Pages : 1
#1 Le 30/12/2009, à 05:59
- charlepagne
rkhunter a touvé 7 erreurs.
J'ai fait un scan de mon ordinateur avec rkhunter et il m'a signalé 7 "objets" avec la mention "warning" c'est grave ou non ? Merci.
/usr/sbin/unhide [ Warning ]
/usr/sbin/unhide-linux26 [ Warning ]
Performing filesystem checks
Checking /dev for suspicious file types [ Warning ]
Checking for hidden files and directories [ Warning ]
Checking application versions...
Checking version of Exim MTA [ Warning ]
Checking version of GnuPG [ Warning ]
Checking version of OpenSSL [ Warning ]
File properties checks...
Files checked: 128
Suspect files: 2
Rootkit checks...
Rootkits checked : 111
Possible rootkits: 0
Applications checks...
Applications checked: 3
Suspect applications: 3
The system checks took: 1 minute and 56 seconds
All results have been written to the logfile (/var/log/rkhunter.log)
One or more warnings have been found while checking the system.
Please check the log file (/var/log/rkhunter.log)
Hors ligne
#2 Le 30/12/2009, à 07:19
- HymnToLife
Re : rkhunter a touvé 7 erreurs.
Poste le log...
- Rodrigue, as-tu du cœur ?
- Non, mais j'ai du pique !
Hors ligne
#3 Le 30/12/2009, à 10:04
- Hoper
Re : rkhunter a touvé 7 erreurs.
c'est grave ou non ?
Non. Et vire rkhunter de ton disque dur, ce n'est pas un mauvais logiciel mais il faut avoir quelques connaissances pour l'utiliser convenablement. Surtout, il ne pourra jamais remplacer ton cerveau.
Mes tutos et coups de gueule :
Hors ligne
#4 Le 30/12/2009, à 12:03
- charlepagne
Re : rkhunter a touvé 7 erreurs.
Je ne peux pas poster le log en entier
# Les messages ne peuvent pas faire plus de 65535 caractères de long (64 KB).
Hors ligne
#5 Le 10/01/2010, à 14:17
- treznrv
Re : rkhunter a touvé 7 erreurs.
Checking system commands...
Performing 'strings' command checks
Checking 'strings' command [ OK ]
Performing 'shared libraries' checks
Checking for preloading variables [ None found ]
Checking for preload file [ Not found ]
Checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable [ Not found ]
Performing file properties checks
Checking for prerequisites [ OK ]
/bin/bash [ OK ]
/bin/cat [ OK ]
/bin/chmod [ OK ]
/bin/chown [ OK ]
/bin/cp [ OK ]
/bin/date [ OK ]
/bin/df [ OK ]
/bin/dmesg [ OK ]
/bin/echo [ OK ]
/bin/ed [ OK ]
/bin/egrep [ OK ]
/bin/fgrep [ OK ]
/bin/fuser [ OK ]
/bin/grep [ OK ]
/bin/ip [ OK ]
/bin/kill [ OK ]
/bin/less [ OK ]
/bin/login [ OK ]
/bin/ls [ OK ]
/bin/lsmod [ OK ]
/bin/mktemp [ OK ]
/bin/more [ OK ]
/bin/mount [ OK ]
/bin/mv [ OK ]
/bin/netstat [ OK ]
/bin/ps [ OK ]
/bin/pwd [ OK ]
/bin/readlink [ OK ]
/bin/sed [ OK ]
/bin/sh [ OK ]
/bin/su [ OK ]
/bin/touch [ OK ]
/bin/uname [ OK ]
/bin/which [ OK ]
/bin/dash [ OK ]
/usr/bin/awk [ OK ]
