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#1 Le 15/09/2015, à 12:03


[Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Bonjour à tous ! smile

J'ai eu un message d'alerte concernant la place restante. J'ai examiné tout ça avec l'analyseur et il se trouve par exemple que mon dossier var/log fait 20,3 Go ! Est-ce normal ? Si non, comment vider ça ? Car il y a pleins de fichiers (des .gz, des .log, etc.) mais je sais pas ce que je dois supprimer, si je dois supprimer...

Merci d'avance !

Dernière modification par gio67 (Le 16/09/2015, à 11:18)

Hors ligne

#2 Le 15/09/2015, à 12:16


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Non ce n'est pas vraiment normal, surtout qu'en plus il y a une rotation et une compression des logs automatiques qui fait qu'on ne peut pas atteindre une telle taille. À moins d'avoir un log qui pose problème (flood de message du kernel par exemple).

Commence par analyser l'espace disque à l'intérieur du dossier avec baobab par exemple ou, en ligne de commande, avec ncdu.

Et commence par le dossier /var plutôt que  /var/log car c'est peut-être pas dans les log le problème.

Dernière modification par Vysserk3 (Le 15/09/2015, à 12:27)

Hors ligne

#3 Le 15/09/2015, à 12:21


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Non ce n'est pas du tout normale, même si il faisait 1 Go ça serai déjà pas normale alors 20 Go...

Pour comparaison, le miens fais actuellement 20 Mo (0.02 Go) c'est a dire pile 1 000 fois moins que toi...

Dernière modification par sibe39 (Le 15/09/2015, à 12:22)

Hors ligne

#4 Le 15/09/2015, à 12:21


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Je pense que tu trouveras des infos utiles dans ce fil :
Si tu as une imprimante branchée en permanence, éteins-la (c'est un bug dont il est question dans ce fil)

Dernière modification par malbo (Le 15/09/2015, à 12:23)

Hors ligne

#5 Le 15/09/2015, à 12:23


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Mon analyseur est déjà Baobab, il me permet de voir que c'est dans le dossier var/log que la plus grosse partie de l'espace est utilisée, mais il ne me permet pas de voir quel(s) fichier(s) exactement sont concernés. Ou alors je ne sais pas comment faire.

Je me demande si ça peut être lié au logiciel vidéo kdenlive que j'utilise depuis quelques temps, je fais du montage et de l'exportation vidéo....
J'utilise une imprimante (et un scanner) mais je les branche/allume seulement lorsque j'en ai besoin.

Dernière modification par gio67 (Le 15/09/2015, à 12:25)

Hors ligne

#6 Le 15/09/2015, à 12:24


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Que donne :

sudo du -a /var | sort -n -r | head -n 10


sudo find /var -size +100M

par exemple.

Il faut déjà déterminer si c'est un seul gros fichier ou plein de "petits" fichiers qui sont trop gros.

Dernière modification par Vysserk3 (Le 15/09/2015, à 12:26)

Hors ligne

#7 Le 15/09/2015, à 12:38


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Le premier donne :

gio@BOB:~$ sudo du -a /var | sort -n -r | head -n 10
[sudo] password for gio: 
20810868	/var
19785552	/var/log
13151700	/var/log/kern.log
4254884	/var/log/kern.log.1
692324	/var/cache
689832	/var/log/syslog
584052	/var/log/syslog.1
464472	/var/cache/apt
378408	/var/cache/apt/archives
378136	/var/log/kern.log.2.gz

Et le second :

gio@BOB:~$ sudo find /var -size +100M

(Je précise que l'espace est occupé par un ou des fichier(s) dans le dossier log, et pas dans un autre dossier qui serait dans log.)

Hors ligne

#8 Le 15/09/2015, à 13:17


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Ah les fichiers kern.log (et dérivés compressés) me semblent bien énormes.

Tu peux regarder le contenu de l'un et chercher des trucs qui se répéteraient plein de fois ? Encore mieux, regarde en temps réel :

tail -f /var/log/kern.log

Ça ressemble bien à du flood de message de debug du kernel ça.

Dernière modification par Vysserk3 (Le 15/09/2015, à 13:19)

Hors ligne

#9 Le 15/09/2015, à 13:28


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Cela donne :

gio@BOB:~$ tail -f /var/log/kern.log
Sep 15 12:39:31 BOB kernel: [   27.059389] wlan0: authenticate with 00:24:d4:e6:bb:0c
Sep 15 12:39:31 BOB kernel: [   27.073478] wlan0: send auth to 00:24:d4:e6:bb:0c (try 1/3)
Sep 15 12:39:31 BOB kernel: [   27.075215] wlan0: authenticated
Sep 15 12:39:31 BOB kernel: [   27.076120] wlan0: associate with 00:24:d4:e6:bb:0c (try 1/3)
Sep 15 12:39:31 BOB kernel: [   27.079526] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:24:d4:e6:bb:0c (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=1)
Sep 15 12:39:31 BOB kernel: [   27.079628] wlan0: associated
Sep 15 12:39:39 BOB kernel: [   35.252055] sis190 0000:00:04.0 eth0: auto-negotiating...
Sep 15 12:39:57 BOB gnome-session[1327]: Entering running state
Sep 15 12:50:15 BOB kernel: [  680.818549] perf interrupt took too long (2518 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000
Sep 15 13:12:51 BOB kernel: [ 2036.318333] perf interrupt took too long (5007 > 5000), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 25000

Hors ligne

#10 Le 15/09/2015, à 14:34


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Et la recherche dans le fichier donne quoi ? Là c'était juste pour voir en temps réel si ça bougeait beaucoup (la commande tail permet de surveiller le contenu qui évolue d'un fichier, très utile pour les logs).

