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#1 Le 24/10/2007, à 12:31


impossible d'afficher 2 conky sur le bureau[résolu]


je voudrai afficher 2 conky sur mon bureau, j'appelle mes conky de cette maniere :

conky -c .conkyrc
conky -c .conkyrc3

et là, mes 2 conky se mettent a clignoter alternativement et donne l'impression de "rentrer en conflit" et je ne trouve pas la cause du probleme.


# set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
background yes

#contours des bargraph?
draw_graph_borders yes

cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2

out_to_console no

# X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
#font 8x10
#font 7x13
#font 8x13
#font 7x12
#font **
#font -*-*-*-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#font -artwiz-snap-normal-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1
#font -*-luxi sans-medium-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2
#font -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-2
#font -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-14-*-100-100-*-*-iso8895-2
#font -*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-2
#font -*-lucida-medium-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2

# Use Xft?
use_xft yes

# Xft font when Xft is enabled
xftfont monospace-8
#xftfont Radio Space-8.5
#xftfont Terminal-6
#xftfont Sans-8

# Text alpha when using Xft
xftalpha 0.8

# mail spool
mail_spool $MAIL

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 1

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
#own_window_type normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window no
#own_window_type override

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

# Minimum size of text area
minimum_width 300
maximum_width 300

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no

# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no

# Draw borders around text
draw_borders yes

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 0

# border margins
border_margin 10

# border width
border_width 0

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
#alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text
gap_x 970
gap_y 30 

# Add spaces to keep things from moving about?  This only affects certain objects.
use_spacer yes

# Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
no_buffers no

# set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
uppercase no

# boinc (seti) dir
# seti_dir /opt/seti

# Possible variables to be used:
#      Variable         Arguments                  Description                
#  acpiacadapter                     ACPI ac adapter state.                   
#  acpifan                           ACPI fan state                           
#  acpitemp                          ACPI temperature.                        
#  adt746xcpu                        CPU temperature from therm_adt746x       
#  adt746xfan                        Fan speed from therm_adt746x             
#  battery           (num)           Remaining capasity in ACPI or APM        
#                                    battery. ACPI battery number can be      
#                                    given as argument (default is BAT0).     
#  buffers                           Amount of memory buffered                
#  cached                            Amount of memory cached                  
#  color             (color)         Change drawing color to color            
#  cpu                               CPU usage in percents                    
#  cpubar            (height)        Bar that shows CPU usage, height is      
#                                    bar's height in pixels                   
#  downspeed         net             Download speed in kilobytes              
#  downspeedf        net             Download speed in kilobytes with one     
#                                    decimal                                  
#  exec              shell command   Executes a shell command and displays    
#                                    the output in torsmo. warning: this      
#                                    takes a lot more resources than other    
#                                    variables. I'd recommend coding wanted   
#                                    behaviour in C and posting a patch :-).  
#  execi             interval, shell Same as exec but with specific interval. 
#                    command         Interval can't be less than              
#                                    update_interval in configuration.        
#  fs_bar            (height), (fs)  Bar that shows how much space is used on 
#                                    a file system. height is the height in   
#                                    pixels. fs is any file on that file      
#                                    system.                                  
#  fs_free           (fs)            Free space on a file system available    
#                                    for users.                               
#  fs_free_perc      (fs)            Free percentage of space on a file       
#                                    system available for users.              
#  fs_size           (fs)            File system size                         
#  fs_used           (fs)            File system used space                   
#  hr                (height)        Horizontal line, height is the height in 
#                                    pixels                                   
#  i2c               (dev), type, n  I2C sensor from sysfs (Linux 2.6). dev   
#                                    may be omitted if you have only one I2C  
#                                    device. type is either in (or vol)       
#                                    meaning voltage, fan meaning fan or temp 
#                                    meaning temperature. n is number of the  
#                                    sensor. See /sys/bus/i2c/devices/ on     
#                                    your local computer.                     
#  kernel                            Kernel version                           
#  loadavg           (1), (2), (3)   System load average, 1 is for past 1     
#                                    minute, 2 for past 5 minutes and 3 for   
#                                    past 15 minutes.                         
#  machine                           Machine, i686 for example                
#  mails                             Mail count in mail spool. You can use    
#                                    program like fetchmail to get mails from 
#                                    some server using your favourite         
#                                    protocol. See also new_mails.            
#  mem                               Amount of memory in use                  
#  membar            (height)        Bar that shows amount of memory in use   
#  memmax                            Total amount of memory                   
#  memperc                           Percentage of memory in use              
#  new_mails                         Unread mail count in mail spool.         
#  nodename                          Hostname                                 
#  outlinecolor      (color)         Change outline color                     
#  pre_exec          shell command   Executes a shell command one time before 
#                                    torsmo displays anything and puts output 
#                                    as text.                                 
#  processes                         Total processes (sleeping and running)   
#  running_processes                 Running processes (not sleeping),        
#                                    requires Linux 2.6                       
#  shadecolor        (color)         Change shading color                     
#  stippled_hr       (space),        Stippled (dashed) horizontal line        
#                    (height)        
#  swapbar           (height)        Bar that shows amount of swap in use     
#  swap                              Amount of swap in use                    
#  swapmax                           Total amount of swap                     
#  swapperc                          Percentage of swap in use                
#  sysname                           System name, Linux for example           
#  time              (format)        Local time, see man strftime to get more 
#                                    information about format                 
#  totaldown         net             Total download, overflows at 4 GB on     
#                                    Linux with 32-bit arch and there doesn't 
#                                    seem to be a way to know how many times  
#                                    it has already done that before torsmo   
#                                    has started.                             
#  totalup           net             Total upload, this one too, may overflow 
#  updates                           Number of updates (for debugging)        
#  upspeed           net             Upload speed in kilobytes                
#  upspeedf          net             Upload speed in kilobytes with one       
#                                    decimal                                  
#  uptime                            Uptime                                   
#  uptime_short                      Uptime in a shorter format               
#  seti_prog                         Seti@home current progress
#  seti_progbar      (height)        Seti@home current progress bar
#  seti_credit                       Seti@hoome total user credit

