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#1 Le 13/05/2018, à 09:20

Compte supprimé

demarrer serveur cubeworld sur linux mono-complete, wine ne marche pas

Bonjour je vous explique mon problème je viens de crée serveur cubeworld qui est bien-sur que sur windows.
J'ai ubuntu 18.04 lts en edition server full ligne de commande

J'ai donc essayer  avec mono complete mais j'ai cette erreur
j'ai utiliser la commande mono Server.exe ça marche pas

Cannot open assembly 'Server.exe': File does not contain a valid CIL image.

Avec wine j'ai ça.

test@freewebworld:~/CubeWorld$ wine ./Server.exe
wine: created the configuration directory '/home/test/.wine'
0012:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {000001                                                                                      31-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
0012:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {6d5140                                                                                      c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}
0012:err:ole:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub, hres=0x800                                                                                      04002
0012:err:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface {6d5140c1-7436-1                                                                                      1ce-8034-00aa006009fa}, 80004002
0012:err:ole:get_local_server_stream Failed: 80004002
000b:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but n                                                                                      o driver could be loaded.
000b:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Make sure that your X server is running and                                                                                       that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
0014:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but n                                                                                      o driver could be loaded.
0014:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Make sure that your X server is running and                                                                                       that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
0014:err:ole:apartment_createwindowifneeded CreateWindow failed with error 0
0014:err:ole:apartment_createwindowifneeded CreateWindow failed with error 0
0014:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {000001                                                                                      31-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
0014:err:ole:apartment_createwindowifneeded CreateWindow failed with error 14007
0014:err:ole:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub, hres=0x800                                                                                      736b7
0014:err:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface {6d5140c1-7436-1                                                                                      1ce-8034-00aa006009fa}, 800736b7
0014:err:ole:get_local_server_stream Failed: 800736b7
0010:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but n                                                                                      o driver could be loaded.
0010:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Make sure that your X server is running and                                                                                       that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.
0027:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but n                                                                                      o driver could be loaded.
0027:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Make sure that your X server is running and                                                                                       that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.
wine: configuration in '/home/test/.wine' has been updated.
Starting server...
Could not bind socket.
Listen failed.
Server started. Enter Q to quit.
Waiting for connection.
Connection failed.
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Connection failed.
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^PWaiting for connection.
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Connection failed.                                                            ^P                                                                                      Waiting for connection.
Connection failed.
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Connection failed.
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Connection failed.
Waiting for connection.
Connection failed.

il s'ouvre a la fin mais il à pas l'air de s'interfacer avec la carte reseau.

la seul solution que j'ai eu pour l'instant c'est crée une machine virtuel Windows sevrer 2012 mais ça pompe pas mal, est j'aime pas windows en temps que server
si vous avez une solution je suis preneur
merci d'avance pour votre aide

Dernière modification par Compte supprimé (Le 13/05/2018, à 09:21)