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#1 Le 23/01/2012, à 15:18


Reconstruction RAID5


J'ai un serveur sous Ubuntu 11.04 avec 2 raid. Un de ces raid est un raid5 avec 5 disques de 1To. Il y a quelques temps, mdadm m'a dit que 2 des disques étaient en panne. Il a donc commencé une reconstruction. Comme je me demandais bien ce qu'il allait reconstruire, j'ai préféré arrêter et mettre de côté. Je me repenche donc sur le problème.

Les 5 disques sont reconnus dans le BIOS.

Donc j'essaie de me replonger dans le problème.

La commande cat /proc/mdstat me renvoie :

md0 : inactive sdd1[2](S) sdb1[0](S) sdf1[4](S) sdc1[1](S) sde1[3](S)
      4883794885 blocks super 1.2

Les commandes

sudo mdadm --examine /dev/sdX1

me donnent :

          Magic : a92b4efc
        Version : 1.2
    Feature Map : 0x0
     Array UUID : 6693f456:d17f32e2:dfbb30ca:5b950425
           Name : boris-server:0  (local to host boris-server)
  Creation Time : Wed May 18 20:27:12 2011
     Raid Level : raid5
   Raid Devices : 5

 Avail Dev Size : 1953517954 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
     Array Size : 7814070272 (3726.04 GiB 4000.80 GB)
  Used Dev Size : 1953517568 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
    Data Offset : 2048 sectors
   Super Offset : 8 sectors
          State : clean
    Device UUID : 2f77faf3:84ee5144:a3864f75:4d251d5b

    Update Time : Sun Jul  3 03:35:04 2011
       Checksum : 9f938ad8 - correct
         Events : 26

         Layout : left-symmetric
     Chunk Size : 128K

   Device Role : Active device 0
   Array State : A..AA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
          Magic : a92b4efc
        Version : 1.2
    Feature Map : 0x0
     Array UUID : 6693f456:d17f32e2:dfbb30ca:5b950425
           Name : boris-server:0  (local to host boris-server)
  Creation Time : Wed May 18 20:27:12 2011
     Raid Level : raid5
   Raid Devices : 5

 Avail Dev Size : 1953517954 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
     Array Size : 7814070272 (3726.04 GiB 4000.80 GB)
  Used Dev Size : 1953517568 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
    Data Offset : 2048 sectors
   Super Offset : 8 sectors
          State : clean
    Device UUID : 95716f08:bc7c395f:22e32a78:851f0722

    Update Time : Sun Jul  3 03:33:31 2011
       Checksum : 98b769cf - correct
         Events : 22

         Layout : left-symmetric
     Chunk Size : 128K

   Device Role : Active device 1
   Array State : AAAAA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)

          Magic : a92b4efc
        Version : 1.2
    Feature Map : 0x0
     Array UUID : 6693f456:d17f32e2:dfbb30ca:5b950425
           Name : boris-server:0  (local to host boris-server)
  Creation Time : Wed May 18 20:27:12 2011
     Raid Level : raid5
   Raid Devices : 5

 Avail Dev Size : 1953517954 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
     Array Size : 7814070272 (3726.04 GiB 4000.80 GB)
  Used Dev Size : 1953517568 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
    Data Offset : 2048 sectors
   Super Offset : 8 sectors
          State : clean
    Device UUID : 0328151d:2b73740d:af8fcea1:1956af38

    Update Time : Sun Jul  3 03:33:31 2011
       Checksum : 9be45e0e - correct
         Events : 22

         Layout : left-symmetric
     Chunk Size : 128K

   Device Role : Active device 2
   Array State : AAAAA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)

          Magic : a92b4efc
        Version : 1.2
    Feature Map : 0x0
     Array UUID : 6693f456:d17f32e2:dfbb30ca:5b950425
           Name : boris-server:0  (local to host boris-server)
  Creation Time : Wed May 18 20:27:12 2011
     Raid Level : raid5
   Raid Devices : 5

 Avail Dev Size : 1953517954 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
     Array Size : 7814070272 (3726.04 GiB 4000.80 GB)
  Used Dev Size : 1953517568 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
    Data Offset : 2048 sectors
   Super Offset : 8 sectors
          State : clean
    Device UUID : 76a172e2:dd4428c3:b20b03d4:3ad3f54d

    Update Time : Sun Jul  3 03:35:04 2011
       Checksum : 5e6e3e78 - correct
         Events : 26

         Layout : left-symmetric
     Chunk Size : 128K

   Device Role : Active device 3
   Array State : A..AA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)

          Magic : a92b4efc
        Version : 1.2
    Feature Map : 0x0
     Array UUID : 6693f456:d17f32e2:dfbb30ca:5b950425
           Name : boris-server:0  (local to host boris-server)
  Creation Time : Wed May 18 20:27:12 2011
     Raid Level : raid5
   Raid Devices : 5

 Avail Dev Size : 1953517954 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
     Array Size : 7814070272 (3726.04 GiB 4000.80 GB)
  Used Dev Size : 1953517568 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
    Data Offset : 2048 sectors
   Super Offset : 8 sectors
          State : clean
    Device UUID : 870bb8b7:39acab74:fa52fe2f:0a7ee24a

    Update Time : Sun Jul  3 03:35:04 2011
       Checksum : 3e1f01fd - correct
         Events : 26

         Layout : left-symmetric
     Chunk Size : 128K

   Device Role : Active device 4
   Array State : A..AA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)

Est-ce qu'il y aurait un moyen de reconstruire le RAID ou est-ce que toutes mes données sont perdues ? (je n'avais bien sûr que peu de sauvegarde ...).


Dernière modification par bobange (Le 06/05/2012, à 19:16)

Hors ligne

#2 Le 24/01/2012, à 01:00


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Bah ce qui est chaud ici, c'est que tu vois que sdc1 et sdd1 ont un "statut" qui a été mis à jour en juillet avec tous les disques dans le raid. Or les trois autres montrent bien (en mai) que ces deux là en étaient sortis.

