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#1 Le 30/10/2023, à 16:39


RESOLU Timeshift

J'essaye de faire une sauvegarde avec Timeshift et aussi bien en mode graphique qu'en ligne de commande, aucun snapshot n'est créé ...(ubuntu 22.04.3)
Voici le resulat de la commande sudo timeshift --create --debug
( bien evidemment la destination de sauvegarde est bien formatée EXT4 et a de la place a revendre...)

udo timeshift --create --debug
D: Main()
D: Running Timeshift v21.09.1
D: Session log file: /var/log/timeshift/2023-10-30_16-30-23_ondemand.log
D: Distribution: Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy)
D: DIST_ID: Ubuntu
D: Main: check_dependencies()
D: Main: add_default_exclude_entries()
D: Main: add_default_exclude_entries(): exit
D: update_partitions()
D: df -T -B1
D: Device: get_disk_space_using_df(): 5
D: Device: get_mounted_filesystems_using_mtab(): 5
D: Device: get_filesystems(): 57
D: partition list updated
D: detect_system_devices()
D: /boot/efi is mapped to device: /dev/sda2, UUID=18DB-121F
D: / is mapped to device: /dev/sda6, UUID=6e9a260c-3d65-4eae-9fe7-33c27c51c31b
D: /home is mapped to device: /dev/sdb2, UUID=2e48002c-6b4b-4d73-a731-b7121af597a9
D: Searching subvolume for system at path: /
D: Users: claude joelle root snap_daemon snapd-range-524288-root
D: Encrypted home users: 
D: Encrypted home dirs:

D: Encrypted private dirs:

D: Main: load_app_config()
App config loaded: /etc/timeshift/timeshift.json
D: IconManager: init()
D: bin_path: /usr/bin/timeshift
D: found images directory: /usr/share/timeshift/images
D: Main(): ok
D: AppConsole: parse_arguments()
D: Main: initialize_repo()
D: backup_uuid=4f54cd33-cb3a-4971-b849-1808e8b1bff8
D: backup_parent_uuid=
D: Setting snapshot device from config file
D: repo: creating from uuid
D: SnapshotRepo: from_uuid(): RSYNC
D: uuid=4f54cd33-cb3a-4971-b849-1808e8b1bff8
D: SnapshotRepo: init_from_device()
D: SnapshotRepo: unlock_and_mount_devices()
D: device=/dev/sdc2
D: SnapshotRepo: unlock_and_mount_device()
D: device=/dev/sdc2
D: Device: get_mounted_filesystems_using_mtab(): 5
D: ------------------
D: arg=4f54cd33-cb3a-4971-b849-1808e8b1bff8, device=/dev/sdc2
D: /run/timeshift/backup
D: ------------------

/dev/sdc2 is mounted at: /run/timeshift/backup, options: rw,relatime

D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
D: SnapshotRepo: unlock_and_mount_device(): exit
D: Selected snapshot device: /dev/sdc2
D: Free space: 160.8 GB
D: SnapshotRepo: check_status()
D: SnapshotRepo: available()
D: is_available: ok
D: SnapshotRepo: has_snapshots()
D: SnapshotRepo: has_space()
D: df -T -B1 '/dev/sdc2'
D: Device: get_disk_space_using_df(): 1
D: no snapshots
D: SnapshotRepo: check_status(): exit
D: SnapshotRepo: init_from_device(): exit
D: SnapshotRepo: from_uuid(): exit
D: Main: initialize_repo(): exit
D: AppConsole: start_application()
D: Main: create_snapshot()
D: SnapshotRepo: has_space()
D: df -T -B1 '/dev/sdc2'
D: Device: get_disk_space_using_df(): 1
D: no snapshots
D: Main: backup_and_rotate()
D: SnapshotRepo: available()
D: is_available: ok
D: SnapshotRepo: has_space()
D: df -T -B1 '/dev/sdc2'
D: Device: get_disk_space_using_df(): 1
D: no snapshots
Creating new snapshot...(RSYNC)
Saving to device: /dev/sdc2, mounted at path: /run/timeshift/backup
D: Main: save_exclude_list_for_backup()
D: Main: create_exclude_list_for_backup()
D: Main: create_exclude_list_for_backup(): exit
Synching files with rsync...
D: RsyncTask:execute()
D: rsync -aii --recursive --verbose --delete --force --stats --sparse --delete-excluded --log-file='/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots/2023-10-30_16-30-23/rsync-log' --exclude-from='/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots/2023-10-30_16-30-23/exclude.list' --delete-excluded '/' '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots/2023-10-30_16-30-23/localhost/'
D: RsyncTask:prepare(): saved: /tmp/dRNDhGux/2023-10-30_16-30-23/
D: AsyncTask: child_pid: 6713
D: AsyncTask: finish(): entermaining)
D: exit_code: 0
E: rsync returned an error                                                      
E: Failed to create new snapshot
Failed to create snapshot
D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
D: SnapshotRepo: auto_remove()
D: SnapshotRepo: remove_untagged()
D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
Removing snapshots (incomplete):
Removing '2023-10-30_16-30-23'...
D: RsyncTask:execute()
D: rm -rfv '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots/2023-10-30_16-30-23/'
D: RsyncTask:prepare(): saved: /tmp/dRNDhGux/2023-10-30_16-37-49/
D: AsyncTask: child_pid: 6738
D: AsyncTask: finish(): entermaining)
D: exit_code: 0
Removed '2023-10-30_16-30-23'                                                   
D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-boot/"
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-hourly/"
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-daily/"
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-weekly/"
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-monthly/"
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-ondemand/"
D: Symlinks updated
D: exit_app()
D: crontab -l
D: Failed to read cron tab
D: crontab -l
D: Failed to read cron tab
D: unmount_target_device()
D: clean_logs()
D: rm -rf '/tmp/dRNDhGux'

