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#1 Le 30/09/2010, à 14:55


[Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance


J'essaye tant bien que mal de paramétrer MPD sur mon serveur pour pouvoir lire la musique présente sur ce serveur depuis un poste client.

Mais tout d'abord, j'aimerai savoir si c'est possible avec ma configuration actuelle :
- Le serveur un un NAS (Qnap TS-209 II) sans carte son propulsé par une Debian Lenny. IP locale : La version de MPD est la version 0.15.12 (dépôts Debian Squeeze)
- Le poste client est un notebook propulsé par une Ubuntu Lucid Linx. IP locale : Le client graphique est GMPC 0.19.1
- Le réseau local est géré par une Neufbox4

Si le serveur ne dispose pas de carte son, mpd peut-il quand-même fonctionner et envoyer la musique au poste client pour qu'il la joue ?
Si oui, comment configurer le fichier /etc/mpd.conf ?
J'ai regardé la doc sur ubuntu-fr ainsi que sur wikia (le wiki officiel de mpd) mais impossible d'arriver à me connecter au serveur.

Dois-je activer bind_to_address, port, zeroconf, httpd, pulseaudio output ?

Dans gMPC j'ai essayé de renseigner l'IP du serveur et le port 6600 ou 8000, mais impossible de me connecter au serveur alors qu'il tourne, il n'y a pas de message d'erreur dans le fichier mpd.log.
Même problème si j'utilise Ario ou Sonata comme client graphique.

Au cas où, voici mon mpd.conf :

# An example configuration file for MPD
# See the mpd.conf man page for a more detailed description of each parameter.

# Files and directories #######################################################
# This setting controls the top directory which MPD will search to discover the
# available audio files and add them to the daemon's online database. This 
# setting defaults to the XDG directory, otherwise the music directory will be
# be disabled and audio files will only be accepted over ipc socket (using
# file:// protocol) or streaming files over an accepted protocol.
music_directory        "/home/farliec/data/Musique/Albums"
# This setting sets the MPD internal playlist directory. The purpose of this
# directory is storage for playlists created by MPD. The server will use 
# playlist files not created by the server but only if they are in the MPD
# format. This setting defaults to playlist saving being disabled.
playlist_directory        "/home/farliec/data/Musique/Playlists"
# This setting sets the location of the MPD database. This file is used to
# load the database at server start up and store the database while the 
# server is not up. This setting defaults to disabled which will allow
# MPD to accept files over ipc socket (using file:// protocol) or streaming
# files over an accepted protocol.
db_file            "/home/farliec/.mpd/tag_cache"
# These settings are the locations for the daemon log files for the daemon.
# These logs are great for troubleshooting, depending on your log_level
# settings.
# The special value "syslog" makes MPD use the local syslog daemon. This
# setting defaults to logging to syslog, otherwise logging is disabled.
log_file            "/home/farliec/.mpd/mpd.log"
# This setting sets the location of the file which stores the process ID
# for use of mpd --kill and some init scripts. This setting is disabled by
# default and the pid file will not be stored.
pid_file            "/home/farliec/.mpd/pid"
# This setting sets the location of the file which contains information about
# most variables to get MPD back into the same general shape it was in before
# it was brought down. This setting is disabled by default and the server 
# state will be reset on server start up.
state_file            "/home/farliec/.mpd/state"

# General music daemon options ################################################
# This setting specifies the user that MPD will run as. MPD should never run as
# root and you may use this setting to make MPD change its user ID after
# initialization. This setting is disabled by default and MPD is run as the
# current user.
#user                "mpd"
# This setting sets the address for the daemon to listen on. Careful attention
# should be paid if this is assigned to anything other then the default, any.
# This setting can deny access to control of the daemon.
# For network
#bind_to_address        "localhost"
# And for Unix Socket
#bind_to_address        "/var/run/mpd/socket"
# This setting is the TCP port that is desired for the daemon to get assigned
# to.
#port                "6600"
# This setting controls the type of information which is logged. Available 
# setting arguments are "default", "secure" or "verbose". The "verbose" setting
# argument is recommended for troubleshooting, though can quickly stretch
# available resources on limited hardware storage.
log_level            "verbose"
# If you have a problem with your MP3s ending abruptly it is recommended that 
# you set this argument to "no" to attempt to fix the problem. If this solves
# the problem, it is highly recommended to fix the MP3 files with vbrfix
# (available from <>), at which
# point gapless MP3 playback can be enabled.
#gapless_mp3_playback            "yes"
# This setting enables MPD to create playlists in a format usable by other
# music players.
#save_absolute_paths_in_playlists    "no"
# This setting defines a list of tag types that will be extracted during the 
# audio file discovery process. Optionally, 'comment' can be added to this
# list.
#metadata_to_use    "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"

