#51 Le 13/07/2024, à 12:16
- xubu1957
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
Je vois que les développeurs ont des soucis > github.com/morrownr/8821cu-20210916/iss … 2099254849
Conseils pour les nouveaux demandeurs et pas qu'eux
Important : Pensez à passer vos sujets en [Réso|u] lorsque ceux-ci le sont, au début du titre en cliquant sur Modifier sous le premier message, et un bref récapitulatif de la solution à la fin de celui-ci. Merci. Membre de Linux-Azur
Hors ligne
#52 Le 13/07/2024, à 12:34
- Lia63
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
lia@lia-p62010fr:~$ lsmod | grep rtl8821cu
lia@lia-p62010fr:~$ dmesg | grep rtl8821cu
dmesg: échec de lecture du tampon de noyau: Opération non permise
lia@lia-p62010fr:~$ sudo dmesg | grep rtl8821cu
[sudo] Mot de passe de lia :
[ 16.097839] usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8821cu
[ 16.129485] rtl8821cu 1-1.2:1.2 wlxe0ad471026ca: renamed from wlan0
lia@lia-p62010fr:~$ ^C
lia@lia-p62010fr:~$ sudo -i
root@lia-p62010fr:~# dmesg | grep rtl8821cu
[ 16.097839] usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8821cu
[ 16.129485] rtl8821cu 1-1.2:1.2 wlxe0ad471026ca: renamed from wlan0
root@lia-p62010fr:~# mokutil --sb-state
This system doesn't support Secure Boot
root@lia-p62010fr:~# lsmod | grep 8812au
root@lia-p62010fr:~# modinfo 8812au
modinfo: ERROR: Module 8812au not found.
root@lia-p62010fr:~# lsmod | grep 8821cu
8821cu 3256320 0
cfg80211 1323008 1 8821cu
root@lia-p62010fr:~# modinfo 8821cu
filename: /lib/modules/6.5.0-41-generic/updates/dkms/8821cu.ko
import_ns: VFS_internal_I_am_really_a_filesystem_and_am_NOT_a_driver
version: v5.12.0.4-1-g9241a6516.20210916_COEX20200730-5151
author: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
description: Realtek Wireless Lan Driver
license: GPL
srcversion: E4E66C967262AB7587FA02D
alias: usb:v2001p331Dd*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v7392pD811d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v7392pC811d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC80Cd*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDAp8731d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDAp2006d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDAp8811d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC811d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC82Bd*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC82Ad*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC820d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC821d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApB820d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApB82Bd*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
depends: cfg80211
retpoline: Y
name: 8821cu
vermagic: 6.5.0-41-generic SMP preempt mod_unload modversions
sig_id: PKCS#7
signer: lia-p62010fr Secure Boot Module Signature key
sig_key: 30:A5:A8:FE:F7:E4:86:98:8D:3B:D6:53:DE:F0:D6:69:80:E0:04:E7
sig_hashalgo: sha512
signature: 90:BC:13:D1:DC:74:50:88:DA:0B:5B:74:AB:2C:12:2A:05:2F:5F:DD:
parm: rtw_wireless_mode:int
parm: rtw_ips_mode:The default IPS mode (int)
parm: rtw_lps_level:The default LPS level (int)
parm: rtw_lps_chk_by_tp:int
parm: rtw_max_bss_cnt:int
parm: rtw_usb_rxagg_mode:int
parm: rtw_dynamic_agg_enable:int
parm: rtw_drv_log_level:set log level when insert driver module, default log level is _DRV_INFO_ = 4 (uint)
parm: rtw_tx_aclt_flags:device TX AC queue packet lifetime control flags (uint)
parm: rtw_tx_aclt_conf_default:device TX AC queue lifetime config for default status (array of uint)
parm: rtw_tx_aclt_conf_ap_m2u:device TX AC queue lifetime config for AP mode M2U status (array of uint)
parm: rtw_tx_bw_mode:The max tx bw for 2.4G and 5G. format is the same as rtw_bw_mode (uint)
parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_1ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 1SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint)
parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_2ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 2SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint)
parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_3ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 3SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint)
parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_4ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 4SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint)
parm: rtw_stbc_cap:int
parm: rtw_vht_enable:int
parm: rtw_vht_24g_enable:int
parm: rtw_vht_rx_mcs_map:VHT RX MCS map (uint)
parm: rtw_trx_path_bmp:int
parm: rtw_tx_path_lmt:int
parm: rtw_rx_path_lmt:int
parm: rtw_tx_nss:int
parm: rtw_rx_nss:int
parm: rtw_country_code:The default country code (in alpha2) (charp)
parm: rtw_channel_plan:The default chplan ID when rtw_alpha2 is not specified or valid (int)
parm: rtw_excl_chs:exclusive channel array (array of uint)
parm: rtw_btcoex_enable:BT co-existence on/off, 0:off, 1:on, 2:by efuse (int)
parm: rtw_ant_num:Antenna number setting, 0:by efuse (int)
parm: rtw_pci_dynamic_aspm_linkctrl:int
parm: rtw_qos_opt_enable:int
parm: rtw_acs_auto_scan:int
parm: rtw_acs:int
parm: ifname:The default name to allocate for first interface (charp)
parm: if2name:The default name to allocate for second interface (charp)
parm: rtw_ap_src_b2u_flags:int
parm: rtw_ap_fwd_b2u_flags:int
parm: rtw_wowlan_sta_mix_mode:int
parm: rtw_pwrtrim_enable:int
parm: rtw_initmac:charp
parm: rtw_chip_version:int
parm: rtw_rfintfs:int
parm: rtw_lbkmode:int
parm: rtw_network_mode:int
parm: rtw_channel:int
parm: rtw_mp_mode:int
parm: rtw_wmm_enable:int
parm: rtw_uapsd_max_sp:int
parm: rtw_uapsd_ac_enable:int
parm: rtw_wmm_smart_ps:int
parm: rtw_vrtl_carrier_sense:int
parm: rtw_vcs_type:int
parm: rtw_busy_thresh:int
parm: rtw_ht_enable:int
parm: rtw_bw_mode:int
parm: rtw_ampdu_enable:int
parm: rtw_rx_stbc:int
parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_amsdu:int
parm: rtw_tx_ampdu_amsdu:int
parm: rtw_quick_addba_req:int
parm: rtw_beamform_cap:int
parm: rtw_power_mgnt:int
parm: rtw_smart_ps:int
parm: rtw_low_power:int
parm: rtw_wifi_spec:int
parm: rtw_full_ch_in_p2p_handshake:int
parm: rtw_antdiv_cfg:int
parm: rtw_antdiv_type:int
parm: rtw_drv_ant_band_switch:int
parm: rtw_single_ant_path:int
parm: rtw_switch_usb_mode:int
parm: rtw_enusbss:int
parm: rtw_hwpdn_mode:int
parm: rtw_hwpwrp_detect:int
parm: rtw_hw_wps_pbc:int
parm: rtw_check_hw_status:int
parm: rtw_led_ctrl:Led Control: 0=Always off, 1=Normal blink, 2=Always on (int)
parm: rtw_max_roaming_times:The max roaming times to try (uint)
parm: rtw_notch_filter:0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:Enable only for P2P (uint)
parm: rtw_hiq_filter:0:allow all, 1:allow special, 2:deny all (uint)
parm: rtw_adaptivity_en:0:disable, 1:enable (uint)
parm: rtw_adaptivity_mode:0:normal, 1:carrier sense (uint)
parm: rtw_adaptivity_th_l2h_ini:th_l2h_ini for Adaptivity (int)
parm: rtw_adaptivity_th_edcca_hl_diff:th_edcca_hl_diff for Adaptivity (int)
parm: rtw_dfs_region_domain:0:NONE, 1:FCC, 2:MKK, 3:ETSI (uint)
parm: rtw_amsdu_mode:0:non-spp, 1:spp, 2:all drop (uint)
parm: rtw_amplifier_type_2g:BIT3:2G ext-PA, BIT4:2G ext-LNA (uint)
parm: rtw_amplifier_type_5g:BIT6:5G ext-PA, BIT7:5G ext-LNA (uint)
parm: rtw_RFE_type:default init value:64 (uint)
parm: rtw_powertracking_type:default init value:64 (uint)
parm: rtw_GLNA_type:default init value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_TxBBSwing_2G:default init value:0xFF (uint)
