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#1126 Le 26/04/2016, à 23:20


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

lyca@lyca:~$ sh -c "sleep 10; conky -X:0.0 -c /home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conky8/conky-all-gray;"

conky: Syntax error (/home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conky8/conky-all-gray:1: '=' expected near 'yes') while reading config file. 
conky: Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyconky: can't open display: :0.0

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1127 Le 26/04/2016, à 23:29


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Teste encore pour d'autres valeurs de -X:0.0 (0.1, 0.2, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, …)
Ou alors, essaie à la place l'instruction display directement dans la partie config du script conky, j'ai vu que ça existait.

Hors ligne

#1128 Le 26/04/2016, à 23:30


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

UbuntOlivier: merci pour cette précision, c'est en effet exact, j'avais pris cette habitude par facilité pour la commande killall conky1 en cas de réglage fréquent, et surtout pour ne pas avoir à faire la recherche du pid.

Hors ligne

#1129 Le 26/04/2016, à 23:37


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

J'ai tout essayer aucune fonctionne je place l'instruction display a quel ligne dans le script et display seulement ?

lyca@lyca:~$ sh -c "sleep 10; conky -X:0.2 -c /home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conky8/conky-all-gray;"
conky: Syntax error (/home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conky8/conky-all-gray:1: '=' expected near 'yes') while reading config file. 
conky: Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyconky: can't open display: :0.2
lyca@lyca:~$ sh -c "sleep 10; conky -X:1.2 -c /home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conky8/conky-all-gray;"
conky: Syntax error (/home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conky8/conky-all-gray:1: '=' expected near 'yes') while reading config file. 
conky: Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.
conky: can't open display: :1.2
lyca@lyca:~$ sh -c "sleep 10; conky -X:1.1 -c /home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conky8/conky-all-gray;"
conky: Syntax error (/home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conky8/conky-all-gray:1: '=' expected near 'yes') while reading config file. 
conky: Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.
conky: can't open display: :1.1

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1130 Le 26/04/2016, à 23:44


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Tu mets la variable display dans la partie avant TEXT, suivie d'un numéro d'écran :

display 0
display 1
display 2

En tout cas, c'est ce que raconte la doc smile

Hors ligne

#1131 Le 26/04/2016, à 23:57


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

j'ai placer display en dessous alignment top_right
des que je mets une valeur 0 ou 1 ou 2 le conky ne ce lance plus

Dernière modification par ricorde (Le 27/04/2016, à 00:00)

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1132 Le 27/04/2016, à 00:07


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Je viens de tester, désolé mais la doc est trompeuse, la syntaxe correcte est :

display ":0.0"

Bref, c'est strictement la même chose que directement à partir de la ligne de commande, autrement dit ça ne te servira à rien.
Désolé, mais je n'ai plus d'idée, je n'ai pas assez d'expérience avec les écrans multiples.

Hors ligne

#1133 Le 27/04/2016, à 00:16


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Ok merci d'avoir passer du temps sur mon problème je continue a chercher

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1134 Le 27/04/2016, à 06:00


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Cette erreur m'interpelle :

conky: Syntax error (/home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conky8/conky-all-gray:1: '=' expected near 'yes') while reading config file. 
conky: Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.

Tu as quelle version de conky ?
Que retourne la commande

conky -v

Tout est dans tout et réciproquement....

Hors ligne

#1135 Le 27/04/2016, à 12:37


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

salut ricorde,
Dis moi ou s'affiche ce conky, s'il te plait.
Fais un fichier avec le code de ton conky modifié, ci-dessous et nomme le conkytestrc, ensuite lance dans un terminal

conky -c /.../le-dossier-du/conkytestrc

(adapte le chemin) J'ai juste changé la position pour que le conky s'affiche sur l'écran primaire, ne connaissant pas la résolution de ton écran, si tu pouvais la donner ce serait bien.

