#76 Le 05/05/2020, à 15:04
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
jeange@jeange-W65-67SZ:~$ cd /DATA-WD500 && sudo rmdir DATA-WD500
[sudo] Mot de passe de jeange :
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#77 Le 05/05/2020, à 15:07
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
jeange@jeange-W65-67SZ:~$ cd /DATA-WD500 && sudo rm -v bin lib lib32 lib64 libx32 sbin
[sudo] Mot de passe de jeange :
'bin' supprimé
'lib' supprimé
'lib32' supprimé
'lib64' supprimé
'libx32' supprimé
'sbin' supprimé
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#78 Le 05/05/2020, à 15:07
- moko138
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
OK, continue...
Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel : À la découverte de dcraw
Hors ligne
#79 Le 05/05/2020, à 15:09
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
jeange@jeange-W65-67SZ:/DATA-WD500$ cd /DATA-WD500 && date && sudo rm -Rf boot cdrom dev etc home media mnt proc root run snap srv sys tmp usr var && date
mardi 5 mai 2020, 16:08:38 (UTC+0200)
mardi 5 mai 2020, 16:09:14 (UTC+0200)
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#80 Le 05/05/2020, à 15:18
- moko138
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Impeccable !
À l'occasion, tu passeras
sudo update-grub
sur les 2 S.E, en finissant par 18.04.
Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel : À la découverte de dcraw
Hors ligne
#81 Le 05/05/2020, à 20:11
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Après un tour en 20.04 afin de vérifier FF, TB et l'accès à mes données sans problème, les retours:
-en 20.04
jeange@CLV-W65:~$ sudo update-grub
[sudo] Mot de passe de jeange :
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/init-select.cfg'
Création du fichier de configuration GRUB…
Image Linux trouvée : /boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-29-generic
Image mémoire initiale trouvée : /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-29-generic
Image Linux trouvée : /boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-28-generic
Image mémoire initiale trouvée : /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-28-generic
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (18.04) trouvé sur /dev/sda2
-et de 18.04
jeange@jeange-W65-67SZ:~$ sudo update-grub
[sudo] Mot de passe de jeange :
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'
Création du fichier de configuration GRUB…
Image Linux trouvée : /boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-99-generic
Image mémoire initiale trouvée : /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-99-generic
Image Linux trouvée : /boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-96-generic
Image mémoire initiale trouvée : /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-96-generic
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (20.04) trouvé sur /dev/sda1
Il me reste à créer les liens de 20.04 vers mes données.
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#82 Le 06/05/2020, à 22:15
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Il me reste à créer les liens de 20.04 vers mes données.
Cest pas encore gagné mais j'ai biaisé (provisoire) en copiant les liens de 18.04 et collé dans le home de 20.04, le souci est que Gimp les vois pas.
J'ai installé l'imprimante en 5 mn et réseau (comme d'hab) avec le "bundle" de Juillet 2015 qui a opéré sous 14.04, 18.04 Hugin, VLC, LibreOffice en français, le dernier Qarte et demain j'attaque le scanner; le terminal est assez rigolot avec son format 16:9 et les lignes dans un style (pas police) tout étiré.
C'est tout pour aujourd'hui.
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#83 Le 06/05/2020, à 23:45
- moko138
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
j'ai biaisé (provisoire) en copiant les liens de 18.04 et collé dans le home de 20.04
Bravo !
- -
le souci est que Gimp les voit pas.
Ça, c'est probablement la magie des snap...
Si c'est bien ça, il faut désinstaller le snap de Gimp, puis le réinstaller avec l'option ad hoc.
Vois snap, et cherche "confinement" : elle y figure.
Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel : À la découverte de dcraw
Hors ligne
#84 Le 07/05/2020, à 07:18
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Peu de snap ?
jeange@CLV-W65:~$ snap list
Nom Version Révision Suivi Éditeur Notes
core18 20200427 1754 latest/stable canonical✓ base
gimp 2.10.18 252 latest/stable snapcrafters -
gnome-3-28-1804 3.28.0-16-g27c9498.27c9498 116 latest/stable canonical✓ -
gnome-3-34-1804 0+git.3009fc7 33 latest/stable/… canonical✓ -
gtk-common-themes 0.1-36-gc75f853 1506 latest/stable/… canonical✓ -
snap-store 3.36.0-74-ga164ec9 433 latest/stable/… canonical✓ -
snapd 2.44.3 7264 latest/stable canonical✓ snapd
à comparer lors d'un passage en 18.04, Gimp ne voit pas l'intégralité de Nautilus, là est le problème; je vais creuser ta proposition.
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#85 Le 07/05/2020, à 07:55
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Suppression de Gimp 2.10.18
jeange@CLV-W65:~$ sudo snap remove gimp 2.10.18
[sudo] Mot de passe de jeange :
gimp supprimé
2.10.18 n'est pas installé
jeange@CLV-W65:~$ sudo snap install --classic gimp 2.10.18
[sudo] Mot de passe de jeange :
erreur : un nom de paquet Snap unique est nécessaire pour spécifier les marqueurs de mode ou de canal
Je n'ai plus qu'à trouver le nom de paquet Snap.
A+ tard.
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#86 Le 07/05/2020, à 08:06
- moko138
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
sudo snap install --classic gimp
Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel : À la découverte de dcraw
Hors ligne
#87 Le 07/05/2020, à 10:11
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Le retour
jeange@CLV-W65:~$ sudo snap install --classic gimp
Avertissement : flag --classic ignored for strictly confined snap gimp
gimp 2.10.18 par Snapcrafters installé
La seconde ligne est claire et après avoir lancé gimp le problème d'ouverture d'image persiste mais dû probablement à l'actuel Nautilus que je dois conformer comme à partir d ici https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22017795 mais je rame; n'étant pas pris par l'urgence nous verrons bien à la sortie de 20.04.1 en Juillet.
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#88 Le 07/05/2020, à 11:37
- moko138
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Bizarre, que l'option --classic ait été ignorée !
man snap ## de Bionic
Put snap in development mode and disable security confinement
Put snap in classic mode and disable security confinement
peut-être pourrais-tu désinstaller et réinstaller avec l'option --devmode, mais j'en ignore les conséquences.
Autres possibilités :
- demander à d'autres utilisateurs de 20.04,
- quand tu as une image à traiter, tu la déplaces momentanément dans ton home.
Que retourne
man snap
depuis ta 20.04 ?
Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel : À la découverte de dcraw
Hors ligne
#89 Le 07/05/2020, à 12:06
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
- quand tu as une image à traiter, tu la déplaces momentanément dans ton home.
De Gimp c'est impossible via home>lien vers image>puis l'image que je veux importer, la réponse est dans la capture du post précédent.
snap(8) System Manager's Manual snap(8)
snap - Tool to interact with snaps
snap [OPTIONS]
The snap command lets you install, configure, refresh and remove snaps.
Snaps are packages that work across many different Linux distributions,
enabling secure delivery and operation of the latest apps and utili‐
Abort a pending change
The abort command attempts to abort a change that still has pending
Usage: snap abort [abort-OPTIONS]
--last Select last change of given type (install, refresh, remove, try,
auto-refresh, etc.). A question mark at the end of the type
means to do nothing (instead of returning an error) if no change
of the given type is found. Note the question mark could need
protecting from the shell.
Add an assertion to the system
The ack command tries to add an assertion to the system assertion data‐
The assertion may also be a newer revision of a pre-existing assertion
that it will replace.
To succeed the assertion must be valid, its signature verified with a
known public key and the assertion consistent with and its prerequisite
in the database.
Set up a manual alias
The alias command aliases the given snap application to the given
Once this manual alias is setup the respective application command can
be invoked just using the alias.
Usage: snap alias [alias-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
List aliases in the system
The aliases command lists all aliases available in the system and their
$ snap aliases <snap>
Lists only the aliases defined by the specified snap.
An alias noted as undefined means it was explicitly enabled or disabled
but is not defined in the current revision of the snap, possibly tempo‐
rarily (e.g. because of a revert). This can cleared with 'snap alias
List system changes
The changes command displays a summary of system changes performed re‐
Usage: snap changes [changes-OPTIONS]
Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise, display
relative times up to 60 days, then YYYY-MM-DD.