parm: rtw_TxBBSwing_5G:default init value:0xFF (uint)
parm: rtw_OffEfuseMask:default open Efuse Mask value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_FileMaskEfuse:default drv Mask Efuse value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_2g:default RF Gain 2G Offset value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_5gl:default RF Gain 5GL Offset value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_5gh:uint
parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_5gm:default RF Gain 5GM Offset value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_pll_ref_clk_sel:force pll_ref_clk_sel, 0xF:use autoload value (uint)
parm: rtw_tx_pwr_by_rate:0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2: Depend on efuse (int)
parm: rtw_tx_pwr_lmt_enable:0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2: Depend on efuse (int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_a:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path A for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_b:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path B for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_c:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path C for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_d:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path D for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_a:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path A for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_b:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path B for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_c:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path C for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_d:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path D for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_antenna_gain:Antenna gain in mBi. 0x7FFF: unspecifed (int)
parm: rtw_tsf_update_pause_factor:num of bcn intervals to stay TSF update pause status (int)
parm: rtw_tsf_update_restore_factor:num of bcn intervals to stay TSF update restore status (int)
parm: rtw_phy_file_path:The path of phy parameter (charp)
parm: rtw_load_phy_file:PHY File Bit Map (int)
parm: rtw_decrypt_phy_file:Enable Decrypt PHY File (int)
parm: rtw_recvbuf_nr:Preallocated number of struct recv_buf (int)
parm: rtw_phydm_ability:uint
parm: rtw_halrf_ability:uint
parm: rtw_en_napi:int
parm: rtw_en_gro:int
parm: rtw_iqk_fw_offload:int
parm: rtw_ch_switch_offload:int
parm: rtw_en_tdls:int
parm: rtw_en_dyn_rrsr:int
parm: rtw_rrsr_value:int
parm: rtw_scan_interval_thr:Threshold used to judge if scan request comes from scan UI, unit is ms. (uint)
root@lia-p62010fr:~# lsmod | grep 8821cu
8821cu 3256320 0
cfg80211 1323008 1 8821cu
root@lia-p62010fr:~# modinfo 8821cu
filename: /lib/modules/6.5.0-41-generic/updates/dkms/8821cu.ko
import_ns: VFS_internal_I_am_really_a_filesystem_and_am_NOT_a_driver
version: v5.12.0.4-1-g9241a6516.20210916_COEX20200730-5151
author: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
description: Realtek Wireless Lan Driver
license: GPL
srcversion: E4E66C967262AB7587FA02D
alias: usb:v2001p331Dd*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v7392pD811d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v7392pC811d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC80Cd*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDAp8731d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDAp2006d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDAp8811d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC811d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC82Bd*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC82Ad*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC820d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApC821d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApB820d*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
