#26 Le 10/04/2020, à 12:44
- ylag
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Le retour du #23 pour les sources me semble correct.
Dernière modification par ylag (Le 10/04/2020, à 12:45)
Hors ligne
#27 Le 10/04/2020, à 12:49
- xubu1957
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Si l'on ferme les yeux sur les traces des oneiric, precise, trusty et xenial.
Conseils pour les nouveaux demandeurs et pas qu'eux
Important : Pensez à passer vos sujets en [Réso|u] lorsque ceux-ci le sont, au début du titre en cliquant sur Modifier sous le premier message, et un bref récapitulatif de la solution à la fin de celui-ci. Merci. Membre de Linux-Azur
Hors ligne
#28 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:02
- ylag
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Ce sont toutes des lignes commentées, mais ça indique un système qui serait passé par plusieurs mises à niveau; mon idée perso serait une réinstall propre de la 18.04 sans même conserver le vieux /home (toujours sauvegarder ses données, bien sûr.).
Le retour du #22 me semble un beau fouillis qui pourraît s'avérer difficile à nettoyer...
Mais attendons de voir l'avis de plus calés que moi en la matière.
Dernière modification par ylag (Le 10/04/2020, à 13:05)
Hors ligne
#29 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:02
- xubu1957
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Fournis les noyaux présents :
echo; dpkg -l | grep -Ei "linux-(g|h|i|lo|mo|si|t)" | grep -v ^rc | sort -k3 | awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4}' | column -s" " -t ; echo ; uname -mr
et :
dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii
Conseils pour les nouveaux demandeurs et pas qu'eux
Important : Pensez à passer vos sujets en [Réso|u] lorsque ceux-ci le sont, au début du titre en cliquant sur Modifier sous le premier message, et un bref récapitulatif de la solution à la fin de celui-ci. Merci. Membre de Linux-Azur
Hors ligne
#30 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:03
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
je ne pensais pas avoir autant de dysfonctionnement .... merci beaucoup pour votre aide et réactivité !
-desktop:~$ sudo apt update
[sudo] Mot de passe de :
Réception de :1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease [88,7 kB]
Réception de :2 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/main i386 DEP-11 Metadata [38,7 kB]
Réception de :3 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/universe i386 DEP-11 Metadata [42,1 kB]
Réception de :4 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/multiverse i386 DEP-11 Metadata [2464 B]
Atteint :5 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease
Réception de :6 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease [88,7 kB]
Réception de :7 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports InRelease [74,6 kB]
Réception de :8 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main i386 DEP-11 Metadata [307 kB]
Réception de :9 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/universe i386 DEP-11 Metadata [273 kB]
Réception de :10 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/multiverse i386 DEP-11 Metadata [2468 B]
Réception de :11 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports/universe i386 DEP-11 Metadata [7972 B]
926 ko réceptionnés en 2s (428 ko/s)
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Hors ligne
#31 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:07
- ylag
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Les mises à jour se passent bien; peut-être alors tenter la seconde commande du commentaire #24:
sudo apt install libpulse-mainloop-glib0=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 libpulse0=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 libpulsedsp=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 pulseaudio-utils=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 pulseaudio=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4
Dernière modification par ylag (Le 10/04/2020, à 13:08)
Hors ligne
#32 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:08
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
-desktop:~$ sudo apt install libpulse-mainloop-glib0=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 libpulse0=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 libpulsedsp=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 pulseaudio-utils=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 pulseaudio=1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4
[sudo] Mot de passe de :
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Paquets suggérés :
pavumeter paman paprefs
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
Les paquets suivants seront mis à une VERSION INFÉRIEURE :
libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libpulse0 libpulsedsp pulseaudio-utils
0 mis à jour, 1 nouvellement installés, 4 remis à une version inférieure, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 389 ko/1172 ko dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 4170 ko d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer ? [O/n] o
Réception de :1 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main i386 libpulsedsp i386 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 [33,4 kB]
Réception de :2 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main i386 pulseaudio-utils i386 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 [63,7 kB]
Réception de :3 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main i386 libpulse-mainloop-glib0 i386 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 [22,5 kB]
Réception de :4 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main i386 libpulse0 i386 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4 [270 kB]
389 ko réceptionnés en 1s (744 ko/s)
dpkg: avertissement: dégradation (« downgrade ») de libpulsedsp:i386 depuis 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5 vers 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4
(Lecture de la base de données... 284078 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../libpulsedsp_1%3a11.1-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb ...
Dépaquetage de libpulsedsp:i386 (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) sur (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5) ...
dpkg: avertissement: dégradation (« downgrade ») de pulseaudio-utils depuis 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5 vers 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../pulseaudio-utils_1%3a11.1-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb ...
Dépaquetage de pulseaudio-utils (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) sur (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5) ...
dpkg: avertissement: dégradation (« downgrade ») de libpulse-mainloop-glib0:i386 depuis 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5 vers 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../libpulse-mainloop-glib0_1%3a11.1-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb ...
Dépaquetage de libpulse-mainloop-glib0:i386 (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) sur (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5) ...
dpkg: avertissement: dégradation (« downgrade ») de libpulse0:i386 depuis 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5 vers 1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../libpulse0_1%3a11.1-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb ...
Dépaquetage de libpulse0:i386 (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) sur (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.5) ...
Sélection du paquet pulseaudio précédemment désélectionné.
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../pulseaudio_1%3a11.1-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb ...
Dépaquetage de pulseaudio (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) ...
Paramétrage de libpulse0:i386 (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) ...
Paramétrage de libpulse-mainloop-glib0:i386 (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) ...
Paramétrage de libpulsedsp:i386 (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) ...
Paramétrage de pulseaudio-utils (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) ...
Paramétrage de pulseaudio (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.4) ...
Ajout de l'utilisateur pulse au groupe audio
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour man-db (2.8.3-2ubuntu0.1) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour dbus (1.12.2-1ubuntu1.1) ...
Traitement des actions différées (« triggers ») pour libc-bin (2.27-3ubuntu1) ...