Check a snapshot
The check-snapshot command verifies the user, system and configuration
data of the snaps included in the specified snapshot.
The check operation runs the same data integrity verification that is
performed when a snapshot is restored.
By default, this command checks all the data in a snapshot. Alterna‐
tively, you can specify the data of which snaps to check, or for which
users, or a combination of these.
If a snap is included in a check-snapshot operation, excluding its sys‐
tem and configuration data from the check is not currently possible.
This restriction may be lifted in the future.
Usage: snap check-snapshot [check-snapshot-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Check data of only specific users (comma-separated) (default:
all users)
Connect a plug to a slot
The connect command connects a plug to a slot. It may be called in the
following ways:
$ snap connect <snap>:<plug> <snap>:<slot>
Connects the provided plug to the given slot.
$ snap connect <snap>:<plug> <snap>
Connects the specific plug to the only slot in the provided snap that
matches the connected interface. If more than one potential slot ex‐
ists, the command fails.
$ snap connect <snap>:<plug>
Connects the provided plug to the slot in the core snap with a name
matching the plug name.
Usage: snap connect [connect-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
List interface connections
The connections command lists connections between plugs and slots in
the system.
Unless <snap> is provided, the listing is for connected plugs and slots
for all snaps in the system. In this mode, pass --all to also list un‐
connected plugs and slots.
$ snap connections <snap>
Lists connected and unconnected plugs and slots for the specified snap.
Usage: snap connections [connections-OPTIONS]
--all Show connected and unconnected plugs and slots
Create cohort keys for a series of snaps
The create-cohort command creates a set of cohort keys for a given set
of snaps.
A cohort is a view or snapshot of a snap's "channel map" at a given
point in time that fixes the set of revisions for the snap given other
constraints (e.g. channel or architecture). The cohort is then identi‐
fied by an opaque per-snap key that works across systems. Installations
or refreshes of the snap using a given cohort key would use a fixed re‐
vision for up to 90 days, after which a new set of revisions would be
fixed under that same cohort key and a new 90 days window started.
Disable a snap in the system
The disable command disables a snap. The binaries and services of the
snap will no longer be available, but all the data is still available
and the snap can easily be enabled again.
Usage: snap disable [disable-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Disconnect a plug from a slot
The disconnect command disconnects a plug from a slot. It may be
called in the following ways:
$ snap disconnect <snap>:<plug> <snap>:<slot>
Disconnects the specific plug from the specific slot.
$ snap disconnect <snap>:<slot or plug>
Disconnects everything from the provided plug or slot. The snap name
may be omitted for the core snap.
Usage: snap disconnect [disconnect-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Download the given snap
The download command downloads the given snap and its supporting asser‐
tions to the current directory with .snap and .assert file extensions,
Usage: snap download [download-OPTIONS]
Use this channel instead of stable
--edge Install from the edge channel
--beta Install from the beta channel
Install from the candidate channel
Install from the stable channel
Download the given revision of a snap, to which you must have
developer access
Use this basename for the snap and assertion files (defaults to
Download to this directory (defaults to the current directory)
Download from the given cohort
Enable a snap in the system
The enable command enables a snap that was previously disabled.
Usage: snap enable [enable-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Find packages to install
The find command queries the store for available packages.
With the --private flag, which requires the user to be logged-in to the
store (see 'snap help login'), it instead searches for private snaps
that the user has developer access to, either directly or through the
store's collaboration feature.
A green check mark (given color and unicode support) after a publisher
name indicates that the publisher has been verified.
Usage: snap find [find-OPTIONS]
Aliases: search
Search private snaps.
Only search for snaps in “stable”.
--section [="show-all-sections-please"] <default: "no-section-speci‐
Restrict the search to a given section.
--color <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of color to highlight some things.
--unicode <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of Unicode to improve legibility.
Delete a snapshot
The forget command deletes a snapshot. This operation can not be un‐
A snapshot contains archives for the user, system and configuration
data of each snap included in the snapshot.