# variable is given either in format $variable or in ${variable}. Latter
# allows characters right after the variable and must be used in network
# stuff because of an argument
#${font Dungeon:style=Bold:pixelsize=10}I can change the font as well
#${font Verdana:size=10}as many times as I choose
#${font Perry:size=10}Including UTF-8,
#${font Luxi Mono:size=10}justo como este texto que o google traduz fĂ?ÂŞz o portuguĂ?ÂŞs
# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen

${color white}${time %A %d %B} $alignr${time %k:%M:%S}
${color yellow}${hr 1}
${color yellow}System:
${color white}$sysname-$kernel on $machine $freq_g GHz 
${color yellow}Local IP:${color white} ${addr eth0} -${color yellow} Public IP:${color white} ${execi 180 wget -O - | tail}
${color yellow}${hr 1}
${color yellow}System Monitor:
${color white}Uptime:$color $uptime ${color white}- Load:$color $loadavg
${color yellow}T° ACPI:${color blue}${acpitemp}°C
${color yellow}T° /dev/hda: ${color red}${hddtemp  /dev/hda} 
${color yellow}Nvidia-Frequencies ${color white}GPU: ${color red}${execi 10 nvclock -i | grep "GPU clock" | grep '[0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9]' -o}MHz / ${color white}RAM:${color red}${execi 300 nvclock -i | grep "Clock" | grep '[0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9]' -o}MHz
${color yellow}T° GPU: ${color red}${execi 10 nvclock -T | grep "temperature" | grep '[0-9][0-9]' -o}°C
${color white}cpu: ${color FF5000}${cpu}% 
${color white}${cpugraph 32,300 BABABA FF5000}
${color yellow}Net: ${color #BBBBBB}(eth0)
${color white}down: ${color green}${downspeed eth0} ko/s              ${color white}up: ${color FF5000}${upspeed eth0} ko/s
${color white}${downspeedgraph eth0 32,125 BABABA FF5000}        ${color white}${upspeedgraph eth0 32,125 BABABA FF5000 }
${color white}total: ${color green}${totaldown eth0}                ${color white}total: ${color FF5000}${totalup eth0}
${color white}/home: used ${fs_used_perc /home/morpheus}%  ${fs_free /home/morpheus} free ${color FF5000}   ${fs_bar /home/morpheus}
${color yellow}Process                       PID    %CPU   %MEM
${color #FFFFDD} ${top name 1} $alignr${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${color #C5C5AB} ${top name 2} $alignr${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${color #818170} ${top name 3} $alignr${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${color yellow}Memory
${color #C5C5AB} ${top_mem name 1} $alignr${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem cpu 1} ${top_mem mem 1}
${color #818170} ${top_mem name 2} $alignr${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem cpu 2} ${top_mem mem 2}


