Pages : 1
#1 Le 14/05/2008, à 11:31
- stopher
[ Résolu ]Postfix mailq
Bonjour à tous ,
Je regarde les mails en file d'attente via mailq , et là une petite liste , mais presque que des adresses invalides ...
Le serveur a certainement essayé d'envoyer un message comme quoi l'utilisateur n'existe pas ...
Celà peut il etre gênant ?
le fait qu'il essaye de se connecter et d'envoyer un mail de retour à des adresses invalides ..
Pas de risque d'apparaître dans des rbls ?
Voici la liste :
-Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
482D136C0D3* 3465 Wed May 14 01:17:47 MAILER-DAEMON
B906E36C0D0 3698 Tue May 13 22:15:42 MAILER-DAEMON
(conversation with[] timed out while receiving the initial server greeting)
676B736C0D2 3514 Tue May 13 22:26:50 MAILER-DAEMON
(host[] refused to talk to me: 450 <>: Helo command rejected: Host not found)
25F3036C0D4 4821 Tue May 13 22:27:07 MAILER-DAEMON
(connect to[]: Connection timed out)
72CEE36C0D1 6489 Tue May 13 19:54:00 MAILER-DAEMON
(connect to[]: Connection refused)
CF51D36C0CF 6486 Tue May 13 19:58:09 MAILER-DAEMON
(connect to[]: Connection refused)
AF1C736C08D 5698 Wed May 14 11:36:29 MAILER-DAEMON
(connect to[]: Connection timed out)
Dernière modification par stopher (Le 14/05/2008, à 15:38)
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#2 Le 14/05/2008, à 14:19
- toniotonio
Re : [ Résolu ]Postfix mailq
faut verifier d'ou vient ton bounce car tu ne devrais pas en avoir sur des adresses inexistantes
Tutoriaux Postfix sur
Messagerie Dédiée, Relais Mail Antispam/Antivirus, Infogérance 24/7:
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#3 Le 14/05/2008, à 14:55
- stopher
Re : [ Résolu ]Postfix mailq
A oui en effet ,
je pense que le probléme vien de la configuration d'amavis
$final_virus_destiny = D_DISCARD; # (data not lost, see virus quarantine)
$final_banned_destiny = D_BOUNCE; # D_REJECT when front-end MTA
$final_spam_destiny = D_BOUNCE;
$final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS; # False-positive prone (for spam)
Ca me parait etre logique ..
Hors ligne
#4 Le 14/05/2008, à 15:02
- toniotonio
Re : [ Résolu ]Postfix mailq
il ne faut surtout PAS faire de bounce sur le spam:
a la place:
$final_spam_destiny = D_DISCARD;
Dernière modification par toniotonio (Le 14/05/2008, à 15:02)
Tutoriaux Postfix sur
Messagerie Dédiée, Relais Mail Antispam/Antivirus, Infogérance 24/7:
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#5 Le 14/05/2008, à 15:03
- stopher
Re : [ Résolu ]Postfix mailq
Je n'arrive pas bien à différencier
Hors ligne
#6 Le 14/05/2008, à 15:29
- toniotonio
Re : [ Résolu ]Postfix mailq
# The following symbolic constants can be used in *_destiny settings:
# D_PASS mail will pass to recipients, regardless of bad contents;
# D_DISCARD mail will not be delivered to its recipients, sender will NOT be
# notified. Effectively we lose mail (but will be quarantined
# unless disabled). Losing mail is not decent for a mailer,
# but might be desired.
# D_BOUNCE mail will not be delivered to its recipients, a non-delivery
# notification (bounce) will be sent to the sender by amavisd-new;
# Exception: bounce (DSN) will not be sent if a virus name matches
# @viruses_that_fake_sender_maps, or to messages from mailing lists
# (Precedence: bulk|list|junk), or for spam level that exceeds
# the $sa_dsn_cutoff_level.
# D_REJECT mail will not be delivered to its recipients, sender should
# preferably get a reject, e.g. SMTP permanent reject response
# (e.g. with milter), or non-delivery notification from MTA
# (e.g. Postfix). If this is not possible (e.g. different recipients
# have different tolerances to bad mail contents and not using LMTP)
# amavisd-new sends a bounce by itself (same as D_BOUNCE).
# Not to be used with Postfix or dual-MTA setups!
# Notes:
# D_REJECT and D_BOUNCE are similar, the difference is in who is responsible
# for informing the sender about non-delivery, and how informative
# the notification can be (amavisd-new knows more than MTA);
# With D_REJECT, MTA may reject original SMTP, or send DSN (delivery status
# notification, colloquially called 'bounce') - depending on MTA;
# Best suited for sendmail milter and Courier, especially for spam.
# With D_BOUNCE, amavisd-new (not MTA) sends DSN (can better explain the
# reason for mail non-delivery or even suppress DSN, but unable
# to reject the original SMTP session). Best suited to reporting
# viruses, and for Postfix and other dual-MTA setups, which can't
# reject original client SMTP session, as the mail has already
# been enqueued.# Alternatives to consider for spam:
# - use D_PASS if clients will do filtering based on inserted
# mail headers or added address extensions ('plus-addressing');
# - use D_DISCARD, if kill_level is set comfortably high;
# D_BOUNCE is preferred for viruses, but consider:
# - use D_PASS (or virus_lovers) to deliver viruses;
# - use D_REJECT instead of D_BOUNCE if using Courier or milter and under heavy
# virus storm;
Tutoriaux Postfix sur
Messagerie Dédiée, Relais Mail Antispam/Antivirus, Infogérance 24/7:
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#7 Le 14/05/2008, à 15:38
- stopher
Re : [ Résolu ]Postfix mailq
Ok merci pour ces précisions ...
Je ne sais pas pourquoi j'ai mis D_BOUNCE à l'origine ..
Ca devait etre la chaleur ..:P
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Pages : 1