Hors ligne

#11 Le 15/09/2015, à 15:01


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Vysserk3 a écrit :

Et la recherche dans le fichier donne quoi ? Là c'était juste pour voir en temps réel si ça bougeait beaucoup (la commande tail permet de surveiller le contenu qui évolue d'un fichier, très utile pour les logs).

J'ai essayé d'en ouvrir un, c'était extrêmement long à charger et ça faisait chauffer mon bout d'un moment j'ai fermé. Est-il absolument nécessaire que je te copie tout le contenu ?

Hors ligne

#12 Le 15/09/2015, à 15:15


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Non bien sûr que non. Le fichier est tellement gros qu'il est impossible de l'ouvrir avec un éditeur de texte classique. A la rigueur avec vim ça doit passer, mais bon.

Essaye d'afficher les 1000 premières lignes (sans les copier ici) avec

head -n 1000 /var/log/pacman.log

Ca t'évitera d'ouvrir le fichier. Tu peux augmenter le 1000 si tu veux, mais si c'est un truc qui se répète très souvent, il y a de forte chance qu'il soit dans les 1000 premières lignes.

Hors ligne

#13 Le 15/09/2015, à 16:05


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Voilà le résultat sur kern.log :

gio@BOB:~$ head -n 1000 /var/log/kern.log
May 11 11:51:59 BOB kernel: [13726.756286] Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-3 state
May 11 12:04:21 BOB kernel: [14469.344253] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
May 11 12:04:23 BOB kernel: [14471.302297] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
May 11 12:04:23 BOB kernel: [14471.302306] cfg80211:  DFS Master region: unset
May 11 12:04:23 BOB kernel: [14471.302308] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp), (dfs_cac_time)
May 11 12:04:23 BOB kernel: [14471.302312] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
May 11 12:04:23 BOB kernel: [14471.302316] cfg80211:   (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
May 11 12:04:23 BOB kernel: [14471.302319] cfg80211:   (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
May 11 12:04:23 BOB kernel: [14471.302322] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
May 11 12:04:23 BOB kernel: [14471.302325] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
May 11 12:04:24 BOB kernel: [14471.837722] wlan0: authenticate with 24:95:04:94:b5:5c
May 11 12:04:24 BOB kernel: [14471.851888] wlan0: send auth to 24:95:04:94:b5:5c (try 1/3)
May 11 12:04:24 BOB kernel: [14471.854500] wlan0: authenticated
May 11 12:04:24 BOB kernel: [14471.856059] wlan0: associate with 24:95:04:94:b5:5c (try 1/3)
May 11 12:04:24 BOB kernel: [14471.859308] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 24:95:04:94:b5:5c (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=1)
May 11 12:04:24 BOB kernel: [14471.859435] wlan0: associated
May 11 12:17:51 BOB kernel: [15278.959806] CE: hpet increased min_delta_ns to 20115 nsec
May 11 12:52:54 BOB kernel: [17381.781811] perf interrupt took too long (10314 > 10000), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 12500
May 11 12:54:04 BOB kernel: [17451.627746] hrtimer: interrupt took 198699 ns
May 11 14:35:32 BOB kernel: [23540.374285] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
May 11 14:35:33 BOB kernel: [23541.015915] wlan0: deauthenticating from 24:95:04:94:b5:5c by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING)
May 11 14:35:33 BOB kernel: [23541.024511] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
May 11 14:35:35 BOB kernel: [23542.700906] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
May 11 14:35:36 BOB kernel: [23543.836898] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
May 11 14:35:36 BOB kernel: [23543.836906] cfg80211:  DFS Master region: unset
May 11 14:35:36 BOB kernel: [23543.836908] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp), (dfs_cac_time)
May 11 14:35:36 BOB kernel: [23543.836912] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
May 11 14:35:36 BOB kernel: [23543.836916] cfg80211:   (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
May 11 14:35:36 BOB kernel: [23543.836919] cfg80211:   (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
May 11 14:35:36 BOB kernel: [23543.836922] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
May 11 14:35:36 BOB kernel: [23543.836925] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm), (N/A)
May 11 14:35:43 BOB kernel: [23549.992791] PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
May 11 14:35:43 BOB kernel: [23551.395532] PM: Preparing system for mem sleep
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23552.668553] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.348 seconds) done.
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23553.016946] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23553.018284] PM: Entering mem sleep
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23553.018346] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23553.019170] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Synchronizing SCSI cache
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23553.020314] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Stopping disk
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23553.075098] nouveau  [     DRM] suspending console...
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23553.075114] nouveau  [     DRM] suspending display...
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23553.075147] nouveau  [     DRM] evicting buffers...
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23554.414196] nouveau  [     DRM] waiting for kernel channels to go idle...
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23554.414205] nouveau  [     DRM] suspending client object trees...
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23554.415340] nouveau  [     DRM] suspending kernel object tree...
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.520157] PM: suspend of devices complete after 6501.238 msecs
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.521127] PM: late suspend of devices complete after 0.965 msecs
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.521674] ehci-pci 0000:00:03.3: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.521675] ohci-pci 0000:00:03.1: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.521720] ohci-pci 0000:00:03.0: System wakeup enabled by ACPI
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.536085] pcieport 0000:00:06.0: VC buffer not found in pci_save_vc_state
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.536103] PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after 14.971 msecs
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.537219] ACPI: Preparing to enter system sleep state S3
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.599437] PM: Saving platform NVS memory
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.599804] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.601165] smpboot: CPU 1 is now offline
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.601572] ACPI: Low-level resume complete
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.601572] PM: Restoring platform NVS memory
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.601572] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.601572] x86: Booting SMP configuration:
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.601572] smpboot: Booting Node 0 Processor 1 APIC 0x1
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.613870] CPU1 is up
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23559.615422] ACPI: Waking up from system sleep state S3
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23561.492436] ohci-pci 0000:00:03.0: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23561.492467] ohci-pci 0000:00:03.1: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23561.508523] ehci-pci 0000:00:03.3: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23561.508577] firewire_ohci 0000:00:0d.0: proprietary Ricoh MMC controller disabled (via firewire function)
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23561.508579] firewire_ohci 0000:00:0d.0: MMC cards are now supported by standard SDHCI controller
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23561.508650] PM: noirq resume of devices complete after 16.433 msecs
May 11 14:45:19 BOB kernel: [23561.508973] PM: early resume of devices complete after 0.271 msecs
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.509097] sdhci-pci 0000:00:0d.1: Will use DMA mode even though HW doesn't fully claim to support it.
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.509190] nouveau  [     DRM] re-enabling device...
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.509206] nouveau  [     DRM] resuming kernel object tree...
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.509225] nouveau  [   VBIOS][0000:01:00.0] running init tables
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.509375] ACPI Exception: AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT, Index (0x0FFFFFFFF) is beyond end of object (length 0x7) (20141107/exoparg2-420)
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.509383] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PCI0.IDEC.IDE0._STM] (Node ffff8800bf4a0c30), AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT (20141107/psparse-536)
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.509389] ata1: ACPI set timing mode failed (status=0x300b)
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.509411] ata1: port disabled--ignoring
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.509534] ata2: port disabled--ignoring
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.510578] sdhci-pci 0000:00:0d.1: Will use DMA mode even though HW doesn't fully claim to support it.
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.512478] sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Starting disk
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.513411] rtc_cmos 00:03: System wakeup disabled by ACPI
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.520403] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:0f.0: CORB reset timeout#1, CORBRP = 0
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.676771] ata4.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:0c:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.676773] ata4.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:46:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.676776] ata4.00: ACPI cmd f5/00:00:00:00:00:00 (SECURITY FREEZE LOCK) filtered out
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.677075] ata3.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:0c:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.677077] ata3.00: ACPI cmd ef/03:46:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.677079] ata3.00: ACPI cmd f5/00:00:00:00:00:00 (SECURITY FREEZE LOCK) filtered out
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.677410] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.677412] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.692496] ata4.00: configured for UDMA/33
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.692574] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.692575] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.692579] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:20 BOB kernel: [23561.692598] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 8989 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692600] ata3.00: configured for UDMA/133
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692651] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692655] CPU: 0 PID: 8989 Comm: kworker/u4:15 Not tainted 3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692657] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692664] Workqueue: events_unbound async_run_entry_fn
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692668]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 ffffffff81c54db8
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692670]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692672]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692673] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692682]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692686]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692688]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692692]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692698]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692700]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692704]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692708]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692712]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692714]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692720]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff817c8b0b>] ? _raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x1b/0x50
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692763]  [<ffffffffc06ac8c0>] nv50_instobj_wr32+0x80/0xc0 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692787]  [<ffffffffc06ac237>] _nouveau_instmem_init+0x87/0xc0 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692803]  [<ffffffffc066bf6e>] nouveau_object_inc+0xae/0x180 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692830]  [<ffffffffc06bb815>] nouveau_device_init+0x45/0xb0 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692845]  [<ffffffffc066bf6e>] nouveau_object_inc+0xae/0x180 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692860]  [<ffffffffc066bf48>] nouveau_object_inc+0x88/0x180 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692875]  [<ffffffffc0668d1a>] nouveau_handle_init+0x6a/0x1f0 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692889]  [<ffffffffc0668da9>] nouveau_handle_init+0xf9/0x1f0 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692903]  [<ffffffffc06675db>] nouveau_client_init+0x2b/0x50 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692939]  [<ffffffffc07080de>] nvkm_client_resume+0xe/0x10 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.692970]  [<ffffffffc06f9d84>] nvif_client_resume+0x14/0x20 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.693001]  [<ffffffffc06fad0e>] nouveau_do_resume+0x4e/0x1b0 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.693033]  [<ffffffffc06faed7>] nouveau_pmops_resume+0x67/0x70 [nouveau]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.693037]  [<ffffffff81401c68>] pci_pm_resume+0x68/0xc0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.693039]  [<ffffffff81401c00>] ? pci_pm_thaw+0xa0/0xa0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.693044]  [<ffffffff815129fc>] dpm_run_callback+0x4c/0x100