Il faudrait que tu essaye d'assembler ton raid en dégradé avec un seul de ces deux disques (soit sdc1 soit sdd1) en plus des trois autres. Il faudra probablement le forcer.

sudo mdadm -S /dev/md0
sudo mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sde1 /dv/sdf1

et si nécessaire recommence avec --force mais ça risque d'être tendu…

Hors ligne

#3 Le 24/01/2012, à 06:09


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Poudiou ...

Vu la façon dont tu me dis ça, c'est pas gagné !

Allez, c'est parti ! Entre sdc1 et sdd1, je tire au hasard smile ?

boris@boris-server:~$ sudo mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sde1 /dev/sdf1
mdadm: /dev/md0 assembled from 3 drives - not enough to start the array.
boris@boris-server:~$ sudo mdadm --force -A /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sde1 /dev/sdf1
mdadm: -A would set mdadm mode to "assemble", but it is already set to "manage".
boris@boris-server:~$ sudo mdadm  -A --force /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sde1 /dev/sdf1
mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sdb1: Device or resource busy
mdadm: /dev/sdb1 has no superblock - assembly aborted

Ce fut plus court que ce à quoi je m'attendais smile

Dernière modification par bobange (Le 24/01/2012, à 06:22)

Hors ligne

#4 Le 24/01/2012, à 08:03


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Tu as oublié de stopper ton raid avant, et entre chaque tentative.
Reprends juste la dernière, après l'avoir stoppé.

Hors ligne

#5 Le 24/01/2012, à 18:15


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Je viens de rentrer (c'est bien dommage que la freebox ne veuille pas redémarrer depuis Internet, je comptais me connecter en ssh).

Voilà ce que ça donne :

root@boris-server:/home/boris# mdadm -A --force /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sde1 /dev/sdf1
mdadm: forcing event count in /dev/sdc1(1) from 22 upto 26
mdadm: clearing FAULTY flag for device 1 in /dev/md0 for /dev/sdc1
mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 4 drives (out of 5).

Je le monte et c'est gagné ? Avec ma politique de l'autruche depuis 6 mois, j'étais  plus tranquille finalement smile


Hors ligne

#6 Le 25/01/2012, à 10:53


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit gagné. Ça va dépendre de l'état de ces disques. Il FAUT monter en read only !

mkdir test && sudo mount /dev/md0 test/ - o ro

EDIT : Pour l'instant ne ré-assemble surtout pas le raid avec le 5è disque. Évite toute situation de resync.

Dernière modification par rmy (Le 25/01/2012, à 10:54)

Hors ligne

#7 Le 26/01/2012, à 06:20


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Voilà, j'essaie de suivre tes instructions à la lettre ...

Par contre, j'ai oublié de te dire que je crois que j'avais mis le RAID dans un LVM ... Mais je dois avouer que je ne suis plus trop certain.

boris@boris-server:/media$ sudo mkdir tet && sudo mount /dev/md0 tet/ -o ro
mount: type inconnu de système de fichiers 'LVM2_member'

Je dois avouer aussi que je suis un peu perdu ...

EDIT :  Je viens de monter la partition avec Webmin en ReadOnly. Et je crois bien que ça a marché ... Je suis en train de copier mes photos et j'ai l'impression que c'est bon !

EDIT 2 : Bon tout marche, j'ai tout retrouvé ! Donc, maintenant je suppose qu'il va falloir que je réintègre le disque sorti, et que je reconstruise tout ça ?


Dernière modification par bobange (Le 26/01/2012, à 06:56)

Hors ligne

#8 Le 26/01/2012, à 08:59


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Toutes tes données sont à l'abri ? Si oui, tu peux effectivement réintégrer ton disque qui avait déconnecté.

Pour la suite : Il devait y avoir une raison pour que deux disques déconnectent en même temps, vérifie si il n'étaient pas sur une carte fille qui pourrait avoir un souci. Si ils étaient directement sur la CM, vérifie ta config et en particulier l'état smart de chacun de tes disques. Si tout est bon, ça roule.

Tu peux passer ton sujet en [Résolu]

Hors ligne

#9 Le 26/01/2012, à 19:46


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Alors, je suis en train de mettre les données à l'abri (3To, ça se trouve pas toujours comme ça).

Les disques étaient sur la carte mère, donc je vais effectivement vérifier l'état SMART des disques.

Pour réintégrer le disque, je démonte, j'arrête le RAID et puis

sudo mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 /dv/sdf1 

C'est bien ça ?

Hors ligne

#10 Le 26/01/2012, à 21:03


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

oui, probablement avec --force, et ensuite tu check la resynchro avec

watch 'cat /proc/mdstat'

Hors ligne

#11 Le 06/05/2012, à 19:16


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Bon ...

J'ai tout reconstruit et tout marchait. Je reviens d'un week-end et plus rien ne marche. J'ai des erreurs d'entrée-sortie sur tout le raid.

Voilà ce que me renvoie :

md0 : active raid5 sdb1[0] sde1[3] sdf1[4] sdd1[2](F) sdc1[1](F)
      3907035136 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 128k chunk, algorithm 2 [5/3] [U__UU]

Je retente la procédure ? Je change les disques ? Je me suicide ?