/usr/bin/basename [ OK ]
/usr/bin/chattr [ OK ]
/usr/bin/cut [ OK ]
/usr/bin/diff [ OK ]
/usr/bin/dirname [ OK ]
/usr/bin/dpkg [ OK ]
/usr/bin/dpkg-query [ OK ]
/usr/bin/du [ OK ]
/usr/bin/env [ OK ]
/usr/bin/file [ OK ]
/usr/bin/find [ OK ]
/usr/bin/GET [ OK ]
/usr/bin/groups [ OK ]
/usr/bin/head [ OK ]
/usr/bin/id [ OK ]
/usr/bin/killall [ OK ]
/usr/bin/last [ OK ]
/usr/bin/lastlog [ OK ]
/usr/bin/ldd [ OK ]
/usr/bin/less [ OK ]
/usr/bin/locate [ OK ]
/usr/bin/logger [ OK ]
/usr/bin/lsattr [ OK ]
/usr/bin/lsof [ OK ]
/usr/bin/mail [ OK ]
/usr/bin/md5sum [ OK ]
/usr/bin/mlocate [ OK ]
/usr/bin/newgrp [ OK ]
/usr/bin/passwd [ OK ]
/usr/bin/perl [ OK ]
/usr/bin/pstree [ OK ]
/usr/bin/rkhunter [ OK ]
/usr/bin/runcon [ OK ]
/usr/bin/sha1sum [ OK ]
/usr/bin/size [ OK ]
/usr/bin/sort [ OK ]
/usr/bin/stat [ OK ]
/usr/bin/strace [ OK ]
/usr/bin/strings [ OK ]
/usr/bin/sudo [ OK ]
/usr/bin/tail [ OK ]
/usr/bin/test [ OK ]
/usr/bin/top [ OK ]
/usr/bin/touch [ OK ]
/usr/bin/tr [ OK ]
/usr/bin/uniq [ OK ]
/usr/bin/users [ OK ]
/usr/bin/vmstat [ OK ]
/usr/bin/w [ OK ]
/usr/bin/watch [ OK ]
/usr/bin/wc [ OK ]
/usr/bin/wget [ OK ]
/usr/bin/whatis [ OK ]
/usr/bin/whereis [ OK ]
/usr/bin/which [ OK ]
/usr/bin/who [ OK ]
/usr/bin/whoami [ OK ]
/usr/bin/mawk [ OK ]
/usr/bin/lwp-request [ OK ]
/usr/bin/bsd-mailx [ OK ]
/usr/bin/w.procps [ OK ]
/sbin/depmod [ OK ]
/sbin/ifconfig [ OK ]
/sbin/ifdown [ OK ]
/sbin/ifup [ OK ]
/sbin/init [ OK ]
/sbin/insmod [ OK ]
/sbin/ip [ OK ]
/sbin/lsmod [ OK ]
/sbin/modinfo [ OK ]
/sbin/modprobe [ OK ]
/sbin/rmmod [ OK ]
/sbin/runlevel [ OK ]
/sbin/sulogin [ OK ]
/sbin/sysctl [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/adduser [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/chroot [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/cron [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/groupadd [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/groupdel [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/groupmod [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/grpck [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/nologin [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/pwck [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/rsyslogd [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/tcpd [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/unhide [ Warning ]
/usr/sbin/useradd [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/userdel [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/usermod [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/vipw [ OK ]
/usr/sbin/unhide-linux26 [ Warning ]
[Press <ENTER> to continue]
Hors ligne
#6 Le 10/01/2010, à 14:18
- treznrv
Re : rkhunter a touvé 7 erreurs.
Checking for rootkits...