alias: usb:v0BDApB82Bd*dc*dsc*dp*icFFiscFFipFFin*
depends: cfg80211
retpoline: Y
name: 8821cu
vermagic: 6.5.0-41-generic SMP preempt mod_unload modversions
sig_id: PKCS#7
signer: lia-p62010fr Secure Boot Module Signature key
sig_key: 30:A5:A8:FE:F7:E4:86:98:8D:3B:D6:53:DE:F0:D6:69:80:E0:04:E7
sig_hashalgo: sha512
signature: 90:BC:13:D1:DC:74:50:88:DA:0B:5B:74:AB:2C:12:2A:05:2F:5F:DD:
parm: rtw_wireless_mode:int
parm: rtw_ips_mode:The default IPS mode (int)
parm: rtw_lps_level:The default LPS level (int)
parm: rtw_lps_chk_by_tp:int
parm: rtw_max_bss_cnt:int
parm: rtw_usb_rxagg_mode:int
parm: rtw_dynamic_agg_enable:int
parm: rtw_drv_log_level:set log level when insert driver module, default log level is _DRV_INFO_ = 4 (uint)
parm: rtw_tx_aclt_flags:device TX AC queue packet lifetime control flags (uint)
parm: rtw_tx_aclt_conf_default:device TX AC queue lifetime config for default status (array of uint)
parm: rtw_tx_aclt_conf_ap_m2u:device TX AC queue lifetime config for AP mode M2U status (array of uint)
parm: rtw_tx_bw_mode:The max tx bw for 2.4G and 5G. format is the same as rtw_bw_mode (uint)
parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_1ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 1SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint)
parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_2ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 2SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint)
parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_3ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 3SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint)
parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_sz_limit_4ss:RX AMPDU size limit for 4SS link of each BW, 0xFF: no limitation (array of uint)
parm: rtw_stbc_cap:int
parm: rtw_vht_enable:int
parm: rtw_vht_24g_enable:int
parm: rtw_vht_rx_mcs_map:VHT RX MCS map (uint)
parm: rtw_trx_path_bmp:int
parm: rtw_tx_path_lmt:int
parm: rtw_rx_path_lmt:int
parm: rtw_tx_nss:int
parm: rtw_rx_nss:int
parm: rtw_country_code:The default country code (in alpha2) (charp)
parm: rtw_channel_plan:The default chplan ID when rtw_alpha2 is not specified or valid (int)
parm: rtw_excl_chs:exclusive channel array (array of uint)
parm: rtw_btcoex_enable:BT co-existence on/off, 0:off, 1:on, 2:by efuse (int)
parm: rtw_ant_num:Antenna number setting, 0:by efuse (int)
parm: rtw_pci_dynamic_aspm_linkctrl:int
parm: rtw_qos_opt_enable:int
parm: rtw_acs_auto_scan:int
parm: rtw_acs:int
parm: ifname:The default name to allocate for first interface (charp)
parm: if2name:The default name to allocate for second interface (charp)
parm: rtw_ap_src_b2u_flags:int
parm: rtw_ap_fwd_b2u_flags:int
parm: rtw_wowlan_sta_mix_mode:int
parm: rtw_pwrtrim_enable:int
parm: rtw_initmac:charp
parm: rtw_chip_version:int
parm: rtw_rfintfs:int
parm: rtw_lbkmode:int
parm: rtw_network_mode:int
parm: rtw_channel:int
parm: rtw_mp_mode:int
parm: rtw_wmm_enable:int
parm: rtw_uapsd_max_sp:int
parm: rtw_uapsd_ac_enable:int
parm: rtw_wmm_smart_ps:int
parm: rtw_vrtl_carrier_sense:int
parm: rtw_vcs_type:int
parm: rtw_busy_thresh:int
parm: rtw_ht_enable:int
parm: rtw_bw_mode:int
parm: rtw_ampdu_enable:int
parm: rtw_rx_stbc:int
parm: rtw_rx_ampdu_amsdu:int
parm: rtw_tx_ampdu_amsdu:int
parm: rtw_quick_addba_req:int
parm: rtw_beamform_cap:int
parm: rtw_power_mgnt:int
parm: rtw_smart_ps:int
parm: rtw_low_power:int
parm: rtw_wifi_spec:int
parm: rtw_full_ch_in_p2p_handshake:int
parm: rtw_antdiv_cfg:int
parm: rtw_antdiv_type:int
parm: rtw_drv_ant_band_switch:int
