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#1 Le 23/04/2019, à 05:37


Error found when loading /etc/profile:

salut besoint d'aide sur ce rpoblème ?
quand je redemar mon systheme il maffiche

Error found when loading /etc/profile:   

/usr/share/im-config/xinputrc.common: line 24: local: command not found
/usr/share/im-config/xinputrc.common: line 24: local: command not found

je suis sous ubuntu MATE 18.4

voici le contenue de mon fichier 

1 # Common shell routine used by im-config
2 # /usr/share/im-config/xinputrc.common
3 # (C) Osamu Aoki <>, GPL-2+
4 # vim: set sts=4 expandtab:
5 #
6 #############################################################
7 # Common variabless used by im-config and its hook script
8 #############################################################
9 IM_CONFIG_VERSION=0.34-1ubuntu1.3
10 IM_CONFIG_DATA=/usr/share/im-config/data
12 IM_CONFIG_XINPUTRC_SYS=/etc/X11/xinit/xinputrc
13 IM_CONFIG_DEFAULT=/etc/default/im-config
15 .
16 TEXTDOMAIN="im-config"
17 export TEXTDOMAIN
18 TEXTDOMAINDIR="/usr/share/locale/"
21 if [ -r $IM_CONFIG_DEFAULT ]; then
23 fi
24 IM_CONFIG_LC_CTYPE=$(locale | sed -nr 's/LC_CTYPE=\"?([a-zA-Z_]*).*/\1/p')
25 IM_CONFIG_PREFERRED=$(echo "$IM_CONFIG_PREFERRED_RULE"| sed -rn "s/(^|.*:)${IM_CONFIG_LC_CTYPE},([^:]*)($|:.*$)/\2/p")
26 #############################################################
27 # Common functions used by im-config hook script (any mode)
28  #############################################################
29 # run selected input method script
30 # run_im <config>
31 run_im () {
32    IM_CONFIG_CODE="run_im"
33    if [ -r $IM_CONFIG_DATA/[012345678]?_$1.rc ]; then
34        . $IM_CONFIG_DATA/[012345678]?_$1.rc
35        IM_CONFIG_NAME=$1
36        if $IM_CONFIG_VERBOSE ; then
37            eval_gettext "I: Script for \$IM_CONFIG_NAME started at \$IM_CONFIG_CODE." >&2
38            echo >&2
39        fi
40    else
41        IM_CONFIG_NAME=$1
42        eval_gettext "E: Script for \$IM_CONFIG_NAME not found at \$IM_CONFIG_CODE." >&2
43        echo >&2
44    fi
45 }
46 #############################################################
47 # Package status function used by im-config and auto mode
48 #############################################################
49 # package_status <packagename>
50 # return TRUE if in properly installed
51 package_status () {
52    PACKAGE_NAME="$1"
53    if [ "$( LANG=C dpkg-query -l "$PACKAGE_NAME" 2>/dev/null | \
54        sed -n '6s/\([^ ]*\) .*$/\1/p' )" = "ii" ]; then
55        # return TRUE
56        return 0
57    else
58        return 1
59    fi
60 }
61 #############################################################
62 # Common functions used by auto mode
63 #############################################################
64 # name_im <full_path>
65 name_im () {
66    local x
67    x=${1#$IM_CONFIG_DATA/??_}
68    x=${x%.rc}
69    x=${x%.conf}
70    echo -n $x
71 }
72 # avail_auto <config>
73 #   configuration availability for auto mode
74 #   define package_auto for 10-79*.conf
75 avail_auto () {
76    if [ -r $IM_CONFIG_DATA/??_$1.conf ]; then
77        . $IM_CONFIG_DATA/??_$1.conf
78        package_auto
79    else
80        IM_CONFIG_CODE="avail_auto"
81        IM_CONFIG_NAME=$1
82        eval_gettext "E: Configuration for \$IM_CONFIG_NAME not found at \$IM_CONFIG_CODE." >&2
83        echo >&2
84        # return FALSE
85        return 1
86    fi
87 }
89 # autobase_im
90 #   echo automatic IM configuration name (without considering locale)
91 autobase_im () {
92 # auto mode uses first available script in 10-79
93 # 79 is for "none", i.e., no IM used
94    for IM_CONFIG_SCRIPT_PATH in $IM_CONFIG_DATA/[1234567]*.rc ; do
96        if avail_auto $IM_CONFIG_SCRIPT ; then
97            echo -n "$IM_CONFIG_SCRIPT"
98            break
99        fi
100    done
101 }
103 # automatic_im
104 #   echo automatic IM configuration name
105 automatic_im () {
106    if [ "$IM_CONFIG_PREFERRED" != "" ] && avail_auto $IM_CONFIG_PREFERRED ; then
107        echo -n "$IM_CONFIG_PREFERRED"
108    else
109        autobase_im
110    fi
111 }

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