Pages : 1
#1 Le 27/12/2005, à 20:46
- yassine
[Résolu] racer jeux de course de voiture
Hello, voila je voulez installer ce jeux:
bon il a l'air cool, mais voila j'ai télécharge r le jeux, et je me retrouve avec une archive
voila je l'est dézipé sur mon bureau
et aprés je sais pas du tout comment faire quelu'un peut m'aider svp?
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#2 Le 27/12/2005, à 20:46
- yassine
Re : [Résolu] racer jeux de course de voiture
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#3 Le 27/12/2005, à 20:48
- Bobbybionic
Re : [Résolu] racer jeux de course de voiture
Dans ton dossier tu dois avoir un README ... qu'il faut lire !
Surement un make, configure ou autre joyeuseté à faire.
Fais un
$ls /le dossier du jeu
si tu es perdu, on devrait pouvoir t'aider plus précisemment.
PS: Il n'est pas dispo via synaptic ce jeu ?
Non à la vente liée. Non au monopole Windows.
Tous ensemble, refusons les logiciels préinstallés et tournons nous vers le libre.
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#4 Le 27/12/2005, à 21:14
- yassine
Re : [Résolu] racer jeux de course de voiture
Racer is a free car simulation for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and SGI IRIX.
See the website for many details:
Additional credits for 3rd party materials:
- Sound support uses FMOD (all platforms)
- ODE physics library (made by Russell Smith)
- Certain functions created with help from Magic Software,
Ruud van Gaal
MarketGraph B.V.
--- LOG ---
Racer log
v0.5.0 final
- Autoshift doesn't shift out of reverse/neutral anymore
- Better Join/Host multiplayer handling. On Mac, you'll have to use
racer.ini's multiplayer.server_remote to specify a remote server.
Host/Join now actually works at once. Try it on a LAN first though.
- Better collision response (some ERP changes in debug.ini)
- Improved keyboard.ini (but totally unrecommended)
- Improved multiplayer prediction code; cars move smoother
- Multiplayer smoke
- Multiplayer wheel heights; wheels don't sink in track
Known bugs:
- Replays don't work for multiplayer.
v0.5.0 beta13
- The Fer312 car.ini had a typo; locking_coefficient
should have been locking_coeff.
- Typing 'P' twice during a replay would turn the realtime
back on, and getting back out of the replay, realtime
would be catched up, giving incorrect superfast responses.
- Using Shift-R now doesn't cause bad replays anymore. Simtime
keeps on running when Shift-R is used.
- Wheel<n>.x offset now added to suspension location, instead
of just being reset to 0.
- Replays could crash at the end.
- JPEG loader works again
- Using a brake model works with projective shadowing.
- Tire forces were in the wrong direction
- Added function motion plugins. (data/plugins/*)
- Improved locked wheel behavior
- Nicer smoke
v0.5 beta 10-II
- Fixed bug where a car could drive on indefinitely in a large
turn with some initial speed.
- Degenerate splines detected and skipped
- Degenerate track triangles detected for car-road touching.
v0.5 beta 10
- Car-track collisions are a lot better; using ellipsoid collision
shape instead of box. See also debug.ini's collision.* variables.
- Shift-R/Shift-P now reset the car's velocities. A bit more stable.
- The differential can be attached to any set of wheels. Use
differential.output0 and output1 to select the wheels.
- Pacejka camber coefficients are checked at car load time. If they
look suspicious, a warning will be generated in QLOG.txt.
Suspicious means that Fy or Mz decreases with added camber. This
may give an indication of Pacejka values that use a reversed
lateral axis.
v0.5 beta 9
- Controllers are now searched for by product and vendor id;
the controller index system was too problematic.
- Projected shadows now also work on remote cars
- Projected shadows now lighter for transparent areas (windows...)
- Debug text (^1-^9) are scalable (racer.ini: stats.scale)
v0.5 beta 8
Beta 7-II : Fixed roll torque bug
Beta 7-III: Fixed sound bug (for hardware accelerated boards)
- Splines on Nurburgring are now much faster
- Spline bug fixed near start/finish
- Suspension min/max limits now handled better
- Handbrake is no longer limited by the maximum brake torque
- Smoke while driving in reverse
- Incompatible cars can no longer be selected (in 'Select Car')
- Track lighting direction is now derived from the sun
- Using the clutch controller overrules the autoclutch.
- The joystick utility (Windows only) now correctly reports all
axes. Just the last DX8 incompatibility straw.
- Low speed & torque damping to get rid of low-frequency wobbling.
- Suspension is now compressed in the car selection screen.
- Projection shadow of car on track
- Replay buttons auto-hide
- Digital controls can be turned into analog values using
'make_analog=1' for that control. For digital gamepads etc.
- Controller input and output now independent of framerate
(see racer.ini:controls.time_input and time_output)
- Control's 'sensitive_rise' and 'fall' are now independent
of framerate. Their effect has changed (you may need to tweak
them to the new system).
- Multiplayer improved; now both client & server see the cars.
voila le readme et j' y comprand rien , tu peux m'aider stp?
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#5 Le 27/12/2005, à 21:25
- Stemp
Re : [Résolu] racer jeux de course de voiture
Yassine, tu dois récupérer deux fichier compressés (un bin et un data).
Tu les décompressent dans un répertoire de ton home.
ensuite tu récupére le libfmod que tu places dans le répertoire /usr/lib (avec sudo)
Tu te places dans le répertoire du jeux (racer0.5.0) et tu tapes bin/racer
«La violence n'a jamais rien réglé» Gengis Khan 1162-1227
Blog | Crunchbang Linux | Arch Linux
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#6 Le 07/02/2006, à 10:51
- jihad
Re : [Résolu] racer jeux de course de voiture
j ai voulu telecharger le fmod 3.61 mais le lien ne fonction pas
si quelqu un l a telecharger me l envoie a thx4ubuntu[arobase]yahoo[point]fr
merci d avance
OpenSource OpenMind
we are the future
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#7 Le 07/02/2006, à 11:09
- Vivienr
Re : [Résolu] racer jeux de course de voiture
Sinon il y a un installateur loki: (je te conseille la béta qui apporte beaucoup d'améliorations)
Quant à Fmod il est inclu dans le 'paquet' donc pas besoin d'installation supplémentaire.
Il faut se contenter de découvrir, mais se garder d'expliquer. G.Braque
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#8 Le 07/02/2006, à 12:02
- jihad
Re : [Résolu] racer jeux de course de voiture
merci vivienr
je l ai telecharger et je vais l installer
OpenSource OpenMind
we are the future
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