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#1 Le 16/02/2006, à 00:21



1-comment jouer a cube en LAN.
j ai euc pc sous ubuntu en reseau local
2-ca ram a mort sur un pc quel en est la cause?

#2 Le 16/02/2006, à 00:41


Re : cube

faut il installer un serveur sur les PC ou autre chose

#3 Le 16/02/2006, à 19:04


Re : cube

Setting up a LAN game:
    * One of the computers on the LAN has to run server.bat. It really doesn't matter which.
    * The simplest way for all players to connect is for them to type "connect servername" in the cube console (press ` to get in the console), where servername is the network name or ip address of the machine running server.bat. if all went well you should now be in the game together, as above.
    * If your LAN is connected to the internet, by default your server will register with the masterserver, and players could thus follow the procedure above to join the game: your server will show up in the list, and may thus be joined by people over the internet! If you want to avoid your server to contact the master server, you can start it with -mlocalhost.

C'est dans la doc wink
Petite adaptation:
server.bat c'est biensûr pour la version windows.
Sous gnu/linux, tu dois lancer linux_server qui se trouve dans le répertoire bin_unix.

Dernière modification par sidhi (Le 16/02/2006, à 19:07)

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