By default, this command forgets all the data in a snapshot. Alterna‐
tively, you can specify the data of which snaps to forget.
Usage: snap forget [forget-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Print configuration options
The get command prints configuration options for the provided snap.
$ snap get snap-name username
If multiple option names are provided, the corresponding values are re‐
$ snap get snap-name username password
Key Value
username frank
password ...
Nested values may be retrieved via a dotted path:
$ snap get snap-name author.name
Usage: snap get [get-OPTIONS]
-t Strict typing with nulls and quoted strings
-d Always return document, even with single key
-l Always return list, even with single key
Show help about a command
The help command displays information about snap commands.
Usage: snap help [help-OPTIONS]
--all Show a short summary of all commands
Show detailed information about snaps
The info command shows detailed information about snaps.
The snaps can be specified by name or by path; names are looked for
both in the store and in the installed snaps; paths can refer to a
.snap file, or to a directory that contains an unpacked snap suitable
for 'snap try' (an example of this would be the 'prime' directory
snapcraft produces).
Usage: snap info [info-OPTIONS]
--color <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of color to highlight some things.
--unicode <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of Unicode to improve legibility.
Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise, display
relative times up to 60 days, then YYYY-MM-DD.
Include more details on the snap (expanded notes, base, etc.)
Install snaps on the system
The install command installs the named snaps on the system.
To install multiple instances of the same snap, append an underscore
and a unique identifier (for each instance) to a snap's name.
With no further options, the snaps are installed tracking the stable
channel, with strict security confinement.
Revision choice via the --revision override requires the the user to
have developer access to the snap, either directly or through the
store's collaboration feature, and to be logged in (see 'snap help lo‐
Note a later refresh will typically undo a revision override, taking
the snap back to the current revision of the channel it's tracking.
Use --name to set the instance name when installing from snap file.
Usage: snap install [install-OPTIONS]
--color <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of color to highlight some things.
--unicode <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of Unicode to improve legibility.
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Use this channel instead of stable
--edge Install from the edge channel
--beta Install from the beta channel
Install from the candidate channel
Install from the stable channel
Put snap in development mode and disable security confinement
Put snap in enforced confinement mode
Put snap in classic mode and disable security confinement
Install the given revision of a snap, to which you must have de‐
veloper access
Install the given snap file even if there are no pre-acknowl‐
edged signatures for it, meaning it was not verified and could
be dangerous (--devmode implies this)
Install the given snap without enabling its automatic aliases
--name Install the snap file under the given instance name
Install the snap in the given cohort
Show details of snap interfaces
The interface command shows details of snap interfaces.
If no interface name is provided, a list of interface names with at
least one connection is shown, or a list of all interfaces if --all is
Usage: snap interface [interface-OPTIONS]
Show interface attributes
--all Include unused interfaces
Show known assertions of the provided type
The known command shows known assertions of the provided type. If
header=value pairs are provided after the assertion type, the asser‐
tions shown must also have the specified headers matching the provided
Usage: snap known [known-OPTIONS]
Query the store for the assertion, via snapd if possible
Query the store for the assertion, without attempting to go via
List installed snaps
The list command displays a summary of snaps installed in the current
A green check mark (given color and unicode support) after a publisher
name indicates that the publisher has been verified
Usage: snap list [list-OPTIONS]
--all Show all revisions
--color <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of color to highlight some things.
--unicode <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of Unicode to improve legibility.
Authenticate to snapd and the store
The login command authenticates the user to snapd and the snap store,
and saves credentials into the ~/.snap/auth.json file. Further communi‐
cation with snapd will then be made using those credentials.
It's not necessary to log in to interact with snapd. Doing so, however,
enables purchasing of snaps using 'snap buy', as well as some some de‐
veloper-oriented features as detailed in the help for the find, install
and refresh commands.
An account can be set up at https://login.ubuntu.com
Log out of snapd and the store
The logout command logs the current user out of snapd and the store.
Retrieve logs for services
The logs command fetches logs of the given services and displays them
in chronological order.
