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#1 Le 23/09/2006, à 16:40


[jabber2d] Perte d'une partie du fichier c2s.xml

Bonjour, je viens de réaliser une petite boulette que vous pourriez m'aider à résoudre.

En effet, j'ai fait une fausse manip' (une sombre histoire de bouffe et de doigt qui glisse sur le clavier) et j'ai effacé une partie de mon fichier c2s.xml, puis réengistré par dessus.

Et comme un con, je n'avais pas fait de sauvegarde.

Le fichier était assez peu modifié, une âme charitable pourrait-elle me renvoyer le contenu de ce fichier, tel qu'il est fourni à l'origine avec le paquet d'Ubuntu Dapper ?

Merci d'avance,
Benjamin, aka Dacaerin

Athlon 3800+
1Go de RAM en 2x512
CG : Geforce 7600 GT

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#2 Le 24/09/2006, à 00:44


Re : [jabber2d] Perte d'une partie du fichier c2s.xml

C'est bon, j'l'ai retrouvé en installant le serveur sur mon PC@home.

Pour ceux que ça intéresserait :

<!-- c2s configuration -->
  <!-- Our ID on the network (default: c2s) -->

  <!-- The process ID file. comment this out if you don't need to know
       to know the process ID from outside the process (eg for control
       scripts) -->

  <!-- Router connection configuration -->
    <!-- IP/port the router is waiting for connections on -->
    <ip></ip>            <!-- default: -->
    <port>5347</port>             <!-- default: 5347 -->

    <!-- Username/password to authenticate as -->
    <user>jabberd</user>          <!-- default: jabberd -->
    <pass>secret</pass>           <!-- default: secret -->

    <!-- File containing a SSL certificate and private key to use when
         setting up an encrypted channel with the router. If this is
         commented out, or the file can't be read, no attempt will be
         made to establish an encrypted channel with the router. -->
    <!-- Router connection retry -->
      <!-- If the connection to the router can't be established at
           startup, we should try again this many times before exiting.
           Use -1 to retry indefinitely. [default: 3] -->

      <!-- If we lost the connection to the router during normal
           operation (ie we've successfully connected to the router in
           the past), we should try to reconnect this many times before
           exiting. Use -1 to retry indefinitely. [default: 3] -->

      <!-- Sleep for this many seconds before trying attempting a
           reconnect. [default: 2] -->

  <!-- Log configuration - type is "syslog", "file" or "stdout" -->
  <log type='file'>
    <!-- If logging to syslog, this is the log ident -->

    <!-- If logging to syslog, this is the log facility
         (local0 - local7)                        [default: local3] -->
    <!-- If logging to file, this is the filename of the logfile -->

  <!-- Local network configuration -->
    <!-- Who we identify ourselves as. This should correspond to the
         ID (host) that the session manager thinks it is. You can
         specify more than one to support virtual hosts, as long as you
         have additional session manager instances on the network to
         handle those hosts. The realm attribute specifies the auth/reg
         or SASL authentication realm for the host. If the attribute is
         not specified, the realm will be selected by the SASL
         mechanism, or will be the same as the ID itself. Be aware that
         users are assigned to a realm, not a host, so two hosts in the
         same realm will have the same users.
         If no realm is specified, it will be set to be the same as the
         ID. -->
    <!-- <id realm='company'>localhost</id> -->

    <!-- IP address to bind to (default: -->

    <!-- Port to bind to, or 0 to disable unencrypted access to the
         server (default: 5222) -->

    <!-- File containing a SSL certificate and private key for client
         connections. If this is commented out, clients will not be
         offered the STARTTLS stream extension -->
    <!-- File containing an optional SSL certificate chain file for client
         SSL connections. -->

    <!-- Require STARTTLS. If this is enabled, clients must do STARTTLS
         before they can authenticate. Until the stream is encrypted,
         all packets will be dropped. -->

    <!-- Older versions of jabberd support encrypted client connections
         via an additional listening socket on port 5223. If you want
         this (required to allow pre-STARTTLS clients to do SSL),
         uncomment this -->