Hors ligne
#33 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:10
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
-desktop:~$ echo; dpkg -l | grep -Ei "linux-(g|h|i|lo|mo|si|t)" | grep -v ^rc | sort -k3 | awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4}' | column -s" " -t ; echo ; uname -mr
ii binutils-i686-linux-gnu 2.30-21ubuntu1~18.04.2 i386
ii linux-headers-3.0.0-12 3.0.0-12.20 all
ii linux-headers-3.0.0-12-generic 3.0.0-12.20 i386
ii linux-image-3.0.0-12-generic 3.0.0-12.20 i386
ii linux-image-3.2.0-107-generic-pae 3.2.0-107.148 i386
ii linux-headers-4.15.0-96 4.15.0-96.97 all
ii linux-modules-4.15.0-96-generic 4.15.0-96.97 i386
ii linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-96-generic 4.15.0-96.97 i386
ii linux-headers-4.15.0-96-generic 4.15.0-96.97 i386
ii linux-image-4.15.0-96-generic 4.15.0-96.97 i386
ii linux-generic i386
ii linux-headers-generic i386
ii linux-image-generic i386
ii linux-headers-4.15.0-97 4.15.0-97.98 all
ii linux-modules-4.15.0-97-generic 4.15.0-97.98 i386
ii linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-97-generic 4.15.0-97.98 i386
ii linux-headers-4.15.0-97-generic 4.15.0-97.98 i386
ii linux-image-4.15.0-97-generic 4.15.0-97.98 i386
4.15.0-97-generic i686
Hors ligne
#34 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:10
- ylag
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Bien, le #32 indique que ça s'est bien passé. Fait les commandes de @xubu1957 du commentaire #29
Dernière modification par ylag (Le 10/04/2020, à 13:12)
Hors ligne
#35 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:11
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
-desktop:~$ dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii
Souhait=inconnU/Installé/suppRimé/Purgé/H=à garder
| État=Non/Installé/fichier-Config/dépaqUeté/échec-conFig/H=semi-installé/W=attend-traitement-déclenchements
|/ Err?=(aucune)/besoin Réinstallation (État,Err: majuscule=mauvais)
||/ Nom Version Architecture Description
rc account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1 all GNOME Control Center account plugin for single signon - facebook
rc account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1 all GNOME Control Center account plugin for single signon
rc account-plugin-identica 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1 all GNOME Control Center account plugin for single signon - identica
rc account-plugin-twitter 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1 all GNOME Control Center account plugin for single signon - twitter
rc appmenu-gtk:i386 0.3.92-0ubuntu1.1 i386 Export GTK menus over DBus
rc appmenu-gtk3:i386 0.3.92-0ubuntu1.1 i386 Export GTK menus over DBus
rc appmenu-qt5 0.3.0+16.04.20170216-0ubuntu1 i386 application menu for Qt5
rc cgmanager 0.39-2ubuntu5 i386 Central cgroup manager daemon
rc checkbox-gtk 0.13.10 all GTK interface for checkbox
rc defoma 0.11.12ubuntu1 all Debian Font Manager -- automatic font configuration framework
rc fonts-droid 1:4.3-3ubuntu1.2 all handheld device font with extensive style and language support
rc fonts-unfonts-core 1:1.0.2-080608-14 all Un series Korean TrueType fonts
rc fonts-wqy-microhei 0.2.0-beta-3 all Sans-serif style CJK font derived from Droid
rc foomatic-filters 4.0.16-0ubuntu0.4 i386 OpenPrinting printer support - filters
rc fuse-utils 2.8.6-2ubuntu2.1 all Filesystem in Userspace (transitional package)
rc gksu 2.0.2-9ubuntu1 i386 graphical front-end to su and sudo
rc gnome-games-common 1:3.2.0-0ubuntu1 all data files for the GNOME games
rc gnome-media 3.4.0-1ubuntu2 i386 GNOME media utilities
rc gs-cjk-resource 1.20100103-3 all Resource files for gs-cjk, ghostscript CJK-TrueType extension
rc guile-1.8-libs 1.8.8+1-10ubuntu1 i386 Core Guile libraries
rc gwibber 3.4.2-0ubuntu2.4 i386 Open source social networking client for GNOME
rc im-switch 1.20ubuntu5.2 all Input method switch framework
rc initscripts 2.88dsf-59.3ubuntu2 i386 scripts for initializing and shutting down the system
rc insserv 1.14.0-5ubuntu3 i386 boot sequence organizer using LSB init.d script dependency information
rc jockey-common 0.9.7-0ubuntu7.16 all user interface and desktop integration for driver management
rc jockey-gtk 0.9.7-0ubuntu7.16 all GNOME user interface and desktop integration for driver management
rc k3b 2.0.2-7ubuntu1 i386 Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application
rc k3b-data 2.0.2-7ubuntu1 all Sophisticated CD/DVD burning application - data files
rc kerneloops-daemon 0.12+git20140509-2ubuntu1 i386 kernel oops tracker
rc kio 5.44.0-0ubuntu1 i386 Resource and network access abstraction
rc language-pack-kde-fr-base 1:12.04+20140106 all KDE translations for language French
rc libapt-inst1.4:i386 0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.27 i386 deb package format runtime library
rc libapt-inst1.5:i386 1.0.1ubuntu2.14 i386 deb package format runtime library
rc libapt-pkg4.12:i386 1.0.1ubuntu2.14 i386 package management runtime library
rc libarchive12:i386 3.0.3-6ubuntu1.3 i386 Multi-format archive and compression library (shared library)
rc libatkmm-1.6-1:i386 2.22.7-2ubuntu1 i386 C++ wrappers for ATK accessibility toolkit (shared libraries)
rc libattica0.3 0.3.0-0ubuntu2 i386 a Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API
rc libbaloocore4 4:4.14.3-0ubuntu5 i386 Core funcationality for Baloo
rc libbaloofiles4 4:4.14.3-0ubuntu5 i386 Files funcationality for Baloo
rc libbalooxapian4 4:4.14.3-0ubuntu5 i386 Xapian funcationality for Baloo
rc libbamf0:i386 0.2.126-0ubuntu1 i386 Window matching library - shared library
rc libbamf3-0:i386 0.2.126-0ubuntu1 i386 Window matching library - shared library
rc libbind9-80 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.16 i386 BIND9 Shared Library used by BIND
rc libbind9-90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8 i386 BIND9 Shared Library used by BIND
rc libboost-date-time1.54.0:i386 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1 i386 set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts
rc libboost-serialization1.46.1 1.46.1-7ubuntu3 i386 serialization library for C++
rc libboost-system1.54.0:i386 1.54.0-4ubuntu3.1 i386 Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library
rc libbrlapi0.5 4.3-1ubuntu5 i386 braille display access via BRLTTY - shared library
rc libcairomm-1.0-1:i386 1.10.0-1ubuntu3 i386 C++ wrappers for Cairo (shared libraries)
rc libcamel-1.2-29 3.2.3-0ubuntu7.2 i386 Evolution MIME message handling library
rc libcamel-1.2-45 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.5 i386 Evolution MIME message handling library
rc libcdr-0.0-0 0.0.15-1ubuntu1 i386 library for reading and converting Corel DRAW files
rc libcdt4 2.26.3-10ubuntu1.2 i386 rich set of graph drawing tools - cdt library
rc libcheese-gtk23:i386 3.10.2-0ubuntu2 i386 tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets
