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#1 Le 19/06/2014, à 11:47


[tor & privoxy] localisation par BBC

I am running tor and privoxy and I browse the internet with iceweasel (on debian 7.5 - gnome - 64 bits). Moreover I configured tor in order to have my exit tor's nodes in Great Britain.

The idea is to watch the BBC iplayer and avoid the following message :

BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only.Findout why.If you are in the UK and see this message please read this advice.

It's working in the sense that most sites, which give your location knowing your ip, localise me in London - GB.
So at first sight, I'm in GB. But I still have the restriction message from .
Do you know how the BBC site localise their clients ?

Il est malpoli d'etre aigri

debian 7.5 - 64 bits - gnome

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#2 Le 19/06/2014, à 13:23


Re : [tor & privoxy] localisation par BBC


brunod a écrit :

Theoretically this is a french speaking forum .../... #3

Etant déjà averti, un effort serait apprécié. Merci pour les non anglophones.

«C'est pas parce qu'ils sont nombreux à avoir tort qu'ils ont raison!»


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