#51 Le 23/04/2007, à 17:46
- jimble
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
c'est tout bon il ne te reste plus qu'à mettre ton nzb dans le dossier daemon.queue
Dernière modification par jimble (Le 23/04/2007, à 17:47)
Debian GNU/Linux unstable Sid -- Ubuntu GNU/Linux 8.04 Hardy Heron
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#52 Le 23/04/2007, à 17:51
- alain13
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
en changeant hellanzb.conf j aiu ceci maintenant
alain@alain-laptop:~$ hellanzb.py
hellanzb v0.13 (config = /usr/etc/hellanzb.conf)
(changeme) Opening 4 connections...
hellanzb - Now monitoring queue...
Resuming: ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386
Parsing: ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.nzb...
Parsed: 60 files (3223 posts), 777.6MB
Queued: 777.6MB
[Total] 0.0KB/s, 777 MB queued, ETA: 00:00:00
et ca reste bloquer comme ca ou il faut attendre?
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#53 Le 23/04/2007, à 18:04
- jimble
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
Tu n'as pas de connection au serveur.
Tu es sûr de la configuration de ton hellanzb.conf ?
Regarde le post 42 pour t'aider.
Tu es chez quel fournisseur d'accès ?
Dernière modification par jimble (Le 23/04/2007, à 18:10)
Debian GNU/Linux unstable Sid -- Ubuntu GNU/Linux 8.04 Hardy Heron
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#54 Le 23/04/2007, à 18:11
- alain13
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
je suis chez free
voici hellanzb;conf
defineServer(id = 'changeme',
hosts = [ 'news.free.fr:119' ],
#hosts = [ 'news.free.fr', 'morenews.changeme.com:8000' ],
username = 'changeme',
password = 'hella',
#username = None, # no auth
#password = None,
connections = 4,
antiIdle = 4.5 * 60, # 4 minutes, 30 seconds, 0 to
Hors ligne
#55 Le 23/04/2007, à 18:16
- jimble
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
username = None, et pas 'changeme',
password = None, et pas 'hella',
et pour le fun tu peux donner un nom à ton serveur de news
id = 'le_nom__que_tu_veux' , et pas 'changeme',
Dernière modification par jimble (Le 24/04/2007, à 11:04)
Debian GNU/Linux unstable Sid -- Ubuntu GNU/Linux 8.04 Hardy Heron
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#56 Le 23/04/2007, à 18:25
- alain13
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
super ca marche merci pour ton aide heureusement que cette communauté existe :-)
une autre question est ce que l on peut mettre plusieurs fichier nzb en chargement?
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#57 Le 23/04/2007, à 18:27
- jimble
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
bien sûr, il seront téléchargés les uns après les autres
Dernière modification par jimble (Le 23/04/2007, à 18:33)
Debian GNU/Linux unstable Sid -- Ubuntu GNU/Linux 8.04 Hardy Heron
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#58 Le 23/04/2007, à 18:35
- alain13
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
encore merci sa charge entre 180 et 350 kbs
Hors ligne
#59 Le 23/04/2007, à 18:53
- zechris
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
je prends un peu le post en cours mais c'etait juste pour vous dire que j'etais un accroc de NewsBinPro que j'utilisais avec wine , mais maintenant j'utilise plutot Klibido (qui a deja été cité sur ce post) qui est vraiment très bien. Pour la réparation des par2 : par2repair.
