Pages : 1
#1 Le 07/03/2018, à 15:49
- jjaaccqquueess
connection avec Samsung sous android
je n'arrive pas à copier des fichiers (sauf les photos qui sont sur DCIM) depuis mon smartphone vers mon ordi ubuntu
dolphin (je suis sous kubuntu) me dit qu'il y a un problème inconnu
savez-vous comment faire?
Hors ligne
#2 Le 07/03/2018, à 18:39
- jjaaccqquueess
Re : connection avec Samsung sous android
bon, j'ai fait pas mal de chose, en particulier en allant voir la doc du protocole mtp, et en particulier
déjà, en branchant sur un port USB 3 (les bleus), on voit le tél dans :
réseau / périphériques mtp
mais le transfert de fichiers ne marche toujours pas. il s'agit pour moi de transferer un fichier "contact.vcf" avec mon répertoire.
j'ai installé comme conseillé les paquets mtpfs et mtp-tools
j'ai ensuite changé, comme conseillé … mtp-error/
le fichier /lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules
en rajoutant une ligne
ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="6860", GOTO="libmtp_rules_end"
juste après
# Some sensitive devices we surely don't wanna probe
puis j'ai fait
sudo mtp-detect
et là, il me semble que le périphérique est bien reconnu
par contre, je n'arrive quand même pas à copier mon fichier contact.vcf
Il me vient donc une question :
quand on fait
sudo mtp-detect
ça donne ça :
jacques@kub:~$ sudo mtp-detect
Unable to open ~/.mtpz-data for reading, MTPZ disabled.libmtp version: 1.1.6
Listing raw device(s)
Device 0 (VID=04e8 and PID=6860) is a Samsung Galaxy models (MTP).
Found 1 device(s):
Samsung: Galaxy models (MTP) (04e8:6860) @ bus 1, dev 10
Attempting to connect device(s)
LIBMTP ERROR: couldnt parse extension
Error 1: Get Storage information failed.
USB low-level info:
bcdUSB: 512
bDeviceClass: 0
bDeviceSubClass: 0
bDeviceProtocol: 0
idVendor: 04e8
idProduct: 6860
IN endpoint maxpacket: 512 bytes
OUT endpoint maxpacket: 512 bytes
Raw device info:
Bus location: 1
Device number: 10
Device entry info:
Vendor: Samsung
Vendor id: 0x04e8
Product: Galaxy models (MTP)
Vendor id: 0x6860
Device flags: 0x48000207
Configuration 0, interface 0, altsetting 0:
Interface description contains the string "MTP"
Device recognized as MTP, no further probing.
Device info:
Manufacturer: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Model: SM-G390F
Device version: G390FXXU1AQI3
Serial number: R58K15TV3YW
Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006
Vendor extension description: 1.0; 11.0; 10.0;;;;
Detected object size: 64 bits
Extensions: 1.0 11.0 10.0 4.1
Supported operations:
1001: get device info
1002: Open session
1003: Close session
1004: Get storage IDs
1005: Get storage info
1006: Get number of objects
1007: Get object handles
1008: Get object info
1009: Get object
100b: Delete object
100c: Send object info
100d: Send object
1014: Get device property description
1015: Get device property value
1016: Set device property value
101b: Get partial object
9810: Get object references
9811: Set object references
9802: Get object property description
9801: Get object properties supported
9803: Get object property value
9804: Set object property value
9805: Get object property list
9806: Set object property list
9201: Report Added/Deleted Items
9202: Report Acquired Items
100a: Get thumbnail
1011: Self test device
1012: Set object protection
1017: Reset device property value
1019: Move object
101a: Copy object
9807: Get interdependent property description
9808: Send object property list
9501: Unknown (9501)
9502: Unknown (9502)
9503: Unknown (9503)
9504: Unknown (9504)
Events supported:
Device Properties Supported:
0x5001: Battery Level
0xd401: Synchronization Partner
0xd402: Friendly Device Name
0xd404: Unknown property
0xd407: Perceived Device Type
0xd405: Device Icon
Playable File (Object) Types and Object Properties Supported:
b984: 3GP
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 4000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 3000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc91: Use Count UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc99: Original Release Date STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
de93: Sample Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 48000, STEP 50 READ ONLY
de94: Number Of Channels UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, GET/SET
de97: Scan Depth UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, GET/SET
de99: Audio WAVE Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 85, 352, 353, READ ONLY
de9a: Audio Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 13000, MAX 192999, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9b: Video Four CC Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 861293911, GET/SET
de9c: Video Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 32000, MAX 10485760, STEP 1 GET/SET
de9d: Frames Per Thousand Seconds UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 15000, 24000, 25000, 29970, 30000, GET/SET
de9e: Key Frame Distance UINT32 data type range: MIN 100, MAX 300, STEP 1 GET/SET
dea1: Encoding Profile STRING data type READ ONLY
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
b985: Unknown(b985)
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
3009: MP3
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc46: Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8a: Rating UINT16 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 100, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8b: Track UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc97: Effective Rating UINT16 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 100, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc99: Original Release Date STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9a: Album Name STRING data type GET/SET
de93: Sample Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 48000, STEP 50 READ ONLY
de94: Number Of Channels UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, GET/SET
de99: Audio WAVE Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 49, 50, 80, 85, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 41222, READ ONLY
de9a: Audio Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 13000, MAX 384000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc91: Use Count UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