Ca avance doucment jusqu'a 99% puis ca plante quelque part...
Merci d'avance pour le coup de main !!!

Dernière modification par nasier (Le 02/12/2023, à 13:28)

Hors ligne

#2 Le 30/10/2023, à 17:28


Re : RESOLU Timeshift


Pour ajouter toi-même les balises code à ton précédent message #1 :

  • Cliquer sur le lien « Modifier » en bas à droite du message

  • Sélectionner le texte

  • Cliquer sur le <> de l'éditeur de message


sudo timeshift --create --debug
D: Main()
D: Running Timeshift v21.09.1
D: Session log file: /var/log/timeshift/2023-10-30_16-30-23_ondemand.log
D: Distribution: Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy)
D: DIST_ID: Ubuntu
D: Main: check_dependencies()
D: Main: add_default_exclude_entries()
D: Main: add_default_exclude_entries(): exit
D: update_partitions()
D: df -T -B1
D: Device: get_disk_space_using_df(): 5
D: Device: get_mounted_filesystems_using_mtab(): 5
D: Device: get_filesystems(): 57
D: partition list updated
D: detect_system_devices()
D: /boot/efi is mapped to device: /dev/sda2, UUID=18DB-121F
D: / is mapped to device: /dev/sda6, UUID=6e9a260c-3d65-4eae-9fe7-33c27c51c31b
D: /home is mapped to device: /dev/sdb2, UUID=2e48002c-6b4b-4d73-a731-b7121af597a9
D: Searching subvolume for system at path: /
D: Users: claude joelle root snap_daemon snapd-range-524288-root
D: Encrypted home users:
D: Encrypted home dirs:

D: Encrypted private dirs:

D: Main: load_app_config()
App config loaded: /etc/timeshift/timeshift.json
D: IconManager: init()
D: bin_path: /usr/bin/timeshift
D: found images directory: /usr/share/timeshift/images
D: Main(): ok
D: AppConsole: parse_arguments()
D: Main: initialize_repo()
D: backup_uuid=4f54cd33-cb3a-4971-b849-1808e8b1bff8
D: backup_parent_uuid=
D: Setting snapshot device from config file
D: repo: creating from uuid
D: SnapshotRepo: from_uuid(): RSYNC
D: uuid=4f54cd33-cb3a-4971-b849-1808e8b1bff8
D: SnapshotRepo: init_from_device()
D: SnapshotRepo: unlock_and_mount_devices()
D: device=/dev/sdc2
D: SnapshotRepo: unlock_and_mount_device()
D: device=/dev/sdc2
D: Device: get_mounted_filesystems_using_mtab(): 5
D: ------------------
D: arg=4f54cd33-cb3a-4971-b849-1808e8b1bff8, device=/dev/sdc2
D: /run/timeshift/backup
D: ------------------