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.693046]  [<ffffffff81512f96>] device_resume+0xd6/0x200
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.693049]  [<ffffffff815130e1>] async_resume+0x21/0x50
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.693051]  [<ffffffff8109730c>] async_run_entry_fn+0x4c/0x170
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23561.693054]  [<ffffffff8108eb78>] process_one_work+0x158/0x430
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387100]  [<ffffffffc0639000>] ? ath9k_ioread32+0x90/0x90 [ath9k]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387109]  [<ffffffffc059eccf>] ar9002_hw_init_cal+0x8f/0x5d0 [ath9k_hw]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387113]  [<ffffffff813c1cff>] ? __udelay+0x2f/0x40
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387121]  [<ffffffffc05942a7>] ? ath9k_hw_synth_delay+0x57/0x60 [ath9k_hw]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387128]  [<ffffffffc05960fd>] ath9k_hw_reset+0x84d/0x1320 [ath9k_hw]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387135]  [<ffffffffc063d2f6>] ath_reset_internal+0x116/0x210 [ath9k]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387140]  [<ffffffffc063d431>] ath_reset+0x41/0x60 [ath9k]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387146]  [<ffffffffc0646875>] ath_set_channel+0xe5/0x230 [ath9k]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387152]  [<ffffffffc0647000>] ath_chanctx_set_channel+0x70/0x80 [ath9k]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387158]  [<ffffffffc063c1b0>] ath9k_config+0x200/0x260 [ath9k]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387170]  [<ffffffffc04788a2>] ieee80211_hw_config+0x72/0x360 [mac80211]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387185]  [<ffffffffc048e09b>] ieee80211_do_open+0x73b/0xde0 [mac80211]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387200]  [<ffffffffc048e7b1>] ieee80211_open+0x71/0x80 [mac80211]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387204]  [<ffffffff816c1306>] __dev_open+0xb6/0x130
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387207]  [<ffffffff816c1631>] __dev_change_flags+0xa1/0x170
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387211]  [<ffffffff816c1729>] dev_change_flags+0x29/0x70
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387214]  [<ffffffff816d0e97>] do_setlink+0x3a7/0xb80
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387218]  [<ffffffff813c9ca6>] ? rhashtable_lookup_compare+0x36/0x70
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387222]  [<ffffffff813df652>] ? nla_parse+0x32/0x120
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387225]  [<ffffffff816d1dad>] rtnl_newlink+0x5fd/0x7a0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387230]  [<ffffffff811d89b9>] ? __kmalloc_node_track_caller+0x239/0x300
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387234]  [<ffffffff81312ad8>] ? security_capable+0x18/0x20
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387238]  [<ffffffff8107e64d>] ? ns_capable+0x2d/0x60
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387241]  [<ffffffff816cdf12>] rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x92/0x260
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387245]  [<ffffffff813c9ca6>] ? rhashtable_lookup_compare+0x36/0x70
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387248]  [<ffffffff816eb4ae>] ? __netlink_lookup+0x3e/0x50
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387251]  [<ffffffff816cde80>] ? rtnetlink_rcv+0x40/0x40
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387255]  [<ffffffff816ef3b9>] netlink_rcv_skb+0xb9/0xe0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387258]  [<ffffffff816cde6c>] rtnetlink_rcv+0x2c/0x40
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387262]  [<ffffffff816eeaf1>] netlink_unicast+0x111/0x1b0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387265]  [<ffffffff816eee97>] netlink_sendmsg+0x307/0x650
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387268]  [<ffffffff8135eb60>] ? aa_sk_perm.isra.4+0x70/0x170
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387272]  [<ffffffff816a340c>] do_sock_sendmsg+0x8c/0x100
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387276]  [<ffffffff816a2dac>] ? copy_msghdr_from_user+0x15c/0x210
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387279]  [<ffffffff816a3a68>] ___sys_sendmsg+0x348/0x360
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387283]  [<ffffffff811811a7>] ? __free_pages+0x27/0x30
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387287]  [<ffffffff81181213>] ? free_pages+0x13/0x20
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387291]  [<ffffffff8107cea6>] ? __do_proc_dointvec+0x346/0x420
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387294]  [<ffffffff812335de>] ? fsnotify+0x37e/0x530
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387298]  [<ffffffff813c34a8>] ? lockref_put_or_lock+0x58/0x90
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387301]  [<ffffffff8120b526>] ? dput+0x56/0x1c0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387304]  [<ffffffff812147a4>] ? mntput+0x24/0x40
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387308]  [<ffffffff816a4182>] __sys_sendmsg+0x42/0x80
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387312]  [<ffffffff816a41d2>] SyS_sendmsg+0x12/0x20
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387316]  [<ffffffff817c934d>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.387318] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054674 ]---
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.399885] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.399895] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.399904] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.399930] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.399934] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400049] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400053] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400058]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400065]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400072]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400079] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400083]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400105]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400112]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400121]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400130]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400136]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400144]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400151]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400159]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400165]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400168]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400183]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400189]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400195]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:21 BOB kernel: [23563.400203]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400211]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400220]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400227]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400234]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400244]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400246] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054675 ]---
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400736] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400741] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400748] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400757] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400760] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400860] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400864] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400867]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400874]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400881]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400888] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400891]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400903]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400909]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400917]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23563.400924]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266642]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266649]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266656]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266663]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266668]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266674]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266680]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266683]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266694]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266700]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266711]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266714]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266718]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266721]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266725]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266728]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266732]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.266734] ---[ end trace c8bad089780546ce ]---
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277376] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277382] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277389] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277400] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277403] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277475] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277477] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277479]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277483]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277487]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277490] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277492]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277500]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277503]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277508]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277512]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277515]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277519]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277522]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277526]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277529]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277530]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277538]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277541]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277545]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277548]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277552]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277556]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277560]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277563]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277567]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.277569] ---[ end trace c8bad089780546cf ]---
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280763] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280768] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280775] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280784] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280787] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280885] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280889] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280892]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280899]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280906]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280912] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280915]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280927]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280933]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280942]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280948]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280955]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280961]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280967]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280973]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280979]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280982]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280993]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.280999]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.281011]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.281014]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.281018]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.281022]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.281025]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.281029]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.281032]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.281034] ---[ end trace c8bad089780546d0 ]---
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.285575] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.285580] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.285586] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.285595] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.687183]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.687187]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.687190]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.687194]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.687197]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.687199] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054701 ]---