Voilà le retour de sfdisk

boris@boris-server:~$ sudo sfdisk -luS
[sudo] password for boris: 

Disque /dev/sda : 38913 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste
Avertissement : la partition étendue ne débute pas sur une frontière de
cylindres. DOS et Linux interpréteront les contenus différemment.
Unités= secteurs de 512 octets, décompte à partir de 0

   Périph Amorce  Début       Fin   #secteurs Id  Système
/dev/sda1   *      2048 616753151  616751104  83  Linux
/dev/sda2     616755198 625141759    8386562   5  Étendue
/dev/sda3             0         -          0   0  Vide
/dev/sda4             0         -          0   0  Vide
/dev/sda5     616755200 625141759    8386560  82  partition d'échange Linux / Solaris

Disque /dev/sdc : 121601 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste
read: Erreur d'entrée/sortie

sfdisk: erreur de lecture sur /dev/sdc - impossible de lire le secteur 0
 /dev/sdc : type non reconnu de table de partition
Aucune partition repérée

Disque /dev/sde : 121601 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste
Unités= secteurs de 512 octets, décompte à partir de 0

   Périph Amorce  Début       Fin   #secteurs Id  Système
/dev/sde1            63 1953520064 1953520002  83  Linux
/dev/sde2             0         -          0   0  Vide
/dev/sde3             0         -          0   0  Vide
/dev/sde4             0         -          0   0  Vide

Disque /dev/sdf : 121601 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste
Unités= secteurs de 512 octets, décompte à partir de 0

   Périph Amorce  Début       Fin   #secteurs Id  Système
/dev/sdf1            63 1953520064 1953520002  83  Linux
/dev/sdf2             0         -          0   0  Vide
/dev/sdf3             0         -          0   0  Vide
/dev/sdf4             0         -          0   0  Vide

Disque /dev/sdd : 121601 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste
read: Erreur d'entrée/sortie

sfdisk: erreur de lecture sur /dev/sdd - impossible de lire le secteur 0
 /dev/sdd : type non reconnu de table de partition
Aucune partition repérée

Disque /dev/sdb : 121601 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste
Unités= secteurs de 512 octets, décompte à partir de 0

   Périph Amorce  Début       Fin   #secteurs Id  Système
/dev/sdb1            63 1953520064 1953520002  83  Linux
/dev/sdb2             0         -          0   0  Vide
/dev/sdb3             0         -          0   0  Vide
/dev/sdb4             0         -          0   0  Vide

Disque /dev/md0 : 976758784 cylindres, 2 têtes, 4 secteurs/piste

sfdisk: Erreur : le secteur 0 n'a pas une signature MS-DOS
 /dev/md0 : type non reconnu de table de partition
Aucune partition repérée

Disque /dev/sdg : 243201 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste

sfdisk: Erreur : le secteur 0 n'a pas une signature MS-DOS
 /dev/sdg : type non reconnu de table de partition
Aucune partition repérée

Disque /dev/sdh : 243201 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste

sfdisk: Erreur : le secteur 0 n'a pas une signature MS-DOS
 /dev/sdh : type non reconnu de table de partition
Aucune partition repérée

Disque /dev/sdi : 243201 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste

sfdisk: Erreur : le secteur 0 n'a pas une signature MS-DOS
 /dev/sdi : type non reconnu de table de partition
Aucune partition repérée

Disque /dev/sdj : 243201 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste

sfdisk: Erreur : le secteur 0 n'a pas une signature MS-DOS
 /dev/sdj : type non reconnu de table de partition
Aucune partition repérée

Disque /dev/md1 : 1465135008 cylindres, 2 têtes, 4 secteurs/piste

sfdisk: Erreur : le secteur 0 n'a pas une signature MS-DOS
 /dev/md1 : type non reconnu de table de partition
Aucune partition repérée

Disque /dev/mapper/raid-raid : 486398 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste

sfdisk: Erreur : le secteur 0 n'a pas une signature MS-DOS
 /dev/mapper/raid-raid : type non reconnu de table de partition
Aucune partition repérée

Disque /dev/mapper/films-films : 729597 cylindres, 255 têtes, 63 secteurs/piste

sfdisk: Erreur : le secteur 0 n'a pas une signature MS-DOS
 /dev/mapper/films-films : type non reconnu de table de partition
Aucune partition repérée

Voilà le retour de udisks

boris@boris-server:~$ udisks --show-info /dev/sdc
Showing information for /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdc
  native-path:                 /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0/block/sdc
  device:                      8:32
  device-file:                 /dev/sdc
    presentation:              /dev/sdc
    by-id:                     /dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_HD103UJ_S13PJ90QA47056
    by-id:                     /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_HD103UJS13PJ90QA47056
    by-id:                     /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x50000f000b4a0765
    by-path:                   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-1:0:0:0
  detected at:                 lun. 23 avril 2012 23:53:34 CEST
  system internal:             1
  removable:                   0
  has media:                   1 (detected at lun. 23 avril 2012 23:53:34 CEST)
    detects change:            0
    detection by polling:      0
    detection inhibitable:     0
    detection inhibited:       0
  is read only:                0
  is mounted:                  0
  mount paths:             
  mounted by uid:              0
  presentation hide:           0
  presentation nopolicy:       0
  presentation name:           
  presentation icon:           
  automount hint:              
  size:                        1000204886016
  block size:                  512
  job underway:                no
  partition table:
    scheme:                    mbr
    count:                     1
    vendor:                    ATA
    model:                     SAMSUNG HD103UJ
    revision:                  1AA01131
    serial:                    S13PJ90QA47056
    WWN:                       50000f000b4a0765
    detachable:                0
    can spindown:              1
    rotational media:          Yes, unknown rate
    write-cache:               enabled
    ejectable:                 0
    adapter:                   /org/freedesktop/UDisks/adapters/0000_3a00_3a1f_2e2
    similar devices:
    interface:                 ata
    if speed:                  (unknown)
    ATA SMART:                 Updated at dim. 06 mai 2012 01:23:38 CEST
      overall assessment:      Good
 Attribute       Current|Worst|Threshold  Status   Value       Type     Updates
 raw-read-error-rate         100|100| 51   good    0           Pre-fail Online 
 spin-up-time                 77| 77| 11   good    7,8 secs    Pre-fail Online 
 start-stop-count            100|100|  0    n/a    142         Old-age  Online 
 reallocated-sector-count    100|100| 10   good    0 sectors   Pre-fail Online 
 seek-error-rate             100|100| 51   good    0           Pre-fail Online 
 seek-time-performance       100|100| 15   good    0           Pre-fail Offline
 power-on-hours               96| 96|  0    n/a    937,0 days  Old-age  Online 
 spin-retry-count            100|100| 51   good    0           Pre-fail Online 
 calibration-retry-count     100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 power-cycle-count           100|100|  0    n/a    142         Old-age  Online 
 read-soft-error-rate        100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 attribute-183               100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 end-to-end-error            100|100|  0    n/a    0           Pre-fail Online 
 reported-uncorrect          100|100|  0    n/a    0 sectors   Old-age  Online 
 command-timeout             100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 airflow-temperature-celsius  51| 42|  0    n/a    49C / 120F  Old-age  Online 
 temperature-celsius-2        49| 40|  0    n/a    51C / 124F  Old-age  Online 
 hardware-ecc-recovered      100|100|  0    n/a    16929011    Old-age  Online 
 reallocated-event-count     100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 current-pending-sector      100|100|  0    n/a    0 sectors   Old-age  Online 
 offline-uncorrectable       100|100|  0    n/a    0 sectors   Old-age  Offline
 udma-crc-error-count        100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 multi-zone-error-rate       100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 soft-read-error-rate        100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 