/dev/sdc2 is mounted at: /run/timeshift/backup, options: rw,relatime

D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
D: SnapshotRepo: unlock_and_mount_device(): exit
D: Selected snapshot device: /dev/sdc2
D: Free space: 160.8 GB
D: SnapshotRepo: check_status()
D: SnapshotRepo: available()
D: is_available: ok
D: SnapshotRepo: has_snapshots()
D: SnapshotRepo: has_space()
D: df -T -B1 '/dev/sdc2'
D: Device: get_disk_space_using_df(): 1
D: no snapshots
D: SnapshotRepo: check_status(): exit
D: SnapshotRepo: init_from_device(): exit
D: SnapshotRepo: from_uuid(): exit
D: Main: initialize_repo(): exit
D: AppConsole: start_application()
D: Main: create_snapshot()
D: SnapshotRepo: has_space()
D: df -T -B1 '/dev/sdc2'
D: Device: get_disk_space_using_df(): 1
D: no snapshots
D: Main: backup_and_rotate()
D: SnapshotRepo: available()
D: is_available: ok
D: SnapshotRepo: has_space()
D: df -T -B1 '/dev/sdc2'
D: Device: get_disk_space_using_df(): 1
D: no snapshots
Creating new snapshot...(RSYNC)
Saving to device: /dev/sdc2, mounted at path: /run/timeshift/backup
D: Main: save_exclude_list_for_backup()
D: Main: create_exclude_list_for_backup()
D: Main: create_exclude_list_for_backup(): exit
Synching files with rsync...
D: RsyncTask:execute()
D: rsync -aii --recursive --verbose --delete --force --stats --sparse --delete-excluded --log-file='/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots/2023-10-30_16-30-23/rsync-log' --exclude-from='/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots/2023-10-30_16-30-23/exclude.list' --delete-excluded '/' '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots/2023-10-30_16-30-23/localhost/'
D: RsyncTask:prepare(): saved: /tmp/dRNDhGux/2023-10-30_16-30-23/
D: AsyncTask: child_pid: 6713
D: AsyncTask: finish(): entermaining)
D: exit_code: 0
E: rsync returned an error                                                     
E: Failed to create new snapshot
Failed to create snapshot
D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
D: SnapshotRepo: auto_remove()
D: SnapshotRepo: remove_untagged()
D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
Removing snapshots (incomplete):
Removing '2023-10-30_16-30-23'...
D: RsyncTask:execute()
D: rm -rfv '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots/2023-10-30_16-30-23/'
D: RsyncTask:prepare(): saved: /tmp/dRNDhGux/2023-10-30_16-37-49/
D: AsyncTask: child_pid: 6738
D: AsyncTask: finish(): entermaining)
D: exit_code: 0
Removed '2023-10-30_16-30-23'                                                   
D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
D: SnapshotRepo: load_snapshots()
D: loading snapshots from '/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots': 0 found
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-boot/"
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-hourly/"
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-daily/"
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-weekly/"
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-monthly/"
D: rm -rf "/run/timeshift/backup/timeshift/snapshots-ondemand/"
D: Symlinks updated
D: exit_app()
D: crontab -l
D: Failed to read cron tab
D: crontab -l
D: Failed to read cron tab
D: unmount_target_device()
D: clean_logs()
D: rm -rf '/tmp/dRNDhGux'

Lecture conseillée > memento des balises code.

Conseils pour les nouveaux demandeurs et pas qu'eux
Important : Pensez à passer vos sujets en [Réso|u] lorsque ceux-ci le sont, au début du titre en cliquant sur Modifier sous le premier message, et un bref récapitulatif de la solution à la fin de celui-ci. Merci.                   Membre de Linux-Azur

Hors ligne

#3 Le 30/10/2023, à 17:35


Re : RESOLU Timeshift

Le message n'est pas explicite.

: Selected snapshot device: /dev/sdc2
D: Free space: 160.8 GB

E: rsync returned an error                                                      
E: Failed to create new snapshot

Regarde dans la trace.

journalctl --no-pager -b -g  rsync

Dernière modification par geole (Le 30/10/2023, à 17:43)

Les grilles de l'installateur … _subiquity
"gedit admin:///etc/fstab" est proscrit,  utilisez "pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY xdg-open /etc/fstab" Voir
Les partitions EXT4 des disques externes => … #p22697248

En ligne

#4 Le 31/10/2023, à 09:47


Re : RESOLU Timeshift

Ca empire....
Je ne peux meme plus lancer Timeshif.
La fenetre se referme tout de suite
Y a de la desinstallation dans l'air !!!
merci cependant pour ta suggestion

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