# Symbolic link behavior ######################################################
# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following 
# symbolic links outside of the configured music_directory.
#follow_outside_symlinks    "yes"
# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
# symbolic links inside of the configured music_directory.
#follow_inside_symlinks        "yes"

# Zeroconf / Avahi Service Discovery ##########################################
# If this setting is set to "yes", service information will be published with
# Zeroconf / Avahi.
zeroconf_enabled        "yes"
# The argument to this setting will be the Zeroconf / Avahi unique name for
# this MPD server on the network.
zeroconf_name            "Music Player"

# Permissions #################################################################
# If this setting is set, MPD will require password authorization. The password
# can setting can be specified multiple times for different password profiles.
#password                        "password@read,add,control,admin"
# This setting specifies the permissions a user has who has not yet logged in. 
#default_permissions             "read,add,control,admin"

# Input #######################################################################

input {
        plugin "curl"
#       proxy ""
#       proxy_user "user"
#       proxy_password "password"


# Audio Output ################################################################
# MPD supports various audio output types, as well as playing through multiple 
# audio outputs at the same time, through multiple audio_output settings 
# blocks. Setting this block is optional, though the server will only attempt
# autodetection for one sound card.
# See <> for examples of 
# other audio outputs.
# An example of an ALSA output:
#audio_output {
#    type        "alsa"
#    name        "My ALSA Device"
#    device        "hw:0,0"    # optional
#    format        "44100:16:2"    # optional
#    mixer_device    "default"    # optional
#    mixer_control    "PCM"        # optional
#    mixer_index    "0"        # optional
# An example of an OSS output:
#audio_output {
#    type        "oss"
#    name        "My OSS Device"
#    device        "/dev/dsp"    # optional
#    format        "44100:16:2"    # optional
#    mixer_device    "/dev/mixer"    # optional
#    mixer_control    "PCM"        # optional
# An example of a shout output (for streaming to Icecast):
#audio_output {
#    type        "shout"
#    encoding    "ogg"            # optional
#    name        "My Shout Stream"
#    host        "localhost"
#    port        "8000"
#    mount        "/mpd.ogg"
#    password    "hackme"
#    quality        "5.0"
#    bitrate        "128"
#    format        "44100:16:1"
#    protocol    "icecast2"        # optional
#    user        "source"        # optional
#    description    "My Stream Description"    # optional
#    genre        "jazz"            # optional
#    public        "no"            # optional
#    timeout        "2"            # optional
# An example of a httpd output (built-in HTTP streaming server):
audio_output {
    type        "httpd"
    name        "My HTTP Stream"
    encoder        "vorbis"        # optional, vorbis or lame
    port        "8000"
    quality        "5.0"            # do not define if bitrate is defined
#    bitrate        "128"            # do not define if quality is defined
    format        "44100:16:1"
# An example of a pulseaudio output (streaming to a remote pulseaudio server)
#audio_output {
#    type        "pulse"
#    name        "My Pulse Output"
#    server        "remote_server"        # optional
#    sink        "remote_server_sink"    # optional
## Example "pipe" output:
#audio_output {
#    type        "pipe"
#    name        "my pipe"
#    command        "aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
## Or if you're want to use AudioCompress
#    command        "AudioCompress -m | aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
## Or to send raw PCM stream through PCM:
#    command        "nc 8765"
#    format        "44100:16:2"
## An example of a null output (for no audio output):
#audio_output {
#    type        "null"
#    name        "My Null Output"
# This setting will change all decoded audio to be converted to the specified
# format before being passed to the audio outputs. By default, this setting is
# disabled.
#audio_output_format        "44100:16:2"
# If MPD has been compiled with libsamplerate support, this setting specifies 
# the sample rate converter to use.  Possible values can be found in the 
# mpd.conf man page or the libsamplerate documentation. By default, this is
# setting is disabled.
#samplerate_converter        "Fastest Sinc Interpolator"