Et pour le sdd

boris@boris-server:~$ udisks --show-info /dev/sdd
Showing information for /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdd
  native-path:                 /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host1/target1:0:1/1:0:1:0/block/sdd
  device:                      8:48
  device-file:                 /dev/sdd
    presentation:              /dev/sdd
    by-id:                     /dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_HD103UJ_S13PJ90QA47051
    by-id:                     /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_HD103UJS13PJ90QA47051
    by-id:                     /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x50000f000b4a0715
    by-path:                   /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-1:0:1:0
  detected at:                 lun. 23 avril 2012 23:53:34 CEST
  system internal:             1
  removable:                   0
  has media:                   1 (detected at lun. 23 avril 2012 23:53:34 CEST)
    detects change:            0
    detection by polling:      0
    detection inhibitable:     0
    detection inhibited:       0
  is read only:                0
  is mounted:                  0
  mount paths:             
  mounted by uid:              0
  presentation hide:           0
  presentation nopolicy:       0
  presentation name:           
  presentation icon:           
  automount hint:              
  size:                        1000204886016
  block size:                  512
  job underway:                no
  partition table:
    scheme:                    mbr
    count:                     1
    vendor:                    ATA
    model:                     SAMSUNG HD103UJ
    revision:                  1AA01131
    serial:                    S13PJ90QA47051
    WWN:                       50000f000b4a0715
    detachable:                0
    can spindown:              1
    rotational media:          Yes, unknown rate
    write-cache:               enabled
    ejectable:                 0
    adapter:                   /org/freedesktop/UDisks/adapters/0000_3a00_3a1f_2e2
    similar devices:
    interface:                 ata
    if speed:                  (unknown)
    ATA SMART:                 Updated at dim. 06 mai 2012 01:23:38 CEST
      overall assessment:      Disk has a few bad sectors
 Attribute       Current|Worst|Threshold  Status   Value       Type     Updates
 raw-read-error-rate          99| 92| 51   good    2209        Pre-fail Online 
 spin-up-time                 76| 76| 11   good    8,0 secs    Pre-fail Online 
 start-stop-count            100|100|  0    n/a    142         Old-age  Online 
 reallocated-sector-count    100|100| 10   good    0 sectors   Pre-fail Online 
 seek-error-rate             100|100| 51   good    0           Pre-fail Online 
 seek-time-performance       100|100| 15   good    0           Pre-fail Offline
 power-on-hours               96| 96|  0    n/a    937,1 days  Old-age  Online 
 spin-retry-count            100|100| 51   good    0           Pre-fail Online 
 calibration-retry-count     100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 power-cycle-count           100|100|  0    n/a    142         Old-age  Online 
 read-soft-error-rate         99| 92|  0    n/a    2209        Old-age  Online 
 attribute-183               100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 end-to-end-error            100|100|  0    n/a    0           Pre-fail Online 
 reported-uncorrect          100|100|  0    n/a    7429 sectors Old-age  Online 
 command-timeout             100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 airflow-temperature-celsius  49| 37|  0    n/a    51C / 124F  Old-age  Online 
 temperature-celsius-2        46| 38|  0    n/a    54C / 129F  Old-age  Online 
 hardware-ecc-recovered      100|100|  0    n/a    85193455    Old-age  Online 
 reallocated-event-count      81| 81|  0    n/a    791         Old-age  Online 
 current-pending-sector       94| 94|  0    n/a    259 sectors Old-age  Online 
 offline-uncorrectable       100|100|  0    n/a    0 sectors   Old-age  Offline
 udma-crc-error-count        100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 multi-zone-error-rate       100|100|  0    n/a    0           Old-age  Online 
 soft-read-error-rate         94| 94|  0    n/a    524         Old-age  Online

Dernière modification par bobange (Le 06/05/2012, à 19:42)

Hors ligne

#12 Le 07/05/2012, à 08:55


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Vu les erreurs, on dirait bien que tu as des disques matériellement défectueux. Regarde si tu as des messages d'erreurs avec la commande : dmesg

Mes tutos et coups de gueule :

Hors ligne

#13 Le 07/05/2012, à 09:27


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Alors vu la longueur du retour de dmesg, je dois avoir des erreurs ...

