Pages : 1
#1 Le 04/07/2019, à 16:33
- kriscoinet
Docky perdu
j'ai perdu mon Docky !!
Touche super, clic Docky et, rien .... ne se passe.
En revanche, j'ai toujours en bas d'écran mes favoris qui apparaissent lorsque la souris s'en approche mais, plus Docky...pourquoi?
~$ docky
[Info 17:30:31.535] Docky version: Release
[Info 17:30:31.565] Kernel version:
[Info 17:30:31.565] CLR version: 4.0.30319.42000
[Error 17:30:31.708] [SystemService] Could not initialize power manager dbus: 'Could not load type 'Docky.Services.SystemService\+IUPowerProxy' from assembly 'DBus.Proxies, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because it is implements the inaccessible interface 'Docky.Services.SystemService+IUPower'.'
[Info 17:30:31.710] [SystemService] at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo () [0x002dc] in <8f2c484307284b51944a1a13a14c0266>:0
at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateType () [0x00000] in <8f2c484307284b51944a1a13a14c0266>:0
at DBus.TypeImplementer.GetImplementation (System.Type declType) [0x000e3] in <91cfe10d2aa049c9af550645dbbec075>:0
at DBus.BusObject.GetObject (DBus.Connection conn, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath object_path, System.Type declType) [0x00001] in <91cfe10d2aa049c9af550645dbbec075>:0
at DBus.Connection.GetObject (System.Type type, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x0002b] in <91cfe10d2aa049c9af550645dbbec075>:0
at DBus.Connection.GetObject[T] (System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x00001] in <91cfe10d2aa049c9af550645dbbec075>:0
at Docky.Services.SystemService.InitializeBattery () [0x00030] in <7cbfebdf01bd437fb1e0b3e770f0dbae>:0
[Error 17:30:31.714] [SystemService] Could not initialize Network Manager dbus: 'Could not load type 'Docky.Services.SystemService\+INetworkManagerProxy' from assembly 'DBus.Proxies, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because it is implements the inaccessible interface 'Docky.Services.SystemService+INetworkManager'.'
[Info 17:30:31.714] [SystemService] at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo () [0x002dc] in <8f2c484307284b51944a1a13a14c0266>:0
at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateType () [0x00000] in <8f2c484307284b51944a1a13a14c0266>:0
at DBus.TypeImplementer.GetImplementation (System.Type declType) [0x000e3] in <91cfe10d2aa049c9af550645dbbec075>:0
at DBus.BusObject.GetObject (DBus.Connection conn, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath object_path, System.Type declType) [0x00001] in <91cfe10d2aa049c9af550645dbbec075>:0
at DBus.Connection.GetObject (System.Type type, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x0002b] in <91cfe10d2aa049c9af550645dbbec075>:0
at DBus.Connection.GetObject[T] (System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x00001] in <91cfe10d2aa049c9af550645dbbec075>:0
at Docky.Services.SystemService.InitializeNetworkManager () [0x0005c] in <7cbfebdf01bd437fb1e0b3e770f0dbae>:0
[Info 17:30:31.723] [ThemeService] Setting theme: Classic
[Warn 17:30:31.739] [DesktopItemService] Could not find remap file '/home/kris/.local/share/docky/remaps.ini'!
[Info 17:30:31.891] [DockServices] Dock services initialized.
[Error 17:30:31.897] [DBusManager] Bus Name 'org.gnome.Docky' is already owned
[Fatal 17:30:31.897] Another Docky instance was detected - exiting.
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#2 Le 11/07/2019, à 15:07
- Roschan
Re : Docky perdu
j'ai toujours en bas d'écran mes favoris qui apparaissent lorsque la souris s'en approche
Et... ne sont-ils pas affichés par Docky ? Dis quel environnement tu utilises et fournis une capture d'écran, ça aiderait à comprendre
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#3 Le 12/07/2019, à 11:44
- fredr
Re : Docky perdu
En lisant le message d'erreur:
[Fatal 17:30:31.897] Another Docky instance was detected - exiting.
Donc ton docky tourne bien et tu essayes d'en lancer un deuxième.
Ubuntu 24.04 et Manjaro, les deux avec E27
L'optimiste pense que nous vivons dans le meilleur des mondes. Et le pessimiste craint que ce ne soit exact.
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