Usage: snap logs [logs-OPTIONS]
-n <default: "10">
Show only the given number of lines, or 'all'.
-f Wait for new lines and print them as they come in.
Get the active model for this device
The model command returns the active model assertion information for
this device.
By default, only the essential model identification information is in‐
cluded in the output, but this can be expanded to include all of an as‐
sertion's non-meta headers.
The verbose output is presented in a structured, yaml-like format.
Similarly, the active serial assertion can be used for the output in‐
stead of the model assertion.
Usage: snap model [model-OPTIONS]
Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise, display
relative times up to 60 days, then YYYY-MM-DD.
--color <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of color to highlight some things.
--unicode <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of Unicode to improve legibility.
Print the serial assertion instead of the model assertion.
Print all specific assertion fields.
Print the raw assertion.
Acknowledge warnings
The okay command acknowledges the warnings listed with 'snap warnings'.
Once acknowledged a warning won't appear again unless it re-occurrs and
sufficient time has passed.
Pack the given directory as a snap
The pack command packs the given snap-dir as a snap and writes the re‐
sult to target-dir. If target-dir is omitted, the result is written to
current directory. If both source-dir and target-dir are omitted, the
pack command packs the current directory.
The default file name for a snap can be derived entirely from its
snap.yaml, but in some situations it's simpler for a script to feed the
filename in. In those cases, --filename can be given to override the
default. If this filename is not absolute it will be taken as relative
to target-dir.
When used with --check-skeleton, pack only checks whether snap-dir con‐
tains valid snap metadata and raises an error otherwise. Application
commands listed in snap metadata file, but appearing with incorrect
permission bits result in an error. Commands that are missing from
snap-dir are listed in diagnostic messages.
Usage: snap pack [pack-OPTIONS]
Validate snap-dir metadata only
Output to this filename
Enable aliases from a snap, disabling any conflicting aliases
The prefer command enables all aliases of the given snap in preference
to conflicting aliases of other snaps whose aliases will be disabled
(or removed, for manual ones).
Usage: snap prefer [prefer-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Prepare a device image
The prepare-image command performs some of the steps necessary for cre‐
ating device images.
For core images it is not invoked directly but usually via ubuntu-im‐
For preparing classic images it supports a --classic mode
Usage: snap prepare-image [prepare-image-OPTIONS]
Enable classic mode to prepare a classic model image
--arch Specify an architecture for snaps for --classic when the model
does not
The channel to use
--snap <snap>[=<channel>]
Include the given snap from the store or a local file and/or
specify the channel to track for the given snap
Refresh snaps in the system
The refresh command updates the specified snaps, or all snaps in the
system if none are specified.
With no further options, the snaps are refreshed to the current revi‐
sion of the channel they're tracking, preserving their confinement op‐
Revision choice via the --revision override requires the the user to
have developer access to the snap, either directly or through the
store's collaboration feature, and to be logged in (see 'snap help lo‐
Note a later refresh will typically undo a revision override.
Usage: snap refresh [refresh-OPTIONS]
--color <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of color to highlight some things.
--unicode <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of Unicode to improve legibility.
Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise, display
relative times up to 60 days, then YYYY-MM-DD.
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Use this channel instead of stable
--edge Install from the edge channel
--beta Install from the beta channel
Install from the candidate channel
Install from the stable channel
Put snap in development mode and disable security confinement
Put snap in enforced confinement mode
Put snap in classic mode and disable security confinement
Put snap in classic mode and disable security confinement
Allow refresh attempt on snap unknown to the store
Refresh to the given revision, to which you must have developer
Refresh the snap into the given cohort
Refresh the snap out of its cohort
--list Show the new versions of snaps that would be updated with the
next refresh
--time Show auto refresh information but do not perform a refresh
Ignore validation by other snaps blocking the refresh
Remove snaps from the system
The remove command removes the named snap instance from the system.
By default all the snap revisions are removed, including their data and
the common data directory. When a --revision option is passed only the
specified revision is removed.
Usage: snap remove [remove-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Remove only the given revision
Remove the snap without saving a snapshot of its data
Restart services
The restart command restarts the given services.
