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#1 Le 13/10/2016, à 13:16


PB w-scan ??


J'ai l'habitude d'utiliser w-scan pour lister les chaines TNT , hier j'ai voulu refaire un scan pour avoir les nouvelle appellations (Cstar.....) mais W-scan ne trouve plus aucune chaines , alors qu'avec mon ancien fichiers de conf , je reçois toujours la TNT.
Quelqu'un a ce genre de PB ?


Hors ligne

#2 Le 04/02/2018, à 14:16


Re : PB w-scan ??

Je déterre un peu ce post, dsl, mais je viens d'éprouver le même problème en voulant régler les nouvelles chaînes (TFX, TF1 Séries Films, etc). J'ai procédé comme je l'avais signalé sur un ancien post ( … #p21493428) pour générer le fichier conf puis la liste de lecture m3u sous VLC. Mais cette fois w_scan me retrourne une erreur après avoir mouliné pendant 10 min:

laurent@ubuntu:~$ w_scan -ft -c FR -X >> channels.conf
w_scan -ft -c FR -X 
w_scan version 20141122 (compiled for DVB API 5.10)
using settings for FRANCE
DVB aerial
scan type TERRESTRIAL, channellist 5
output format czap/tzap/szap/xine
output charset 'UTF-8', use -C <charset> to override
Info: using DVB adapter auto detection.
	/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 -> TERRESTRIAL "DiBcom 7000PC": good :-)
Using TERRESTRIAL frontend (adapter /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0)
-_-_-_-_ Getting frontend capabilities-_-_-_-_ 
Using DVB API 5.10
frontend 'DiBcom 7000PC' supports
FREQ (45.00MHz ... 860.00MHz)
Scanning DVB-T...
Scanning 8MHz frequencies...
474000: (time: 00:00.055) 
474166: (time: 00:02.387) 
473834: (time: 00:04.711) 
474332: (time: 00:07.035) 
474498: (time: 00:09.363) 
482000: (time: 00:11.687) 
482166: (time: 00:16.495) 
481834: (time: 00:21.307) 
482332: (time: 00:26.123) 
482498: (time: 00:30.935) 
490000: (time: 00:35.743)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 490000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 490000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:1)
        QAM_AUTO f = 490000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:1) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:1)
        QAM_AUTO f = 490000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:8442:1) : updating original_network_id -> (8442:8442:1)
undefined coderate HP
        updating transponder:
           (QAM_AUTO f = 490000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (8442:8442:1)) 0x0000
        to (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:1)) 0x405A
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:10)), but not found by pids
490166: (time: 00:38.691)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 490166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 490166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:1)
        QAM_AUTO f = 490166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:1) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:1)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:10)), but not found by pids
489834: (time: 00:40.686)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 489834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 489834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:1)
        QAM_AUTO f = 489834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:1) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:1)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:10)), but not found by pids
490332: (time: 00:42.690)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 490332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 490332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:1)
        QAM_AUTO f = 490332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:1) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:1)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:10)), but not found by pids
490498: (time: 00:44.682)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 490498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 490498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:1)
        QAM_AUTO f = 490498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:1) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:1)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:10)), but not found by pids
498000: (time: 00:46.686) 
498166: (time: 00:51.494) 
497834: (time: 00:56.306) 
498332: (time: 01:01.122) 
498498: (time: 01:05.930) 
506000: (time: 01:10.746) 
506166: (time: 01:15.558) 
505834: (time: 01:20.349) 
506332: (time: 01:25.165) 
506498: (time: 01:29.973) 
514000: (time: 01:34.785)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 514000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 514000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:10)
        QAM_AUTO f = 514000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:10) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:10)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
        QAM_AUTO f = 514000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:8442:10) : updating original_network_id -> (8442:8442:10)
undefined coderate HP
        updating transponder:
           (QAM_AUTO f = 514000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (8442:8442:10)) 0x0000
        to (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:10)) 0x405A
514166: (time: 01:44.805)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 514166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 514166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:10)
        QAM_AUTO f = 514166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:10) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:10)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
513834: (time: 01:54.809)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 513834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 513834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:10)
        QAM_AUTO f = 513834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:10) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:10)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
514332: (time: 02:04.808)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 514332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 514332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:10)
        QAM_AUTO f = 514332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:10) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:10)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
514498: (time: 02:14.812)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 514498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 514498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:10)
        QAM_AUTO f = 514498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:10) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:10)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
522000: (time: 02:24.808) 
522166: (time: 02:29.616) 
521834: (time: 02:34.428) 
522332: (time: 02:39.236) 
522498: (time: 02:44.048) 
530000: (time: 02:48.880) 
530166: (time: 02:51.203) 
529834: (time: 02:53.527) 
530332: (time: 02:55.851) 
530498: (time: 02:58.175) 
538000: (time: 03:00.499) 
538166: (time: 03:05.307) 
537834: (time: 03:10.119) 
538332: (time: 03:14.931) 
538498: (time: 03:19.743) 
546000: (time: 03:24.555)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 546000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 546000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:6)
