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#1 Le 11/08/2014, à 18:44


[Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

Bonjour à tous,

J'essais d'installer League of Legend sur mon vieil ordi qui tourne sous Lubuntu. Je ne suis pas sûre qu'il soit capable de faire tourner le jeu, mais j'ai quand même envie de tester ! J'ai suivi ce tuto pour l'installer dans PlayOn Linux, mais arrivé au moment où je dois lancer lol pour faire les dernières mises à jour, rien ne se passe, ou, dans le meilleur des cas, une fenetre s'ouvre une fraction de seconde, puis plus rien. PlayOn Linux me propose une option "déboguer", où figure ce message :

4 19:14:30] - ----- Starting function POL_Install_wininet -----
[08/11/14 19:14:32] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 regedit /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Windows[08/11/14 19:14:32] - Content of /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg

"*wininet"="native, builtin"
[08/11/14 19:14:32] - ----- Ending function POL_Install_wininet -----
[08/11/14 19:14:32] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 regedit /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/11/14 19:14:32] - Content of /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg

[08/11/14 19:14:40] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 /home/elise/Bureau/League of Legends/setup.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
fixme:ole:CoInitializeSecurity (0x33fa58,-1,(nil),(nil),6,2,(nil),8192,(nil)) - stub!
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
fixme:apphelp:ApphelpCheckInstallShieldPackage stub: 0x33f39c L"Z:\\home\\elise\\Bureau\\League of Legends\\data1.hdr"
fixme:explorerframe:taskbar_list_SetProgressState iface 0x2005ed8, hwnd 0x20048, flags 2 stub!
fixme:explorerframe:taskbar_list_SetProgressValue iface 0x2005ed8, hwnd 0x20048, ullCompleted 1, ullTotal 64 stub!
fixme:shell:IShellLinkA_fnGetPath (0x3430bb0): WIN32_FIND_DATA is not yet filled.
fixme:shell:IShellLinkA_fnGetPath (0x3430bb0): WIN32_FIND_DATA is not yet filled.
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
fixme:shell:IShellLinkA_fnGetPath (0x3711948): WIN32_FIND_DATA is not yet filled.
fixme:shell:IShellLinkA_fnGetPath (0x3711948): WIN32_FIND_DATA is not yet filled.
[08/11/14 19:18:07] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 regedit /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/11/14 19:18:07] - Content of /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg

[08/11/14 19:18:09] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 regedit /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/VGA_ID_fix.reg (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/11/14 19:18:09] - Content of /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/VGA_ID_fix.reg

[08/11/14 19:18:29] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:18:31] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:20:18] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:20:53] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:20:56] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x33f8c4 1 C) semi-stub
XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Ressource temporairement non disponible) on X server ":0"
      after 149 requests (140 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
[08/11/14 19:23:26] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:23:52] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:24:19] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:24:28] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:24:39] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x33f918 1 C) semi-stub
fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x33f748 1 C) semi-stub
fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x33f8c4 1 C) semi-stub
fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x33fc8c (nil)): stub
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x7c334a, (nil), {f7b697a3-4db5-4d3b-be71-c4d284e6592f}, 7, 0x8def14, (null), (null), 0x900f40): stub
fixme:process:GetNumaHighestNodeNumber (0x33d8a0): semi-stub
fixme:d3d:check_fbo_compat Format WINED3DFMT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM with rendertarget flag is not supported as FBO color attachment, and no fallback specified.
fixme:d3d:check_fbo_compat Format WINED3DFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM with rendertarget flag is not supported as FBO color attachment, and no fallback specified.
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33f718,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33f62c,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW (L"\\\\.\\DISPLAY1",0,0x33f2e4,0x00000000), stub!
[08/11/14 19:24:54] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:25:03] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:25:46] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:25:53] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:26:51] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:28:45] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:29:42] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:29:47] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:30:00] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:30:33] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:30:38] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:30:42] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:30:57] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:31:20] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:34:24] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:34:38] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:37:32] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:37:53] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:37:56] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
[08/11/14 19:42:30] - Running wine-1.7.19-LeagueOfLegends2 lol.launcher.admin.exe (Working directory : /home/elise/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x33f918 1 C) semi-stub
fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x33f748 1 C) semi-stub
fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0x33f8c4 1 C) semi-stub
fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x33fc8c (nil)): stub
fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x7c334a, (nil), {f7b697a3-4db5-4d3b-be71-c4d284e6592f}, 7, 0x8def14, (null), (null), 0x900f40): stub
fixme:process:GetNumaHighestNodeNumber (0x33d8a0): semi-stub
fixme:d3d:check_fbo_compat Format WINED3DFMT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM with rendertarget flag is not supported as FBO color attachment, and no fallback specified.
fixme:d3d:check_fbo_compat Format WINED3DFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM with rendertarget flag is not supported as FBO color attachment, and no fallback specified.
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33f718,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33f62c,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW (L"\\\\.\\DISPLAY1",0,0x33f2e4,0x00000000), stub!

