Pages : 1
#1 Le 28/11/2005, à 16:43
- Vincent cosmo
no shutdown with Dell Optiplex GX620
I've a problem when trying to reboot or shutdown a Optiplex GX620 (breezy).
In gnome or in a root terminal I enter the command to reboot, for example, then the system is going to reboot (closing and terminating the usual stuff). Then the computer doesn't restart (or shut down).
I have to manually switch off the computer and switch on the computer to restart (there is no reset button on the Optiplex GX620, or i haven't found yet) .
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#2 Le 28/11/2005, à 22:04
- thom
Re : no shutdown with Dell Optiplex GX620
I think it's a well known bug on the breezy realease...
A lot of people have the same problem, but I don't know if there is a solution.
-> Ubuntu on a Sony Vaio VNG-FS115B
-> Wificonfig is a little script aimed to ease the switching between networks, for people who have 2 network cards : a wired one and a wireless one.
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#3 Le 30/11/2005, à 21:17
- Cosmotroll
Re : no shutdown with Dell Optiplex GX620
Désolé d'avoir écrit en anglais, je pensais être sur le forum anglais. (D'ailleurs je trouve le forum ubuntu francophone bien plus fourni que le forum anglophone).