@+ !
et vive les news binaires
kubuntu Natty
Hors ligne
#60 Le 23/04/2007, à 19:41
- jimble
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
C'est vrai que Klibido est très bien, mais Hellanzb à l'avantage de télécharger, vérifier, réparer si besoin et décompresser les archives sans intervention de ta part. C'est très pratique, de plus en ligne de commande c'est plus fun
Debian GNU/Linux unstable Sid -- Ubuntu GNU/Linux 8.04 Hardy Heron
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#61 Le 23/04/2007, à 22:47
- zechris
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
je ne connaissais pas du tout et comme je ne suis pas réfractaire a la ligne de commande je testerais ca ..! merci pour l'info !
kubuntu Natty
Hors ligne
#62 Le 06/05/2007, à 15:26
- unfalkster
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
Pour répondre au sujet initial du post : grabit sous wine : pour moi, la dernière version de grabit (1.7.0) ne marche pas bien (edgy) , alors que la 1.6.2b va mieux ! Avis à ceux qui ont le même problème... Mais je pense tout de même passer à klibido ou Hellanzb...
#63 Le 12/05/2007, à 06:00
- Neolux
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
Juste pour info, j'avais reussis a faire tourner Newsleecher 3.9 beta dans Wine (sous opensuse)
Mais il y avait quelque porbléme; par exemple je ne pouvais pas utiliser le super search. Donc je vais aller sous Ubuntu feisty fawn et je vais essayer.
je vous tien au courrant.
Juste un question, est ce que le faite d'utiliser wine peut diminuer le debit de download ?
Merci de vos reponse.
Hors ligne
#64 Le 15/05/2007, à 15:05
- xtinoux
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
bonjour a tous,
je viens d''installer hellaznb, il marche trés bien merci au tuto, mais maintenant j'aimerais installer Zussaweb ou Hellahella pour pouvoir facilement controler tous ça a partir du reseaux local. Et c'est la que les probleme commence j'arrive a faire ni l'un ni l'autre
Zussaweb me met : Fault: Code: 5 Reason 'Connect error: Connection refused (111)'
Hellahella , ben la j'arrive pas a comprendre comment il marche . Alors si quelqu'un peut me donner un coup de main se serait vraiment sympa
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#65 Le 16/05/2007, à 16:43
- xtinoux
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
bon apres une journée de bidouille;
En ayant lancer Hellahella, j'en suis a acceder a une page blanche.
bon c'est deja pas mal mais j'aimerais bien arrive a un truc un peu plus utile .
Allez si quelqu'un a deja eu ce probleme, un peu d'aide me ferait du bien...
merci d'avance.
Hors ligne
#66 Le 26/05/2007, à 19:17
- pelvis
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
j ai installé hell, mais le pb que j ai c est je ne sais pas ou mettre le fichier nzb ni comment le faire
peux tu m aider ? dans damon queue? oui mais comment ?
merci d avance
p s j ai suivi le tuto de la doc
pentium iv 2.6 nvidia 6200 agp tv ubuntu intrepid depuis quelques jours
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#67 Le 27/05/2007, à 08:43
- alain13
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
simplement en faisant un copier coller dans dossier nzb/daemon queue et ensuite tu vas dans le terminale et tu tape hellanzb.py
en esperant t avoir aidé
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#68 Le 29/05/2007, à 12:49
- pelvis
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
merci pour t a réponse , j ai mis un fichier .nzb dans le daemonqueue , mais maintenat le pb c quand je lance hellanzb j ai ceci :
nawfal@nawfal-desktop:~$ hellanzb.py
hellanzb v0.13 (config = /usr/etc/hellanzb.conf)
(n_aw_f_a_l) Opening 4 connections...
hellanzb - Now monitoring queue...
Resuming: monfichier
Parsing: monfichier.nzb...
Parsed: 1 files (5 posts), 2.8MB
Queued: 2.8MB
[Total] 0.0KB/s, 2 MB queued, ETA: 00:00:00
puis plus rien , je suis chez FREE , merci encore de m aider
un pb dans le conf ?