Performing check of known rootkit files and directories
55808 Trojan - Variant A [ Not found ]
ADM Worm [ Not found ]
AjaKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
aPa Kit [ Not found ]
Apache Worm [ Not found ]
Ambient (ark) Rootkit [ Not found ]
Balaur Rootkit [ Not found ]
BeastKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
beX2 Rootkit [ Not found ]
BOBKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
CiNIK Worm (Slapper.B variant) [ Not found ]
Danny-Boy's Abuse Kit [ Not found ]
Devil RootKit [ Not found ]
Dica-Kit Rootkit [ Not found ]
Dreams Rootkit [ Not found ]
Duarawkz Rootkit [ Not found ]
Enye LKM [ Not found ]
Flea Linux Rootkit [ Not found ]
FreeBSD Rootkit [ Not found ]
Fuck`it Rootkit [ Not found ]
GasKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
Heroin LKM [ Not found ]
HjC Kit [ Not found ]
ignoKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
ImperalsS-FBRK Rootkit [ Not found ]
IntoXonia-NG Rootkit [ Not found ]
Irix Rootkit [ Not found ]
Kitko Rootkit [ Not found ]
Knark Rootkit [ Not found ]
Li0n Worm [ Not found ]
Lockit / LJK2 Rootkit [ Not found ]
Mood-NT Rootkit [ Not found ]
MRK Rootkit [ Not found ]
Ni0 Rootkit [ Not found ]
Ohhara Rootkit [ Not found ]
Optic Kit (Tux) Worm [ Not found ]
Oz Rootkit [ Not found ]
Phalanx Rootkit [ Not found ]
Phalanx Rootkit (strings) [ Not found ]
Phalanx2 Rootkit [ Not found ]
Phalanx2 Rootkit (extended tests) [ Not found ]
Portacelo Rootkit [ Not found ]
R3dstorm Toolkit [ Not found ]
RH-Sharpe's Rootkit [ Not found ]
RSHA's Rootkit [ Not found ]
Scalper Worm [ Not found ]
Sebek LKM [ Not found ]
Shutdown Rootkit [ Not found ]
SHV4 Rootkit [ Not found ]
SHV5 Rootkit [ Not found ]
Sin Rootkit [ Not found ]
Slapper Worm [ Not found ]
Sneakin Rootkit [ Not found ]
Suckit Rootkit [ Not found ]
SunOS Rootkit [ Not found ]
SunOS / NSDAP Rootkit [ Not found ]
Superkit Rootkit [ Not found ]
TBD (Telnet BackDoor) [ Not found ]
TeLeKiT Rootkit [ Not found ]
T0rn Rootkit [ Not found ]
Trojanit Kit [ Not found ]
Tuxtendo Rootkit [ Not found ]
URK Rootkit [ Not found ]
Vampire Rootkit [ Not found ]
VcKit Rootkit [ Not found ]
Volc Rootkit [ Not found ]
X-Org SunOS Rootkit [ Not found ]
zaRwT.KiT Rootkit [ Not found ]
Performing additional rootkit checks
Suckit Rookit additional checks [ OK ]
Checking for possible rootkit files and directories [ None found ]
Checking for possible rootkit strings [ None found ]
Performing malware checks
Checking running processes for suspicious files [ None found ]
Checking for login backdoors [ None found ]
Checking for suspicious directories [ None found ]
Checking for sniffer log files [ None found ]
Performing trojan specific checks
Checking for enabled inetd services [ OK ]
Performing Linux specific checks
Checking loaded kernel modules [ OK ]
Checking kernel module names [ OK ]
[Press <ENTER> to continue]
Checking the network...
Performing check for backdoor ports
Checking for TCP port 1524 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 1984 [ Not found ]
Checking for UDP port 2001 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 2006 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 2128 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 6666 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 6667 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 6668 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 6669 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 7000 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 13000 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 14856 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 25000 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 29812 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 31337 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 33369 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 47107 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 47018 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 60922 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 62883 [ Not found ]
Checking for TCP port 65535 [ Not found ]
Performing checks on the network interfaces
Checking for promiscuous interfaces [ None found ]
[Press <ENTER> to continue]
Checking the local host...