If the --reload option is given, for each service whose app has a
reload command, a reload is performed instead of a restart.
Usage: snap restart [restart-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
If the service has a reload command, use it instead of restart‐
Restore a snapshot
The restore command replaces the current user, system and configuration
data of included snaps, with the corresponding data from the specified
By default, this command restores all the data in a snapshot. Alterna‐
tively, you can specify the data of which snaps to restore, or for
which users, or a combination of these.
If a snap is included in a restore operation, excluding its system and
configuration data from the restore is not currently possible. This re‐
striction may be lifted in the future.
Usage: snap restore [restore-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Restore data of only specific users (comma-separated) (default:
all users)
Reverts the given snap to the previous state
The revert command reverts the given snap to its state before the lat‐
est refresh. This will reactivate the previous snap revision, and will
use the original data that was associated with that revision, discard‐
ing any data changes that were done by the latest revision. As an ex‐
ception, data which the snap explicitly chooses to share across revi‐
sions is not touched by the revert process.
Usage: snap revert [revert-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Put snap in development mode and disable security confinement
Put snap in enforced confinement mode
Put snap in classic mode and disable security confinement
Revert to the given revision
Run the given snap command
The run command executes the given snap command with the right confine‐
ment and environment.
Usage: snap run [run-OPTIONS]
Run a shell instead of the command (useful for debugging)
--strace [="with-strace"] <default: "no-strace">
Run the command under strace (useful for debugging). Extra
strace options can be specified as well here. Pass --raw to
strace early snap helpers.
--gdb Run the command with gdb
Display exec calls timing data
Save a snapshot of the current data
The save command creates a snapshot of the current user, system and
configuration data for the given snaps.
By default, this command saves the data of all snaps for all users.
Alternatively, you can specify the data of which snaps to save, or for
which users, or a combination of these.
If a snap is included in a save operation, excluding its system and
configuration data from the snapshot is not currently possible. This
restriction may be lifted in the future.
Usage: snap save [save-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise, display
short relative times.
Snapshot data of only specific users (comma-separated) (default:
all users)
List currently stored snapshots
The saved command displays a list of snapshots that have been created
previously with the 'save' command.
Usage: snap saved [saved-OPTIONS]
Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise, display
short relative times.
--id Show only a specific snapshot.
Query the status of services
The services command lists information about the services specified, or
about the services in all currently installed snaps.
Change configuration options
The set command changes the provided configuration options as re‐
$ snap set snap-name username=frank password=$PASSWORD
All configuration changes are persisted at once, and only after the
snap's configuration hook returns successfully.
Nested values may be modified via a dotted path:
$ snap set snap-name author.name=frank
Configuration option may be unset with exclamation mark:
$ snap set snap-name author!
Usage: snap set [set-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Start services
The start command starts, and optionally enables, the given services.
Usage: snap start [start-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
As well as starting the service now, arrange for it to be
started on boot.
Stop services
The stop command stops, and optionally disables, the given services.
Usage: snap stop [stop-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
As well as stopping the service now, arrange for it to no longer
be started on boot
Switches snap to a different channel
The switch command switches the given snap to a different channel with‐
out doing a refresh.
Usage: snap switch [switch-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Use this channel instead of stable
--edge Install from the edge channel
--beta Install from the beta channel
Install from the candidate channel
Install from the stable channel
Switch the snap into the given cohort
Switch the snap out of its cohort
List a change's tasks
The tasks command displays a summary of tasks associated with an indi‐
vidual change.
Usage: snap tasks [tasks-OPTIONS]
Aliases: change
Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise, display
relative times up to 60 days, then YYYY-MM-DD.
--last Select last change of given type (install, refresh, remove, try,
auto-refresh, etc.). A question mark at the end of the type
means to do nothing (instead of returning an error) if no change
of the given type is found. Note the question mark could need
protecting from the shell.
Test an unpacked snap in the system
The try command installs an unpacked snap into the system for testing
purposes. The unpacked snap content continues to be used even after
installation, so non-metadata changes there go live instantly. Metadata
changes such as those performed in snap.yaml will require reinstalla‐
tion to go live.