        QAM_AUTO f = 546000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:6) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:6)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
        QAM_AUTO f = 546000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:8442:6) : updating original_network_id -> (8442:8442:6)
undefined coderate HP
        updating transponder:
           (QAM_AUTO f = 546000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (8442:8442:6)) 0x0000
        to (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6)) 0x405A
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
546166: (time: 03:31.451)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 546166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 546166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:6)
        QAM_AUTO f = 546166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:6) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:6)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
545834: (time: 03:41.450)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 545834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 545834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:6)
        QAM_AUTO f = 545834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:6) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:6)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
546332: (time: 03:51.458)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 546332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 546332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:6)
        QAM_AUTO f = 546332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:6) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:6)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
546498: (time: 04:01.454)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 546498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 546498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:6)
        QAM_AUTO f = 546498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:6) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:6)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
554000: (time: 04:11.450) 
554166: (time: 04:16.262) 
553834: (time: 04:21.070) 
554332: (time: 04:25.886) 
554498: (time: 04:30.694) 
562000: (time: 04:35.505) 
562166: (time: 04:37.833) 
561834: (time: 04:40.157) 
562332: (time: 04:42.481) 
562498: (time: 04:44.805) 
570000: (time: 04:47.125) 
570166: (time: 04:49.445) 
569834: (time: 04:51.769) 
570332: (time: 04:54.093) 
570498: (time: 04:56.417) 
578000: (time: 04:58.741) 
578166: (time: 05:01.065) 
577834: (time: 05:03.389) 
578332: (time: 05:05.717) 
578498: (time: 05:08.041) 
586000: (time: 05:10.365) 
586166: (time: 05:15.173) 
585834: (time: 05:19.985) 
586332: (time: 05:24.789) 
586498: (time: 05:29.601) 
594000: (time: 05:34.412) 
594166: (time: 05:39.216) 
593834: (time: 05:44.024) 
594332: (time: 05:48.836) 
594498: (time: 05:53.644) 
602000: (time: 05:58.460)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 602000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 602000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:2)
        QAM_AUTO f = 602000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:2) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:2)
undefined coderate HP
        QAM_AUTO f = 602000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:8442:2) : updating original_network_id -> (8442:8442:2)
undefined coderate HP
        updating transponder:
           (QAM_AUTO f = 602000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (8442:8442:2)) 0x0000
        to (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2)) 0x405A
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
602166: (time: 06:00.508)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 602166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 602166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:2)
        QAM_AUTO f = 602166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:2) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:2)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
601834: (time: 06:02.512)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 601834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 601834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:2)
        QAM_AUTO f = 601834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:2) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:2)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
602332: (time: 06:04.512)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 602332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 602332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:2)
        QAM_AUTO f = 602332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:2) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:2)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
602498: (time: 06:06.508)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 602498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 602498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:2)
        QAM_AUTO f = 602498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:2) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:2)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
610000: (time: 06:08.504) 
610166: (time: 06:13.316) 
609834: (time: 06:18.132) 
610332: (time: 06:22.944) 
610498: (time: 06:27.752) 
618000: (time: 06:32.564)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 618000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 618000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:4)
        QAM_AUTO f = 618000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:4) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:4)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
        QAM_AUTO f = 618000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:8442:4) : updating original_network_id -> (8442:8442:4)
undefined coderate HP
        updating transponder:
           (QAM_AUTO f = 618000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (8442:8442:4)) 0x0000
        to (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4)) 0x405A
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
618166: (time: 06:35.184)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 618166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 618166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:4)
        QAM_AUTO f = 618166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:4) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:4)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
617834: (time: 06:37.179)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 617834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 617834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:4)
        QAM_AUTO f = 617834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:4) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:4)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
618332: (time: 06:39.179)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 618332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 618332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:4)
        QAM_AUTO f = 618332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:4) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:4)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
618498: (time: 06:41.187)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 618498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 618498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:4)