Dernière modification par pelvis (Le 29/05/2007, à 12:51)
pentium iv 2.6 nvidia 6200 agp tv ubuntu intrepid depuis quelques jours
Hors ligne
#69 Le 30/05/2007, à 08:43
- jimble
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
Relis les posts plus haut tout y est déjà expliqué, sinon vas voir dans ton dossier "usenet" s'il n'est pas déjà dl, parce que 2,8 mb ça va vite
Debian GNU/Linux unstable Sid -- Ubuntu GNU/Linux 8.04 Hardy Heron
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#70 Le 30/05/2007, à 17:17
- pelvis
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
non il n y a rien du tout
pentium iv 2.6 nvidia 6200 agp tv ubuntu intrepid depuis quelques jours
Hors ligne
#71 Le 24/06/2007, à 08:31
- orkerone
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
Si si il y a déjà eu des problèmes similaires, relis encore
Un indice : ça vient de ta connexion dans le fichier config de Hellanzb
Sinon je voulais simplement remercier Jimble, j'arrive de Windows avec GrabIt, et je suis tombé sur ton tuto, ça marche niquel ! Espérons juste qu'une interface graphique simple et le FR viennent sous peu.
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#72 Le 26/06/2007, à 16:24
- jimble
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
Merci orkerone, mais il faut rendre à César, ce qui appartient à César.
Le tuto d'origine n'est pas de moi, mais de dedel.
Sinon il y a des interfaces web pour gérer Hellanzb tu auras plus d'infos sur la page du tuto de dedel , même si je trouve qu'Hellanzb dans Tilda trés graphique
Dernière modification par jimble (Le 26/06/2007, à 16:26)
Debian GNU/Linux unstable Sid -- Ubuntu GNU/Linux 8.04 Hardy Heron
Hors ligne
#73 Le 30/06/2007, à 10:03
- pelvis
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
salut orkerone
merci piut ta réponse mais la je coince , je suis content que pour toi ça fonctionne nikel
mais moi tjrs au meme point alors je te transmet mon fichier conf , si tu peux m aider a y voir plus clair :
# hellanzb.conf - sample hellanzb configuration file
# To quickly get started, change the default defineServer() call and the
# Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR directory
# This is actually interpreted python code: strings must be surrounded by
# quotes, numbers and the 'None' keyword should not
# $Id: hellanzb.conf.sample 1057 2007-03-27 04:13:53Z pjenvey $
# Log output to this file, set to None (no single quotes) for no logging
Hellanzb.LOG_FILE = '/var/tmp/hellanzb.log'
# Uncomment this line to log DEBUG messages to the specified file
#Hellanzb.DEBUG_MODE = '/var/tmp/hellanzb-debug.log'
# Automatically roll over both log files when they reach LOG_FILE_MAX_BYTES
# size
# Save LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT of those rolled over log files
# Define server connections. Servers can have multiple hosts, hellanzb will
# persist the number of connections to each specified server. There may be
# multiple defineServer lines.
# Set both the username and password to 'None' (without the quotes) if your
# usenet server does not require authorization
defineServer(id = 'n_aw_f_a_l',
hosts = [ 'news.free.fr:119' ],
#hosts = [ 'news.changeme.com', 'morenews.changeme.com:8000' ],
username = 'None',
password = 'None',
#username = None, # no auth
#password = None,
connections = 4,
antiIdle = 4.5 * 60, # 4 minutes, 30 seconds, 0 to disable
#bindTo = '', # connect FROM this ip address
#enabled = False, # disable this server
#skipGroupCmd = False, # skip sending nntp GROUP commands
#fillserver = 0, # defaults to 0 (a main server).