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700107] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700112] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700119] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700128] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700132] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700231] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700235] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700238]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700245]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700251]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700258] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700266]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700273]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700276]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700281]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700284]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700288]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700292]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700295]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700298]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700301]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700303]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700309]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700312]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700315]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700319]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700322]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700326]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700329]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700333]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700336]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.700338] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054702 ]---
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.709433] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.709438] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.709445] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.709453] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.709456] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:22 BOB kernel: [23564.709555] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709559] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709562]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709569]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709575]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709582] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709585]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709596]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709602]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709611]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709618]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709624]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709631]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709636]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709642]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709648]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709651]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709662]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709668]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709680]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709683]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709687]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709690]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709694]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709697]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709701]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.709703] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054703 ]---
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.714750] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.714755] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726295] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726302] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726309] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726324] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726328] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726436] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726440] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726444]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726451]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726457]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726464] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726468]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23564.726485]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.117800]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.117803]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.117806] ---[ end trace c8bad0897805472b ]---
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.125980] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.125986] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.125992] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126002] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126005] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126105] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126108] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126112]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126119]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126125]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126132] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126135]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126148]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126154]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126162]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126170]  [<ffffffff8101e74a>] ? native_sched_clock+0x2a/0x90
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126177]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126183]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126190]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126196]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126202]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126208]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126211]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126222]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126232]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126235]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126238]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126242]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126245]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126249]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126252]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126256]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.126258] ---[ end trace c8bad0897805472c ]---
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131306] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131312] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131803] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131807] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131813] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131823] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131826] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131926] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131930] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131933]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131940]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131947]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131954] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131957]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131969]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131975]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131984]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131991]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.131997]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132004]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132009]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132016]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132022]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132025]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132036]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132042]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132048]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132055]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132062]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132068]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132074]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132081]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132090]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.132092] ---[ end trace c8bad0897805472d ]---
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135768] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135773] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135779] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135789] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135792] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135891] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135895] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135898]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135905]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135911]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135918] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135921]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135933]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135939]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.135948]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.572099]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.572103]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.572106]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.572110]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.572113]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.572116]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.572119] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054760 ]---
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.574994] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575000] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575006] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575016] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575019] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575119] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575123] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575127]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575133]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575140]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575147] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575150]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575162]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575168]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575177]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575183]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575190]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575196]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575202]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575209]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575215]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575217]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575229]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575235]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575245]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575248]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575252]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575255]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575259]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575262]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575265]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.575268] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054761 ]---
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579180] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579185] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579191] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579200] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579203] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579302] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579306] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579309]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579316]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579323]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579329] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579332]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579344]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579351]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579359]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579366]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579372]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579379]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579385]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579391]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579397]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579400]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579411]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579417]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579428]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579432]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579435]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579439]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579443]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579446]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579449]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.579451] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054762 ]---
