#26 Le 26/02/2009, à 14:22
- totoroavi
Re : installation iTALC
Je sais plus comment fonctionnais Italc la dessus, s'il a ses propres log ou non.
Essaye de te renseigner la dessus dans la théorie les log devrais apparaitre dans le dossier /var/log après je sais pas trop désolé.
Je ne me souvient plus trop du fonctionnement de Italc. Désolé faudrait que je refasse des testes et j'ai pas trop de temps en ce moment ...
"Le monde est dangereux non pas à cause de ceux qui font le mal, mais à cause de ceux qui regardent et laissent faire"
(Albert Einstein)
Hors ligne
#27 Le 18/07/2009, à 14:52
- titifred61
Re : installation iTALC
je viens vers vous car je suis dans une impasse.
j'ai installer ital 1.09 sur ubuntu 9.04 impeccable ( en suivant la doc sur ubuntu )
j'ai mis ma cle sur un pc en xp et j'arrive a le prendre a distance.
par contre j'ai déjà installer italc sur tout les autre pc (environs 200) et je n'ai pas envie de changer la cle de tout les pc mais seulement de mon poste administrateur ( sous ubuntu)
je suis aller sous /etc/italc/keys pour mettre la clé des pc en xp.
malheureusement italc sur ubuntu me dit quil y a un souci de clé
alors la question que je me pose est: est ce que e met la clé au bon endroit?
est ce possible de faire ce que je fais??
en vous remerciant pour les réponses apporter.
longue vie a ubuntu...
#28 Le 20/10/2009, à 12:26
- benichou
Re : installation iTALC
Encore et encore... je passe plein de temps pour mon problème de "Mode demo" sur Italc, et je n'ai trouver encore aucune solution, et je n'ai pas eu l'ombre d'un fonctionnement!!
Question pour le mode démo: quels sont les ports urilisés? 5900 TCP uniquement?
D'autre suggestion d'hypothèses?
PS: voici ce que m'affiche le terminal en lancant italc:
mar. oct. 20 15:25:20 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 4100x0 at (4864, 2) (encoding: 268435456)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:20 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 20484x0 at (4864, 2) (encoding: 268435456)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:20 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 61444x0 at (4864, 2) (encoding: 268435456)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:20 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 45060x0 at (4864, 2) (encoding: 268435456)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:20 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 36868x0 at (4864, 1) (encoding: 268435456)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:20 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 57348x0 at (4864, 1) (encoding: 268435456)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:21 2009: [critical] isdConnection::handleServerMessage(): unknown message type 7 from server. Closing connection. Will re-open it later.
mar. oct. 20 15:25:21 2009: [critical] isdConnection::handleServerMessage(): unknown message type 7 from server. Closing connection. Will re-open it later.
mar. oct. 20 15:25:21 2009: [critical] isdConnection::handleServerMessage(): unknown message type 7 from server. Closing connection. Will re-open it later.
mar. oct. 20 15:25:21 2009: [critical] isdConnection::handleServerMessage(): unknown message type 7 from server. Closing connection. Will re-open it later.
mar. oct. 20 15:25:21 2009: [critical] isdConnection::handleServerMessage(): unknown message type 7 from server. Closing connection. Will re-open it later.
mar. oct. 20 15:25:21 2009: [critical] isdConnection::handleServerMessage(): unknown message type 7 from server. Closing connection. Will re-open it later.
mar. oct. 20 15:25:23 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 2x0 at (4886, 0) (encoding: 1048693)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:23 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 45060x0 at (4864, 2) (encoding: 268435456)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:23 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 8196x0 at (4864, 2) (encoding: 268435456)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:24 2009: [critical] isdConnection::handleServerMessage(): unknown message type 7 from server. Closing connection. Will re-open it later.
mar. oct. 20 15:25:24 2009: [critical] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): unknown rect encoding 6619136
mar. oct. 20 15:25:24 2009: [critical] isdConnection::handleServerMessage(): unknown message type 7 from server. Closing connection. Will re-open it later.