background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:size=8
xftalpha 1
update_interval 10
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_type normal fixed it
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 250 800
maximum_width 250
text_buffer_size 1024
draw_shades yes
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
default_color white
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color white
alignment top_left
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 12
override_utf8_locale yes
color1                green
color2                green
color3                red
#orange - yellow
color4                ffc11f
# Lua Load  #
#lua_load ~/.conky/ring.lua
#lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings
${font Sans:size=10}${color3}Kernel: ${color2}$kernel
${color3}Uptime:${color2} $uptime
${color3}Processus: ${color2} $processes${color3}${alignr}En cours: ${color2} $running_processes
${color2}Temp GPU: ${execi 3800 nvidia-smi -a | grep "GPU Current Temp" | cut -d : -f 2}

${color3}CPU: ${hr}${color12}
${color3}Frequence :$alignr ${freq_g} GHz
${color3}Core 0:${color2} ${cpu cpu0 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu0 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 1:${color2} ${cpu cpu1 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu1 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 2:${color2} ${cpu cpu2 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu2 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 3:${color2} ${cpu cpu3 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu3 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 4:${color2} ${cpu cpu4 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu4 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 5:${color2} ${cpu cpu5 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu5 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 6:${color2} ${cpu cpu6 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu6 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 7:${color2} ${cpu cpu7 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu7 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 8:${color2} ${cpu cpu8 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu8 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 9:${color2} ${cpu cpu9 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu9 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core10:${color2} ${cpu cpu10 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu10 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core11:${color2} ${cpu cpu11 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu11 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}

${cpugraph cpu0 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu1 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 0${goto 180}Core 1
${cpugraph cpu2 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu3 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 2${goto 180}Core 3
${cpugraph cpu4 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu5 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 4${goto 180}Core 5
${cpugraph cpu6 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu7 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 6${goto 180}Core 7
${cpugraph cpu8 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu9 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 8${goto 180}Core 9
${cpugraph cpu10 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu11 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 10${goto 180}Core 11
${voffset 20}${color3}MEMOIRE: ${hr}${color2}
${color3}RAM:${color2} $mem/$memmax ${goto 150}$memperc% ${goto 185}${color4}${membar}${color2}
${color3}SWAP:${color2} ${swap} / ${swapmax} ${goto 150} ${swapperc}%${goto 185}${color4}${swapbar}
${color3}ESPACE DISQUE:${hr}${color2}
${color3}/ ${color2}${goto 60}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /} ${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${fs_bar /}${color2}
${color3}/home ${color2}${goto 60}${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home} ${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${fs_bar /home}${color2}
${color3}RESEAU: ${hr}${color2}
${color3}${alignc}Wwan0 : ${addr wwan0}${color2}
${color3}${alignc}eno1 : ${addr eno1}${color2}
${color3}${alignc}Public : ${execi 3600 wget -O - -o /dev/null | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d \< -f 1}
${color3}Down:${color2} ${totaldown wwan0}${goto 120}${downspeedf wwan0}k/s
${color3}Up:${color2} ${totalup wwan0}${goto 120}${upspeedf wwan0}k/s
${downspeedgraph wwan0 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${upspeedgraph wwan0 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}DOWN${goto 190}UP
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:bold}${color}IP${alignr}DPORT
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  0}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  0}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  1}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  1}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  2}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  2}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  3}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  3}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  4}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  4}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  5}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  5}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  6}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  6}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  7}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  7}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  8}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  8}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  9}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  9}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip 10}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport 10}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip 11}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport 11}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip 12}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport 12}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip 13}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport 13}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip 14}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport 14}

Dernière modification par enebre (Le 27/04/2016, à 12:45)

Hors ligne

#1136 Le 27/04/2016, à 21:03


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Ok écran primaire 1920x1080 en te remercient j'essai de suite merci beaucoup

Toujours pareille je poste le retour du terminal

lyca@lyca:~$ sh -c "sleep 5; conky -c /home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conkytestrc/conkytestrc;"
conky: Syntax error (/home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conkytestrc/conkytestrc:1: '=' expected near 'yes') while reading config file. 
conky: Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.
conky: Invalid value 'normal fixed it' for setting 'own_window_type'. Valid values are: 'normal', 'dock', 'panel', 'desktop', 'override'.
conky: desktop window (1000033) is subwindow of root window (2ae)
conky: window type - normal
conky: drawing to created window (0x3400002)
conky: drawing to double buffer
conky: unknown variable '$color12'
conky: forked to background, pid is 13784
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:bold'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
cat: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
cat: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_inputexpr: erreur de syntaxe
: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
expr: erreur de syntaxe
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)