        QAM_AUTO f = 618498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:4) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:4)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
626000: (time: 06:43.171) 
626166: (time: 06:47.983) 
625834: (time: 06:52.795) 
626332: (time: 06:57.607) 
626498: (time: 07:02.419) 
634000: (time: 07:07.231) 
634166: (time: 07:12.735) 
633834: (time: 07:15.059) 
634332: (time: 07:20.663) 
634498: (time: 07:22.991) 
642000: (time: 07:25.315) 
642166: (time: 07:30.123) 
641834: (time: 07:34.931) 
642332: (time: 07:39.743) 
642498: (time: 07:44.559) 
650000: (time: 07:49.366) 
650166: (time: 07:54.178) 
649834: (time: 07:58.990) 
650332: (time: 08:03.802) 
650498: (time: 08:08.618) 
658000: (time: 08:13.426) 
658166: (time: 08:18.238) 
657834: (time: 08:23.050) 
658332: (time: 08:27.854) 
658498: (time: 08:32.658) 
666000: (time: 08:37.466)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 666000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 666000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:3)
        QAM_AUTO f = 666000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:3) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:3)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        QAM_AUTO f = 666000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:8442:3) : updating original_network_id -> (8442:8442:3)
undefined coderate HP
        updating transponder:
           (QAM_AUTO f = 666000 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (8442:8442:3)) 0x0000
        to (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3)) 0x405A
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
666166: (time: 08:38.346)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 666166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 666166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:3)
        QAM_AUTO f = 666166 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:3) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:3)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
665834: (time: 08:39.346)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 665834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 665834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:3)
        QAM_AUTO f = 665834 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:3) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:3)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
666332: (time: 08:40.338)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 666332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 666332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:3)
        QAM_AUTO f = 666332 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:3) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:3)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
666498: (time: 08:41.338)         signal ok:	QAM_AUTO f = 666498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0)
        QAM_AUTO f = 666498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:0) : updating transport_stream_id: -> (0:0:3)
        QAM_AUTO f = 666498 kHz I999B8C999D999T999G999Y999 (0:0:3) : updating network_id -> (0:8442:3)
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
undefined coderate HP
        already known: (QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G32Y0 (8442:8442:8)), but not found by pids
undefined coderate HP
674000: (time: 08:42.350) 
674166: (time: 08:47.154) 
673834: (time: 08:51.966) 
674332: (time: 08:56.774) 
674498: (time: 09:01.585) 
682000: (time: 09:06.397) 
682166: (time: 09:11.205) 
681834: (time: 09:16.017) 
682332: (time: 09:20.825) 
682498: (time: 09:25.641) 
690000: (time: 09:30.453) 
690166: (time: 09:35.265) 
689834: (time: 09:40.077) 
690332: (time: 09:44.889) 
690498: (time: 09:49.701) 
698000: (time: 09:54.513) 
698166: (time: 09:59.325) 
697834: (time: 10:04.137) 
698332: (time: 10:08.949) 
698498: (time: 10:13.757) 
706000: (time: 10:18.569) 
706166: (time: 10:23.380) 
705834: (time: 10:28.192) 
706332: (time: 10:33.004) 
706498: (time: 10:37.816) 
714000: (time: 10:42.624) 
714166: (time: 10:47.432) 
713834: (time: 10:52.244) 
714332: (time: 10:57.056) 
714498: (time: 11:01.868) 
722000: (time: 11:06.680) 
722166: (time: 11:11.492) 
721834: (time: 11:16.304) 
722332: (time: 11:21.112) 
722498: (time: 11:25.924) 
730000: (time: 11:30.736) 
730166: (time: 11:35.552) 
729834: (time: 11:40.364) 
730332: (time: 11:45.176) 
730498: (time: 11:49.988) 
738000: (time: 11:54.799) 
738166: (time: 11:59.611) 
737834: (time: 12:04.423) 
738332: (time: 12:09.235) 
738498: (time: 12:14.047) 
746000: (time: 12:18.859) 
746166: (time: 12:23.671) 
745834: (time: 12:28.483) 
746332: (time: 12:33.295) 
746498: (time: 12:38.107) 
754000: (time: 12:42.919) 
754166: (time: 12:47.731) 
753834: (time: 12:52.543) 
754332: (time: 12:57.355) 
754498: (time: 13:02.167) 
762000: (time: 13:06.979) 
762166: (time: 13:11.791) 
761834: (time: 13:16.603) 
762332: (time: 13:21.419) 
762498: (time: 13:26.231) 
770000: (time: 13:31.042) 
770166: (time: 13:35.854) 
769834: (time: 13:40.666) 
770332: (time: 13:45.478) 
770498: (time: 13:50.290) 
778000: (time: 13:55.102) 
778166: (time: 13:59.910) 
777834: (time: 14:04.722) 
778332: (time: 14:09.530) 
778498: (time: 14:14.346) 
786000: (time: 14:19.150) 
786166: (time: 14:23.954) 
785834: (time: 14:28.766) 
786332: (time: 14:33.582) 
786498: (time: 14:38.390) 
794000: (time: 14:43.206) 
794166: (time: 14:48.066) 
793834: (time: 14:52.878) 
794332: (time: 14:57.686) 
794498: (time: 15:02.494) 
802000: (time: 15:07.302) 
802166: (time: 15:12.122) 
801834: (time: 15:16.929) 
802332: (time: 15:21.741) 
802498: (time: 15:26.561) 
810000: (time: 15:31.369) 
810166: (time: 15:36.181) 
809834: (time: 15:40.989) 
810332: (time: 15:45.801) 
810498: (time: 15:50.609) 
818000: (time: 15:55.421) 
818166: (time: 16:00.237) 
817834: (time: 16:05.049) 
818332: (time: 16:09.909) 
818498: (time: 16:14.725) 
826000: (time: 16:19.537) 
826166: (time: 16:24.345) 
825834: (time: 16:29.157) 
826332: (time: 16:33.969) 
826498: (time: 16:38.781) 
834000: (time: 16:43.589) 
834166: (time: 16:48.401) 
833834: (time: 16:53.213) 
834332: (time: 16:58.025) 
834498: (time: 17:02.837) 
842000: (time: 17:07.649) 
842166: (time: 17:12.460) 
841834: (time: 17:17.272) 
842332: (time: 17:22.084) 
842498: (time: 17:26.896) 
850000: (time: 17:31.760) 
850166: (time: 17:36.572) 
849834: (time: 17:41.384) 
850332: (time: 17:46.196) 
850498: (time: 17:51.008) 
858000: (time: 17:55.820) 
858166: (time: 18:01.324) 
857834: (time: 18:03.648) 
858332: (time: 18:05.972) 
858498: (time: 18:08.296) 
tune to: QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:1) (time: 18:10.620) 
	 skipped: (freq 4294967286 unsupported by driver)
tune to: QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:10) (time: 18:10.620) 
	 skipped: (freq 4294967286 unsupported by driver)
tune to: QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:6) (time: 18:10.620) 
	 skipped: (freq 4294967286 unsupported by driver)
tune to: QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:2) (time: 18:10.620) 
	 skipped: (freq 4294967286 unsupported by driver)
tune to: QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:4) (time: 18:10.620) 
	 skipped: (freq 4294967286 unsupported by driver)
tune to: QAM_64   f = 4294967 kHz I999B8C999D0T8G8Y0 (8442:8442:3) (time: 18:10.620) 
	 skipped: (freq 4294967286 unsupported by driver)