parm: rtw_single_ant_path:int
parm: rtw_switch_usb_mode:int
parm: rtw_enusbss:int
parm: rtw_hwpdn_mode:int
parm: rtw_hwpwrp_detect:int
parm: rtw_hw_wps_pbc:int
parm: rtw_check_hw_status:int
parm: rtw_led_ctrl:Led Control: 0=Always off, 1=Normal blink, 2=Always on (int)
parm: rtw_max_roaming_times:The max roaming times to try (uint)
parm: rtw_notch_filter:0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2:Enable only for P2P (uint)
parm: rtw_hiq_filter:0:allow all, 1:allow special, 2:deny all (uint)
parm: rtw_adaptivity_en:0:disable, 1:enable (uint)
parm: rtw_adaptivity_mode:0:normal, 1:carrier sense (uint)
parm: rtw_adaptivity_th_l2h_ini:th_l2h_ini for Adaptivity (int)
parm: rtw_adaptivity_th_edcca_hl_diff:th_edcca_hl_diff for Adaptivity (int)
parm: rtw_dfs_region_domain:0:NONE, 1:FCC, 2:MKK, 3:ETSI (uint)
parm: rtw_amsdu_mode:0:non-spp, 1:spp, 2:all drop (uint)
parm: rtw_amplifier_type_2g:BIT3:2G ext-PA, BIT4:2G ext-LNA (uint)
parm: rtw_amplifier_type_5g:BIT6:5G ext-PA, BIT7:5G ext-LNA (uint)
parm: rtw_RFE_type:default init value:64 (uint)
parm: rtw_powertracking_type:default init value:64 (uint)
parm: rtw_GLNA_type:default init value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_TxBBSwing_2G:default init value:0xFF (uint)
parm: rtw_TxBBSwing_5G:default init value:0xFF (uint)
parm: rtw_OffEfuseMask:default open Efuse Mask value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_FileMaskEfuse:default drv Mask Efuse value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_2g:default RF Gain 2G Offset value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_5gl:default RF Gain 5GL Offset value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_5gh:uint
parm: rtw_rxgain_offset_5gm:default RF Gain 5GM Offset value:0 (uint)
parm: rtw_pll_ref_clk_sel:force pll_ref_clk_sel, 0xF:use autoload value (uint)
parm: rtw_tx_pwr_by_rate:0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2: Depend on efuse (int)
parm: rtw_tx_pwr_lmt_enable:0:Disable, 1:Enable, 2: Depend on efuse (int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_a:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path A for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_b:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path B for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_c:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path C for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_2g_d:2.4G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path D for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_a:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path A for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_b:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path B for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_c:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path C for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_target_tx_pwr_5g_d:5G target tx power (unit:dBm) of RF path D for each rate section, should match the real calibrate power, -1: undefined (array of int)
parm: rtw_antenna_gain:Antenna gain in mBi. 0x7FFF: unspecifed (int)
parm: rtw_tsf_update_pause_factor:num of bcn intervals to stay TSF update pause status (int)
parm: rtw_tsf_update_restore_factor:num of bcn intervals to stay TSF update restore status (int)
parm: rtw_phy_file_path:The path of phy parameter (charp)
parm: rtw_load_phy_file:PHY File Bit Map (int)
parm: rtw_decrypt_phy_file:Enable Decrypt PHY File (int)
parm: rtw_recvbuf_nr:Preallocated number of struct recv_buf (int)
parm: rtw_phydm_ability:uint
parm: rtw_halrf_ability:uint
parm: rtw_en_napi:int
parm: rtw_en_gro:int
parm: rtw_iqk_fw_offload:int
parm: rtw_ch_switch_offload:int
parm: rtw_en_tdls:int