rc libcheese7:i386 3.10.2-0ubuntu2 i386 tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - base library
rc libclucene-contribs1:i386 i386 language specific text analyzers (runtime)
rc libclucene-core1:i386 i386 core library for full-featured text search engine (runtime)
rc libclucene0ldbl 0.9.21b-2 i386 library for full-featured text search engine (runtime)
rc libcmis-0.2-0 0.1.0-1 i386 CMIS protocol client library
rc libcmis-0.4-4 0.4.1-3ubuntu4 i386 CMIS protocol client library
rc libcogl-pango15:i386 1.16.2-1 i386 Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
rc libcogl15:i386 1.16.2-1 i386 Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
rc libcolamd2.7.1 1:3.4.0-2ubuntu3 i386 column approximate minimum degree ordering library for sparse matrices
rc libcolamd2.8.0:i386 1:4.2.1-3ubuntu1 i386 column approximate minimum degree ordering library for sparse matrices
rc libcolord1:i386 1.0.6-1 i386 system service to manage device colour profiles -- runtime
rc libcolorhug1:i386 1.0.6-1 i386 library to access the ColorHug colourimeter -- runtime
rc libcolumbus1:i386 1.1.0+14.04.20140325.3-0ubuntu1 i386 error tolerant matching engine - shared library
rc libcupsdriver1:i386 1.5.3-0ubuntu8.7 i386 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Driver library
rc libcurl3-nss:i386 7.35.0-1ubuntu2.8 i386 easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (NSS flavour)
rc libdb5.1:i386 5.1.29-7ubuntu1 i386 Berkeley v5.1 Database Libraries [runtime]
rc libdconf-dbus-1-0:i386 0.24.0-2 i386 simple configuration storage system - D-Bus library
rc libdconf-qt0 i386 dconf Qt bindings (library)
rc libdconf0:i386 0.12.0-0ubuntu1.1 i386 simple configuration storage system - runtime library
rc libdee-qt5-3:i386 3.3+14.04.20140317-0ubuntu1 i386 Qt5 binding for Dee - shared library
rc libdiscid0:i386 0.6.1-2 i386 library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs
rc libdns100 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8 i386 DNS Shared Library used by BIND
rc libdns81 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.16 i386 DNS Shared Library used by BIND
rc libdotconf1.0 1.0.13-3 i386 Configuration file parser library - runtime files
rc libdouble-conversion1v5:i386 2.0.1-3ubuntu2 i386 routines to convert IEEE floats to and from strings
rc libdrm-nouveau1a:i386 2.4.52-1~precise2 i386 Userspace interface to nouveau-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime
rc libebackend-1.2-1 3.2.3-0ubuntu7.2 i386 Utility library for evolution data servers
rc libebackend-1.2-7 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.5 i386 Utility library for evolution data servers
rc libebook-1.2-12 3.2.3-0ubuntu7.2 i386 Client library for evolution address books
rc libebook-1.2-14 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.5 i386 Client library for evolution address books
rc libebook-contacts-1.2-0 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.5 i386 Client library for evolution contacts books
rc libebook1.2-12 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 i386 Client library for evolution address books
rc libecal-1.2-10 3.2.3-0ubuntu7.2 i386 Client library for evolution calendars
rc libecal-1.2-16 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.5 i386 Client library for evolution calendars
rc libecal1.2-10 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 i386 Client library for evolution calendars
rc libedata-book-1.2-11 3.2.3-0ubuntu7.2 i386 Backend library for evolution address books
rc libedata-book-1.2-20 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.5 i386 Backend library for evolution address books
rc libedata-cal-1.2-13 3.2.3-0ubuntu7.2 i386 Backend library for evolution calendars
rc libedata-cal-1.2-23 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.5 i386 Backend library for evolution calendars
rc libedataserver-1.2-15 3.2.3-0ubuntu7.2 i386 Utility library for evolution data servers
rc libedataserver-1.2-18 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.5 i386 Utility library for evolution data servers
rc libedataserver1.2-15 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 i386 Utility library for evolution data servers
rc libedataserverui-3.0-1 3.2.3-0ubuntu7.2 i386 GUI utility library for evolution data servers
rc libelfg0:i386 0.8.13-5 i386 an ELF object file access library
rc libepub0 0.2.2-4build1 i386 library to work with the EPUB file format - runtime library
rc libevince3-3 3.4.0-0ubuntu1.8 i386 Document (PostScript, PDF) rendering library
rc libexiv2-11 0.22-2 i386 EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation library
rc libexiv2-12 0.23-1ubuntu2 i386 EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation library
rc libexttextcat0 3.2.0-1ubuntu1 i386 Language detection library
rc libfarstream-0.1-0:i386 0.1.2-3ubuntu1 i386 Audio/Video communications framework: core library
rc libfarstream-0.2-2:i386 0.2.3-1ubuntu2 i386 Audio/Video communications framework: core library
rc libflac++6:i386 1.3.0-2ubuntu0.14.04.1 i386 Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ runtime library
rc libfreerdp1:i386 1.0.2-2ubuntu1 i386 RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (library)
rc libfriends0:i386 0.1.2+14.04.20131108.1-0ubuntu1 i386 Provides an API for accessing social networks
rc libgcrypt11:i386 1.5.3-2ubuntu4.4 i386 LGPL Crypto library - runtime library
rc libgd2-xpm:i386 2.0.36~rc1~dfsg-6ubuntu2.2 i386 GD Graphics Library version 2
rc libgdata13 0.14.1-1 i386 Library for accessing GData webservices - shared libraries
rc libgdu-gtk0:i386 3.0.2-2ubuntu7 i386 GTK+ standard dialog library for libgdu
rc libgdu0:i386 3.0.2-2ubuntu7 i386 GObject based Disk Utility Library
rc libgexiv2-1 0.4.1-1build1 i386 GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
rc libgif4:i386 4.1.6-11 i386 library for GIF images (library)
rc libglamor0:i386 0.6.0-0ubuntu4 i386 shared graphics acceleration library based on OpenGL
rc libglew1.10:i386 1.10.0-3 i386 OpenGL Extension Wrangler - runtime environment
rc libglew1.6:i386 1.6.0-4 i386 OpenGL Extension Wrangler - runtime environment
rc libglewmx1.10:i386 1.10.0-3 i386 OpenGL Extension Wrangler (Multiple Rendering Contexts)
rc libglewmx1.6:i386 1.6.0-4 i386 OpenGL Extension Wrangler - runtime environment
rc libglibmm-2.4-1c2a:i386 2.39.93-0ubuntu1 i386 C++ wrapper for the GLib toolkit (shared libraries)
rc libgnome-bluetooth11 i386 GNOME Bluetooth tools - support library
rc libgnome-bluetooth8 3.2.2-0ubuntu5.1 i386 GNOME Bluetooth tools - support library
rc libgnome-control-center1 1:3.6.3-0ubuntu56.1 i386 utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
rc libgnome-desktop-3-2 3.4.2-0ubuntu0.2 i386 Utility library for loading .desktop files - runtime files
rc libgnome-desktop-3-7 3.8.4-0ubuntu3.2 i386 Utility library for loading .desktop files - runtime files
rc libgnome-media-profiles-3.0-0 3.0.0-1ubuntu2 i386 GNOME Media Profiles library