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592042] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592048] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592054] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592064] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592067] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592167] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592171] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592174]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592181]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592188]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592194] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592197]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.592210]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946473] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946479] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946486] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946498] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946501] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946604] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946608] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946611]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946618]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946625]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946632] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946635]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946649]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946655]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946664]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946671]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946678]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946684]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946690]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946697]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946703]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946706]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946721]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946724]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946728]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946731]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946735]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946739]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946742]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946746]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946749]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.946751] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054786 ]---
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.950393] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.950399] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960626] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960634] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960642] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960659] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960663] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960771] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960775] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960779]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960786]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960793]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960800] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960804]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960821]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960827]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960836]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960843]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960850]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960857]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960868]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960872]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:23 BOB kernel: [23565.960875]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960877]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960886]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960889]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960893]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960897]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960901]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960906]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960909]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960913]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960916]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.960919] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054787 ]---
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973760] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973765] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973772] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973781] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973784] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973883] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973887] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973891]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973897]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973904]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973911] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973914]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973926]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973933]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973941]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973948]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973954]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973961]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23565.973967]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.258970] ---[ end trace c8bad089780547a5 ]---
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282588] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282597] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282605] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282626] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282630] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282741] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282746] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282750]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282757]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282764]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282771] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282775]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282795]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282801]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282810]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282824]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282827]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282832]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282836]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282840]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282844]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282846]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282855]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282858]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282861]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282866]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282870]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282875]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282879]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282883]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282886]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.282889] ---[ end trace c8bad089780547a6 ]---
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297742] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297748] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297755] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297765] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297768] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297868] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297872] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297877]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297884]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297890]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297897] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297900]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297913]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297919]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297927]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297934]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297941]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297947]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297953]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297959]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297965]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297968]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297980]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297989]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297992]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297996]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.297999]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.298003]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.298006]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.298010]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.298013]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.298016] ---[ end trace c8bad089780547a7 ]---
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300507] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300513] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300519] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300529] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300532] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300632] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300635] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300639]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300645]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300652]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300659] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300662]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300674]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300681]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300689]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300696]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300703]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300709]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300715]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300721]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300727]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300730]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300741]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300747]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300753]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300759]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300766]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300772]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300779]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300785]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300791]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300801] ---[ end trace c8bad089780547a8 ]---
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300818] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300820] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300825] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300829] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300831] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300885] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300887] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300888]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300892]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300896]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300899] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300901]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300907]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300911]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300915]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300919]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300922]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300926]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300929]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300932]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300936]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300937]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300943]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300946]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300950]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300953]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300957]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300960]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300964]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300967]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300970]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.300972] ---[ end trace c8bad089780547a9 ]---
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316316] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316321] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316327] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316336] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316339] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316437] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316441] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316444]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316451]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316458]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316464] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316467]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316479]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316485]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316494]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316500]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316507]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316513]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316519]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316525]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316531]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316534]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316545]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316551]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316557]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316566]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316570]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316573]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316577]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316580]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316584]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.316586] ---[ end trace c8bad089780547aa ]---