# Volume control mixer ########################################################
# These are the global volume control settings. By default, this setting will
# be detected to the available audio output device, with preference going to 
# hardware mixing. Hardware and software mixers for individual audio_output
# sections cannot yet be mixed.
# An example for controlling an ALSA, OSS or Pulseaudio mixer; If this
# setting is used other sound applications will be affected by the volume
# being controlled by MPD.
#mixer_type            "hardware"
# An example for controlling all mixers through software. This will control
# all controls, even if the mixer is not supported by the device and will not
# affect any other sound producing applications.
#mixer_type            "software"
# This example will not allow MPD to touch the mixer at all and will disable
# all volume controls.
#mixer_type            "disabled"

# Normalization automatic volume adjustments ##################################
# This setting specifies the type of ReplayGain to use. This setting can have
# the argument "album" or "track". See <> for more
# details. This setting is disabled by default.
#replaygain            "album"
# This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags. By
# default this setting is disabled.
#replaygain_preamp        "0"
# This setting enables on-the-fly normalization volume adjustment. This will
# result in the volume of all playing audio to be adjusted so the output has 
# equal "loudness". This setting is disabled by default.
#volume_normalization        "no"

# MPD Internal Buffering ######################################################
# This setting adjusts the size of internal decoded audio buffering. Changing
# this may have undesired effects. Don't change this if you don't know what you
# are doing.
#audio_buffer_size        "2048"
# This setting controls the percentage of the buffer which is filled before 
# beginning to play. Increasing this reduces the chance of audio file skipping, 
# at the cost of increased time prior to audio playback.
#buffer_before_play        "10%"

# Resource Limitations ########################################################
# These settings are various limitations to prevent MPD from using too many
# resources. Generally, these settings should be minimized to prevent security
# risks, depending on the operating resources.
#connection_timeout        "60"
#max_connections        "10"
#max_playlist_length        "16384"
#max_command_list_size        "2048"
#max_output_buffer_size        "8192"

# Character Encoding ##########################################################
# If file or directory names do not display correctly for your locale then you 
# may need to modify this setting. After modification of this setting mpd 
# --create-db must be run to change the database.
filesystem_charset        "UTF-8"
# This setting controls the encoding that ID3v1 tags should be converted from.
id3v1_encoding            "UTF-8"

Dernière modification par Farliec (Le 07/10/2010, à 19:51)

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité... Pour tous

OS: Xubuntu 14.10 64 Bits
PC: Dell Precision T3400 - Intel Core Q6700 2.66 GHz - NVidia Quadro FX570 - 8 Go

Hors ligne

#2 Le 30/09/2010, à 15:13


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance


MPD sert à contrôler ce que joue le serveur depuis un client, pas à permettre à des clients d'accéder à la musique disponible sur le serveur pour la jouer localement.

Hors ligne

#3 Le 30/09/2010, à 15:19


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

Tu peut faire un serveur NFS sur lequelle tu accedera avec ton notebook et tu pourra jouer la musique qui est sur le serveur. ^^

Hors ligne

#4 Le 30/09/2010, à 15:32


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

@slasher-fun : D'après cette news, normalement des clients (ici mobiles) peuvent accéder à la musique et la jouer localement.

@Nrm : Euh... Moui smile Sauf que pour l'instant j'ai testé des clients comme Exaile, Banshee, Listen, Rythmnbox,... Et aucun ne me va, ils ont tous 1 ou plusieurs fonctionnalités qui me plaisent et qui plantent. Je me disais que les clients MPD seraient peut-être mieux... Et puis après je voudrais faire comme dans la news précitée, et lire la musique depuis mon mobile. Donc un serveur multimédia me semblait plus sympatique.