# fillservers must have values > 0
# (priority)
ssl = False
# Uncomment this line to limit all server connections to the specified KB/s
# bandwidth
#Hellanzb.MAX_RATE = 150 # limit to 150kB/s
# Important locations
Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR = '/home/nawfal_ubuntu/'
# Where to put queued .nzb files
Hellanzb.QUEUE_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.queue/'
# Where the fully processed archives go
Hellanzb.DEST_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'usenet/'
# The .nzb currently being downloaded is stored here
Hellanzb.CURRENT_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.current/'
# The archive currently being downloaded is stored here
Hellanzb.WORKING_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.working/'
# Archives interrupted in the middle of downloading are stored here temporarily
Hellanzb.POSTPONED_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.postponed/'
# Archives currently being processed. May contains archive directories, or
# symbolic links to archive directories
Hellanzb.PROCESSING_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.processing/'
# Temp storage
Hellanzb.TEMP_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.temp/'
# Filename to store hellanzb state in between CTRL-Cs. The state (includes the
# order of the queue, and smart par recovery information) is intermittently
# written out as XML to this file
Hellanzb.STATE_XML_FILE = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/hellanzbState.xml'
# _Sub directory within the nzb archive dir_ to move processed files to
Hellanzb.PROCESSED_SUBDIR = 'processed'
# Remove the PROCESSED_SUBDIR if the archive was successfully post processed.
# Warning: The normal Hellanzb.LOG_FILE should be enabled with this option --
# for a record of what hellanzb deletes
# Maximum amount of memory used to cache encoded Article data segments.
# hellanzb will write article data to disk when this cache is exceeded
# Available settings:
# -1: Unlimited size
# 0: Disable cache (only cache to disk)
# >0: Limit cache to this size, in bytes, KB, MB, e.g.:
# 1024 '1024KB' '100MB' '1GB'
#Hellanzb.CACHE_LIMIT = 0
# Save archives into a sub directory of DEST_DIR named after their newzbin.com
# category (when queued using the enqueuenewzbin XMLRPC call); e.g. Apps,
# Movies, Music
# Disable SMART_PAR (download all PAR files)
#Hellanzb.SMART_PAR = False
# Supply a path to the (un)rar command
#Hellanzb.UNRAR_CMD = None
# Supply a path to the par2 command
#Hellanzb.PAR2_CMD = None
# Skip unraring during post processing
#Hellanzb.SKIP_UNRAR = False
# Supply a path to the optional macbinconv command (for converting MacBinary
# files)
#Hellanzb.MACBINCONV_CMD = None
# hellanzb inherits the umask from the current user's environment (unless it's
# running in daemon mode). The umask can be forced with this option
#Hellanzb.UMASK = 0022
# Supported music types (case insensitive) and optionally their decompression
# executables
# and the file type that executable will decompress to (case insensitive). The
# exes must be in the PATH.
# <FILE> will be replaced with the name of music file
# optional <DESTFILE> is <FILE> with the specified extension
# None means these files don't need to be decompressed
defineMusicType('wav', None, None)
defineMusicType('mp3', None, None)
#defineMusicType('ape', 'mac <FILE> <DESTFILE> -d', 'wav')
#defineMusicType('flac', 'flac -d -- <FILE>', 'wav')
#defineMusicType('shn', 'shorten -x < <FILE> > <DESTFILE>', 'wav')
# Max files we should decompress at the same time
# Enable Mac OS X Growl notifications
Hellanzb.GROWL_NOTIFY = False
# The growl notification server, in the format 'hostname'
Hellanzb.GROWL_SERVER = 'IP'
# The growl password
Hellanzb.GROWL_PASSWORD = 'password'
# Enable libNotify Daemon notifications
# Disable ANSI color codes in the main screen (preserves the in place scroller)
#Hellanzb.DISABLE_COLORS = False
# Disable ALL ANSI color codes in the main screen (for terminals that don't
# support ANY ANSI codes
#Hellanzb.DISABLE_ANSI = False
# Hostname for the XMLRPC client to connect to. By default, localhost
Hellanzb.XMLRPC_SERVER = 'localhost'