Dernière modification par ricorde (Le 27/04/2016, à 21:18)

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1137 Le 27/04/2016, à 21:30


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

tu a modifier top_left
Javais essayer ces toujours pareille

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1138 Le 27/04/2016, à 21:39


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Il y a beaucoup d'erreur dans ce conky, arrives-tu seulement à avoir un affichage quelque part, je penses que tu devrais essayer avec mon conky pour voir le retour du terminal.
Je crois aussi qu'il serait bon de corriger ton conky conformément au nouveau code. cfr mon conky donné précédemment.
Tu semble dire que tu obtiens un affichage à droite de l'écran secondaire, est-ce correct ?

Hors ligne

#1139 Le 27/04/2016, à 21:47


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Néanmoins j'obtiens un affichage sur mon écran.
Fais un killall conky et essaye à nouveau de lancer le conky

Hors ligne

#1140 Le 27/04/2016, à 21:47


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Oui a droite de l'écran secondaire a part mon problème d’écran l'affichage est parfais

Dernière modification par ricorde (Le 27/04/2016, à 21:53)

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1141 Le 27/04/2016, à 21:52


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

et c'est bien le conkyrc que tu as posté ici ?
Pourrais-tu vérifier la ligne du lanceur avec le conky que tu as posté, par acquit de conscience

Dernière modification par enebre (Le 27/04/2016, à 21:54)

Hors ligne

#1142 Le 27/04/2016, à 21:54


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

oui celui ci

background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:size=8
xftalpha 1
update_interval 10
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_type normal fixed it
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 250 800
maximum_width 250
text_buffer_size 1024
draw_shades yes
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
default_color white
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color white
alignment top_left
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 12
override_utf8_locale yes
color1                green
color2                green
color3                red
#orange - yellow
color4                ffc11f
# Lua Load  #
#lua_load ~/.conky/ring.lua
#lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings
${font Sans:size=10}${color3}Kernel: ${color2}$kernel
${color3}Uptime:${color2} $uptime
${color3}Processus: ${color2} $processes${color3}${alignr}En cours: ${color2} $running_processes
${color2}Temp GPU: ${execi 3800 nvidia-smi -a | grep "GPU Current Temp" | cut -d : -f 2}

${color3}CPU: ${hr}${color12}
${color3}Frequence :$alignr ${freq_g} GHz
${color3}Core 0:${color2} ${cpu cpu0 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu0 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 1:${color2} ${cpu cpu1 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu1 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 2:${color2} ${cpu cpu2 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu2 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 3:${color2} ${cpu cpu3 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu3 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 4:${color2} ${cpu cpu4 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu4 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 5:${color2} ${cpu cpu5 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu5 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 6:${color2} ${cpu cpu6 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu6 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 7:${color2} ${cpu cpu7 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu7 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 8:${color2} ${cpu cpu8 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu8 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core 9:${color2} ${cpu cpu9 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu9 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core10:${color2} ${cpu cpu10 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu10 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}
${color3}Core11:${color2} ${cpu cpu11 } %${goto 80}${color4}		${cpubar cpu11 6,60}${color2}${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${execbar expr `cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input` / 1000}${color2}