2>[1138934.968376] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.971097] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.971118] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138934.971121] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138934.971130] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.973868] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.973891] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138934.973894] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138934.973903] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.976696] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.976720] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138934.976723] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138934.976732] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.979384] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.979405] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138934.979408] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138934.979416] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.982196] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.982220] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138934.982223] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138934.982232] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.984990] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.985022] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.987710] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.987738] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.990488] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.990518] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.993262] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.993291] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.995930] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.995958] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138934.998666] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138934.998695] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.001491] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.001520] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.004448] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.004476] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.007169] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.007198] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.010120] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.010148] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.012940] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.012969] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.015727] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.015755] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.018505] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.018533] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.021278] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.021306] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.023975] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.024060] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.026783] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.026811] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.029536] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.029564] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.032289] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.032318] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.034974] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.035002] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.037787] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.037815] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.040549] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.040578] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.043243] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.043270] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.045977] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.046006] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.048769] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.048797] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.051423] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.051450] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.054195] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.054225] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.056937] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.056966] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.059610] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.059638] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.062452] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.062481] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.065199] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.065228] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.067891] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.067919] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.070617] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.070646] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.073431] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.073459] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.076208] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.076237] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.078943] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.078971] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.081680] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.081709] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.084465] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.084494] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.087135] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.087163] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.089877] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.089906] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.092686] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.092714] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.095382] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.095410] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.098205] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.098238] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.100979] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.101007] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.103665] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.103693] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.106407] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.106435] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.109250] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.109278] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.111938] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.111966] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.114713] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.114742] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.117453] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.117481] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.120177] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.120209] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.122905] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.122933] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.125709] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.125738] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.128503] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.128532] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.131196] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.131223] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.134013] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.134042] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.136789] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.136816] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.139480] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.139507] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.142226] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.142255] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.145068] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.145096] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.147718] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.147744] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.150491] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.150519] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.153265] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.153294] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.155944] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.155972] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.158772] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.158800] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.161552] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.161581] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.164348] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.164376] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.167093] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.167121] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.169938] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.169966] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.172874] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.172903] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.175599] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.175627] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.178348] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.178377] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.181197] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.181225] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.183927] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.183955] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.186727] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.186757] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.189538] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.189567] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.192354] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.192383] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.195111] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.195138] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.197905] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.197933] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.200735] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.200763] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.203438] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.203466] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.206320] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.206349] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.209122] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.209150] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.211954] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.211982] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.214833] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.214862] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.217654] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.217682] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.220459] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.220488] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.223204] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.223231] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.226012] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.226041] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.228794] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.228822] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.231549] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.231578] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.234349] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.234378] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.237149] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.237178] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.239841] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.239869] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.242668] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.242698] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.245535] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.245564] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.248286] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.248315] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.251047] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.251075] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.253871] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.253900] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.256642] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.256671] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.259347] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.259374] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.262189] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.262218] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.265006] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.265034] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.267746] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.267772] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.270534] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.270563] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.273315] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.273343] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.276113] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.276143] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.278912] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.278941] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.281727] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.281756] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.284455] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.284483] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.287211] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.287268] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.290073] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.290102] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.292895] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.292924] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.295604] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.295631] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.298447] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.298476] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.301257] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.301285] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.303972] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.303999] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.306763] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.306792] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.309561] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.309589] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.312341] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.312369] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.315044] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.315071] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.317870] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.317899] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.320658] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.320686] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.323412] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.323440] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.326242] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.326271] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.329068] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.329097] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.331753] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.331781] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.334571] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.334600] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.337394] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.337422] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.340184] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.340214] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.342965] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.342994] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.345751] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.345779] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.348589] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.348618] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.351301] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.351329] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.354148] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.354177] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.356945] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.356975] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.359677] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.359705] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.362560] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.362589] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.365356] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.365385] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.368083] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.368111] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.370868] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.370896] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.373774] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.373802] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.376559] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.376588] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.379296] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.379323] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.382063] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.382091] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.384902] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.384931] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.387611] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.387639] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.390449] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.390477] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.393224] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.393252] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.395899] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.395925] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.398677] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.398706] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.401425] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.401454] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.404236] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.404266] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.406972] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.407000] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.409814] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.409843] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.412578] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.412607] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.415279] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.415306] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.418019] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.418048] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.420834] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.420863] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.423500] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.423528] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.426268] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.426296] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.429078] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.429107] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.431774] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.431802] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.434603] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.434632] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.437539] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.437569] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.440360] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.440388] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.443039] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.443067] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.445869] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.445897] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.448649] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.448678] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.451392] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.451420] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.454158] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.454187] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.456960] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.456989] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138935.459641] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138935.459668] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.079536] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.088493] quiet_error: 172 callbacks suppressed
[1138940.088499] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138940.088504] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138940.088519] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.089354] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.089374] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138940.089377] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138940.089386] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.089906] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.089925] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138940.089927] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138940.089936] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.090566] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.090584] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138940.090587] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138940.090595] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.091099] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.091116] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138940.091119] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138940.091127] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.091753] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.091770] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138940.091772] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138940.091781] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.092539] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.092567] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138940.092572] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138940.092585] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.093527] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.093556] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138940.093560] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138940.093573] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.094253] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.094278] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138940.094282] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138940.094294] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.095136] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.095161] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1138940.095165] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1138940.095177] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.095885] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.095917] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.096848] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.096889] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.097587] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.097622] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.098473] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.098506] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.099206] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.099240] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.100185] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.100221] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.100798] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.100824] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.101472] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.101496] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.102000] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.102024] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.102678] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.102702] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.103213] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.103237] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.103865] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.103888] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.104457] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.104485] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.105168] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.105192] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.105696] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.105720] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.106347] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.106371] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.106870] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.106893] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.107545] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.107569] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.108114] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.108138] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.108842] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.108868] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.109375] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.109399] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.110021] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.110045] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.110585] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.110609] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.111236] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.111259] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.111762] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.111786] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.112518] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.112543] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.113205] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.113231] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.113920] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.113945] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.114450] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.114473] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.115096] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.115120] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.115642] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.115665] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.116398] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.116425] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.116981] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.117006] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.117637] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.117661] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.118166] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.118190] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.118848] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.118872] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.119376] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.119399] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.120039] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.120063] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.120631] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.120657] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.121301] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.121325] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.121855] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.121879] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.122504] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.122528] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.123027] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.123050] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.123690] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.123714] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.124327] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.124354] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.125032] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.125057] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.125572] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.125595] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.126215] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.126239] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.126735] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.126758] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.127405] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.127429] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.127930] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.127953] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.128661] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.128687] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.129205] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.129228] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.129883] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.129907] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.130412] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.130435] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.131054] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.131077] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.131598] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.131622] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.132343] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.132372] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.132911] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.132936] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.133563] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.133587] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.134099] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.134122] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.134754] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.134776] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.135306] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.135327] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.135945] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.135967] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.136563] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.136588] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.137236] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.137258] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.137799] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.137821] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.138439] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.138461] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.138957] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.138980] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.139623] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.139645] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.140175] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.140206] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.141148] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.141172] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.141680] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.141703] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.142322] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.142345] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.142845] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.142868] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.143516] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.143539] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.144069] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.144092] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.144792] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.144817] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.145337] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.145360] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.146020] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.146043] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.146542] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.146564] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.147183] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.147205] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.147698] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.147721] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.148465] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.148490] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.149043] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.149066] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.149700] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.149722] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.150223] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.150245] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.150870] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.150892] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.151420] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.151442] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