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.334035] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.334041] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.334048] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.334059] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.334062] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.334164] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.334168] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.730300] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:24 BOB kernel: [23566.730303]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730310]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730317]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730323] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730326]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730338]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730344]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730352]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730359]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730365]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730372]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730377]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730384]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730390]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730392]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730404]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730410]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730416]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730425]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730429]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730432]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730436]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730439]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730443]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.730445] ---[ end trace c8bad089780547d9 ]---
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760310] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760315] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760322] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760331] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760334] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760434] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760438] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760441]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760448]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760455]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760461] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760464]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760477]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760483]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760491]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760498]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760504]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760511]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760517]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760523]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760529]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760532]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760543]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760549]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760559]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760562]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760566]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760570]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760573]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760577]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760580]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.760582] ---[ end trace c8bad089780547da ]---
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.774397] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.774403] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785155] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785161] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785168] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785182] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785185] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785287] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785291] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785295]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785302]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785309]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785315] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785318]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785334]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785340]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785349]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785356]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785362]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785369]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785376]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785383]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785389]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785392]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785406]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785409]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785412]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785416]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785420]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785423]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785427]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785430]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785434]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.785436] ---[ end trace c8bad089780547db ]---
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.800466] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.800474] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23566.800481] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.126600]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.126604]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.126606] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054806 ]---
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.126922] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.126926] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.126933] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.126943] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.126946] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127045] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127049] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127052]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127059]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127065]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127072] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127075]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127087]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127093]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127101]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127108]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127115]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127121]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127127]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127133]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127139]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127142]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127153]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127159]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127165]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127171]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127178]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127184]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127191]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127197]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127203]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.127208] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054807 ]---
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.138862] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.138869] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.138877] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.138887] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.138891] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.138993] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.138997] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139001]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139008]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139014]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139021] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139024]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139037]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139044]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139052]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139059]  [<ffffffff810cd5f7>] handle_irq_event_percpu+0x77/0x1a0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139065]  [<ffffffff810cd761>] handle_irq_event+0x41/0x70
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139072]  [<ffffffff810d0456>] handle_fasteoi_irq+0x86/0x140
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139078]  [<ffffffff81017772>] handle_irq+0x22/0x40
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139085]  [<ffffffff817cc27f>] do_IRQ+0x4f/0xf0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139090]  [<ffffffff817ca0ed>] common_interrupt+0x6d/0x6d
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139093]  <EOI>  [<ffffffff810eb489>] ? clockevents_notify+0x49/0x210
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139108]  [<ffffffff81664402>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x62/0x160
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139111]  [<ffffffff816643f1>] ? cpuidle_enter_state+0x51/0x160
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139114]  [<ffffffff816645e7>] cpuidle_enter+0x17/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139118]  [<ffffffff810b6a41>] cpu_startup_entry+0x311/0x3b0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139121]  [<ffffffff817b6b07>] rest_init+0x77/0x80
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139125]  [<ffffffff81d4cfce>] start_kernel+0x482/0x48f
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139128]  [<ffffffff81d4c120>] ? early_idt_handlers+0x120/0x120
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139132]  [<ffffffff81d4c4d7>] x86_64_start_reservations+0x2a/0x2c
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139135]  [<ffffffff81d4c61c>] x86_64_start_kernel+0x143/0x152
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139137] ---[ end trace c8bad08978054808 ]---
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139435] r592: IRQ: card added
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139439] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139446] ------------[ cut here ]------------
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139455] WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 0 at /build/buildd/linux-3.19.0/drivers/mtd/nand/r852.c:749 r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]()
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139458] Modules linked in: ctr ccm arc4 nouveau ath9k ath9k_common snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_codec_generic ath9k_hw uvcvideo snd_hda_intel snd_hda_controller snd_hda_codec videobuf2_vmalloc ath mac80211 snd_hwdep videobuf2_memops videobuf2_core snd_pcm v4l2_common mxm_wmi wmi videodev snd_seq_midi media ttm cfg80211 snd_seq_midi_event drm_kms_helper snd_rawmidi drm snd_seq r852 snd_seq_device sm_common snd_timer i2c_algo_bit nand nand_ecc nand_bch snd bch nand_ids coretemp r592 mtd soundcore joydev memstick serio_raw asus_laptop shpchp sis_agp video sparse_keymap input_polldev mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport autofs4 hid_generic usbhid hid firewire_ohci psmouse firewire_core sdhci_pci sdhci crc_itu_t sis190 mii pata_acpi sata_sis
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139556] CPU: 0 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/0 Tainted: G        W      3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139560] Hardware name: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.  X71SL               /X71SL     , BIOS 203     09/08/2008
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139563]  ffffffffc02b90c8 ffff8800bfa03e08 ffffffff817c2235 0000000000000007
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139570]  0000000000000000 ffff8800bfa03e48 ffffffff8107595a ffff8800bfa03e48
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139577]  ffff8800367a1800 0000000000000001 ffff8800367a190c 0000000000000092
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139583] Call Trace:
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139586]  <IRQ>  [<ffffffff817c2235>] dump_stack+0x45/0x57
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139598]  [<ffffffff8107595a>] warn_slowpath_common+0x8a/0xc0
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139604]  [<ffffffff81075a4a>] warn_slowpath_null+0x1a/0x20
May 11 14:45:25 BOB kernel: [23567.139612]  [<ffffffffc02b7aa1>] r852_irq+0x1c1/0x250 [r852]