# Port number the XML RPC server will listen on, and the client will connect to.
# Set to 'None' (without the quotes!) for no XML RPC server
Hellanzb.XMLRPC_PORT = 8760
# Password for the XML RPC server. You might probably never use this, but the
# command line XML RPC calls do -- it should definitely be changed from its
# default value. The XML RPC username is hardcoded as 'hellanzb' -- E.g. URL:
# http://hellanzb:changeme@localhost:8760
Hellanzb.XMLRPC_PASSWORD = 'changeme'
# Username/Password to http://www.newzbin.com for automatic NZB downloading
# If any of the following file types are missing from the archive and cannot be
# repaired, continue processing because they're unimportant (case insensitive)
Hellanzb.NOT_REQUIRED_FILE_TYPES = [ 'log', 'm3u', 'nfo', 'nzb', 'sfv', 'txt' ]
# Don't get rid of (move into the PROCESSED dir) the following file types when
# finished post processing (case insensitive)
#Hellanzb.KEEP_FILE_TYPES = [ 'log', 'm3u', 'nfo', 'nzb', 'sfv', 'txt' ]
Hellanzb.KEEP_FILE_TYPES = [ 'nfo', 'txt' ]
# List of alternative file extensions matched as NZB files in the QUEUE_DIR.
# The 'nzb' file extension is always matched
#Hellanzb.OTHER_NZB_FILE_TYPES = [ 'xml' ]
# Support extracting NZBs from ZIP files with this suffix (case insensitive) in
# QUEUE_DIR. Defaults to '.nzb.zip'. Set to False to disable.
#Hellanzb.NZB_ZIPS = '.nzb.zip'
# Support extracting NZBs from GZIP files with this suffix (case insensitive)
# in QUEUE_DIR. Defaults to '.nzb.gz'. Set to False to disable.
#Hellanzb.NZB_GZIPS = '.nzb.gz'
# Delay enqueueing new, recently modified NZB files added to the QUEUE_DIR until
# this many seconds have passed since the NZB's last modification time (defaults
# to 10 seconds)
#Hellanzb.NZBQUEUE_MDELAY = 10
# Optional external handler script. hellanzb will run this script after post
# processing an archive, with the following arguments:
# handler_script type archiveName destDir elapsedTime parMessage
# type: post processing result, either 'SUCCESS' or 'ERROR'
# archiveName: name of the archive, e.g. 'Usenet_Post5'
# destDir: where the archive ended up, e.g. '/ext2/usenet/Usenet_Post5'
# elapsedTime: a pretty string showing how long post processing took, e.g.
# '10m 37s'
# parMessage: optional post processing message. e.g. '(No Pars)'
#Hellanzb.EXTERNAL_HANDLER_SCRIPT = '~/bin/post_hellanzb.sh'
en attandant ta réponse
pentium iv 2.6 nvidia 6200 agp tv ubuntu intrepid depuis quelques jours
Hors ligne
#74 Le 30/06/2007, à 10:05
- pelvis
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
salut orkerone
merci pour ta réponse mais la je coince , je suis content que pour toi ça fonctionne nikel
mais moi tjrs au meme point alors je te transmet mon fichier conf , si tu peux m aider a y voir plus clair :
# hellanzb.conf - sample hellanzb configuration file
# To quickly get started, change the default defineServer() call and the
# Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR directory
# This is actually interpreted python code: strings must be surrounded by
# quotes, numbers and the 'None' keyword should not
# $Id: hellanzb.conf.sample 1057 2007-03-27 04:13:53Z pjenvey $
# Log output to this file, set to None (no single quotes) for no logging
Hellanzb.LOG_FILE = '/var/tmp/hellanzb.log'
# Uncomment this line to log DEBUG messages to the specified file
#Hellanzb.DEBUG_MODE = '/var/tmp/hellanzb-debug.log'
# Automatically roll over both log files when they reach LOG_FILE_MAX_BYTES
# size
# Save LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT of those rolled over log files
# Define server connections. Servers can have multiple hosts, hellanzb will
# persist the number of connections to each specified server. There may be
# multiple defineServer lines.
# Set both the username and password to 'None' (without the quotes) if your
# usenet server does not require authorization
defineServer(id = 'n_aw_f_a_l',
hosts = [ 'news.free.fr:119' ],
#hosts = [ 'news.changeme.com', 'morenews.changeme.com:8000' ],
username = 'None',
password = 'None',
#username = None, # no auth
#password = None,
connections = 4,
antiIdle = 4.5 * 60, # 4 minutes, 30 seconds, 0 to disable
#bindTo = '', # connect FROM this ip address
#enabled = False, # disable this server
#skipGroupCmd = False, # skip sending nntp GROUP commands
#fillserver = 0, # defaults to 0 (a main server).
