#1 Le 25/03/2020, à 01:23
- denocean
ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Trusty version and my usb key doesn't works when it
Good day,
I using ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Trusty version and my usb key doesn't works when it mounted.
Please find the Message got : unable to execute the specified command. The file or folder file: // media / dennis / EOF6-31C3 does not exist
Thanks so much to help me for finding the solution with this current problem. Dennis : [ email supprimé ]
Dernière modification par cqfd93 (Le 25/03/2020, à 08:32)
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#2 Le 25/03/2020, à 08:32
- cqfd93
Re : ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Trusty version and my usb key doesn't works when it
Nous sommes sur un forum francophone donc il faut reformuler la demande en français ou alors s'adresser à un forum anglophone.
− cqfd93 −
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