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité... Pour tous

OS: Xubuntu 14.10 64 Bits
PC: Dell Precision T3400 - Intel Core Q6700 2.66 GHz - NVidia Quadro FX570 - 8 Go

Hors ligne

#5 Le 30/09/2010, à 15:37


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

Ah bah c'est nouveau alors, 'temps pour moi.

Hors ligne

#6 Le 30/09/2010, à 17:49


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

oui c'est possible :

soit en streaming voici la sortie audio dans mpd.conf :

audio_output {
    type        "httpd"
    name        "My HTTP Stream"
    encoder        "lame"        # optional, vorbis or lame
    port        "8000"
    quality        "0"            # do not define if bitrate is defined
#    bitrate        "64"            # do not define if quality is defined
    format        "44100:16:2"

au choix mp3 ou ogg
le flux est accessible ou (mpd.ogg si vorbis)

ou vers le serveur pulseaudio du client, pas testé mais c'est possible voir ici

audio_output {
    type        "pulse"
    name        "My Pulse Output"
    server        "remote_server"        # optional
    sink        "remote_server_sink"    # optional

a noter il est possible de configurer plusieurs sorties audio simultanement, et sur certains clients d'activer la ou les sorties désirées (gmpc le fait)

autrement je l'utilise avec  un ipod touch avec Mpod en streaming ça marche pas mal mais il existe aussi un client pour android mpddroid qui m'a l'air très bon, en fait je regrette mon achat un archos a32 sous android  est plus sympa parce que apple et linux c'est galère

Dernière modification par samfuzz (Le 30/09/2010, à 18:04)

Hors ligne

#7 Le 30/09/2010, à 17:59


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

j'ai dit une bêtise l'adresse du flux c'est : et non

autrement ta conf m'a l'air correcte peut-etre un problème réseau (firewall ....)

Hors ligne

#8 Le 30/09/2010, à 18:01


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

peux tu donner le résultat de mpd --version

pour vérifier si mpd est bien compilé avec httpd

Dernière modification par samfuzz (Le 30/09/2010, à 18:02)

Hors ligne

#9 Le 02/10/2010, à 14:03


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

Merci pour tes réponse samfuzz smile

Normalement httpd est présent pour les versions de mpd à partir de 0.15.x
Résultat de mpd --version :

mpd (MPD: Music Player Daemon) 0.15.12 

Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Warren Dukes <>
Copyright (C) 2008 Max Kellermann <>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Supported decoders:

[mad] mp3 mp2
[vorbis] ogg oga
[oggflac] ogg oga
[flac] flac
[audiofile] wav au aiff aif
[faad] aac
[mpcdec] mpc
[wavpack] wv
[sidplay] sid
[ffmpeg] 16sv 3g2 3gp 4xm 8svx aa3 aac ac3 afc aif aifc aiff al alaw amr anim apc ape asf atrac au aud avi avm2 avs bap bfi c93 cak cin cmv cpk daud dct divx dts dv dvd dxa eac3 film flac flc fli fll flx flv g726 gsm gxf iss m1v m2v m2t m2ts m4a m4v mad mj2 mjpeg mjpg mka mkv mlp mm mmf mov mp+ mp1 mp2 mp3 mp4 mpc mpeg mpg mpga mpp mpu mve mvi mxf nc nsv nut nuv oga ogm ogv ogx oma ogg omg psp pva qcp qt r3d ra ram rl2 rm rmvb roq rpl rvc shn smk snd sol son spx str swf tgi tgq tgv thp ts tsp tta xa xvid uv uv2 vb vid vob voc vp6 vmd wav wma wmv wsaud wsvga wv wve

Supported outputs:

shout null fifo alsa ao oss pulse jack httpd 

Supported protocols:

file:// http:// lastfm:// mms:// mmsh:// mmst:// mmsu://

Dans le fichier /etc/mpd.conf, j'ai commenté bind_to_address, port, zeronconf et ai activé httpd et pulse.