rc libgnome-menu2 3.0.1-0ubuntu9 i386 GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
rc libgnomekbd7 i386 GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - shared library
rc libgnutls26:i386 2.12.23-12ubuntu2.5 i386 GNU TLS library - runtime library
rc libgoa-1.0-0:i386 3.4.0-0ubuntu1.1 i386 library for GNOME Online Accounts
rc libgphoto2-2:i386 2.4.13-1ubuntu1.2 i386 gphoto2 digital camera library
rc libgphoto2-port0:i386 2.4.13-1ubuntu1.2 i386 gphoto2 digital camera port library
rc libgphoto2-port10:i386 i386 gphoto2 digital camera port library
rc libgrail5 3.0.6-0ubuntu0.12.04.01 i386 Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library
rc libgraph4 2.26.3-10ubuntu1.2 i386 rich set of graph drawing tools - graph library
rc libgrip0 0.3.9+15.10.20150729-0ubuntu1 i386 multitouch gestures for GTK+ apps
rc libgstfarsight0.10-0 0.0.29-1ubuntu1 i386 Audio/Video communications framework: core library
rc libgstreamer0.10-0:i386 0.10.36-1.5ubuntu1 i386 Core GStreamer libraries and elements
rc libgtkmm-3.0-1:i386 3.10.1-0ubuntu2 i386 C++ wrappers for GTK+ (shared libraries)
rc libgtksourceview-3.0-0:i386 3.4.2-0ubuntu1 i386 shared libraries for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget
rc libgtkspell-3-0 3.0.0~hg20110814-1 i386 spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView widget
rc libgtop2-7 2.28.5-2 i386 gtop system monitoring library (shared)
rc libgvc5 2.26.3-10ubuntu1.2 i386 rich set of graph drawing tools - gvc library
rc libgweather-3-0 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 i386 GWeather shared library
rc libgwibber-gtk2 3.4.2-0ubuntu2.4 i386 Gwibber GTK Widgets
rc libgwibber2 3.4.2-0ubuntu2.4 i386 Gwibber - shared library
rc libhybris 0.1.0+git20151016+6d424c9-0ubuntu7 i386 Allows to run bionic-based HW adaptations in glibc systems - libs
rc libibus-1.0-0:i386 1.4.1-3ubuntu1 i386 Intelligent Input Bus - shared library
rc libical0 0.48-1ubuntu3 i386 iCalendar library implementation in C (runtime)
rc libical1 1.0-0ubuntu1 i386 iCalendar library implementation in C (runtime)
rc libicu48 i386 International Components for Unicode
rc libicu52:i386 52.1-3ubuntu0.4 i386 International Components for Unicode
rc libidl0:i386 0.8.14-0.2ubuntu4 i386 library for parsing CORBA IDL files
rc libilmbase6:i386 1.0.1-6ubuntu1 i386 several utility libraries from ILM used by OpenEXR
rc libimobiledevice2 1.1.1-4 i386 Library for communicating with the iPhone and iPod Touch
rc libimobiledevice4:i386 1.1.5+git20140313.bafe6a9e-0ubuntu1.1 i386 Library for communicating with the iPhone and iPod Touch
rc libindicator-messages-status-provider1 0.6.0-0ubuntu2 i386 indicator status provider - shared library
rc libisc83 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.16 i386 ISC Shared Library used by BIND
rc libisc95 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8 i386 ISC Shared Library used by BIND
rc libisccc80 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.16 i386 Command Channel Library used by BIND
rc libisccc90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8 i386 Command Channel Library used by BIND
rc libisccfg82 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.16 i386 Config File Handling Library used by BIND
rc libisccfg90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8 i386 Config File Handling Library used by BIND
rc libisl10:i386 0.12.2-1 i386 manipulating sets and relations of integer points bounded by linear constraints
rc libk3b6 2.0.2-7ubuntu1 i386 KDE CD/DVD burning application library - runtime files
rc libkactivities-models1 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.2 i386 Activities models library
rc libkcddb4 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.1 i386 CDDB library for KDE Platform (runtime)
rc libkcompactdisc4 4:4.13.2-0ubuntu0.1 i386 CD drive library for KDE Platform (runtime)
rc libkf5crash5:i386 5.44.0-0ubuntu1 i386 Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps
rc libkf5dbusaddons-data 5.44.0-0ubuntu1 all class library for qtdbus
rc libkf5package-data 5.44.0-0ubuntu1 all non-binary asset management framework
rc libkf5service-data 5.44.0-0ubuntu1 all Advanced plugin and service introspection
rc libkf5sonnet5-data 5.44.0-0ubuntu1 all spell checking library for Qt, data files
rc libkf5wallet-data 5.44.0-0ubuntu1 all Secure and unified container for user passwords.
rc libkpathsea5 2009-11ubuntu2 i386 TeX Live: path search library for TeX (runtime part)
rc libkubuntu0 14.04ubuntu4 i386 library for Kubuntu platform integration
rc liblaunchpad-integration-3.0-1 i386 library for launchpad integration
rc liblaunchpad-integration1 i386 library for launchpad integration
rc liblinear1 1.8+dfsg-1ubuntu1 i386 Library for Large Linear Classification
rc libllvm2.9:i386 2.9+dfsg-3ubuntu4 i386 Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM), runtime library
rc libllvm3.0:i386 3.0-4ubuntu1 i386 Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM), runtime library
rc libllvm3.4:i386 1:3.4-1ubuntu3 i386 Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, runtime library
rc liblouis2:i386 2.5.3-2ubuntu1 i386 Braille translation library - shared libs
rc liblwres80 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.16 i386 Lightweight Resolver Library used by BIND
rc liblwres90 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.8 i386 Lightweight Resolver Library used by BIND
rc libmagickcore4 8: i386 low-level image manipulation library
rc libmagickcore5:i386 8: i386 low-level image manipulation library
rc libmagickwand4 8: i386 image manipulation library
rc libmagickwand5:i386 8: i386 image manipulation library
rc libmbim-glib0:i386 1.6.0-2ubuntu0.1 i386 Support library to use the MBIM protocol
rc libmetacity-private0 1:2.34.1-1ubuntu11 i386 library for the Metacity window manager
rc libmetacity-private0a 1:2.34.13-0ubuntu4.1 i386 library for the Metacity window manager
rc libminiupnpc8 1.6-3ubuntu2.14.04.2 i386 UPnP IGD client lightweight library
rc libmng1:i386 1.0.10-3 i386 Multiple-image Network Graphics library
rc libmpc2:i386 0.9-4 i386 multiple precision complex floating-point library
rc libmspub-0.0-0 0.0.6-1ubuntu2 i386 library for parsing the mspub file structure
rc libmusicbrainz3-6 3.0.2-2.1 i386 library to access the MusicBrainz.org database
rc libmusicbrainz5-0:i386 5.0.1-2 i386 Library to access the MusicBrainz.org database
rc libmysqlclient18:i386 5.5.50-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 i386 MySQL database client library
rc libnautilus-extension1 1:3.2.0-0ubuntu5 i386 libraries for nautilus components - runtime version
rc libnepomuk4 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.3 i386 Nepomuk Meta Data Library
rc libnepomukcleaner4 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.2 i386 Nepomuk Index Cleaner library
rc libnepomukcore4abi1 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.2 i386 Nepomuk Meta Data Library