# set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
background yes

#contours des bargraph?
draw_graph_borders no

cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2

out_to_console no

# X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
#font 8x10
#font 7x13
#font 8x13
#font 7x12
#font **
#font -*-*-*-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#font -artwiz-snap-normal-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1
#font -*-luxi sans-medium-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2
#font -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-2
#font -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-*-*-14-*-100-100-*-*-iso8895-2
#font -*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-100-100-*-*-iso8859-2
#font -*-lucida-medium-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-2

# Use Xft?
use_xft yes

# Xft font when Xft is enabled
xftfont monospace-8
#xftfont Radio Space-8.5
#xftfont Terminal-8

# Text alpha when using Xft
xftalpha 0.8

# mail spool
mail_spool $MAIL

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 1

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
#own_window_type normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window no
#own_window_type override

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

# Minimum size of text area
minimum_width 300
maximum_width 300

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no

# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no

# Draw borders around text
draw_borders yes

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 0

# border margins
border_margin 10

# border width
border_width 0

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
#alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text
gap_x 470
gap_y 30 

# Add spaces to keep things from moving about?  This only affects certain objects.
use_spacer yes

# Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
no_buffers no

# set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
uppercase no

# boinc (seti) dir
# seti_dir /opt/seti

# Possible variables to be used:
#      Variable         Arguments                  Description                
#  acpiacadapter                     ACPI ac adapter state.                   
#  acpifan                           ACPI fan state                           
#  acpitemp                          ACPI temperature.                        
#  adt746xcpu                        CPU temperature from therm_adt746x       
#  adt746xfan                        Fan speed from therm_adt746x             
#  battery           (num)           Remaining capasity in ACPI or APM        
#                                    battery. ACPI battery number can be      
#                                    given as argument (default is BAT0).     
#  buffers                           Amount of memory buffered                
#  cached                            Amount of memory cached                  
#  color             (color)         Change drawing color to color            
#  cpu                               CPU usage in percents                    
#  cpubar            (height)        Bar that shows CPU usage, height is      
#                                    bar's height in pixels                   
#  downspeed         net             Download speed in kilobytes              
#  downspeedf        net             Download speed in kilobytes with one     
#                                    decimal                                  
#  exec              shell command   Executes a shell command and displays    
#                                    the output in torsmo. warning: this      
#                                    takes a lot more resources than other    
#                                    variables. I'd recommend coding wanted   
#                                    behaviour in C and posting a patch :-).  
#  execi             interval, shell Same as exec but with specific interval. 
#                    command         Interval can't be less than              
#                                    update_interval in configuration.        
#  fs_bar            (height), (fs)  Bar that shows how much space is used on 
#                                    a file system. height is the height in   
#                                    pixels. fs is any file on that file      
#                                    system.                                  
#  fs_free           (fs)            Free space on a file system available    
#                                    for users.                               
#  fs_free_perc      (fs)            Free percentage of space on a file       
#                                    system available for users.              
#  fs_size           (fs)            File system size                         
#  fs_used           (fs)            File system used space                   
#  hr                (height)        Horizontal line, height is the height in 
#                                    pixels                                   
#  i2c               (dev), type, n  I2C sensor from sysfs (Linux 2.6). dev   
#                                    may be omitted if you have only one I2C  
#                                    device. type is either in (or vol)       
#                                    meaning voltage, fan meaning fan or temp 
#                                    meaning temperature. n is number of the  
#                                    sensor. See /sys/bus/i2c/devices/ on     
#                                    your local computer.                     
#  kernel                            Kernel version                           
#  loadavg           (1), (2), (3)   System load average, 1 is for past 1     
#                                    minute, 2 for past 5 minutes and 3 for   
#                                    past 15 minutes.                         
#  machine                           Machine, i686 for example                
#  mails                             Mail count in mail spool. You can use    
#                                    program like fetchmail to get mails from 
#                                    some server using your favourite         
#                                    protocol. See also new_mails.            