# An example configuration file for MPD
# See the mpd.conf man page for a more detailed description of each parameter.

# Files and directories #######################################################
# This setting controls the top directory which MPD will search to discover the
# available audio files and add them to the daemon's online database. This 
# setting defaults to the XDG directory, otherwise the music directory will be
# be disabled and audio files will only be accepted over ipc socket (using
# file:// protocol) or streaming files over an accepted protocol.
music_directory        "/home/farliec/data/Musique/Albums"
# This setting sets the MPD internal playlist directory. The purpose of this
# directory is storage for playlists created by MPD. The server will use 
# playlist files not created by the server but only if they are in the MPD
# format. This setting defaults to playlist saving being disabled.
playlist_directory        "/home/farliec/data/Musique/Playlists"
# This setting sets the location of the MPD database. This file is used to
# load the database at server start up and store the database while the 
# server is not up. This setting defaults to disabled which will allow
# MPD to accept files over ipc socket (using file:// protocol) or streaming
# files over an accepted protocol.
db_file            "/home/farliec/.mpd/tag_cache"
# These settings are the locations for the daemon log files for the daemon.
# These logs are great for troubleshooting, depending on your log_level
# settings.
# The special value "syslog" makes MPD use the local syslog daemon. This
# setting defaults to logging to syslog, otherwise logging is disabled.
log_file            "/home/farliec/.mpd/mpd.log"
# This setting sets the location of the file which stores the process ID
# for use of mpd --kill and some init scripts. This setting is disabled by
# default and the pid file will not be stored.
pid_file            "/home/farliec/.mpd/pid"
# This setting sets the location of the file which contains information about
# most variables to get MPD back into the same general shape it was in before
# it was brought down. This setting is disabled by default and the server 
# state will be reset on server start up.
state_file            "/home/farliec/.mpd/state"

# General music daemon options ################################################
# This setting specifies the user that MPD will run as. MPD should never run as
# root and you may use this setting to make MPD change its user ID after
# initialization. This setting is disabled by default and MPD is run as the
# current user.
#user                "mpd"
# This setting sets the address for the daemon to listen on. Careful attention
# should be paid if this is assigned to anything other then the default, any.
# This setting can deny access to control of the daemon.
# For network
#bind_to_address        "localhost"
# And for Unix Socket
#bind_to_address        "/var/run/mpd/socket"
# This setting is the TCP port that is desired for the daemon to get assigned
# to.
#port                "6600"
# This setting controls the type of information which is logged. Available 
# setting arguments are "default", "secure" or "verbose". The "verbose" setting
# argument is recommended for troubleshooting, though can quickly stretch
# available resources on limited hardware storage.
log_level            "verbose"
# If you have a problem with your MP3s ending abruptly it is recommended that 
# you set this argument to "no" to attempt to fix the problem. If this solves
# the problem, it is highly recommended to fix the MP3 files with vbrfix
# (available from <>), at which
# point gapless MP3 playback can be enabled.
#gapless_mp3_playback            "yes"
# This setting enables MPD to create playlists in a format usable by other
# music players.
#save_absolute_paths_in_playlists    "no"
# This setting defines a list of tag types that will be extracted during the 
# audio file discovery process. Optionally, 'comment' can be added to this
# list.
#metadata_to_use    "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"

# Symbolic link behavior ######################################################
# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following 
# symbolic links outside of the configured music_directory.
#follow_outside_symlinks    "yes"
# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
# symbolic links inside of the configured music_directory.
#follow_inside_symlinks        "yes"

# Zeroconf / Avahi Service Discovery ##########################################
# If this setting is set to "yes", service information will be published with
# Zeroconf / Avahi.
#zeroconf_enabled        "yes"
# The argument to this setting will be the Zeroconf / Avahi unique name for
# this MPD server on the network.
#zeroconf_name            "Music Player"