de92: Bit Rate Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, 3, GET/SET
dc9b: Album Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc96: Composer STRING data type GET/SET
b901: WMA
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc46: Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8a: Rating UINT16 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 100, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8b: Track UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc97: Effective Rating UINT16 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 100, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc99: Original Release Date STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9a: Album Name STRING data type GET/SET
de93: Sample Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 48000, STEP 50 READ ONLY
de94: Number Of Channels UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, GET/SET
de99: Audio WAVE Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 49, 50, 80, 85, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 41222, READ ONLY
de9a: Audio Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 13000, MAX 384000, STEP 1 READ ONLY
dc91: Use Count UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
de92: Bit Rate Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, 3, GET/SET
dc9b: Album Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc96: Composer STRING data type GET/SET
b981: WMV
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 4000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 3000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc91: Use Count UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc99: Original Release Date STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
de93: Sample Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 48000, STEP 50 READ ONLY
de94: Number Of Channels UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, GET/SET
de97: Scan Depth UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, GET/SET
de99: Audio WAVE Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 85, 352, 353, READ ONLY
de9a: Audio Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 13000, MAX 192999, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9b: Video Four CC Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 861293911, GET/SET
de9c: Video Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 32000, MAX 10485760, STEP 1 GET/SET
de9d: Frames Per Thousand Seconds UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 15000, 24000, 25000, 29970, 30000, GET/SET
de9e: Key Frame Distance UINT32 data type range: MIN 100, MAX 300, STEP 1 GET/SET
dea1: Encoding Profile STRING data type READ ONLY
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
3801: JPEG
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc9b: Album Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 30000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 30000, STEP 1 GET/SET
d901: Buy flag UINT8 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 1, STEP 0 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
3001: Association/Directory
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
ba05: Abstract Audio Video Playlist
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
3000: Undefined Type
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
b906: FLAC
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
b908: Unknown(b908)
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
3807: GIF
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc9b: Album Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 30000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 30000, STEP 1 GET/SET
d901: Buy flag UINT8 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 1, STEP 0 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
3804: BMP
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc9b: Album Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 30000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 30000, STEP 1 GET/SET
d901: Buy flag UINT8 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 1, STEP 0 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
380b: PNG
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc9b: Album Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 30000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 30000, STEP 1 GET/SET
d901: Buy flag UINT8 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 1, STEP 0 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
300a: MS AVI
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 4000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 3000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc91: Use Count UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc99: Original Release Date STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
de93: Sample Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 48000, STEP 50 READ ONLY
de94: Number Of Channels UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, GET/SET
de97: Scan Depth UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, GET/SET
de99: Audio WAVE Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 85, 352, 353, READ ONLY
de9a: Audio Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 13000, MAX 192999, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9b: Video Four CC Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 861293911, GET/SET
de9c: Video Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 32000, MAX 10485760, STEP 1 GET/SET
de9d: Frames Per Thousand Seconds UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 15000, 24000, 25000, 29970, 30000, GET/SET
de9e: Key Frame Distance UINT32 data type range: MIN 100, MAX 300, STEP 1 GET/SET
dea1: Encoding Profile STRING data type READ ONLY
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
300b: MPEG
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 4000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 3000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc91: Use Count UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc99: Original Release Date STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
de93: Sample Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 48000, STEP 50 READ ONLY
de94: Number Of Channels UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, GET/SET