If snap-dir argument is omitted, the try command will attempt to infer
it if either snapcraft.yaml file and prime directory or meta/snap.yaml
file can be found relative to current working directory.
Usage: snap try [try-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Put snap in development mode and disable security confinement
Put snap in enforced confinement mode
Put snap in classic mode and disable security confinement
Remove a manual alias, or the aliases for an entire snap
The unalias command removes a single alias if the provided argument is
a manual alias, or disables all aliases of a snap, including manual
ones, if the argument is a snap name.
Usage: snap unalias [unalias-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Remove configuration options
The unset command removes the provided configuration options as re‐
$ snap unset snap-name name address
All configuration changes are persisted at once, and only after the
snap's configuration hook returns successfully.
Nested values may be removed via a dotted path:
$ snap unset snap-name user.name
Usage: snap unset [unset-OPTIONS]
Do not wait for the operation to finish but just print the
change id.
Show version details
The version command displays the versions of the running client,
server, and operating system.
List warnings
The warnings command lists the warnings that have been reported to the
Once warnings have been listed with 'snap warnings', 'snap okay' may be
used to silence them. A warning that's been silenced in this way will
not be listed again unless it happens again, _and_ a cooldown time has
Warnings expire automatically, and once expired they are forgotten.
Usage: snap warnings [warnings-OPTIONS]
Display absolute times (in RFC 3339 format). Otherwise, display
relative times up to 60 days, then YYYY-MM-DD.
--unicode <default: "auto">
Use a little bit of Unicode to improve legibility.
--all Show all warnings
Show more information
Watch a change in progress
The watch command waits for the given change-id to finish and shows
progress (if available).
Usage: snap watch [watch-OPTIONS]
--last Select last change of given type (install, refresh, remove, try,
auto-refresh, etc.). A question mark at the end of the type
means to do nothing (instead of returning an error) if no change
of the given type is found. Note the question mark could need
protecting from the shell.
The whoami command shows the email the user is logged in with.
Pratique Gedit, bonne lecture.
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#90 Le 07/05/2020, à 12:06
- geole
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Afin de vérifier tes liens, peux-tu donner le retour de
ls -ls | grep lrwx
Il me semble (sans certitude) que certaines applications snaps utilisent la référence au fichier .config/user-dirs.dirs
Sinon c'est l'artillerie lourde en faisant les liens en dur dans le fichier /etc/fstab
Les grilles de l'installateur https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/inst … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit, utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/gedit
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => https://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.p … #p22697248
En ligne
#91 Le 07/05/2020, à 16:49
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Désolé mais seulement de retour et sur 18.04.
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#92 Le 08/05/2020, à 04:51
- moko138
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Merci pour le man de snap pour 20.04, que je vais regarder.
- -
bibi a écrit :- quand tu as une image à traiter, tu la déplaces momentanément dans ton home.
De Gimp c'est impossible via home>lien vers image>puis l'image que je veux importer, la réponse est dans la capture du post précédent.
[ https://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/orig … 846428.jpg ]
Évidemment : le snap de gimp est confiné, et tu continues à passer par ton gimp-confiné pour ouvrir un fichier qui est sur une partition autre que ton home : ça ne peut pas être différent de ta tentative précédente !
Je reformule :
0) le principe des snaps-avec-confinement, c'est de ne pas agir en-dehors du home.
1) tu fais une copie (plus sûre qu'un déplacement) momentanée de ton image dans ton home. Avec une appli non confinée (nautilus, ou
mkdir -v ~/temporaire
cp -av /DATA-WD500/.../mon-fichier.JPG ~/temporaire
par exemple).
2) Alors, sur ~/temporaire/mon-fichier.JPG, tu peux lancer tes snaps confinés.