# Permissions #################################################################
# If this setting is set, MPD will require password authorization. The password
# can setting can be specified multiple times for different password profiles.
#password                        "password@read,add,control,admin"
# This setting specifies the permissions a user has who has not yet logged in. 
#default_permissions             "read,add,control,admin"

# Input #######################################################################

input {
        plugin "curl"
#       proxy ""
#       proxy_user "user"
#       proxy_password "password"


# Audio Output ################################################################
# MPD supports various audio output types, as well as playing through multiple 
# audio outputs at the same time, through multiple audio_output settings 
# blocks. Setting this block is optional, though the server will only attempt
# autodetection for one sound card.
# See <> for examples of 
# other audio outputs.
# An example of an ALSA output:
#audio_output {
#    type        "alsa"
#    name        "My ALSA Device"
#    device        "hw:0,0"    # optional
#    format        "44100:16:2"    # optional
#    mixer_device    "default"    # optional
#    mixer_control    "PCM"        # optional
#    mixer_index    "0"        # optional
# An example of an OSS output:
#audio_output {
#    type        "oss"
#    name        "My OSS Device"
#    device        "/dev/dsp"    # optional
#    format        "44100:16:2"    # optional
#    mixer_device    "/dev/mixer"    # optional
#    mixer_control    "PCM"        # optional
# An example of a shout output (for streaming to Icecast):
#audio_output {
#    type        "shout"
#    encoding    "ogg"            # optional
#    name        "My Shout Stream"
#    host        "localhost"
#    port        "8000"
#    mount        "/mpd.ogg"
#    password    "hackme"
#    quality        "5.0"
#    bitrate        "128"
#    format        "44100:16:1"
#    protocol    "icecast2"        # optional
#    user        "source"        # optional
#    description    "My Stream Description"    # optional
#    genre        "jazz"            # optional
#    public        "no"            # optional
#    timeout        "2"            # optional
# An example of a httpd output (built-in HTTP streaming server):
audio_output {
    type        "httpd"
    name        "My HTTP Stream"
    encoder        "vorbis"        # optional, vorbis or lame
    port        "8000"
#    quality        "5.0"            # do not define if bitrate is defined
    bitrate        "128"            # do not define if quality is defined
    format        "44100:16:1"
# An example of a pulseaudio output (streaming to a remote pulseaudio server)
audio_output {
    type        "pulse"
    name        "My Pulse Output"
    server        "remote_server"            # optional
    sink        "remote_server_sink"    # optional
## Example "pipe" output:
#audio_output {
#    type        "pipe"
#    name        "my pipe"
#    command        "aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
## Or if you're want to use AudioCompress
#    command        "AudioCompress -m | aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
## Or to send raw PCM stream through PCM:
#    command        "nc 8765"
#    format        "44100:16:2"
## An example of a null output (for no audio output):
#audio_output {
#    type        "null"
#    name        "My Null Output"
# This setting will change all decoded audio to be converted to the specified
# format before being passed to the audio outputs. By default, this setting is
# disabled.
#audio_output_format        "44100:16:2"
# If MPD has been compiled with libsamplerate support, this setting specifies 
# the sample rate converter to use.  Possible values can be found in the 
# mpd.conf man page or the libsamplerate documentation. By default, this is
# setting is disabled.
#samplerate_converter        "Fastest Sinc Interpolator"

# Volume control mixer ########################################################
# These are the global volume control settings. By default, this setting will
# be detected to the available audio output device, with preference going to 
# hardware mixing. Hardware and software mixers for individual audio_output
# sections cannot yet be mixed.
# An example for controlling an ALSA, OSS or Pulseaudio mixer; If this
# setting is used other sound applications will be affected by the volume
# being controlled by MPD.
#mixer_type            "hardware"
# An example for controlling all mixers through software. This will control
# all controls, even if the mixer is not supported by the device and will not
# affect any other sound producing applications.
#mixer_type            "software"
# This example will not allow MPD to touch the mixer at all and will disable
# all volume controls.
#mixer_type            "disabled"