# fillservers must have values > 0
# (priority)
ssl = False
# Uncomment this line to limit all server connections to the specified KB/s
# bandwidth
#Hellanzb.MAX_RATE = 150 # limit to 150kB/s
# Important locations
Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR = '/home/nawfal_ubuntu/'
# Where to put queued .nzb files
Hellanzb.QUEUE_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.queue/'
# Where the fully processed archives go
Hellanzb.DEST_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'usenet/'
# The .nzb currently being downloaded is stored here
Hellanzb.CURRENT_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.current/'
# The archive currently being downloaded is stored here
Hellanzb.WORKING_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.working/'
# Archives interrupted in the middle of downloading are stored here temporarily
Hellanzb.POSTPONED_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.postponed/'
# Archives currently being processed. May contains archive directories, or
# symbolic links to archive directories
Hellanzb.PROCESSING_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.processing/'
# Temp storage
Hellanzb.TEMP_DIR = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.temp/'
# Filename to store hellanzb state in between CTRL-Cs. The state (includes the
# order of the queue, and smart par recovery information) is intermittently
# written out as XML to this file
Hellanzb.STATE_XML_FILE = Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/hellanzbState.xml'
# _Sub directory within the nzb archive dir_ to move processed files to
Hellanzb.PROCESSED_SUBDIR = 'processed'