ERROR: Sorry - i couldn't get any working frequency/transponder
 Nothing to scan!!

Donc je ne comprends plus.

NB: Ce que j'ai trouvé bizarre aussi c'est qu'en voulant utiliser w-scan il n'a pas trouvé la commande alors que je m'en étais déjà servi pour obtenir mon fichier conf original (mais ça fait longtemps déjà), j'ai donc du réinstaller w-scan. J'en déduis que j'ai peut-être entre temps réinstallé le système (j'avais changé de disque dur je crois) et j'ai sans doute réutilisé mon ancien fichier m3u ensuite ? Bref, tout ça pour dire qu'entre ma première utilisation de w-scan et celle d'aujourd'hui, je n'avais sans doute pas la même configuration. Y-a t'il donc d'autres paquets à installer avec w-scan pour qu'il fonctionne et que j'aurais loupé cette fois-ci ?

NB2: J'ai en attendant utilisé une méthode (pas très élégante) consistant à bidouiller à la main avec GEdit mon ancien fichier m3u en modifiant les noms et fréquences des chaînes qui ont changé : ça marche, mais... bof !.

Hors ligne

#3 Le 04/02/2018, à 14:39


Re : PB w-scan ??

J'avais aussi ce problème avec la 16.04. Je suis passé à la 17.10 à cause de vdr pour avoir le dvb-t2 et w_scan fonctionne à nouveau.

Debian (xfce) 12
HP LaserJet M1132 MFP

Hors ligne