rc libnepomukdatamanagement4 4:4.8.5-0ubuntu0.3 i386 Basic Nepomuk data manipulation interface
rc libnepomukquery4a 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.3 i386 Nepomuk Query Library for the KDE Platform
rc libnepomuksync4 4:4.8.5-0ubuntu0.3 i386 Nepomuk sync interface for the Backup and Sync service
rc libnepomukutils4 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.3 i386 Nepomuk Utility Library
rc libnettle4:i386 2.7.1-1ubuntu0.1 i386 low level cryptographic library (symmetric and one-way cryptos)
rc libnux-1.0-0 1.14.0-0ubuntu1 i386 Visual rendering toolkit for real-time applications - shared lib
rc libnux-2.0-0 2.14.1-0ubuntu1 i386 Visual rendering toolkit for real-time applications - shared lib
rc libopenexr6:i386 1.6.1-7ubuntu1 i386 runtime files for the OpenEXR image library
rc libopenobex1 1.5-2.1 i386 OBEX protocol library
rc libopenvg1-mesa:i386 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.6 i386 free implementation of the OpenVG API -- runtime
rc liborcus-0.6-0 0.5.1-7 i386 library for processing spreadsheet documents
rc liboverlay-scrollbar-0.2-0 0.2.16-0ubuntu1.1 i386 Scrollbar overlayed widget - shared lib
rc liboverlay-scrollbar3-0.2-0 0.2.16-0ubuntu1.1 i386 Scrollbar overlayed widget - shared lib
rc libpackagekit-glib2-14 0.7.2-4ubuntu3 i386 Library for accessing PackageKit using GLib
rc libpangomm-1.4-1:i386 2.34.0-1ubuntu1 i386 C++ Wrapper for pango (shared libraries)
rc libparted0debian1:i386 2.3-19ubuntu1.14.04.1 i386 disk partition manipulator - shared library
rc libpathplan4 2.36.0-0ubuntu3.1 i386 rich set of graph drawing tools - pathplan library
rc libperl5.22:i386 5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6 i386 shared Perl library
rc libplist1:i386 1.10-1 i386 Library for handling Apple binary and XML property lists
rc libplymouth2:i386 0.8.8-0ubuntu17.1 i386 graphical boot animation and logger - shared libraries
rc libpocketsphinx1 0.8.0+real-0ubuntu6 i386 lightweight speech recognition - library
rc libpod-latex-perl 0.61-2 all module to convert Pod data to formatted LaTeX
rc libpoppler19:i386 0.18.4-1ubuntu3.2 i386 PDF rendering library
rc libpoppler44:i386 0.24.5-2ubuntu4.4 i386 PDF rendering library
rc libprocps3:i386 1:3.3.9-1ubuntu2.2 i386 library for accessing process information from /proc
rc libprotobuf7 2.4.1-1ubuntu2 i386 protocol buffers C++ library
rc libprotobuf8:i386 2.5.0-9ubuntu1 i386 protocol buffers C++ library
rc libprotoc7 2.4.1-1ubuntu2 i386 protocol buffers compiler library
rc libprotoc8:i386 2.5.0-9ubuntu1 i386 protocol buffers compiler library
rc libproxy1:i386 0.4.11-0ubuntu4 i386 automatic proxy configuration management library (shared)
rc libpython3.4:i386 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3 i386 Shared Python runtime library (version 3.4)
rc libpython3.4-minimal:i386 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3 i386 Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.4)
rc libpython3.5-minimal:i386 3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.9 i386 Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.5)
rc libpyzy-1.0-0 1.0.1-4 i386 Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library
rc libqapt-runtime 1.3.1-0ubuntu2 i386 Runtime components for the QApt library
rc libqapt1 1.3.1-0ubuntu2 i386 QApt library package
rc libqapt2 2.1.70-0ubuntu4.2 i386 QApt library package
rc libqapt2-runtime 2.1.70-0ubuntu4.2 i386 Runtime components for the QApt library
rc libqapt3-runtime 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.1 i386 Runtime components for the QApt library
rc libqjson0:i386 0.8.1-3 i386 Qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects
rc libqmi-glib0:i386 1.4.0-1 i386 Support library to use the Qualcomm MSM Interface (QMI) protocol
rc libqmi-glib1:i386 1.12.6-1 i386 Support library to use the Qualcomm MSM Interface (QMI) protocol
rc libqpdf13:i386 5.1.1-1 i386 runtime library for PDF transformation/inspection software
rc libraw5 0.14.4-0ubuntu2.2 i386 raw image decoder library
rc libraw9:i386 0.15.4-1 i386 raw image decoder library
rc librhythmbox-core5 2.96-0ubuntu4.3 i386 support library for the rhythmbox music player
rc librhythmbox-core8 3.0.2-0ubuntu2 i386 support library for the rhythmbox music player
rc librtmp0:i386 2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1 i386 toolkit for RTMP streams (shared library)
rc libsane:i386 1.0.25+git20150528-1ubuntu2.16.04.1 i386 API library for scanners
rc libsdl-mixer1.2:i386 1.2.12-11build1 i386 Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries
rc libsdl-pango1:i386 0.1.2-6 i386 text rendering with Pango in SDL applications (shared library)
rc libsdl-ttf2.0-0:i386 2.0.11-3 i386 TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries
rc libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio 1.2.14-6.1ubuntu4 i386 Simple DirectMedia Layer (with X11 and PulseAudio options)
rc libsigc++-2.0-0c2a:i386 2.2.10-0.2ubuntu2 i386 type-safe Signal Framework for C++ - runtime
rc libsnmp15 5.4.3~dfsg-2.4ubuntu1.3 i386 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) library
rc libsphinxbase1 0.8-0ubuntu10 i386 Sphinx base libraries
rc libstlport4.6ldbl 4.6.2-7 i386 STLport C++ class library
rc libstreamanalyzer0 0.7.8-1ubuntu2 i386 streamanalyzer library for Strigi Desktop Search
rc libstreams0 0.7.8-1ubuntu2 i386 streams library for Strigi Desktop Search
rc libsyncdaemon-1.0-1 3.0.2-0ubuntu2.2 i386 Ubuntu One synchronization daemon library
rc libsystemd-daemon0:i386 204-5ubuntu20.19 i386 systemd utility library
rc libsystemd-journal0:i386 204-5ubuntu20.19 i386 systemd journal utility library
rc libsystemd-login0:i386 204-5ubuntu20.19 i386 systemd login utility library
rc libt1-5 5.1.2-3.6ubuntu1 i386 Type 1 font rasterizer library - runtime
rc libtag1-vanilla:i386 1.9.1-2 i386 audio meta-data library - vanilla flavour
rc libtasn1-3:i386 2.10-1ubuntu1.5 i386 Manage ASN.1 structures (runtime)
rc libtelepathy-farsight0 0.0.19-1 i386 Glue library between telepathy and farsight2
rc libtelepathy-farstream2:i386 0.4.0-3ubuntu2 i386 Glue library between telepathy and farstream - 0.4 series
rc libtelepathy-logger2:i386 0.4.0-0ubuntu1 i386 Telepathy logger service - utility library
rc libtextcat0 2.2-10 i386 Language detection library
rc libthumbnailer0:i386 1.1+14.04.20150205-0ubuntu1 i386 generate thumbnails from files
rc libtiff4:i386 3.9.5-2ubuntu1.9 i386 Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library
rc libtotem-plparser17 3.4.1-1 i386 Totem Playlist Parser library - runtime files
rc libu1db-qt5-3:i386 0.1.5+14.04.20140313-0ubuntu2 i386 Qt5 binding for U1DB - shared library
rc libubuntuone-1.0-1 0.11.0-0ubuntu2 i386 Ubuntu One widget library
rc libudev0:i386 175-0ubuntu9.10 i386 udev library
rc libunistring0:i386 0.9.3-5.2ubuntu1 i386 Unicode string library for C
rc libunity-core-4.0-4 4.22.0-0ubuntu3 i386 Core library for the Unity interface.