Performing system boot checks
Checking for local host name [ Found ]
Checking for system startup files [ Found ]
Checking system startup files for malware [ None found ]
Performing group and account checks
Checking for passwd file [ Found ]
Checking for root equivalent (UID 0) accounts [ None found ]
Checking for passwordless accounts [ None found ]
Checking for passwd file changes [ None found ]
Checking for group file changes [ None found ]
Checking root account shell history files [ None found ]
Performing system configuration file checks
Checking for SSH configuration file [ Not found ]
Checking for running syslog daemon [ Found ]
Checking for syslog configuration file [ Found ]
Checking if syslog remote logging is allowed [ Not allowed ]
Performing filesystem checks
Checking /dev for suspicious file types [ Warning ]
Checking for hidden files and directories [ Warning ]
[Press <ENTER> to continue]
Checking application versions...
Checking version of Exim MTA [ Warning ]
Checking version of GnuPG [ Warning ]
Checking version of OpenSSL [ Warning ]
Hors ligne
#7 Le 10/01/2010, à 14:21
- treznrv
Re : rkhunter a touvé 7 erreurs.
System checks summary
File properties checks...
Files checked: 128
Suspect files: 2
Rootkit checks...
Rootkits checked : 111
Possible rootkits: 0
Applications checks...
Applications checked: 3
Suspect applications: 3
The system checks took: 2 minutes and 31 seconds
All results have been written to the logfile (/var/log/rkhunter.log)
One or more warnings have been found while checking the system.
Please check the log file (/var/log/rkhunter.log)
VOILA, j ai en fait les memes erreur detecté par rootkit, j ai fait le post en 3 fois veuillez m en escusez pour la lisibilté.
Je suis particulierement inquiet des 3 dernieres lignes concerenat les applications:
Checking application versions...
Checking version of Exim MTA [ Warning ]
Checking version of GnuPG [ Warning ]
Checking version of OpenSSL [ Warning ]
est ce que des petits malins surveillerait mes logs depuis openSSL ???
SVP pourriez vous aidez un gamer INQUIET ????
Hors ligne
#8 Le 10/01/2010, à 19:17
- Hoper
Re : rkhunter a touvé 7 erreurs.
Mais tu est inquiet pour quoi à la fin ? Parce qu'il y a marqué warning à un endroit ? Tu sais ce que ca veut dire wanrning ? 9a veut dire "avertissement". Autrement dit, si tu lis soigneusement le log fait par rkhunter, tu trouvera pourquoi il lève un avertissement la dessus. Forcément un truc aussi con que "attention, ce logiciel n'est pas installé sur votre ordinateur, je n'ai donc pas pu vérifier que blablabla..."
Crois moi que si rkhunter avait trouvé la vraie signature d'une intrusion, un positif fiable c'est pas warning qu'il aurait écrit mais un énorme message d'erreur avec moultes informations etc.
Donc arrête de stresser pour rien, tu es plus sous windows la. Oui sous windows c'est plus de 95% des Pc de particuliers qui sont inféctés d'une manière ou d'une autre. La t'es sous linux, et les machines linux A JOUR (ce qui est le cas des machines sous ubuntu) root-kités, ce serait plutôt de l'ordre de 0%. Rien à voir donc, RESPIRE.
Et encore une fois si tu veux comprendre à quoi ces avertissement correspondent (forcément à rien de grâve donc, mais libre à toi de le vérifier !) va lire le log exhautif. Aucune idée de l'endroit ou il le met, il suffit de lire la doc. Probablement dans /var/log...
Dernière modification par Hoper (Le 10/01/2010, à 19:19)
Mes tutos et coups de gueule :
Hors ligne
#9 Le 10/01/2010, à 19:41
- treznrv
Re : rkhunter a touvé 7 erreurs.
Ben en fait, je pensait que ces 3 logiciels n'etais pas a jour justement, puisque il me parle de:
"checkin version"
mais bon tout est a jour, sauf exim MTA qui est introuvable.
je vais essayer de trouver ce fichiers log et d y comprendre quelquechose.
merci pour ta reponse.
j'envoi un pti message a charlepagne pour qu'il mette un RESOLU tout la haut.
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Pages : 1