  <!-- Input/output settings -->
    <!-- Maximum number of file descriptors. Note that the number of
         possible connections will be slightly less than this, because
         c2s itself can use up five on its own, and auth/reg modules may
         need a few also. If the supply of file descriptors is
         exhausted, new incoming connections will be denied.
         (default: 1024) -->

    <!-- Rate limiting -->
      <!-- Maximum bytes per second - if more than X bytes are sent in Y
           seconds, connection is throttled for Z seconds. The format

             <bytes seconds='Y' throttle='Z'>X</bytes>

           Default Y is 1, default Z is 5. set X to 0 to disable. -->

      <!-- Maximum connects per second - if more than X connects are
           attempted from a single IP in Y seconds, that IP is throttled
           for Z seconds. The format is:

             <connects seconds='Y' throttle='Z'>X</connects>

           Default Y is 5, default Z is 5. set X to 0 to disable. -->

    <!-- IP-based access controls. If a connection IP matches an allow
         rule, the connection will be accepted. If a connecting IP
         matches a deny rule, the connection will be refused. If the
         connecting IP does not match any rules, or it matches both an
         allow and a deny rule, the contents of the <order/> option
         determines what happens. -->
      <!-- Rule check order (default: allow,deny)
           allow,deny - Check allow rules, then check deny rules.
                        Allow by default.
           deny,allow - Check deny rules, then check allow rules.
                        Deny by default. -->

      <!-- Allow a network. If the mask isn't specified, it defaults to
  (ie allow onle the specified IP) -->
      <allow ip='' mask=''/>

      <!-- Allow a single host -->
      <allow ip=''/>

      <!-- Deny a network or a host -->
      <deny ip='' mask=''/>
      <deny ip=''/>

    <!-- Timed checks -->
      <!-- Interval between checks.

           Open client connections will be checked every n seconds, and
           the following checks applied.

           0 disables all checks.                       (default: 0) -->

      <!-- Idle connection checks.

           Connections that have not sent data for longer than this many
           seconds will be dropped.

           0 disables idle timeouts.                    (default: 0) -->

      <!-- Keepalives.
           Connections that have not sent data for longer than this many
           seconds will have a single whitespace character sent to them.
           This will force the TCP connection to be closed if they have
           disconnected without us knowing about it.

           0 disables keepalives.                       (default: 0) -->


  <!-- Authentication/registration database configuration -->
    <!-- Backend module to use -->

    <!-- Registration configuration -->
      <!-- Account registration is enabled by default (provided the
           auth/reg module in use supports it). Comment this out to
           disable. -->

      <!-- Human-readable instructions to be returned to client when
           registration is requested. -->
      <instructions>Enter a username and password to register with this server.</instructions>

      <!-- Password change only. When registration is disabled, it may
           still be useful to allow clients to change their password. If
           you want this, uncomment this when you disable registration. -->

    <!-- Available authentication mechanisms -->

      <!-- These are the traditional Jabber authentication mechanisms.
           Comment out any that you don't want to be offered to clients.
           Note that if the auth/reg module does not support one of
           these mechanisms, then it will not be offered regardless of
           whether or not it is enabled here.

           Similarly, if <zerok/> is disabled, then zero-knowledge data
           will not be created when a user is registered. -->

      <!-- SASL authentication mechanisms. Comment out any that you
           don't want to be offered to clients. Again, if the auth/reg
           module does not support one of these mechanisms, then it will
           not be offered. -->


    <!-- MySQL module configuration -->
      <!-- Database server host and port -->

      <!-- Database name -->

      <!-- Database username and password -->

    <!-- PostgreSQL module configuration -->
      <!-- Database server host and port -->

      <!-- Database name -->

      <!-- Database username and password -->

    <!-- Berkeley DB module configuration -->
      <!-- Directory to store database files under -->
      <!-- Synchronize the database to disk after each write. If you
           disable this, database accesses may be faster, but data may
           be lost if jabberd crashes. -->

    <!-- LDAP module configuration -->
      <!-- LDAP server host and port (default: 389) -->

      <!-- Use LDAP v3 if possible. If disabled, v2 will be used.
           Encryption options are only available if v3 is enabled. -->

      <!-- Encryption. If enabled, this will create an encrypted channel
           to the LDAP server using the LDAP STARTTLS mechanism. -->