rc libunity-core-5.0-5 5.20.0-0ubuntu3 i386 Core library for the Unity interface.
rc libunityvoice1:i386 0.1+14.04.20140304-0ubuntu1 i386 client library for Unity voice service
rc libupower-glib1:i386 0.9.23-2ubuntu1 i386 abstraction for power management - shared library
rc libusbmuxd1 1.0.7-2ubuntu0.1 i386 USB multiplexor daemon for iPhone and iPod Touch devices - library
rc libusbmuxd2 1.0.8-2ubuntu1 i386 USB multiplexor daemon for iPhone and iPod Touch devices - library
rc libutouch-evemu1:i386 1.0.9-0ubuntu1 i386 KernelInput Event Device Emulation Library
rc libutouch-frame1 2.2.3-0ubuntu1 i386 Touch Frame Library
rc libutouch-geis1:i386 2.2.9-0ubuntu3 i386 Gesture engine interface support
rc libutouch-grail1 3.0.5-0ubuntu1 i386 Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library
rc libvirtodbc0 6.1.6+repack-0ubuntu5 i386 high-performance database - ODBC libraries
rc libvisio-0.0-0 0.0.31-1ubuntu2 i386 library for parsing the visio file structure
rc libvncserver0:i386 0.9.9+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1 i386 API to write one's own vnc server
rc libvpx1:i386 1.3.0-2 i386 VP8 video codec (shared library)
rc libvte-2.90-9 1:0.34.9-1ubuntu2 i386 Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 3.0 - runtime files
rc libvte-2.90-common 1:0.34.9-1ubuntu2 all Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 3.0 - common files
rc libwpd-0.9-9 0.9.9-1 i386 Library for handling WordPerfect documents (shared library)
rc libwpg-0.2-2 0.2.2-1ubuntu1 i386 WordPerfect graphics import/convert library (shared library)
rc libwps-0.2-2 0.2.9-2ubuntu1 i386 Works text file format import filter library (shared library)
rc libwxbase2.8-0:i386 i386 wxBase library (runtime) - non-GUI support classes of wxWidgets toolkit
rc libwxgtk-media2.8-0:i386 i386 wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ media library runtime)
rc libwxgtk2.8-0:i386 i386 wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ runtime)
rc libxapian22 1.2.16-2ubuntu1 i386 Search engine library
rc libxatracker1:i386 8.0.4-0ubuntu0.7 i386 X acceleration library -- runtime
rc libxcb-util0:i386 0.3.8-2ubuntu1 i386 utility libraries for X C Binding -- atom, aux and event
rc libxp6:i386 1:1.0.2-1ubuntu1 i386 X Printing Extension (Xprint) client library
rc libxtables10 1.4.21-1ubuntu1 i386 netfilter xtables library
rc libyajl1 1.0.12-2 i386 Yet Another JSON Library
rc libzip2 0.10.1-1.2 i386 library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives (runtime)
rc libzip4:i386 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 i386 library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives (runtime)
rc linux-image-3.13.0-93-generic 3.13.0-93.140 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.13.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-3.2.0-107-generic 3.2.0-107.148 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.2.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-157-generic 4.4.0-157.185 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-159-generic 4.4.0-159.187 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-161-generic 4.4.0-161.189 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-164-generic 4.4.0-164.192 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-174-generic 4.4.0-174.204 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-176-generic 4.4.0-176.206 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-177-generic 4.4.0-177.207 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-34-generic 4.4.0-34.53 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-36-generic 4.4.0-36.55 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-53-generic 4.4.0-53.74 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-4.4.0-62-generic 4.4.0-62.83 i386 Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-3.13.0-93-generic 3.13.0-93.140 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 3.13.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-4.4.0-34-generic 4.4.0-34.53 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-4.4.0-36-generic 4.4.0-36.55 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-4.4.0-53-generic 4.4.0-53.74 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-4.4.0-62-generic 4.4.0-62.83 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-4.4.0-157-generic 4.4.0-157.185 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-4.4.0-159-generic 4.4.0-159.187 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-4.4.0-161-generic 4.4.0-161.189 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-4.4.0-164-generic 4.4.0-164.192 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-4.4.0-174-generic 4.4.0-174.204 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-4.4.0-176-generic 4.4.0-176.206 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-4.4.0-177-generic 4.4.0-177.207 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-4.4.0-157-generic 4.4.0-157.185 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-4.4.0-159-generic 4.4.0-159.187 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-4.4.0-161-generic 4.4.0-161.189 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-4.4.0-164-generic 4.4.0-164.192 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-4.4.0-174-generic 4.4.0-174.204 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-modules-extra-4.4.0-177-generic 4.4.0-177.207 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc nepomuk-core-data 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.2 all Nepomuk Semantik Desktop core libraries -- shared data files
rc overlay-scrollbar-gtk3:i386 0.2.16+r359+14.04.20131129-0ubuntu1 i386 GTK 3 module for overlay scrollbars
rc perl-modules 5.18.2-2ubuntu1.1 all Core Perl modules
rc phonon4qt5:i386 4:4.10.0-2 i386 multimedia framework from KDE using Qt 5 - metapackage
rc python-aptdaemon.pkcompat 0.43+bzr805-0ubuntu10 all PackageKit compatibilty for AptDaemon
rc python-cupshelpers 1.4.3+20140219-0ubuntu2.6 all Python modules for printer configuration with CUPS
rc python-support 1.0.15 all automated rebuilding support for Python modules
rc python-ubuntu-sso-client 13.10-0ubuntu11 all Ubuntu Single Sign-On client - Python library
rc python-ubuntuone-client 3.0.2-0ubuntu2.2 all Ubuntu One client Python libraries
rc python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol 3.0.2-0ubuntu1 all Python library for Ubuntu One file storage and sharing service
rc python3-aptdaemon.pkcompat 1.1.1+bzr982-0ubuntu14.2 all PackageKit compatibilty for AptDaemon
rc python3.4 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3 i386 Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.4)
rc python3.4-minimal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.3 i386 Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.4)
rc python3.5-minimal 3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.9 i386 Minimal subset of the Python language (version 3.5)
rc snap-confine 2.42.1 i386 Transitional package for snapd
rc snapd-login-service 1.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 i386 Daemon to allow non-root access to snapd
rc software-center 16.01+16.04.20160420 all Utility for browsing, installing, and removing software
rc speedcrunch 0.10.1-4 i386 High precision calculator
rc systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.19 i386 systemd runtime services
rc systemd-shim 9-1bzr4ubuntu1 i386 shim for systemd
rc sysv-rc 2.88dsf-59.3ubuntu2 all System-V-like runlevel change mechanism
rc timgm6mb-soundfont 1.3-2 all TimGM6mb SoundFont from MuseScore 1.3
rc ttf-indic-fonts-core 1:0.5.14ubuntu1 all Core collection of free fonts for languages of India
rc ttf-khmeros-core 5.0-5ubuntu1 all transitional dummy package
rc ttf-punjabi-fonts 1:0.5.14ubuntu1 all Free TrueType fonts for the Punjabi language
rc ttf-unfonts-core 1.0.3.is.1.0.2-080608-10ubuntu1 all transitional dummy package
rc tuxpaint 1:0.9.22-2 i386 Paint program for young children
rc tuxpaint-config 0.0.13-1 i386 Configuration tool for Tux Paint
rc ubuntuone-client 3.0.2-0ubuntu2.2 all Ubuntu One client
rc ubuntuone-client-data 15.10+15.10.20151007 all Data files for Ubuntu One
rc udisks 1.0.5-1 i386 storage media interface
rc unity-common 5.20.0-0ubuntu3 all Common files for the Unity interface.