${cpugraph cpu0 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu1 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 0${goto 180}Core 1
${cpugraph cpu2 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu3 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 2${goto 180}Core 3
${cpugraph cpu4 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu5 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 4${goto 180}Core 5
${cpugraph cpu6 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu7 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 6${goto 180}Core 7
${cpugraph cpu8 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu9 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 8${goto 180}Core 9
${cpugraph cpu10 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${cpugraph cpu11 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}Core 10${goto 180}Core 11
${voffset 20}${color3}MEMOIRE: ${hr}${color2}
${color3}RAM:${color2} $mem/$memmax ${goto 150}$memperc% ${goto 185}${color4}${membar}${color2}
${color3}SWAP:${color2} ${swap} / ${swapmax} ${goto 150} ${swapperc}%${goto 185}${color4}${swapbar}
${color3}ESPACE DISQUE:${hr}${color2}
${color3}/ ${color2}${goto 60}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /} ${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${fs_bar /}${color2}
${color3}/home ${color2}${goto 60}${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home} ${goto 150}${goto 185}${color4}${fs_bar /home}${color2}
${color3}RESEAU: ${hr}${color2}
${color3}${alignc}Wwan0 : ${addr wwan0}${color2}
${color3}${alignc}eno1 : ${addr eno1}${color2}
${color3}${alignc}Public : ${execi 3600 wget -O - -o /dev/null | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d \< -f 1}
${color3}Down:${color2} ${totaldown wwan0}${goto 120}${downspeedf wwan0}k/s
${color3}Up:${color2} ${totalup wwan0}${goto 120}${upspeedf wwan0}k/s
${downspeedgraph wwan0 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}$alignr${upspeedgraph wwan0 25,120 ffc11f 8b4b0b}
${voffset -28}${goto 50}DOWN${goto 190}UP
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:bold}${color}IP${alignr}DPORT
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  0}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  0}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  1}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  1}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  2}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  2}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  3}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  3}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  4}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  4}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  5}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  5}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  6}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  6}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  7}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  7}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  8}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  8}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip  9}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport  9}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip 10}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport 10}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip 11}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport 11}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip 12}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport 12}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip 13}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport 13}
${font sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal}${color1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rip 14}${alignr 1}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 rport 14}

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1143 Le 27/04/2016, à 21:57


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Javais le  même sous Ubuntu 14.04 au lancement il s'affichait également sur l’écran secondaire en modifient la valeur de  gap_x 10 je l'ai deplacer jusqu'a
mon écran primaire, la impossible

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1144 Le 27/04/2016, à 22:00


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

alignment top_left
gap_x 10
gap_y 10

pourtant il devrait être à gauche, et tu dis l'avoir à droite !!!

Hors ligne

#1145 Le 27/04/2016, à 22:02


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

chez moi il s'affiche bien à gauche. Voudrais-tu faire un

killall conky

et lancer la commande

conky -c /home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conkytestrc/conkytestrc

dans le terminal.

Dernière modification par enebre (Le 27/04/2016, à 22:07)

Hors ligne

#1146 Le 27/04/2016, à 22:08


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

il s'affiche écran secondaire coté gauche

lyca@lyca:~$ conky -c /home/lyca/.conky/conky-perso/conkytestrc/conkytestrc
conky: Syntax error (/home/lyca/.conky/conky-perso/conkytestrc/conkytestrc:1: '=' expected near 'yes') while reading config file. 
conky: Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.
conky: Invalid value 'normal fixed it' for setting 'own_window_type'. Valid values are: 'normal', 'dock', 'panel', 'desktop', 'override'.
conky: desktop window (1000033) is subwindow of root window (2ae)
conky: window type - normal
conky: drawing to created window (0x1a00002)
conky: drawing to double buffer
conky: unknown variable '$color12'
conky: forked to background, pid is 18618
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:bold'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
cat: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp2_input: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
expr: erreur de syntaxe
cat: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
expr: erreur de syntaxe
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)

Dernière modification par ricorde (Le 27/04/2016, à 22:22)

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1147 Le 27/04/2016, à 22:14


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

Retour de la commande conky -v

lyca@lyca:~$ conky -v
conky 1.10.1 compiled Wed Jan  6 17:11:44 UTC 2016 for Linux 3.19.0-43-generic x86_64

Compiled in features:

System config file: /etc/conky/conky.conf
Package library path: /usr/lib/conky

  * math
  * hddtemp
  * portmon
  * IPv6
  * Curl
  * RSS
  * Weather (METAR)
  * Weather (XOAP)
  * wireless
  * support for IBM/Lenovo notebooks
  * nvidia
  * eve-online
  * builtin default configuration
  * old configuration syntax
  * Imlib2
  * apcupsd
  * iostats
  * ncurses
  * Internationalization support

 Lua bindings:
  * Cairo
  * Imlib2
  * RSVG
  * Xdamage extension
  * XDBE (double buffer extension)
  * Xft
  * ARGB visual
  * Own window

