    GasKit Rootkit                                           [ Not found ]
    Heroin LKM                                               [ Not found ]
    HjC Kit                                                  [ Not found ]
    ignoKit Rootkit                                          [ Not found ]
    iLLogiC Rootkit                                          [ Not found ]
    IntoXonia-NG Rootkit                                     [ Not found ]
    Irix Rootkit                                             [ Not found ]
    Kitko Rootkit                                            [ Not found ]
    Knark Rootkit                                            [ Not found ] Rootkit                                     [ Not found ]
    Li0n Worm                                                [ Not found ]
    Lockit / LJK2 Rootkit                                    [ Not found ]
    Mood-NT Rootkit                                          [ Not found ]
    MRK Rootkit                                              [ Not found ]
    Ni0 Rootkit                                              [ Not found ]
    Ohhara Rootkit                                           [ Not found ]
    Optic Kit (Tux) Worm                                     [ Not found ]
    Oz Rootkit                                               [ Not found ]
    Phalanx Rootkit                                          [ Not found ]
    Phalanx2 Rootkit                                         [ Not found ]
    Phalanx2 Rootkit (extended tests)                        [ Not found ]
    Portacelo Rootkit                                        [ Not found ]
    R3dstorm Toolkit                                         [ Not found ]
    RH-Sharpe's Rootkit                                      [ Not found ]
    RSHA's Rootkit                                           [ Not found ]
    Scalper Worm                                             [ Not found ]
    Sebek LKM                                                [ Not found ]
    Shutdown Rootkit                                         [ Not found ]
    SHV4 Rootkit                                             [ Not found ]
    SHV5 Rootkit                                             [ Not found ]
    Sin Rootkit                                              [ Not found ]
    Slapper Worm                                             [ Not found ]
    Sneakin Rootkit                                          [ Not found ]
    'Spanish' Rootkit                                        [ Not found ]
    Suckit Rootkit                                           [ Not found ]
    SunOS Rootkit                                            [ Not found ]
    SunOS / NSDAP Rootkit                                    [ Not found ]
    Superkit Rootkit                                         [ Not found ]
    TBD (Telnet BackDoor)                                    [ Not found ]
    TeLeKiT Rootkit                                          [ Not found ]
    T0rn Rootkit                                             [ Not found ]
    trNkit Rootkit                                           [ Not found ]
    Trojanit Kit                                             [ Not found ]
    Tuxtendo Rootkit                                         [ Not found ]
    URK Rootkit                                              [ Not found ]
    Vampire Rootkit                                          [ Not found ]
    VcKit Rootkit                                            [ Not found ]
    Volc Rootkit                                             [ Not found ]
    Xzibit Rootkit                                           [ Not found ]
    X-Org SunOS Rootkit                                      [ Not found ]
    zaRwT.KiT Rootkit                                        [ Not found ]
    ZK Rootkit                                               [ Not found ]
  Performing additional rootkit checks
    Suckit Rookit additional checks                          [ OK ]
    Checking for possible rootkit files and directories      [ None found ]
    Checking for possible rootkit strings                    [ None found ]
  Performing malware checks
    Checking running processes for suspicious files          [ None found ]
    Checking for login backdoors                             [ None found ]
    Checking for suspicious directories                      [ None found ]
    Checking for sniffer log files                           [ None found ]
  Performing Linux specific checks
    Checking loaded kernel modules                           [ OK ]
    Checking kernel module names                             [ OK ]
[Press <ENTER> to continue]
Checking the network...
  Performing checks on the network ports
    Checking for backdoor ports                              [ None found ]
    Checking for hidden ports                                [ None found ]
  Performing checks on the network interfaces
    Checking for promiscuous interfaces                      [ None found ]
Checking the local host...
  Performing system boot checks
    Checking for local host name                             [ Found ]
    Checking for system startup files                        [ Found ]
    Checking system startup files for malware                [ None found ]
  Performing group and account checks
    Checking for passwd file                                 [ Found ]
    Checking for root equivalent (UID 0) accounts            [ None found ]
    Checking for passwordless accounts                       [ None found ]
    Checking for passwd file changes                         [ None found ]
    Checking for group file changes                          [ None found ]
    Checking root account shell history files                [ OK ]
  Performing system configuration file checks
    Checking for SSH configuration file                      [ Not found ]
    Checking for running syslog daemon                       [ Found ]
    Checking for syslog configuration file                   [ Found ]
    Checking if syslog remote logging is allowed             [ Not allowed ]
  Performing filesystem checks
    Checking /dev for suspicious file types                  [ None found ]
    Checking for hidden files and directories                [ Warning ]
[Press <ENTER> to continue]
System checks summary
File properties checks...
    Required commands check failed
    Files checked: 137
    Suspect files: 85
Rootkit checks...
    Rootkits checked : 242
    Possible rootkits: 0
Applications checks...
    All checks skipped
The system checks took: 2 minutes and 18 seconds
All results have been written to the log file (/var/log/rkhunter.log)
One or more warnings have been found while checking the system.
Please check the log file (/var/log/rkhunter.

(je ne sais pas bien sur quelle base il vérifie l'intégrité des fichiers)

Dernière modification par mat206 (Le 24/01/2012, à 01:57)

Hors ligne