Hors ligne

#14 Le 15/09/2015, à 17:16


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

La ligne r592 : IRQ: DMA error apparaît beaucoup.

Pour être sûr, que donne :

zgrep "r592: IRQ: DMA error" /var/log/kern* | wc -l

Ça ressemble à une erreur de lecture/écriture sur un lecteur de carte sd.
En cherchant un peu, on trouve que c'est le matériel Ricoh R5C852 xD card reader qui poserait problème ici.

Est-ce qu'il y a une carte dans le lecteur de carte ? Est-ce qu'il fonctionne correctement ?

Dernière modification par Vysserk3 (Le 15/09/2015, à 17:18)

Hors ligne

#15 Le 15/09/2015, à 17:59


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

La commande que tu m'a suggéré ne donne rien du tout.
Oui il y a un lecteur de carte SD. Est-ce qu'il fonctionne correctement ? Je ne sais pas, je n'ai pas essayé depuis longtemps.

Dedans, il y a une "fausse" carte SD pour remplir le port lorsqu'il n'y a pas de carte. (Celle-ci a toujours été là depuis que j'ai mon ordi, c'est-à-dire depuis 6 ans et elle ne m'a jamais posé problème. J'ai eu plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation sur cet ordi.)

Il y a peu de temps, j'ai mis une carte Sony (d'un caméscope) dans mon lecteur de carte SD, mais c'était une carte trop petite, je ne m'étais pas rendu compte que ce n'était pas vraiment une carte SD. J'ai galéré pour la retirer, j'ai du utiliser un couteau avec de la patafix. (Je crois pas que ça a laissé des traces.)

Est-ce que tout ça a un rapport ? J'en doute. Mais bon je le dis au cas où.