.152075] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.152099] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.152671] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.152697] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.153340] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.153363] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.153862] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.153885] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.154533] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.154557] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.155059] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.155083] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.155725] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.155749] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.156310] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.156337] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.157035] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.157060] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.157572] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.157596] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.158223] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.158247] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.158747] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.158771] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.159421] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.159445] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.159950] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.159974] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.160716] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.160743] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.161264] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.161287] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.161916] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.161939] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.162468] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.162491] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.163112] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.163136] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.163636] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.163659] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.164366] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.164392] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.164965] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.164990] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.165626] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.165649] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.166164] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.166187] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.166818] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.166841] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.167358] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.167382] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.168065] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.168089] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.168666] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.168692] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.169343] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.169366] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.169865] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.169887] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.170543] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.170566] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.171059] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.171083] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.171704] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.171727] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.172338] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.172364] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.173071] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.173096] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.173608] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.173631] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.174258] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.174281] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.174785] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.174807] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.175428] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.175451] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.175980] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.176017] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.176730] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.176756] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.177279] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.177302] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.177928] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.177952] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.178484] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.178507] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.179130] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.179153] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.179649] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.179672] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.180381] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.180408] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.180950] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.180975] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.181625] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.181649] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.182154] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.182177] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.182798] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.182821] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.183321] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.183345] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.183995] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.184049] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.184630] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.184656] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.185300] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.185324] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.185828] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.185852] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.186512] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.186535] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.187035] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.187058] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.187684] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.187707] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.188284] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.188312] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.188986] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.189011] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.189550] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.189574] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.190198] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.190222] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.190722] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.190746] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.191371] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.191395] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.191919] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.191942] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.192650] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.192677] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.193193] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.193216] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.193838] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.193861] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.194358] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.194381] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.195026] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.195049] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.195548] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.195571] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.196299] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.196326] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.196879] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.196904] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.197566] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.197589] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.198091] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.198115] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.198741] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.198764] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.199264] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.199287] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.199940] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.199963] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.200544] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.200570] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.201222] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.201245] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.201756] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.201780] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.202409] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.202433] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.202959] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.202982] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.203605] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.203629] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.204198] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.204222] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.204924] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.204950] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.205494] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.205517] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.206145] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.206169] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.206669] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.206692] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.207319] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.207342] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.207845] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.207868] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.208624] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.208650] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.209165] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.209189] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.209816] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.209840] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.210347] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.210370] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.211017] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.211040] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.211538] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.211561] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.212245] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.212270] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.212839] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.212864] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.213524] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.213548] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.214048] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.214071] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.214692] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.214715] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.215218] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.215242] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.215861] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.215885] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.216488] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.216517] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.217173] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.217197] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.217704] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.217728] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.218348] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.218371] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.218901] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.218925] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.219547] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.219570] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.220218] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.220243] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.220976] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.221002] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.221518] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.221542] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.222199] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.222222] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.222718] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.222742] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.223364] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.223388] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.223884] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.223908] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.224644] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.224670] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.225184] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.225208] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.225834] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.225858] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.226360] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.226383] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.227032] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.227055] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.227552] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.227575] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.228268] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.228294] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.228861] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.228886] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.229523] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.229547] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.230076] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.230100] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.230728] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.230751] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.231249] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.231272] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.231890] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.231913] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.232581] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.232607] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.233260] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.233284] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.233789] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.233812] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.234433] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.234457] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.234958] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.234982] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.235637] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.235660] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.236225] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.236249] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.236955] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.236980] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.237494] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.237517] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.238171] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.238195] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.238696] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.238719] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.239335] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.239358] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.239858] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.239881] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.240614] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.240639] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.241152] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.241176] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.241794] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.241817] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.242315] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.242338] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.242961] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.242985] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.243518] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.243541] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.244251] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.244277] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.244851] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.244876] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.245510] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.245533] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.246068] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.246092] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.246721] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.246744] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.247246] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.247269] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.247889] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.247912] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.248495] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.248522] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.249196] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.249219] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.249725] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.249749] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.250374] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.250398] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.250898] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.250922] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.251572] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.251596] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.252145] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.252169] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.252878] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.252904] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.253425] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.253448] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.254100] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.254123] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.254619] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.254642] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.255267] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.255290] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.255784] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.255807] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.256533] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.256558] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.257107] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.257130] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.257753] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.257777] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.258281] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.258304] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.258928] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.258952] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.259477] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.259501] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.260163] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.260187] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.260756] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.260781] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.261426] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.261449] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.261953] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.261977] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.262623] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.262646] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.263138] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.263161] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.263778] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.263801] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.264378] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.264405] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.265091] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.265115] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.265750] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.265775] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.266410] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.266432] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.266933] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.266954] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.267603] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.267625] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.268190] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.268215] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.268929] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.268955] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.269463] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.269487] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.270114] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.270137] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.270667] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.270690] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.271307] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.271330] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.271830] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.271853] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.272556] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.272581] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.273132] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.273155] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.273777] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.273801] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.274302] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.274325] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.274951] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.274974] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.275473] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.275496] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.276190] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.276215] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.276789] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.276814] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.277451] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.277475] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.277980] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.278003] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.278666] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.278689] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.279193] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.279216] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.279840] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.279863] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.280468] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.280494] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.281174] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.281198] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.281702] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.281725] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.282343] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.282366] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.282867] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.282891] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.283516] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.283540] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.284107] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.284132] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.284832] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.284858] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.285377] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.285401] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.286024] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.286047] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.286576] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.286599] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.287225] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.287249] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.287747] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.287770] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.288468] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.288494] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.289025] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.289048] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.289697] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.289720] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.290219] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.290242] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.290867] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.290890] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.291384] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.291407] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.292119] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.292143] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.292709] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.292735] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.293374] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.293397] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.293898] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.293922] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.294575] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.294599] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.295096] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.295120] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.295741] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.295764] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.296346] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.296372] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.297050] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.297076] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.297613] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.297637] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.298257] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.298281] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.298783] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.298807] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.299427] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.299450] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.299997] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.300039] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.300736] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.300761] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.301267] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.301290] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.301917] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.301941] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.302445] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.302468] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.303121] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.303145] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.303647] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.303670] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.304376] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.304402] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.304954] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.304979] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.305644] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.305667] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.306170] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.306194] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.306816] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.306839] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.307340] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.307364] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.308067] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.308091] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.308666] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.308691] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.309336] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.309360] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.309860] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.309884] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.310500] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.310523] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.311047] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.311069] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.311695] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.311718] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.312269] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.312295] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.312984] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.313008] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.313559] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.313584] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1138940.314219] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1138940.314242] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1139002.179428] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139002.192000] quiet_error: 354 callbacks suppressed
[1139002.192023] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1139002.192029] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1139002.192098] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1139002.196142] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139002.196174] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1139002.196178] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1139002.196188] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): __ext4_get_inode_loc:4801: inode #177471489: block 709885984: comm python: unable to read itable block
[1139006.499815] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.508255] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1139006.508261] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1139006.508278] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.510751] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.510773] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1139006.510776] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1139006.510785] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.513678] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.513712] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1139006.513717] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1139006.513730] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.517049] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.517083] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1139006.517087] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1139006.517100] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.520300] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.520326] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1139006.520329] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1139006.520338] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.522714] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.522737] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1139006.522740] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1139006.522748] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.525309] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.525334] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1139006.525337] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1139006.525346] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.527748] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.527770] Buffer I/O error on device dm-0, logical block 0
[1139006.527773] lost page write due to I/O error on dm-0
[1139006.527782] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.530204] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.530235] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.532686] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.532716] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.535052] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.535080] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.537550] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.537579] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0
[1139006.539895] EXT4-fs (dm-0): previous I/O error to superblock detected
[1139006.539922] EXT4-fs error (device dm-0): ext4_find_entry:934: inode #55181351: comm python: reading directory lblock 0