# Normalization automatic volume adjustments ##################################
# This setting specifies the type of ReplayGain to use. This setting can have
# the argument "album" or "track". See <> for more
# details. This setting is disabled by default.
#replaygain            "album"
# This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags. By
# default this setting is disabled.
#replaygain_preamp        "0"
# This setting enables on-the-fly normalization volume adjustment. This will
# result in the volume of all playing audio to be adjusted so the output has 
# equal "loudness". This setting is disabled by default.
#volume_normalization        "no"

# MPD Internal Buffering ######################################################
# This setting adjusts the size of internal decoded audio buffering. Changing
# this may have undesired effects. Don't change this if you don't know what you
# are doing.
#audio_buffer_size        "2048"
# This setting controls the percentage of the buffer which is filled before 
# beginning to play. Increasing this reduces the chance of audio file skipping, 
# at the cost of increased time prior to audio playback.
#buffer_before_play        "10%"

# Resource Limitations ########################################################
# These settings are various limitations to prevent MPD from using too many
# resources. Generally, these settings should be minimized to prevent security
# risks, depending on the operating resources.
#connection_timeout        "60"
#max_connections        "10"
#max_playlist_length        "16384"
#max_command_list_size        "2048"
#max_output_buffer_size        "8192"

# Character Encoding ##########################################################
# If file or directory names do not display correctly for your locale then you 
# may need to modify this setting. After modification of this setting mpd 
# --create-db must be run to change the database.
filesystem_charset        "UTF-8"
# This setting controls the encoding that ID3v1 tags should be converted from.
id3v1_encoding            "UTF-8"

J'arrive désormais à me connecter à mon serveur avec l'adresse et le port par défaut 6600, par contre la lecture ne fonctionne pas, ça fait planter mpd neutral
Je vais voir de plus près le paramétrage avec un pulseaudio sur le poste client.

Pour la lecture en streaming, je dois avouer que j'ai un peu de mal avec le principe... Pour lire un flux audio, il faut déjà que le flux aient une sorte de liste de lecture déjà paramétrée... Si ce n'est pas nécessaire, et bien il me semble que l'accès en streaming (ip du serveur et port 8000) ne fonctionne pas (testé avec Listen et VLC sur ubuntu).
Pour le streaming mobile, MPod a l'air pas mal (j'ai un iPhone), mais je dois utiliser l'encoder lame pour diffuser en mp3, or, ici encore, un problème. Bien que j'ai installé lame avec les dépôts Debian-Multimedia, mpd m'indique que l'encoder lame n'existe pas. Peut-être parce qu'il est sous le nom mad dans la description de la version de mpd ?

Je vais creuser encore un peu, et sinon, ben je verrai pour mettre un serveur multimédia à la place de mpd smile

Dernière modification par Farliec (Le 02/10/2010, à 14:07)

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité... Pour tous

OS: Xubuntu 14.10 64 Bits
PC: Dell Precision T3400 - Intel Core Q6700 2.66 GHz - NVidia Quadro FX570 - 8 Go

Hors ligne

#10 Le 02/10/2010, à 22:31


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

pour le streaming avec lame il faut recompiler mpd, il n'est pas compilé par défaut avec cette option sur debian

si mpd plante à la lecture lance le en mode debug :
installer le paquet mpd-debug

et lance le en console : (killer mpd avant de lancer le debug)
gdb mpd
run --stdout --no-daemon --verbose

de plus regarde dans les logs de mpd :

Hors ligne

#11 Le 02/10/2010, à 22:46


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

Qnap c'est sans doute un proc ARM ? non

essaye de compiler la version GIT, il y a un crash bug en cours de résolution récemment sur ARM :

(sur arm je te conseille de  le compiler avec  avec l'option --with-tremor pour vorbis)

Dernière modification par samfuzz (Le 02/10/2010, à 22:51)

Hors ligne

#12 Le 02/10/2010, à 23:42


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

autrement pour tester si c'est httpd output qui plante,

commente la sortie httpd output

et test avec la sortie null output :

audio_output {
    type        "null"
    name        "My Null Output"

Hors ligne

#13 Le 03/10/2010, à 10:02


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

Juste pour info :

j'ai fait quelques tests pour une future install de MPD sur un serveur. J'ai testé pas mal de clients et à priori mon choix sera celui-ci

