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#1 Le 17/02/2015, à 01:20


Tracker search provider issue -- Problème de code JS

Coucou a tous.

Config : Ubuntu 14.10 avec gnome shell et surtout tracker d'installés, plus un petit soft simpa qui permet de l'utiliser directement dans le shell : Tracker search Provider. je sais pas si certains d'entre vous utilise ce soft, mais moi je ne juste pas m'en passer : je dois avoir 1.5To de données en bordel sur 4disques, pas rangées depuis... Jamais smile

Alors ça marche plutto bien, juste que je n'ai pas acces aux options "m monfichierson" "s mondossier" "f mon fichier" etc... qui sont dispo par deffaut dans la comande tracker-search comme nous l'explique le man :

pilou@pilou-desktop:~$ tracker-search 
Search terms are missing

  tracker-search [OPTION...] EXPRESSION - Search for terms in all data

Applies an AND operator to all terms separated by a space (see --or-operator)

This means if you search for 'foo' and 'bar', they must BOTH exist (unless you use --or-operator)

Help Options:
  -h, --help                Show help options
  --help-all                Show all help options
  --help-search             Show search options

Application Options:
  -f, --files               Search for files
  -s, --folders             Search for folders
  -m, --music               Search for music files
  --music-albums            Search for music albums (--all has no effect on this)
  --music-artists           Search for music artists (--all has no effect on this)
  -i, --images              Search for image files
  -v, --videos              Search for video files
  -t, --documents           Search for document files
  -e, --emails              Search for emails
  -c, --contacts            Search for contacts
  --software                Search for software (--all has no effect on this)
  --software-categories     Search for software categories (--all has no effect on this)
  --feeds                   Search for feeds (--all has no effect on this)
  -b, --bookmarks           Search for bookmarks (--all has no effect on this)


Ce qui d'ailleur fonctione très bien dans la console.

le problème etant surement dans l'extention du shell, un petit tour sur son Git-hub nous informe malheureusement qu'il est désert wink Et surtout que le problème a déja été traité pour les implanter...

Voicit donc si ça vous interesse le fichier extentions.js, bien que ce soit rigouresement la meme version que sur le git-hub:

/* Tracker Search Provider for Gnome Shell
 * 2012 Contributors Christian Weber, Felix Schultze, Martyn Russell
 * 2014 Florian Miess
 * This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Version 1.5
 * Version 1.6

const Main          = imports.ui.main;
const Clutter       =;
const Search        =;
const Gio           =;
const GLib          =;
const IconGrid      = imports.ui.iconGrid;
const Util          = imports.misc.util;
const Tracker       =;
const St            =;
const Atk           =;
const Lang          = imports.lang;

/* let xdg-open pick the appropriate program to open/execute the file */
const DEFAULT_EXEC = 'xdg-open';
/* Limit search results, since number of displayed items is limited */
const MAX_RESULTS = 10;
const ICON_SIZE = 64;

const CategoryType = {
    FTS : 0,
    FILES : 1,
    FOLDERS : 2

var trackerSearchProviderFiles = null;
var trackerSearchProviderFolders = null;

const TrackerSearchProvider = new Lang.Class({
    Name : 'TrackerSearchProvider',

    _init : function(title, categoryType) {
        this._categoryType = categoryType;
        this._title = title; = 'tracker-search-' + title;
        this.appInfo = {get_name : function() {return 'tracker-needle';},
                        get_icon : function() {return Gio.icon_new_for_string("/usr/share/icons/gnome/256x256/actions/system-search.png");},
                        get_id : function() {return;}
        this.resultsMap = new Map();