mar. oct. 20 15:25:26 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 57348x0 at (4864, 2) (encoding: 268435456)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:27 2009: [critical] isdConnection::handleServerMessage(): unknown message type 7 from server. Closing connection. Will re-open it later.
mar. oct. 20 15:25:57 2009: [warning] ivsConnection::handleServerMessage(...): rect too large: 61956x0 at (4864, 2) (encoding: 234881024)
mar. oct. 20 15:25:58 2009: [critical] isdConnection::handleServerMessage(): unknown message type 7 from server. Closing connection. Will re-open it later.
et voici ce que m'affiche le terminal en lancant ica (master poste):
administrateur@posteprof:~$ ica
20/10/2009 15:24:09 passing arg to libvncserver: -rfbport
20/10/2009 15:24:09 passing arg to libvncserver: 5900
20/10/2009 15:24:09 x11vnc version: 0.9.4 lastmod: 2008-06-24
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Using X display :0.0
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 ------------------ USEFUL INFORMATION ------------------
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Wireframing: -wireframe mode is in effect for window moves.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 If this yields undesired behavior (poor response, painting
20/10/2009 15:24:09 errors, etc) it may be disabled:
20/10/2009 15:24:09 - use '-nowf' to disable wireframing completely.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 - use '-nowcr' to disable the Copy Rectangle after the
20/10/2009 15:24:09 moved window is released in the new position.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Also see the -help entry for tuning parameters.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 You can press 3 Alt_L's (Left "Alt" key) in a row to
20/10/2009 15:24:09 repaint the screen, also see the -fixscreen option for
20/10/2009 15:24:09 periodic repaints.
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 XFIXES available on display, resetting cursor mode
20/10/2009 15:24:09 to: '-cursor most'.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 to disable this behavior use: '-cursor arrow'
20/10/2009 15:24:09 or '-noxfixes'.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 using XFIXES for cursor drawing.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 GrabServer control via XTEST.
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Scroll Detection: -scrollcopyrect mode is in effect to
20/10/2009 15:24:09 use RECORD extension to try to detect scrolling windows
20/10/2009 15:24:09 (induced by either user keystroke or mouse input).
20/10/2009 15:24:09 If this yields undesired behavior (poor response, painting
20/10/2009 15:24:09 errors, etc) it may be disabled via: '-noscr'
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Also see the -help entry for tuning parameters.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 You can press 3 Alt_L's (Left "Alt" key) in a row to
20/10/2009 15:24:09 repaint the screen, also see the -fixscreen option for
20/10/2009 15:24:09 periodic repaints.
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 XKEYBOARD:
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Switching to -xkb mode to recover these keysyms:
20/10/2009 15:24:09 xkb noxkb Keysym ("X" means present)
20/10/2009 15:24:09 --- ----- -----------------------------
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X 0x40 at
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X 0x23 numbersign
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X 0x5b bracketleft
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X 0x5d bracketright
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X 0x7b braceleft
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X 0x7d braceright
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X 0x7c bar
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X 0x5c backslash
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 If this makes the key mapping worse you can
20/10/2009 15:24:09 disable it with the "-noxkb" option.
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X FBPM extension not supported.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X display is capable of DPMS.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 --------------------------------------------------------
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Default visual ID: 0x21
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Read initial data from X display into framebuffer.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 initialize_screen: fb_depth/fb_bpp/fb_Bpl 24/32/4096
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 X display :0.0 is 32bpp depth=24 true color
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5900
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Xinerama is present and active (e.g. multi-head).
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Xinerama: enabling -xwarppointer mode to try to correct
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Xinerama: mouse pointer motion. XTEST+XINERAMA bug.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Xinerama: Use -noxwarppointer to force XTEST.
20/10/2009 15:24:09 Xinerama: no blackouts needed (screen fills rectangle)
20/10/2009 15:24:09
20/10/2009 15:24:09 fb read rate: 220 MB/sec
20/10/2009 15:24:09 fast read: reset wait ms to: 10
20/10/2009 15:24:09 fast read: reset defer ms to: 15
20/10/2009 15:24:09 screen setup finished.
20/10/2009 15:24:09
The VNC desktop is: posteprof:0
Have you tried the x11vnc '-ncache' VNC client-side pixel caching feature yet?