Je n'ai absolument aucune idée de ce que ça veut dire >< Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ?

Merci d'avance !

Dernière modification par K4ede (Le 16/09/2014, à 10:41)

Hors ligne

#2 Le 02/09/2014, à 11:23


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

Up smile

Hors ligne

#3 Le 14/09/2014, à 09:39


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

moi aussi je n'arrive plus a l'ouvrir depuis la maj avec le nouveau luncher

Hors ligne

#4 Le 14/09/2014, à 09:46


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

Aucun soucis de mon côté.

Quelles sont vos configs ? Peut-être un problème de pilote graphique ?

PC : i7-4770k 24Go RX 580 120Go SSD + 1Tox2 HDD: Archlinux/Plasma
Laptop 1 : ThinkPad p50 i7-6820HQ 32Go 256Gox2 SSD + 500Go HDD : Archlinux/Plasma, optimus-manager
Laptop 2 : Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro i5-8250u 8Go 240Go msata : Archlinux/XFCE, optimus-manager
Laptop 3 : HP Pavillion g6 1354ef i5-2450m 4Go 120Go SSD : Archlinux/Plasma

Hors ligne

#5 Le 15/09/2014, à 12:01


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

Je tourne sur Lubuntu 13.10. Après j'ai un vieux Compaq Presario C500, donc le problème vient peut être de mon ordi qui est trop vieux ?

Hors ligne

#6 Le 15/09/2014, à 12:18


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

Heu oui, je pense que dans ton cas c'est mort, ton chipset graphique doit être un GMA quelque chose, impossible de jouer avec ça.

PC : i7-4770k 24Go RX 580 120Go SSD + 1Tox2 HDD: Archlinux/Plasma
Laptop 1 : ThinkPad p50 i7-6820HQ 32Go 256Gox2 SSD + 500Go HDD : Archlinux/Plasma, optimus-manager
Laptop 2 : Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro i5-8250u 8Go 240Go msata : Archlinux/XFCE, optimus-manager
Laptop 3 : HP Pavillion g6 1354ef i5-2450m 4Go 120Go SSD : Archlinux/Plasma

Hors ligne

#7 Le 16/09/2014, à 10:41


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

Ah, ok sad Vivement le nouveau PC alors ! Merci pour ta réponse.

Hors ligne

#8 Le 10/10/2014, à 19:37


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

As tu essayer d'installer wine et ses composants :

winetricks adobeair d3dx9 vcrun2005 wininet corefonts

Hors ligne

#9 Le 11/10/2014, à 10:52


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

Bonjour depuis hier j'ai une erreur sur mon ordi qui ne veut plus lancer league of legends
je lance le launcher tout marche bien j'arrive a l'écran de connexion je met mon nom d'utilisateur mon password
et la j'ai ça "problème de connexion le serveur ne repond pas "
Ils me mettent un lien je vais dessus et ils me disent la connexion n'est pas sécurisée
alors que je suis connecté à ma box

Hors ligne

#10 Le 11/10/2014, à 11:22


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

merci de répondre au plus vite surtout que lol marchait la semaine dernière

Hors ligne

#11 Le 28/10/2014, à 11:21


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

carte graphique gallium 0.4 on amd rv710  processeur intel pentium dual cpue2220 2.4GHz

Hors ligne

#12 Le 01/11/2014, à 21:29


Re : [Résolu] League of Legends ne se lance pas (PlayOn Linux)

c'est a dire

Hors ligne