rc unity-lens-friends 0.1.3+14.04.20140317-0ubuntu1 i386 Friends scope for unity
rc unity-webapps-common 2.4.17+15.10.20150616-0ubuntu2 all Unity WebApp integration scripts
rc unity-webapps-service 2.5.0~+16.04.20160201-0ubuntu1 i386 Service for Web Apps integration with the Unity desktop
rc upstart 1.13.2-0ubuntu21.1 i386 event-based init daemon - essential binaries
rc webaccounts-extension-common 0.5-0ubuntu2.14.04.1 i386 Ubuntu Online Accounts browser extension - common files
rc webbrowser-app 0.23+16.04.20161028-0ubuntu2 i386 Ubuntu web browser
rc wine1.4 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 i386 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (dummy package)
rc wine1.6 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 i386 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)
rc wine1.6-i386 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 i386 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (32-bit support)
rc wine1.8 1:1.8.0-0ubuntu1 i386 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)
rc wine1.8-i386 1:1.8.0-0ubuntu1 i386 Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (32-bit support)
rc x-ttcidfont-conf 32+nmu2 all TrueType and CID fonts configuration for X
rc xfonts-mathml 6ubuntu1 all Type1 Symbol font for MathML
Hors ligne
#36 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:18
- ylag
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Ça semble mieux se passer que ce que j'appréhendais !
Pour nettoyer les vielles config périmées:
dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs -r sudo dpkg -P
Ensuite, pour essayer de se débarrasser des vieux noyaux:
sudo apt autoremove --purge
Hors ligne
#37 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:25
- ylag
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Si la commande sudo apt autoremove --purge du #36 ne trouve aucun paquet à enlever, faire alors:
apt-mark showmanual | grep -E "linux-.*[0-9]" | grep -v "hwe" | xargs sudo apt-mark auto
...puis refaire ensuite:
sudo apt autoremove --purge
...et repasser une autre fois:
sudo apt update
Dernière modification par ylag (Le 10/04/2020, à 13:28)
Hors ligne
#38 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:32
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
-desktop:~$ apt-mark showmanual | grep -E "linux-.*[0-9]" | grep -v "hwe" | xargs sudo apt-mark auto
[sudo] Mot de passe de :
linux-headers-3.0.0-12 passé en « installé automatiquement ».
linux-headers-3.0.0-12-generic passé en « installé automatiquement ».
linux-image-3.0.0-12-generic passé en « installé automatiquement ».
linux-image-3.2.0-107-generic-pae passé en « installé automatiquement ».
-desktop:~$ sudo apt autoremove --purge
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Les paquets suivants seront ENLEVÉS :
linux-headers-3.0.0-12* linux-headers-3.0.0-12-generic*
linux-image-3.0.0-12-generic* linux-image-3.2.0-107-generic-pae*
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 4 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Après cette opération, 329 Mo d'espace disque seront libérés.
Souhaitez-vous continuer ? [O/n] o
(Lecture de la base de données... 284084 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Suppression de linux-headers-3.0.0-12-generic (3.0.0-12.20) ...
Suppression de linux-headers-3.0.0-12 (3.0.0-12.20) ...
Suppression de linux-image-3.0.0-12-generic (3.0.0-12.20) ...
Examining /etc/kernel/postrm.d .
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs-tools 3.0.0-12-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-12-generic
update-initramfs: Deleting /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-12-generic
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub 3.0.0-12-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-12-generic
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'
Création du fichier de configuration GRUB…
Image Linux trouvée : /boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-97-generic
Image mémoire initiale trouvée : /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-97-generic
Image Linux trouvée : /boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-96-generic
Image mémoire initiale trouvée : /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-96-generic
Image Linux trouvée : /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-107-generic-pae
Image mémoire initiale trouvée : /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-107-generic-pae
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin
Suppression de linux-image-3.2.0-107-generic-pae (3.2.0-107.148) ...
Examining /etc/kernel/postrm.d .
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs-tools 3.2.0-107-generic-pae /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-107-generic-pae
update-initramfs: Deleting /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-107-generic-pae
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub 3.2.0-107-generic-pae /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-107-generic-pae
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'
Création du fichier de configuration GRUB…
Image Linux trouvée : /boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-97-generic
Image mémoire initiale trouvée : /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-97-generic
Image Linux trouvée : /boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-96-generic
Image mémoire initiale trouvée : /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-96-generic
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin
(Lecture de la base de données... 253883 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Purge des fichiers de configuration de linux-image-3.2.0-107-generic-pae (3.2.0-107.148) ...
Examining /etc/kernel/postrm.d .
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs-tools 3.2.0-107-generic-pae /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-107-generic-pae
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub 3.2.0-107-generic-pae /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-107-generic-pae
Purge des fichiers de configuration de linux-image-3.0.0-12-generic (3.0.0-12.20) ...
Examining /etc/kernel/postrm.d .
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs-tools 3.0.0-12-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-12-generic
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub 3.0.0-12-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-12-generic
-desktop:~$ sudo apt update
Atteint :1 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease
Atteint :2 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease
Atteint :3 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports InRelease
Réception de :4 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease [88,7 kB]
Réception de :5 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/main i386 DEP-11 Metadata [38,8 kB]
Réception de :6 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/universe i386 DEP-11 Metadata [42,0 kB]
Réception de :7 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/multiverse i386 DEP-11 Metadata [2464 B]
172 ko réceptionnés en 1s (162 ko/s)
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Hors ligne
#39 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:32
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
je vais redémarrer mon pc... je vous tiens au courant
Dernière modification par cactus158 (Le 10/04/2020, à 13:44)
Hors ligne
#40 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:42
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
quand je vais dans : Paramètres - son
sont actifs : le volume de sortie/les effets sonores.
inactif : le volume d'entrée
merci de me conseiller.
Hors ligne
#41 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:48
- nany
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Je vais signaler @nany.
Mais euh… Qu’est-ce que j’ai fait ?
Bon, je stérilise mes bistouris et mes pinces et j’attends votre feu vert.
En ligne
#42 Le 10/04/2020, à 13:55
- xubu1957
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
C'est pour nettoyer les sources au #23.