Dernière modification par moko138 (Le 08/05/2020, à 04:54)
Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel : À la découverte de dcraw
Hors ligne
#93 Le 08/05/2020, à 05:22
- moko138
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
--classic Put snap in classic mode and disable security confinement
Depuis 20.04, tu essaieras aussi :
snap --classic gimp
Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel : À la découverte de dcraw
Hors ligne
#94 Le 08/05/2020, à 11:24
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
DE 18.04.4
Actuellement la 20.4 (déjà 3ème noyau) n'est qu'en phase de prise en main( pour moi) ainsi que Gimp 2.10.18, et j'ai fait la manip de copier des images (pas pour les travailler) dans le home pour les trouver avec Gimp et le truc qui me reste à faire est #88 mais avant cela je vais installer le scanner dès que serais en 20.04 et donner les retours.
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#95 Le 08/05/2020, à 16:00
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
DE 20.04
Après quelques modifications de Nautilus:
J'ai supprimé les copies de liens issues de 18.04 et via DT-WD500 ajouté des signets (partie inférieure) pour Documents Images Musique Teléchargements Vidéos, (Fich text et ORDI étant des signets classique issus de Documents)
J'ai enlevé (partie supérieure) Documents Images ETC.
Il est à noter qu'au niveau de Gimp cela ne change rien pour l'import d'image hormis les copier dans le homme.
@ geole ta commande ne retourne rien en 20.04 et pour le fun les voici en 18.04
jeange@jeange-W65-67SZ:~$ ls -ls | grep lrwx
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 jeange jeange 21 mars 12 21:42 Lien vers Documents -> /DATA-WD500/Documents
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 jeange jeange 18 janv. 17 2019 Lien vers Images -> /DATA-WD500/Images
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 jeange jeange 19 janv. 17 2019 Lien vers Musique -> /DATA-WD500/Musique
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 jeange jeange 29 janv. 17 2019 Lien vers Téléchargements -> /DATA-WD500/Téléchargements
0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 jeange jeange 19 janv. 17 2019 Lien vers Vidéos -> /DATA-WD500/Vidéos
et pour moko
jeange@CLV-W65:~$ snap --classic gimp
erreur : unknown flag `classic'
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#96 Le 08/05/2020, à 19:51
- moko138
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
J'ai supprimé les copies de liens issues de 18.04
Pourquoi ???
Un utilitaire précieux : ncdu
Photo, mini-tutoriel : À la découverte de dcraw
Hors ligne
#97 Le 08/05/2020, à 20:33
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
DE 20.04
Pourquoi ???
Parce qu'après avoir installé le scanner avec un nouveau Bundle et en vérifiant l'installation dans Installés j'ai vu deux icônes de Gimp ! et clic droit sur une = dans Logiciels > 2.10.18-1 ubuntu-focal-universe, idem sur l'autre = dans Ubuntu software > Snapcraft illico désinstallé. Avec l'autre version aucun souci pour pêcher ce que je veux dans ma nouvelle version de Nautilus et en prime je peux lancer le scann depuis Fichier > Créer > Iscan sauf que ......................................... le scann ne veux pas démarrer, mébon ce sera un nouveau sujet de fil.
Pour me rassurer sur le scann je suis retourné en 18.04 pour t'offrir cela
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#98 Le 08/05/2020, à 20:33
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
salut Naziel
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
Hors ligne
#99 Le 08/05/2020, à 20:41
- Nuliel
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
Salut jeange, c'est un problème de partitionnement de disque que tu as? (juste 4 pages de retard )
Dernière modification par Nuliel (Le 08/05/2020, à 20:42)
Hors ligne
#100 Le 08/05/2020, à 20:48
- jeange
Re : [RÉSOLU] 20.04 à côté de 18.04 en attendant 22.04
moko m'a aidé il y a une semaine pour modifier les partitions afin d'installer 20.4 à la place de 14.04 tout en gardant 18.04 et la partition de données de son côté; là je suis sur un problème d'install de scanner. Sinon RAS sur la 20.4.
CLEVO W670SZQ SSD 480Go i3 Ram 12Go Ubuntu 22.04.5 et 24.04.2 LTS 64bit
Thinkpad X270 nvme 128Go i5 Ram 8Go Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 64bit et W10
Merci de donner les retours avec les balises < > et les allers avec les valises, et toujours pas de raton laveur.
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