 Music detection:
  * Audacious
  * MPD
  * MOC
  * XMMS2

 Default values:
  * Netdevice: eth0
  * Local configfile: $HOME/.conkyrc
  * Localedir: /usr/share/locale
  * Maximum netdevices: 64
  * Maximum text size: 16384
  * Size text buffer: 256

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne

#1148 Le 27/04/2016, à 22:23


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

faisons un essai en changeant quelques lignes, celles-ci

background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:size=8
xftalpha 1
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_type normal fixed it
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 250 800
maximum_width 250
text_buffer_size 4096
draw_shades yes
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
default_color white
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color white
alignment top_right
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 12
override_utf8_locale yes
color1                green
color2                green
color3                red
#orange - yellow
color4                ffc11f
# Lua Load  #
#lua_load ~/.conky/ring.lua
#lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings
${font Sans:size=10}${color3}Kernel: ${color2}$kernel
${color3}Uptime:${color2} $uptime
${color3}Processus: ${color2} $processes${color3}${alignr}En cours: ${color2} $running_processes
${color2}Temp GPU: ${execi 3800 nvidia-smi -a | grep "GPU Current Temp" | cut -d : -f 2}

${color3}CPU: ${hr}${color12}

par celles-là

background true
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:size=8
xftalpha 1
update_interval 10
#total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 70
own_window_type normal
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 250 800
maximum_width 250
text_buffer_size 1024
#draw_shades yes
#draw_outline no
#draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
default_color white
#default_shade_color black
#default_outline_color white
alignment tl
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
#override_utf8_locale yes
color1                green
color2                green
color3                red
#orange - yellow
color4                ffc11f
# Lua Load  #
#lua_load ~/.conky/ring.lua
#lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings
${font Sans:size=10}${color3}Kernel: ${color2}$kernel
${color3}Uptime:${color2} $uptime
${color3}Processus: ${color2} $processes${color3}${alignr}En cours: ${color2} $running_processes
#${color2}Temp GPU: ${execi 3800 nvidia-smi -a | grep "GPU Current Temp" | cut -d : -f 2}

${color3}CPU: ${hr}${color2}

enregistre et ensuite fais :

killall conky

suivi de cette commande

conky -c /home/lyca/.conky/conky-extra/conkytestrc/conkytestrc

Hors ligne

#1149 Le 27/04/2016, à 22:27


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

j'ai la même version que toi de conky, c'est le nouveau code qui fait les corrections pour l'ancien code , (que tu as pour ton conky) mais il faut croire que la correction n'est pas tout à fait opérationnelle, il te faudra passer quelques temps à ce travail de mise à niveau de ton conky.

Hors ligne

#1150 Le 27/04/2016, à 22:29


Re : [5] Conky : Postez vos conkyrc ou certaines parties intéressantes

je poste le retour après avoir modifier le script

lyca@lyca:~$ conky -c /home/lyca/.conky/conky-perso/conkytestrc/conkytestrc
conky: Syntax error (/home/lyca/.conky/conky-perso/conkytestrc/conkytestrc:1: '=' expected near 'yes') while reading config file. 
conky: Assuming it's in old syntax and attempting conversion.
conky: Invalid value 'normal fixed it' for setting 'own_window_type'. Valid values are: 'normal', 'dock', 'panel', 'desktop', 'override'.
conky: desktop window (1000033) is subwindow of root window (2ae)
conky: window type - normal
conky: drawing to created window (0x1a00002)
conky: drawing to double buffer
conky: unknown variable '$color12'
conky: forked to background, pid is 18977
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: reading exec value failed (perhaps it's not the correct format?)
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:bold'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'
conky: can't load Xft font 'sans-serif:size=8,weight:normal'

Toujours écran secondaire cotè gauche

Processeur : Intel Core i7-3930K 3200.0 MHz Socket R (LGA2011-0)    Carte graphique : GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 680    Carte mére : ASUS SABERTOOTH X79   Memory : Kingston DDR3 SDRAM 666.7 MHz 2 fois 8 Go

Hors ligne