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#1 Le 01/12/2005, à 00:11


probleme d'installation winex

Bonjour tout le monde,

voila, je me suis decidé à me mettre sur ubuntu, c'est la seul version que je trouve potable, bref ^^

j'essaye desesperement de d'installer Winex et voila le probleme que je rencontre:

You are running as root.  Do you want a local config file,
file, ~/.wine/config, created?
(yes/no) yes
Found existing /root/.wine/config, if you continue this file will be
overwritten.  Continue running wineinstall?
(yes/no) yes

Searching for an existing Windows installation... not found. (no matching /etc/fstab mount entry found)

Windows was not found on your system, so I assume you want
a Wine-only installation. Am I correct?
(yes/no) yes

Configuring Wine without Windows.
Some fake Windows directories must be created, to hold any .ini files, DLLs,
start menu entries, and other things your applications may need to install.
Where would you like your fake C drive to be placed?
(default is /c)
Configuring Wine for a no-windows install in /c...

Created /root/.wine/config using default Wine configuration.
You probably want to review the file, though.

Compiling regapi...
rm -f regapi && ln -s ../../tools/winelibwrap regapi

Preparing to install default Wine registry entries...
Installing default Wine registry entries...

./tools/wineinstall: line 562: programs/regapi/regapi: Permission non accordée
Registry install failed.

root@abo-205-61-69:/home/lapinou/winex #             

Si vous avez une idée, merci les gas smile

Hors ligne

#2 Le 18/12/2005, à 10:06


Re : probleme d'installation winex

La même....on se tient au courant...:/

«Tout ce qui a son prix est de peu de valeur.»
[ Friedrich Nietzsche ] - Extrait de Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra

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