Ma question est maintenant surtout de savoir si je vais arriver à récupérer certaines données ... Est-ce que j'essaie de reconstruire le raid en Read-Only sur 4 disques, en espérant que ça marche ou est-ce que tout semble perdu ?

Dernière modification par bobange (Le 07/05/2012, à 09:30)

Hors ligne

#14 Le 07/05/2012, à 09:48


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Avant tout il faut isoler le (ou les...) disques qui sont vraiment HS.
Si on arrive à trouver 4 disques "probablement focntionels" alors on pourra forcer un assemblage, tu récupère vite tes données, et après tu fais comme tu veux mais à ta place je prendrai des disques plus fiables, et je ferai un raid6 et pas un raid5... (sans parler des sauvegarde pour les trucs très important).

Que donne :

dmesg | grep sd

Mes tutos et coups de gueule :

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#15 Le 07/05/2012, à 09:56


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

D'après le retour de udisks, il me semblerait que le sdc soit plutôt fiable (bien que en fault dans le raid).

La commande dmesg  | grep sd ne me donne aucun résultat. Je ne sais pas trop si ça peut jouer, mais mes deux raid sont dans des LVM.

En ce qui concerne le raid6 au lieu de raid5, sur le principe, je ne suis pas contre, mais je vais avoir un problème de place dans le boitier (sans compter les ports SATA). J'ai déjà 10 disques durs (5 * 1To en raid5, 4 * 2 To en raid5 et un disque système). Si je dois tout mettre en raid6, il me faut deux disques supplémentaires, deux ports SATA supplémentaires ...

Pour les sauvegardes, je suis à 100% avec toi. J'ai remonté mon RAID il y a deux semaines, et donc tout rebasculé dessus. Je me disais que j'avais quelques jours avant de racheter un gros disques pour faire des sauvegardes. Apparemment, j'avais tort.

Hors ligne

#16 Le 07/05/2012, à 10:10


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Dans ta situation, je stopperai le raid, puis j'essayerai effectivement de forcer le ré-assemblage avec les 4 disques qui me semblerait les plus "fiable". J'ai eu une fois affaire à une crise de ce genre, tu trouvera le détail ici : … cun-espoir

Pour ton problème de place dans la tour, et a condition que tu ai 3 emplacements 5'1/4 disponibles, je te suggère d'investir dans ceci (c'est certes très cher pour ce que c'est, mais au final je ne regrette vraiment pas l'investissement... facilité de localiser un disque etc) :

Mes tutos et coups de gueule :

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#17 Le 07/05/2012, à 10:37


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

A ce prix là, je préfère prendre un MicroServer HP ... En plus, il faut rajouter une carte SATA, plus les cables, plus les dédoubleurs alimentations ... Mais bon, je suis d'accord avec toi, il faut que je modifie quelque chose. Mon système est trop vulnérable.