The scheme stores pixel data offscreen on the VNC viewer side for faster
retrieval. It should work with any VNC viewer. Try it by running:
x11vnc -ncache 10 ...
more info: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/#faq-client-caching
20/10/2009 15:24:21 Got connection from client
20/10/2009 15:24:21 other clients:
20/10/2009 15:24:21 copy_tiles: allocating first_line at size 33
20/10/2009 15:24:22 Client Protocol Version 3.8
20/10/2009 15:24:22 Protocol version sent 3.8, using 3.8
20/10/2009 15:24:22 rfbProcessClientSecurityType: executing handler for type 19
20/10/2009 15:24:23 Pixel format for client
20/10/2009 15:24:23 32 bpp, depth 32, little endian
20/10/2009 15:24:23 true colour: max r 255 g 255 b 255, shift r 16 g 8 b 0
20/10/2009 15:24:23 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unsupported encoding type Enc(0x00000013)
20/10/2009 15:24:23 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unsupported encoding type Enc(0x00000014)
20/10/2009 15:24:23 Using raw encoding for client
20/10/2009 15:24:24 client 1 network rate 40253.6 KB/sec (40253.6 eff KB/sec)
20/10/2009 15:24:24 client 1 latency: 0.5 ms
20/10/2009 15:24:24 dt1: 0.0780, dt2: 0.0001 dt3: 0.0005 bytes: 3145740
20/10/2009 15:24:24 link_rate: LR_LAN - 1 ms, 40253 KB/s
20/10/2009 15:24:50 rfbSendUpdateBuf: write: Relais brisé (pipe)
20/10/2009 15:24:50 client_count: 0
20/10/2009 15:24:50 Client gone
20/10/2009 15:24:50 Statistics events Transmit/ RawEquiv ( saved)
20/10/2009 15:24:50 FramebufferUpdate : 135 | 0/ 0 ( 0.0%)
20/10/2009 15:24:50 raw : 531 | 21408388/ 21408388 ( 0.0%)
20/10/2009 15:24:50 TOTALS : 666 | 21408388/ 21408388 ( 0.0%)
20/10/2009 15:24:50 Statistics events Received/ RawEquiv ( saved)
20/10/2009 15:24:50 cli2svr-0x00000013 : 1 | 0/ 0 ( 0.0%)
20/10/2009 15:24:50 FramebufferUpdate : 659 | 6590/ 6590 ( 0.0%)
20/10/2009 15:24:50 SetEncodings : 1 | 16/ 16 ( 0.0%)
20/10/2009 15:24:50 SetPixelFormat : 1 | 20/ 20 ( 0.0%)
20/10/2009 15:24:50 TOTALS : 662 | 6626/ 6626 ( 0.0%)
20/10/2009 15:25:17 Got connection from client
20/10/2009 15:25:17 other clients:
20/10/2009 15:25:18 Client Protocol Version 3.8
20/10/2009 15:25:18 Protocol version sent 3.8, using 3.8
20/10/2009 15:25:18 rfbProcessClientSecurityType: executing handler for type 19
20/10/2009 15:25:20 Pixel format for client
20/10/2009 15:25:20 32 bpp, depth 32, little endian
20/10/2009 15:25:20 true colour: max r 255 g 255 b 255, shift r 16 g 8 b 0
20/10/2009 15:25:20 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unsupported encoding type Enc(0x00000013)
20/10/2009 15:25:20 rfbProcessClientNormalMessage: ignoring unsupported encoding type Enc(0x00000014)
20/10/2009 15:25:20 Using raw encoding for client
20/10/2009 15:25:20 client 2 network rate 61899.5 KB/sec (61899.5 eff KB/sec)
20/10/2009 15:25:20 client 2 latency: 0.5 ms
20/10/2009 15:25:20 dt1: 0.0507, dt2: 0.0001 dt3: 0.0005 bytes: 3145740
20/10/2009 15:25:20 link_rate: LR_LAN - 1 ms, 61899 KB/s
Dernière modification par benichou (Le 20/10/2009, à 14:29)
Une roue ça passe partout!
Hors ligne