de97: Scan Depth UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, GET/SET
de99: Audio WAVE Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 85, 352, 353, READ ONLY
de9a: Audio Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 13000, MAX 192999, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9b: Video Four CC Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 861293911, GET/SET
de9c: Video Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 32000, MAX 10485760, STEP 1 GET/SET
de9d: Frames Per Thousand Seconds UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 15000, 24000, 25000, 29970, 30000, GET/SET
de9e: Key Frame Distance UINT32 data type range: MIN 100, MAX 300, STEP 1 GET/SET
dea1: Encoding Profile STRING data type READ ONLY
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
300c: ASF
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 4000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 3000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc91: Use Count UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc99: Original Release Date STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
de93: Sample Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 48000, STEP 50 READ ONLY
de94: Number Of Channels UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, GET/SET
de97: Scan Depth UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, GET/SET
de99: Audio WAVE Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 85, 352, 353, READ ONLY
de9a: Audio Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 13000, MAX 192999, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9b: Video Four CC Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 861293911, GET/SET
de9c: Video Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 32000, MAX 10485760, STEP 1 GET/SET
de9d: Frames Per Thousand Seconds UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 15000, 24000, 25000, 29970, 30000, GET/SET
de9e: Key Frame Distance UINT32 data type range: MIN 100, MAX 300, STEP 1 GET/SET
dea1: Encoding Profile STRING data type READ ONLY
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
b982: MP4
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 4000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 3000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc8c: Genre STRING data type GET/SET
dc91: Use Count UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form GET/SET
dc99: Original Release Date STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
de93: Sample Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 8000, MAX 48000, STEP 50 READ ONLY
de94: Number Of Channels UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, GET/SET
de97: Scan Depth UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, GET/SET
de99: Audio WAVE Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 85, 352, 353, READ ONLY
de9a: Audio Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 13000, MAX 192999, STEP 1 READ ONLY
de9b: Video Four CC Codec UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 861293911, GET/SET
de9c: Video Bit Rate UINT32 data type range: MIN 32000, MAX 10485760, STEP 1 GET/SET
de9d: Frames Per Thousand Seconds UINT32 data type enumeration: 0, 15000, 24000, 25000, 29970, 30000, GET/SET
de9e: Key Frame Distance UINT32 data type range: MIN 100, MAX 300, STEP 1 GET/SET
dea1: Encoding Profile STRING data type READ ONLY
dc89: Duration UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX -1, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
3800: Defined Type
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
b980: Undefined Video
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
ba10: WPL Playlist
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
ba11: M3U Playlist
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
ba03: Abstract Audio Album
dc01: Storage ID UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc02: Object Format UINT16 data type ANY 16BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc03: Protection Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, 32770, 32771, READ ONLY
dc04: Object Size UINT64 data type READ ONLY
dc0b: Parent Object UINT32 data type ANY 32BIT VALUE form READ ONLY
dc41: Persistant Unique Object Identifier UINT128 data type READ ONLY
dc4f: Non Consumable UINT8 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc09: Date Modified STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc44: Name STRING data type GET/SET
dc05: Association Type UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc08: Date Created STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
dc9d: DRM Status UINT16 data type enumeration: 0, 1, GET/SET
dc9b: Album Artist STRING data type GET/SET
dc87: Width UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 30000, STEP 1 GET/SET
dc88: Height UINT32 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 30000, STEP 1 GET/SET
d901: Buy flag UINT8 data type range: MIN 0, MAX 1, STEP 0 GET/SET
dc47: Date Authored STRING data type DATETIME FORM GET/SET
Special directories:
Default music folder: 0x001e8482
Default playlist folder: 0x001e848f
Default picture folder: 0x001e8487
Default video folder: 0xffffffff
Default organizer folder: 0xffffffff
Default zencast folder: 0xffffffff
Default album folder: 0xffffffff
Default text folder: 0xffffffff
MTP-specific device properties:
Friendly name: Samsung Galaxy XCover 4
Synchronization partner: Longhorn Sync Engine
Battery level 99 of 100 (99%)
libmtp supported (playable) filetypes:
ISO MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3
Microsoft Windows Media Audio
Microsoft Windows Media Video
JPEG file
Abstract Playlist file
Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
GIF bitmap file
BMP bitmap file
Portable Network Graphics
Audio Video Interleave
MPEG video stream
Microsoft Advanced Systems Format
MPEG-4 Part 14 Container Format (Audio+Video Emphasis)
Undefined video file
Abstract Album file
Ogg container format
à la fin, il y a une liste de types de fichiers, que des fichiers audio/video/photo
ça veut dire que mtp ne peut pas gérer d'autres types de fichier, comme mon fameux fichier vcf ???
Dernière modification par jjaaccqquueess (Le 07/03/2018, à 18:44)
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