# Remove the PROCESSED_SUBDIR if the archive was successfully post processed.
# Warning: The normal Hellanzb.LOG_FILE should be enabled with this option --
# for a record of what hellanzb deletes
# Maximum amount of memory used to cache encoded Article data segments.
# hellanzb will write article data to disk when this cache is exceeded
# Available settings:
# -1: Unlimited size
# 0: Disable cache (only cache to disk)
# >0: Limit cache to this size, in bytes, KB, MB, e.g.:
# 1024 '1024KB' '100MB' '1GB'
#Hellanzb.CACHE_LIMIT = 0
# Save archives into a sub directory of DEST_DIR named after their newzbin.com
# category (when queued using the enqueuenewzbin XMLRPC call); e.g. Apps,
# Movies, Music
# Disable SMART_PAR (download all PAR files)
#Hellanzb.SMART_PAR = False
# Supply a path to the (un)rar command
#Hellanzb.UNRAR_CMD = None
# Supply a path to the par2 command
#Hellanzb.PAR2_CMD = None
# Skip unraring during post processing
#Hellanzb.SKIP_UNRAR = False
# Supply a path to the optional macbinconv command (for converting MacBinary
# files)
#Hellanzb.MACBINCONV_CMD = None
# hellanzb inherits the umask from the current user's environment (unless it's
# running in daemon mode). The umask can be forced with this option
#Hellanzb.UMASK = 0022
# Supported music types (case insensitive) and optionally their decompression
# executables
# and the file type that executable will decompress to (case insensitive). The
# exes must be in the PATH.
# <FILE> will be replaced with the name of music file
# optional <DESTFILE> is <FILE> with the specified extension
# None means these files don't need to be decompressed
defineMusicType('wav', None, None)
defineMusicType('mp3', None, None)
#defineMusicType('ape', 'mac <FILE> <DESTFILE> -d', 'wav')
#defineMusicType('flac', 'flac -d -- <FILE>', 'wav')
#defineMusicType('shn', 'shorten -x < <FILE> > <DESTFILE>', 'wav')
# Max files we should decompress at the same time
# Enable Mac OS X Growl notifications
Hellanzb.GROWL_NOTIFY = False
# The growl notification server, in the format 'hostname'
Hellanzb.GROWL_SERVER = 'IP'
# The growl password
Hellanzb.GROWL_PASSWORD = 'password'
# Enable libNotify Daemon notifications
# Disable ANSI color codes in the main screen (preserves the in place scroller)
#Hellanzb.DISABLE_COLORS = False
# Disable ALL ANSI color codes in the main screen (for terminals that don't
# support ANY ANSI codes
#Hellanzb.DISABLE_ANSI = False
# Hostname for the XMLRPC client to connect to. By default, localhost
Hellanzb.XMLRPC_SERVER = 'localhost'
# Port number the XML RPC server will listen on, and the client will connect to.
# Set to 'None' (without the quotes!) for no XML RPC server
Hellanzb.XMLRPC_PORT = 8760
# Password for the XML RPC server. You might probably never use this, but the
# command line XML RPC calls do -- it should definitely be changed from its
# default value. The XML RPC username is hardcoded as 'hellanzb' -- E.g. URL:
# http://hellanzb:changeme@localhost:8760
Hellanzb.XMLRPC_PASSWORD = 'changeme'
# Username/Password to http://www.newzbin.com for automatic NZB downloading
# If any of the following file types are missing from the archive and cannot be
# repaired, continue processing because they're unimportant (case insensitive)
Hellanzb.NOT_REQUIRED_FILE_TYPES = [ 'log', 'm3u', 'nfo', 'nzb', 'sfv', 'txt' ]
# Don't get rid of (move into the PROCESSED dir) the following file types when
# finished post processing (case insensitive)
#Hellanzb.KEEP_FILE_TYPES = [ 'log', 'm3u', 'nfo', 'nzb', 'sfv', 'txt' ]
Hellanzb.KEEP_FILE_TYPES = [ 'nfo', 'txt' ]
# List of alternative file extensions matched as NZB files in the QUEUE_DIR.
# The 'nzb' file extension is always matched
#Hellanzb.OTHER_NZB_FILE_TYPES = [ 'xml' ]
# Support extracting NZBs from ZIP files with this suffix (case insensitive) in
# QUEUE_DIR. Defaults to '.nzb.zip'. Set to False to disable.
#Hellanzb.NZB_ZIPS = '.nzb.zip'
# Support extracting NZBs from GZIP files with this suffix (case insensitive)
# in QUEUE_DIR. Defaults to '.nzb.gz'. Set to False to disable.
#Hellanzb.NZB_GZIPS = '.nzb.gz'
# Delay enqueueing new, recently modified NZB files added to the QUEUE_DIR until
# this many seconds have passed since the NZB's last modification time (defaults
# to 10 seconds)
#Hellanzb.NZBQUEUE_MDELAY = 10
# Optional external handler script. hellanzb will run this script after post
# processing an archive, with the following arguments:
# handler_script type archiveName destDir elapsedTime parMessage
# type: post processing result, either 'SUCCESS' or 'ERROR'
# archiveName: name of the archive, e.g. 'Usenet_Post5'
# destDir: where the archive ended up, e.g. '/ext2/usenet/Usenet_Post5'
# elapsedTime: a pretty string showing how long post processing took, e.g.
# '10m 37s'
# parMessage: optional post processing message. e.g. '(No Pars)'
#Hellanzb.EXTERNAL_HANDLER_SCRIPT = '~/bin/post_hellanzb.sh'
en attandant ta réponse
pentium iv 2.6 nvidia 6200 agp tv ubuntu intrepid depuis quelques jours
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#75 Le 30/06/2007, à 10:12
- jimble
Re : TUTO comment utiliser GraBit sous linux
Regarde le post #52 et essai en retirant les guillemets
username = None, et pas 'changeme',
password = None, et pas 'hella',
Debian GNU/Linux unstable Sid -- Ubuntu GNU/Linux 8.04 Hardy Heron
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