==> Libérez les huitres du bassin d'Arcachon <==

Hors ligne

#14 Le 04/10/2010, à 16:44


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

@samfuzz : merci beaucoup, oui Qnap, c'est du arm (armel), je vais regarder tout ça smile

@soupaloignon : pas mal du tout le client ExtJS, il a l'air de faire presque tout ce que je veux, je vais tester aussi smile

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité... Pour tous

OS: Xubuntu 14.10 64 Bits
PC: Dell Precision T3400 - Intel Core Q6700 2.66 GHz - NVidia Quadro FX570 - 8 Go

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#15 Le 04/10/2010, à 16:50


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

j' airemarqué qu'il n'y avait pas d'encodeur de compilé (ni vorbis ni lame), pour comparer voici ce que j'ai :

mpd (MPD: Music Player Daemon) 0.16~git

Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Warren Dukes <>
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Max Kellermann <>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Supported decoders:

[mad] mp3 mp2
[mpg123] mp3
[vorbis] ogg oga
[oggflac] ogg oga
[flac] flac
[audiofile] wav au aiff aif
[faad] aac
[mp4ff] m4a mp4
[mpcdec] mpc
[wavpack] wv
[modplug] 669 amf ams dbm dfm dsm far it med mdl mod mtm mt2 okt s3m stm ult umx xm
[ffmpeg] 16sv 3g2 3gp 4xm 8svx aa3 aac ac3 afc aif aifc aiff al alaw amr anim apc ape asf atrac au aud avi avm2 avs bap bfi c93 cak cin cmv cpk daud dct divx dts dv dvd dxa eac3 film flac flc fli fll flx flv g726 gsm gxf iss m1v m2v m2t m2ts m4a m4v mad mj2 mjpeg mjpg mka mkv mlp mm mmf mov mp+ mp1 mp2 mp3 mp4 mpc mpeg mpg mpga mpp mpu mve mvi mxf nc nsv nut nuv oga ogm ogv ogx oma ogg omg psp pva qcp qt r3d ra ram rl2 rm rmvb roq rpl rvc shn smk snd sol son spx str swf tgi tgq tgv thp ts tsp tta xa xvid uv uv2 vb vid vob voc vp6 vmd wav wma wmv wsaud wsvga wv wve

Supported outputs:

shout null fifo alsa oss pulse httpd recorder

Supported encoders:

null vorbis lame wave flac

Supported protocols:

file:// http:// mms:// mmsh:// mmst:// mmsu:// gopher:// rtp:// rtsp:// rtmp:// rtmpt:// rtmps://

a mon avis tu es bon pour la compilation

Hors ligne

#16 Le 07/10/2010, à 19:51


Re : [Abandonné] MPD & Accès à distance

Bon, et bien je vous remercie pour vos efforts, mais j'abandonne.

J'ai téléchargé les sources (de la version stable tar.bz2, pas de la version git~alpha2), cherché manuellement et installé toutes les librairies et -dev, compilé et finalement installé, et ai copié manuellement mon fichier mpd.conf sur le NAS o_O
Au lancement de mpd, joliment installé dans /usr/local/bin..., il cherche désespérément un périphérique audio et annule le lancement, même en spécifiant un output null.

Bref, énormément de temps passé sans résultat.

Installé normalement MPD plante sur ma machine lors de la lecture (segmentation fault), et il ne veut pas gérer les mp3 sans une recompilation fastidieuse, sans compter qu'il n'aime pas ARM dans sa version stable.

Je vais donc tout simplement chercher un serveur multimédia compatible avec mon architecture et qui soit simple à installer, on verra s'il y a... smile

Cependant merci encore pour tous tes conseils samfuzz, j'apprécie.

Dernière modification par Farliec (Le 08/10/2010, à 12:55)

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité... Pour tous

OS: Xubuntu 14.10 64 Bits
PC: Dell Precision T3400 - Intel Core Q6700 2.66 GHz - NVidia Quadro FX570 - 8 Go

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