Je vais peut-être rester sur du Raid5, et acheter un gros 3To en externe, qui fera juste des sauvegardes incrémentales des données sensibles une fois par jour ...

Hors ligne

#18 Le 07/05/2012, à 13:07


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

En plus, il faut rajouter une carte SATA,

10€ environ non ?

plus les cables

Ils sont vendus avec le rack

plus les dédoubleurs alimentations ...

En fait, non. Ce n'est pas les disques que tu alimente, mais le rack.
Et pour l'alimenter, il faut 3 prises molex standard (pas sata donc).
Mais bon, je reconnais sans problème que le prix est abusé smile

EDIT : Juste pour préciser que je n'avais pas lu entièrement le sujet. RMY t'a déjà fait faire la bonne manipulation une fois... Si tes données ont bien étés sauvegardées en lieu sur, tu n'a plus qu'a recommencer. Mais vraiment, tu dois trouver quels disques posent problème et vite t'en débarrasser (avec un peu de chance ils sont peut être encore sous garanti). Conserver des disques peu fiables et le meilleur moyen de tout perdre...

Dernière modification par Hoper (Le 07/05/2012, à 14:58)

Mes tutos et coups de gueule :

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#19 Le 07/05/2012, à 23:19


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

sdd est clairement défaillant.

sdc n'a plus non plus de table de partition.

Il faudrait néanmoins regarder avec mdadm quel est le disque sorti le premier. Si tes partitions étaient alignées (probable) tu devrais pouvoir faire un loopdevice sur /dev/sdc et/ou /dev/sdd avec les infos glanées sur les autres disques

sudo losetup /dev/loopN° /dev/sdc -o $offsetenoctets --sizelimit $tailleenoctets


mdadm --examine /dev/loopN°

ensuite, force l'assemblage en dégradé avec 4 disques.

Désolé pour le lag, je suis en plein déménagement de mon entreprise.

Hors ligne

#20 Le 10/05/2012, à 19:23


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

J'ai tapé exactement la commande et ça me renvoie

losetup: invalid offset '--sizelimit' specified

Mais je pense que j'ai du faire une bourde ...

Comment je trouve la taille de l'offset en octets et la taille limite en octets  ?

mdadm --examine me renvoie :

root@boris-server:/home/boris# mdadm --examine /dev/sde1
          Magic : a92b4efc
        Version : 1.2
    Feature Map : 0x0
     Array UUID : 6693f456:d17f32e2:dfbb30ca:5b950425
           Name : boris-server:0  (local to host boris-server)
  Creation Time : Wed May 18 20:27:12 2011
     Raid Level : raid5
   Raid Devices : 5

 Avail Dev Size : 1953517954 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
     Array Size : 7814070272 (3726.04 GiB 4000.80 GB)
  Used Dev Size : 1953517568 (931.51 GiB 1000.20 GB)
    Data Offset : 2048 sectors
   Super Offset : 8 sectors
          State : clean
    Device UUID : 76a172e2:dd4428c3:b20b03d4:3ad3f54d

    Update Time : Thu May 10 04:15:28 2012
       Checksum : 60099ddf - correct
         Events : 521

         Layout : left-symmetric
     Chunk Size : 128K

   Device Role : Active device 3
   Array State : A..AA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
root@boris-server:/home/boris# mdadm --examine /dev/sdc1
mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdc1.
root@boris-server:/home/boris# mdadm --examine /dev/sdd1
mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdd1.

Donc il semblerait que le sdd et le sdc aient un  sérieux problème ...

Dernière modification par bobange (Le 10/05/2012, à 20:35)

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#21 Le 10/05/2012, à 23:29


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

L'intéret est de faire le mdadm sur sdc et éventuellement sdd pour savoir lequel est sorti le premier du raid, donc le plus obsolète.

On a
/dev/sde1            63 1953520064 1953520002  83  Linux

En supposant que tes partitions étaient alignées, offset=63*512 et sizelimit=1953520002*512... à toi de jouer, je te laisse calculer tongue

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#22 Le 11/05/2012, à 05:26


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

J'essaie de faire ce que tu me conseilles, mais je dois avouer que malgré mon doctorat en informatique, je ne comprends pas tout smile

root@boris-server:/home/boris# sudo losetup /dev/loop0 /dev/sdc -o 32536 --sizelimit 1000202241024
root@boris-server:/home/boris# mdadm --examine /dev/loop0
mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/loop0.
root@boris-server:/home/boris# sudo losetup /dev/loop1 /dev/sdd -o 32536 --sizelimit 1000202241024
root@boris-server:/home/boris# mdadm --examine /dev/loop1
mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/loop1.

Hors ligne

#23 Le 11/05/2012, à 09:42


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

La démarche est pourtant la bonne. Fais un scan avec testdisk sur /dev/sdc pour voir si il trouve ta partition raid.

Hors ligne

#24 Le 11/05/2012, à 16:44


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

J'ai lancé ça, mais pour l'instant il ne me trouve aucune partition. J'ai choisi 'none' pour le type de partition. J'ai ensuite lancé une recherche appronfondie, mais je pense que j'en ai pour la nuit (ou plutôt 3 jours). Et je ne suis même pas sûr de l'intérêt d'une recherche appronfondie.

Hors ligne

#25 Le 11/05/2012, à 17:01


Re : Reconstruction RAID5

Tu peux stopper, et reprendre avec 6.14 (téléchargée sur le site de CGsecurity), en passant les options à "alignement : no".

Le scan approfondi est utile, mais par contre ça ne sert à rien ici de laisser tourner jusqu'au bout : tu devrais trouver des entêtes mdadm au début puisque c'est du raid "1.2".

Si il n'y a rien, il ne te sera probablement pas possible de récupérer les données sans prendre un minimum de risques, ou alors en faisant des copies de sécurité de tes 4 disques, ou alors en faisant appel à des service professionnels (je te laisse jeter un œil à ma signature pour ça tongue)

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