#  mem                               Amount of memory in use                  
#  membar            (height)        Bar that shows amount of memory in use   
#  memmax                            Total amount of memory                   
#  memperc                           Percentage of memory in use              
#  new_mails                         Unread mail count in mail spool.         
#  nodename                          Hostname                                 
#  outlinecolor      (color)         Change outline color                     
#  pre_exec          shell command   Executes a shell command one time before 
#                                    torsmo displays anything and puts output 
#                                    as text.                                 
#  processes                         Total processes (sleeping and running)   
#  running_processes                 Running processes (not sleeping),        
#                                    requires Linux 2.6                       
#  shadecolor        (color)         Change shading color                     
#  stippled_hr       (space),        Stippled (dashed) horizontal line        
#                    (height)        
#  swapbar           (height)        Bar that shows amount of swap in use     
#  swap                              Amount of swap in use                    
#  swapmax                           Total amount of swap                     
#  swapperc                          Percentage of swap in use                
#  sysname                           System name, Linux for example           
#  time              (format)        Local time, see man strftime to get more 
#                                    information about format                 
#  totaldown         net             Total download, overflows at 4 GB on     
#                                    Linux with 32-bit arch and there doesn't 
#                                    seem to be a way to know how many times  
#                                    it has already done that before torsmo   
#                                    has started.                             
#  totalup           net             Total upload, this one too, may overflow 
#  updates                           Number of updates (for debugging)        
#  upspeed           net             Upload speed in kilobytes                
#  upspeedf          net             Upload speed in kilobytes with one       
#                                    decimal                                  
#  uptime                            Uptime                                   
#  uptime_short                      Uptime in a shorter format               
#  seti_prog                         Seti@home current progress
#  seti_progbar      (height)        Seti@home current progress bar
#  seti_credit                       Seti@hoome total user credit

# variable is given either in format $variable or in ${variable}. Latter
# allows characters right after the variable and must be used in network
# stuff because of an argument
#${font Dungeon:style=Bold:pixelsize=10}I can change the font as well
#${font Verdana:size=10}as many times as I choose
#${font Perry:size=10}Including UTF-8,
#${font Luxi Mono:size=10}justo como este texto que o google traduz fĂ?ÂŞz o portuguĂ?ÂŞs
# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen

${color green} Port(s) open: ${color red}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}
${color green} ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 0} $alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 0}
 ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 1} $alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 1}
 ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 2} $alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 2}
 ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 3} $alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 3}
 ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rhost 4} $alignr${tcp_portmon 1 65535 lservice 4}


# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildmeister@builder3)  Mon Oct 16 22:13:07 PDT 2006

# /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manual page.
# (Type "man /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following command:
#   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier     "Default Layout"
    Screen         "Default Screen" 0 0
    InputDevice    "Generic Keyboard"
    InputDevice    "Configured Mouse"
    InputDevice    "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
    InputDevice    "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
    InputDevice    "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
    InputDevice    "Synaptics Touchpad"

Section "Files"

	# path to defoma fonts
    FontPath        "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
    FontPath        "/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
    FontPath        "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
    FontPath        "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
    FontPath        "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1"
    FontPath        "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi"
    FontPath        "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi"
    FontPath        "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"

Section "Module"
    Load           "i2c"
    Load           "bitmap"
    Load           "ddc"
    Load           "extmod"
    Load           "freetype"
    Load           "dri"
    Load           "glx"
    Load           "int10"
    #Load           "type1"
    Load           "vbe"
    #Load           "dbe"

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier     "Generic Keyboard"
    Driver         "kbd"
    Option         "CoreKeyboard"
    Option         "XkbRules" "xorg"
    Option         "XkbModel" "pc105"
    Option         "XkbLayout" "fr"
    Option         "XkbVariant" "latin9"