    _getQuery : function (terms, filetype) {
        var query = "";

        if (this._categoryType == CategoryType.FTS) {
            var terms_in_sparql = "";

            for (var i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) {
                if (terms_in_sparql.length > 0) terms_in_sparql += " ";
                terms_in_sparql += terms[i] + "*";
            // Technically, the tag should really be matched
            // separately not as one phrase too.
            query += "SELECT ?urn nie:url(?urn) tracker:coalesce(nie:title(?urn), nfo:fileName(?urn)) nie:url(?parent) nfo:fileLastModified(?urn) WHERE { { ";
            if (filetype)
                query += " ?urn a nfo:" + filetype + " .";
                query += " ?urn a nfo:FileDataObject .";
            query += " ?urn fts:match \"" + terms_in_sparql + "\" } UNION { ?urn nao:hasTag ?tag . FILTER (fn:contains (fn:lower-case (nao:prefLabel(?tag)), \"" + terms + "\")) }";
            query += " OPTIONAL { ?urn nfo:belongsToContainer ?parent .  ?r2 a nfo:Folder . FILTER(?r2 = ?urn). } . FILTER(!BOUND(?r2)). } ORDER BY DESC(nfo:fileLastModified(?urn)) ASC(nie:title(?urn)) OFFSET 0 LIMIT " + String(MAX_RESULTS);
            //  ?r2 a nfo:Folder . FILTER(?r2 = ?urn). } . FILTER(!BOUND(?r2) is supposed to filter out folders, but this fails for 'root' folders in which is indexed (as 'Music', 'Documents' and so on ..) - WHY?

        } else if (this._categoryType == CategoryType.FILES) {
            // TODO: Do we really want this?
        } else if (this._categoryType == CategoryType.FOLDERS) {
            query += "SELECT ?urn nie:url(?urn) tracker:coalesce(nie:title(?urn), nfo:fileName(?urn)) nie:url(?parent) nfo:fileLastModified(?urn) WHERE {";
            query += "  ?urn a nfo:Folder .";
            query += "  FILTER (fn:contains (fn:lower-case (nfo:fileName(?urn)), '" + terms + "')) .";
            query += "  ?urn nfo:belongsToContainer ?parent ;";
            query += "  tracker:available true .";
            query += "} ORDER BY DESC(nfo:fileLastModified(?urn)) DESC(nie:contentCreated(?urn)) ASC(nie:title(?urn)) OFFSET 0 LIMIT " + String(MAX_RESULTS);

        return query;

    _getResultMeta : function(resultId) {
        let res = this.resultsMap.get(resultId);
        let type = res.contentType;
        let name =;
        let path = res.path;
        let filename = res.filename;
        let lastMod = res.lastMod;
        let contentType = res.contentType;
        let prettyPath = res.prettyPath;
        return {
            'id':       resultId,
            'name':     name,
            'description' : path + " - " + lastMod,
            'createIcon' : function(size) {
                let icon = Gio.app_info_get_default_for_type(type, null).get_icon();
                return new St.Icon({ gicon: icon, 
                                     icon_size: size });

    getResultMetas: function(resultIds, callback) {
        let metas = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < resultIds.length; i++) {

    activateResult : function(result) {
        var uri = String(result);
        // Action executed when clicked on result
        var f = Gio.file_new_for_uri(uri);
        var fileName = f.get_path();
        Util.spawn([DEFAULT_EXEC, fileName]);

    _getResultSet: function (obj, result, callback) {
        let results = [];
        var cursor = obj.query_finish(result);
        try {
            while (cursor != null && {
                var urn = cursor.get_string(0)[0];
                var uri = cursor.get_string(1)[0];
                var title = cursor.get_string(2)[0];
                var parentUri = cursor.get_string(3)[0];
                var lastMod = cursor.get_string(4)[0];
                var lastMod = "Modified: " + lastMod.split('T')[0];
                var filename = decodeURI(uri.split('/').pop());
                // if file does not exist, it won't be shown
                var f = Gio.file_new_for_uri(uri);