      <!-- Encryption. If enabled, this will create an encrypted channel
           to the server using the old-style "ldaps://" mechanism. It is
           recommended that you use <starttls/> instead of this. -->
      <!-- DN to bind as for searches. If unspecified, the searches
           will be done anonymously. -->
      <binddn>cn=Directory Manager</binddn>

      <!-- LDAP attribute that holds the user ID (default: uid) -->

      <!-- base DN of the tree. You should specify a DN for each
           authentication realm declared in the <local/> section above,
           by using the realm attribute. -->
      <basedn realm='company'></basedn>
      <basedn>o=Example Corp.</basedn>

    <!-- Pipe module configuration -->
      <!-- Program to execute -->



Petit problème cependant, je n'arrive toujours pas à me connecter dessus sur une connexion sécurisée par SSL. sad

Athlon 3800+
1Go de RAM en 2x512
CG : Geforce 7600 GT

Hors ligne

#3 Le 26/12/2007, à 21:52


Re : [jabber2d] Perte d'une partie du fichier c2s.xml

Même probleme , meme solutions, pour ouvrir le SSL il faut ouvrir le port 5223, merki.

Et l'activer dans les fichiers de configuration of course. Il faut créer une clé, pour le server.pem; et enlever les commentaires dans les fichiers de configuration pour autoriser le SSL.

De même, tout est détaillé dans ces fichiers. Il n y a pas 50 lignes.

Sécurisation : chiffrement SSL

On peut chiffrer les communications entre les divers modules du serveur jabber et/ou entre serveur et clients. Dans le cas d'utilisateurs mobiles et de communications sensibles, on choisira vraisemblablement de crypter la liaison clients/serveur/clients.

On doit tout d'abord créer un certificat (dans la "vraie vie", il faudrait le faire valider, mais bon ...).

Suivez la procédure donnée ( en l'adaptant à  notre cas pour créer votre certificat.

[root@ns30428 jabberd]# openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:1024  -out server.pem
Using configuration from /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'privkey.pem'
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying password - Enter PEM pass phrase:
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:FR
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:.
Locality Name (eg, city) []:La Rochelle
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:ROCHELUG
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:.
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []
Email Address []
[root@ns30428 jabberd]# openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out privkey.pem
read RSA key
Enter PEM pass phrase:
writing RSA key
[root@ns30428 jabberd]# cat privkey.pem >> server.pem
[root@ns30428 jabberd]# rm privkey.pem
rm: remove `privkey.pem'? y
[root@ns30428 jabberd]# mv server.pem /usr/local/etc/jabberd/server.pem
[root@ns30428 jabberd]# chown jabberd.jabberd /usr/local/etc/jabberd/server.pem
[root@ns30428 jabberd]# chmod 640 /usr/local/etc/jabberd/server.pem

Il n'y a alors plus qu'à  adapter la configuration du serveur vers les clients. Celle ci se trouve dans le fichiers c2s.xml. Vous devrez dans ce dernier :

    * Trouver la section <local> (pas <routeur>)
    * Enlever les commentaires autour de :
      Cela permet au serveur de créer une connexion cryptée avec les nouveaux clients.
    * Enlever les commentaires autour de :
      Cela permet aux anciens clients d'utiliser une connexion cryptée pour communiquer avec le serveur.
    * Enfin, si vous souhaitez complètement supprimer les accès "en clair", vous devrez remplacer la valeur du paramètre port (5222) par 0. <port>0</port>
      Ce n'est toutefois par nécessaire dans les cas courants ... Pour notre cas, on laisse la possibilité d'utiliser le serveur sur des connexions non cryptées.

Suite à  celà , vous pouvez redémarrer le serveur et vous y connecter en utilisant une connexion cryptée.

Source :

Je ne sais pas si c est ce tuto que j ai suivi exactement, mais bon, dans les grandes lignes c est bien, il faut juste adapter je crois que j ai galéré a cause des permissions sur le fichier server.pem je pouvais pas finir, alors je l ai foutu en chmod 777 pour le CAT, puis je l ai remis comme il etait avant avec un petit sudo voilà  ! ( parce que dans le tutorial ca doit etre Debian ou autre, il est connecté en root, et c est possible pour nous , les humains linuxiens smile

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