Conseils pour les nouveaux demandeurs et pas qu'eux
Important : Pensez à passer vos sujets en [Réso|u] lorsque ceux-ci le sont, au début du titre en cliquant sur Modifier sous le premier message, et un bref récapitulatif de la solution à la fin de celui-ci. Merci. Membre de Linux-Azur
Hors ligne
#43 Le 10/04/2020, à 14:08
- nany
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Pour les sources, donc :
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d && sudo rm -v *precise* *trusty* *xenial* playonlinux* && cd
sudo sed -i '/désactivé/{s/^# //;s/ # désactivé.*$//}' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teamviewer.list && sudo sed -i "s/\(ubuntu\/* \)[a-z]*/\1$(lsb_release -sc)/;/partner/s/^# \(deb http\)/\1/;51,$d" /etc/apt/sources.list && find /etc/apt -type f -name '*.list*' -exec bash -c 'echo -e "\n$1\n"; [[ $1 = *".list" ]] && nl -ba "$1"' _ '{}' \;
sudo apt clean && sudo apt update
Dernière modification par nany (Le 10/04/2020, à 14:13)
En ligne
#44 Le 10/04/2020, à 14:14
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Bonjour Nany, un grand merci pour ton aide !
-desktop:~$ cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d && sudo rm -v *precise* *trusty* *xenial* playonlinux* && cd
[sudo] Mot de passe de :
'ubuntu-wine-ppa-precise.list' supprimé
'ubuntu-wine-ppa-precise.list.distUpgrade' supprimé
'ubuntu-wine-ppa-precise.list.save' supprimé
'ubuntu-wine-ppa-trusty.list' supprimé
'ubuntu-wine-ppa-trusty.list.distUpgrade' supprimé
'ubuntu-wine-ppa-trusty.list.save' supprimé
'wine-wine-builds-trusty.list' supprimé
'wine-wine-builds-trusty.list.distUpgrade' supprimé
'wine-wine-builds-trusty.list.save' supprimé
'ubuntu-wine-ubuntu-ppa-xenial.list' supprimé
'ubuntu-wine-ubuntu-ppa-xenial.list.distUpgrade' supprimé
'ubuntu-wine-ubuntu-ppa-xenial.list.save' supprimé
'wine-ubuntu-wine-builds-xenial.list' supprimé
'wine-ubuntu-wine-builds-xenial.list.distUpgrade' supprimé
'wine-ubuntu-wine-builds-xenial.list.save' supprimé
'playonlinux.list' supprimé
'playonlinux.list.distUpgrade' supprimé
'playonlinux.list.save' supprimé
Hors ligne
#45 Le 10/04/2020, à 14:15
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
-desktop:~$ sudo sed -i '/désactivé/{s/^# //;s/ # désactivé.*$//}' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teamviewer.list && sudo sed -i "s/\(ubuntu\/* \)[a-z]*/\1$(lsb_release -sc)/;/partner/s/^# \(deb http\)/\1/;51,$d" /etc/apt/sources.list && find /etc/apt -type f -name '*.list*' -exec bash -c 'echo -e "\n$1\n"; [[ $1 = *".list" ]] && nl -ba "$1"' _ '{}' \;
[sudo] Mot de passe de :
sed: -e expression n°1, caractère 67: « , » inattendue
Hors ligne
#46 Le 10/04/2020, à 14:16
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
-desktop:~$ sudo apt clean && sudo apt update
[sudo] Mot de passe de :
Atteint :1 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease
Réception de :2 http://linux.teamviewer.com/deb stable InRelease [9388 B]
Réception de :3 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease [88,7 kB]
Atteint :4 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease
Atteint :5 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports InRelease
Réception de :6 http://linux.teamviewer.com/deb stable/main i386 Packages [4975 B]
103 ko réceptionnés en 1s (89,0 ko/s)
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Hors ligne
#47 Le 10/04/2020, à 14:17
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
je redémarre le PC et je te tiens au courant
Hors ligne
#48 Le 10/04/2020, à 14:21
- nany
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
Arf ! Donne les retours de :
sudo sed -i "s/\(ubuntu\/* \)[a-z]*/\1$(lsb_release -sc)/;/partner/s/^# \(deb http\)/\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt clean && sudo apt update
sudo sed -i '51,$d' /etc/apt/sources.list && find /etc/apt -type f -name '*.list*' -exec bash -c 'echo -e "\n$1\n"; [[ $1 = *".list" ]] && nl -ba "$1"' _ '{}' \;
En ligne
#49 Le 10/04/2020, à 14:23
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
-desktop:~$ sudo sed -i "s/\(ubuntu\/* \)[a-z]*/\1$(lsb_release -sc)/;/partner/s/^# \(deb http\)/\1/" /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt clean && sudo apt update
[sudo] Mot de passe de :
Atteint :1 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease
Atteint :2 http://linux.teamviewer.com/deb stable InRelease
Atteint :3 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease
Atteint :4 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-backports InRelease
Réception de :5 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease [10,2 kB]
Réception de :6 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease [88,7 kB]
Réception de :7 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic/partner i386 Packages [2296 B]
Réception de :8 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic/partner Translation-en [1332 B]
103 ko réceptionnés en 1s (71,8 ko/s)
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Tous les paquets sont à jour.
Hors ligne
#50 Le 10/04/2020, à 14:24
- cactus158
Re : Installation UBUNTU 18.04 - pas de son
-desktop:~$ sudo sed -i '51,$d' /etc/apt/sources.list && find /etc/apt -type f -name '*.list*' -exec bash -c 'echo -e "\n$1\n"; [[ $1 = *".list" ]] && nl -ba "$1"' _ '{}' \;
[sudo] Mot de passe de :
1 ### TeamViewer DEB repository list
3 ### NOTE: Manual changes to this file
4 ### - prevent it from being updated by TeamViewer package updates
5 ### - will be lost after using the 'teamviewer repo' command
6 ### The original file can be restored with this command:
7 ### cp /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewer.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teamviewer.list
8 ### which has the same effect as 'teamviewer repo default'
10 ### NOTE: It is preferred to use the following commands to edit this file:
11 ### teamviewer repo - show current repository configuration
12 ### teamviewer repo default - restore default configuration
13 ### teamviewer repo disable - disable the repository
14 ### teamviewer repo stable - make all regular TeamViewer packages available (default)
15 ### teamviewer repo preview - additionally, make feature preview packages available
16 ### teamviewer repo development - additionally, make the latest development packages available
19 deb http://linux.teamviewer.com/deb stable main
21 # deb http://linux.teamviewer.com/deb preview main
22 # deb http://linux.teamviewer.com/deb development main
1 # See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to
3 # newer versions of the distribution.
4 deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted
5 deb-src http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted
7 ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
8 ## distribution.
9 deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted
10 deb-src http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted
12 ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
13 ## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any
14 ## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
15 deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic universe
16 deb-src http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic universe
17 deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates universe
18 deb-src http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates universe
20 ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
21 ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
22 ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
23 ## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
24 ## security team.
25 deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic multiverse
26 deb-src http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic multiverse
27 deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates multiverse
28 deb-src http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates multiverse
30 ## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
31 ## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
32 ## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
33 ## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
34 ## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
35 deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
36 deb-src http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
38 deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security main restricted
39 deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security main restricted
40 deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security universe
41 deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security universe
42 deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security multiverse
43 deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security multiverse
45 ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
46 ## 'partner' repository.
47 ## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the
48 ## respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users.
49 deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic partner
50 # deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu bionic partner
Hors ligne