Sinon pour regagner mes 20 Go dans l'immédiat, je fais quoi ? smile

Dernière modification par gio67 (Le 15/09/2015, à 18:13)

Hors ligne

#16 Le 15/09/2015, à 18:38


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Essaye :

grep "DMA error" /var/log/kern.log | wc -l

Tu supprimes les fichiers kern.*.gz qui son trop gros. Ce sont juste des logs.

Hors ligne

#17 Le 15/09/2015, à 18:50


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Cette commande ne donne rien non plus.

Je voulais supprimer les fichiers suivants :


...mais il veut pas les mettre à la ne sais pas comment les supprimer.

Dernière modification par gio67 (Le 15/09/2015, à 18:52)

Hors ligne

#18 Le 15/09/2015, à 19:09


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Bizarre que les commandes précédentes n'aient pas fonctionné... tu les as bien tapées ?
Que renvoie :

which grep


grep "DMA" /var/log/kern.log

celle-là doit nécessairement marcher...

Pour supprimer les fichiers, il faut le faire en tant que root :

sudo rm /var/log/kern.log1.gz

Comme les commandes de grep ne fonctionnent pas, je ne sais pas si tu as tout bien tapé correctement.... fais vraiment attention de ne pas supprimer n'importe quoi.

Hors ligne

#19 Le 15/09/2015, à 19:16


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

La première commande donne :

gio@BOB:~$ which grep

et la seconde a donné une réponse sans fin que j'ai du interrompre et dont voici un extrait :

May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67656.668762] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.020560] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.020936] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.021513] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.021962] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.022408] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.022852] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.023296] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.023749] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.024200] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.024643] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.025134] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.025572] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.025985] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.026464] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.026915] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.027324] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.027753] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.028204] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.028655] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.029095] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.029541] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.029984] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.030429] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.030897] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.031345] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.033954] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.034775] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.035261] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.035734] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.036221] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.036748] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.037240] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.037688] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.038137] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.038702] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.039176] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.039628] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.040082] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.040581] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.041027] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.041468] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.042000] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.042463] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.042911] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.043396] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.043899] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.044387] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.044878] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.045332] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.045819] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.046363] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.046875] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.047415] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.047923] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.048450] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.048903] r592: IRQ: DMA error
May 12 15:47:44 BOB kernel: [67657.049390] r592: IRQ: DMA error

Pour les commandes, je me suis contenté de faire un copier/coller de ce que tu m'a mis.

Je vais retenter de supprimer les fichiers avec la commande que tu m'as mise à cet effet. (Mais tu t'es trompé en indiquant le nom du fichier en exemple, il manque un point.)

Dernière modification par gio67 (Le 15/09/2015, à 19:21)

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#20 Le 15/09/2015, à 19:19


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Il doit y avoir un problème avec le copier coller j'ai l'impression, genre l'espace issu du copier coller du post du forum n'est pas transformé proprement quand tu colles le résultat dans le terminal car je suis sûr de la syntaxe.

Enfin bon, peu importe, maintenant on est sûr que c'est le nombre gigantesque de ce genre de lignes qui se retrouvent dans les logs wink

Il te reste à supprimer wink Faudrait pas aussi que ça continue non plus, d'où le tail -f au début qui te permettra de surveiller le fichier pour voir à quel moment il génère ces lignes.

Dernière modification par Vysserk3 (Le 15/09/2015, à 19:20)

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#21 Le 15/09/2015, à 19:28


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Bon, j'ai supprimé les fichiers, le dossier log ne fait plus "que" 1,3 Go.

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#22 Le 16/09/2015, à 08:49


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Puis-je supprimer d'autres fichiers pour gagner encore de la place ?

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#23 Le 16/09/2015, à 08:53


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Oui bien sûr... les fichiers .gz ne sont que les archives des logs. Tu peux les supprimer sans risque.
Restera à surveiller aussi la taille de ces fichiers de temps en temps.

Que donne :

du -h /var/log/kern.log

C'est la taille du fichier de log courant. S'il est énorme, c'est qu'on na pas supprimé la cause du problème mais juste ses effets.

Dernière modification par Vysserk3 (Le 16/09/2015, à 08:54)

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#24 Le 16/09/2015, à 09:23


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

J'ai supprimé tous les fichiers gz, mais il semble que le dossier fait toujours 1,3 Go.
Sinon la commande donne :

gio@BOB:~$ du -h /var/log/kern.log
72K	/var/log/kern.log

Si tu veux savoir quels fichiers font l'essentiel du poids, c'est syslog (700 Mo) et syslog.1 (600 Mo).

Dernière modification par gio67 (Le 16/09/2015, à 09:27)

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#25 Le 16/09/2015, à 09:51


Re : [Résolu] Dossier var/log = 20 Go ! C'est normal ?

Tu peux virer le syslog.1 c'est aussi un fichier obtenu après rotation mais sans compression (il le sera au prochain tour).
Le syslog courant me paraît bien grand par contre....on doit retrouver le même genre de ligne dedans non ?

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