                if(!f.query_exists(null)) {continue;}

                var path = f.get_path();
                // clean up path
                var prettyPath = path.substr(0,path.length - filename.length).replace("/home/" + GLib.get_user_name() , "~");
                // contentType is an array, the index "1" set true,
                // if function is uncertain if type is the right one
                let contentType = Gio.content_type_guess(path, null);
                var newContentType = contentType[0];
                    if(newContentType == "application/octet-stream") {
                        let fileInfo = Gio.file_new_for_path(path).query_info('standard::type', 0, null);
                        // for some reason 'content_type_guess' returns a wrong mime type for folders
                        if(fileInfo.get_file_type() == Gio.FileType.DIRECTORY) {
                            newContentType = "inode/directory";
                        } else {
                            // unrecognized mime-types are set to text, so that later an icon can be picked
                            newContentType = "text/x-log";
                this.resultsMap.set(uri, {
                    'id' : uri,
                    'name' : title,
                    'path' : path,
                    'filename': filename,
                    'lastMod' : lastMod,
                    'prettyPath' : prettyPath,
                    'contentType' : newContentType
        } catch (error) {
            //global.log("TrackerSearchProvider: Could not traverse results cursor: " + error.message);

    _connection_ready : function(object, result, terms, filetype, callback) {
        try {
            var conn = Tracker.SparqlConnection.get_finish(result);
            var query = this._getQuery(terms, filetype);
            var cursor = conn.query_async(query, null, Lang.bind(this, this._getResultSet, callback));
        } catch (error) {
            global.log("Querying Tracker failed. Please make sure you have the --GObject Introspection-- package for Tracker installed.");

    getInitialResultSet : function(terms, callback, cancellable) {
        // terms holds array of search items
        // check if 1st search term is >2 letters else drop the request
        if(terms.length ===1 && terms[0].length < 3) {
            return [];

        // check if search starts with keyword: m (=music), i (=images), v (=videos)
        if(terms.length > 1) {
            if(terms[1].length < 3) {
                return [];
            if(terms[0].lastIndexOf("v",0) === 0) {
                var filetype = "Video";
            if(terms[0].lastIndexOf("m",0) === 0) {
                var filetype = "Audio";
            if(terms[0].lastIndexOf("i",0) === 0) {
                var filetype = "Image";


        try {
            Tracker.SparqlConnection.get_async(null, Lang.bind(this, this._connection_ready, terms, filetype, callback));
        } catch (error) {
            global.log("Querying Tracker failed. Please make sure you have the --GObject Introspection-- package for Tracker installed.");
        return [];

    getSubsearchResultSet : function(previousResults, terms, callback, cancellable) {
        // check if 1st search term is >2 letters else drop the request
        if(terms.length ===1 && terms[0].length < 3) {
            return [];
        this.getInitialResultSet(terms, callback, cancellable);
        return [];

    filterResults : function(results, max) {
        return results.slice(0, 5);

    launchSearch: function(terms) {
        if(terms.length > 1) {            
            // tracker-needle doesn't support file types
            terms = terms[1];   
        let app = Gio.AppInfo.create_from_commandline("tracker-needle " + terms, null, Gio.AppInfoCreateFlags.SUPPORTS_STARTUP_NOTIFICATION);
        let context = global.create_app_launch_context(0, -1);
        app.launch([], context);

function init() {
//global.log("-------- fmi init: hier sollte die Tracker-Connection aufgebaut werden?");

function enable() {
//    if (!trackerSearchProviderFolders){
//        trackerSearchProviderFolders = new TrackerSearchProvider("FOLDERS", CategoryType.FOLDERS);
//        //Main.overview.addSearchProvider(trackerSearchProviderFolders);
//        Main.overview.viewSelector._searchResults._searchSystem.addProvider(trackerSearchProviderFolders);
//    }

    if (!trackerSearchProviderFiles) {
        trackerSearchProviderFiles = new TrackerSearchProvider("FILES", CategoryType.FTS);

function disable() {
    if (trackerSearchProviderFiles){
        trackerSearchProviderFiles = null;

//    if (trackerSearchProviderFolders) {
//        //Main.overview.removeSearchProvider(trackerSearchProviderFolders);
//        Main.overview.viewSelector._searchResults._searchSystem._unregisterProvider(trackerSearchProviderFolders);
//        trackerSearchProviderFolders = null;
//    }

Je pense que le bug se trouve autour de la fonction _getQuery, mais bon pas possible de le trouver moi meme.

Voila, qqn aurais une idée ? big_smile

Hardware : i7/8goDDR3 en desktop /// Lenovo thinkpad yoga 2 13 en laptop.
OSs : *buntu on desktop, arch / win8 on laptop
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