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier     "Configured Mouse"
    Driver         "mouse"
    Option         "CorePointer"
    Option         "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    Option         "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
    Option         "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Option         "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier     "Synaptics Touchpad"
    Driver         "synaptics"
    Option         "SendCoreEvents" "true"
    Option         "Device" "/dev/psaux"
    Option         "Protocol" "auto-dev"
    Option         "HorizScrollDelta" "0"

Section "InputDevice"

                                                      # /dev/input/event
                                                      # for USB
    Identifier     "stylus"
    Driver         "wacom"
    Option         "Device" "/dev/wacom"          # Change to 
    Option         "Type" "stylus"
    Option         "ForceDevice" "ISDV4"               # Tablet PC ONLY

Section "InputDevice"

                                                      # /dev/input/event
                                                      # for USB
    Identifier     "eraser"
    Driver         "wacom"
    Option         "Device" "/dev/wacom"          # Change to 
    Option         "Type" "eraser"
    Option         "ForceDevice" "ISDV4"               # Tablet PC ONLY

Section "InputDevice"

                                                      # /dev/input/event
                                                      # for USB
    Identifier     "cursor"
    Driver         "wacom"
    Option         "Device" "/dev/wacom"          # Change to 
    Option         "Type" "cursor"
    Option         "ForceDevice" "ISDV4"               # Tablet PC ONLY

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier     "Generic Monitor"
    HorizSync       28.0 - 64.0
    VertRefresh     43.0 - 60.0
    Option         "DPMS"

Section "Device"
    Identifier     "NVIDIA Corporation NV40M? [GeForce Go 6400]"
    Driver         "nvidia"
    #Option         "RenderAccel" "True"
    #Option        "AllowGLXWithComposite" "Enable"
    #Option        "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"# Optional if NVIDIA drivers are used
    #Option        "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "On"
    #Option         "TripleBuffer"  "true"
    #Option         "Coolbits"      "1" 
    Option         "NoLogo"

Section "Screen"
    Identifier     "Default Screen"
    Device         "NVIDIA Corporation NV40M? [GeForce Go 6400]"
    #Option         "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true"
    #Option        "DisableGLXRootClipping" "true"
    Monitor        "Generic Monitor"
    DefaultDepth    24
    Option         "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
    Option         "AllowGLXWithComposite" "True"
    Option         "DisableGLXRootClipping" "True"
    Option         "DamageEvents" "True"
    Option         "UseEvents" "False"
    Option         "TripleBuffer" "True"
    Option         "BackingStore" "True"
    Option         "UseEDID" "True"
    Option         "UseEdidFreqs" "True"
    Option         "RenderAccel" "True"
    Option         "NvAGP" "3"
    Option         "UseDisplayDevice"    "DFP"
    SubSection     "Display"
        Depth       1
        Modes      "1280x800"
    SubSection     "Display"
        Depth       4
        Modes      "1280x800"
    SubSection     "Display"
        Depth       8
        Modes      "1280x800"
    SubSection     "Display"
        Depth       15
        Modes      "1280x800"
    SubSection     "Display"
        Depth       16
        Modes      "1280x800"
    SubSection     "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes      "1280x800"

Section "Extensions"
  Option "Composite" "Enable"
  #Option "Xdbe"

merci d'avance a ceux qui m'aiderons.

Dernière modification par bunutu (Le 25/10/2007, à 18:23)

The Matrix has you

Hors ligne

#2 Le 25/10/2007, à 12:53


Re : impossible d'afficher 2 conky sur le bureau[résolu]


Je penses que soit il se chevauchent soit il faut que tu active le double buffer ou triple buffer je sais plus quoi. Bon courage wink

Hors ligne

#3 Le 25/10/2007, à 12:58


Re : impossible d'afficher 2 conky sur le bureau[résolu]

Je viens de voir que visiblement tu l'a activé le bouble buffer et que tu as mis load dbe dans le xorg.conf mais il me semble que load dbe doit se trouver dans le haut de la section module. Voilà mon xorg.conf:

# xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
# Edit this file with caution, and see the xorg.conf manual page.
# (Type "man xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
# package.
# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
# again, run the following command:
# dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

Section "Module"
        Load           "bitmap"
        Load           "dbe"
        Load           "ddc"
        Load	       "dri"
        Load           "extmod"
        Load           "freetype"
        Load           "glx"
        Load           "int10"
        Load           "record"
        Load           "type1"
        Load           "vbe"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier	"Generic Keyboard"
	Driver		"kbd"
	Option		"CoreKeyboard"
	Option		"XkbRules"	"xorg"
	Option		"XkbModel"	"pc105"
	Option		"XkbLayout"	"fr"
	Option		"XkbVariant"	"latin9"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Logitech G5"
        Driver          "evdev"
        Option          "CorePointer"
        Option          "Name" "Logitech USB Gaming Mouse"
        Option          "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
        Option          "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

Section "Device"
	Identifier	"nVidia Corporation NV45 [GeForce 6800 GT]"
	Driver		"nvidia"
        Option          "RenderAccel" "true"
        Option          "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"
	BusID		"PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier	"DELL E171FP"
	Option		"DPMS"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier	"Default Screen"
	Device		"nVidia Corporation NV45 [GeForce 6800 GT]"
	Monitor		"DELL E171FP"
        Option          "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
	DefaultDepth	24
	SubSection "Display"
		Modes		"1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier	"Default Layout"
	Screen		"Default Screen"
	InputDevice	"Generic Keyboard"
	InputDevice	"Logitech G5"

Section "DRI" 
	Mode 0666 

Section "Extensions"
        Option          "Composite" "Enable"

EDIT: je ne suis plus sous ubuntu mais sous debian Sid. A savoir si ça change grand chose pour ça, je penses pas mais bon.... smile

Dernière modification par cam (Le 25/10/2007, à 12:59)

Hors ligne

#4 Le 25/10/2007, à 13:04


Re : impossible d'afficher 2 conky sur le bureau[résolu]

merci pour les reponses,

alors pour te repondre , non ils ne se chevauchent pas , et la ligne pour "dbe" dans mon xorg.conf est commentée ====> #Load           "dbe"

The Matrix has you

Hors ligne

#5 Le 25/10/2007, à 13:42


Re : impossible d'afficher 2 conky sur le bureau[résolu]

Et en jouant sur le paramètre own_window et sur le buffer de conky ?

Tu peux regarder dans le topic où tu as posté le lien vers ce forum, ma configuration lorsque j'avais deux conky.


Hors ligne

#6 Le 25/10/2007, à 14:21


Re : impossible d'afficher 2 conky sur le bureau[résolu]

alors avec "own_window yes" ça fonctionne mais le probleme c'est que conky n'est plus sur le bureau mais dans un fenêtre.... et si je desactive le double buffer conky clignote, meme seul.

Dernière modification par bunutu (Le 25/10/2007, à 14:32)

The Matrix has you

Hors ligne

#7 Le 25/10/2007, à 14:32


Re : impossible d'afficher 2 conky sur le bureau[résolu]

Essaye de conserver ta partie TEXT tout en prenant la partie de conf dans mes conkyrc et réessaye ; sinon as-tu essayé de lancer tes deux conky via un script ?

Au fait, tu es sous Gnome ou KDE ?


Hors ligne

#8 Le 25/10/2007, à 18:21


Re : impossible d'afficher 2 conky sur le bureau[résolu]

en effet quand je prend tes 2 .conkyrc ça fonctionne .

sinon j'avais le meme probleme  sous gnome et kde, que j'utilise un script ou pas.

je vais quand meme essayer de trouver de quelle  option vient le probleme.

merci !

Dernière modification par bunutu (Le 25/10/2007, à 18:22)

The Matrix has you

Hors ligne

#9 Le 26/10/2007, à 00:32


Re : impossible d'afficher 2 conky sur le bureau[résolu]

Je pense qu'il te faut sûrement décommenter dbe dans ton xorg.conf car je crois que c'est l'option qui permet l'utilisation du double buffer.

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