parm: rtw_en_dyn_rrsr:int
parm: rtw_rrsr_value:int
parm: rtw_scan_interval_thr:Threshold used to judge if scan request comes from scan UI, unit is ms. (uint)
root@lia-p62010fr:~# ls /etc/modprobe.d/
8821cu.conf blacklist-modem.conf
alsa-base.conf blacklist-oss.conf
amd64-microcode-blacklist.conf blacklist-rare-network.conf
blacklist-ath_pci.conf dkms.conf
blacklist.conf intel-microcode-blacklist.conf
blacklist-firewire.conf iwlwifi.conf
oot@lia-p62010fr:~# ls /etc/modprobe.d/
8821cu.conf blacklist-modem.conf
alsa-base.conf blacklist-oss.conf
amd64-microcode-blacklist.conf blacklist-rare-network.conf
blacklist-ath_pci.conf dkms.conf
blacklist.conf intel-microcode-blacklist.conf
blacklist-firewire.conf iwlwifi.conf
root@lia-p62010fr:~# lsusb -t -v
/: Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-pci/2p, 480M
ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
|__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Hub, Driver=hub/6p, 480M
ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
|__ Port 4: Dev 3, If 1, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M
ID 1d57:130f Xenta 2.4Ghz wireless optical mouse receiver
|__ Port 4: Dev 3, If 0, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 12M
ID 1d57:130f Xenta 2.4Ghz wireless optical mouse receiver
|__ Port 6: Dev 4, If 0, Class=Mass Storage, Driver=ums-realtek, 480M
ID 0bda:0158 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. USB 2.0 multicard reader
/: Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=ehci-pci/2p, 480M
ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
|__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Hub, Driver=hub/4p, 480M
ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
|__ Port 1: Dev 3, If 0, Class=Human Interface Device, Driver=usbhid, 1.5M
ID 413c:2105 Dell Computer Corp. Model L100 Keyboard
|__ Port 2: Dev 4, If 1, Class=Wireless, Driver=btusb, 480M
ID 0bda:c820 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
|__ Port 2: Dev 4, If 2, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=rtl8821cu, 480M
ID 0bda:c820 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
|__ Port 2: Dev 4, If 0, Class=Wireless, Driver=btusb, 480M
ID 0bda:c820 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
Hors ligne
#53 Le 13/07/2024, à 12:51
- tycooon
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
Ok on avance on est bien sur le 8821cu :
ID 0bda:c820 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
|__ Port 2: Dev 4, If 2, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=rtl8821cu, 480M
et c'est bien le dkms :
root@lia-p62010fr:~# lsmod | grep 8821cu
8821cu 3256320 0
cfg80211 1323008 1 8821cu
root@lia-p62010fr:~# modinfo 8821cu
filename: /lib/modules/6.5.0-41-generic/updates/dkms/8821cu.ko
peut tu montrer cette commande elle n'est pas passée :
sudo dmesg | grep rtl8821cu
J'ai un doute sur la blacklist peux tu me montrer :
cat /etc/modprobe.d/8821cu.conf
Hors ligne
#54 Le 13/07/2024, à 13:05
- tycooon
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
je pense que tu n'a pas suivi la procédure exactement tu aurais du avoir dans
ls /etc/modprobe.d/
le fichier
blacklist rtw88_8821cu
Ca déroulle jusqu'à cette phrase :
Do you want to edit the driver options file now? (recommended) [Y/n]
Tu réponds "Y", un éditeur de texte s'ouvre, tu fais CTRL + O, touche entrée pour enregsitrer, CTRL + X pour sortir.
Hors ligne
#55 Le 13/07/2024, à 13:11
- tycooon
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
Ouuups je me suis trompé il est dans
le cat nous dira s'i y a
blacklist rtw88_8821cu
Hors ligne
#56 Le 13/07/2024, à 13:19
- tycooon
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
On attend ton retour si OK sur la blacklist je ne vais pas te demander de rejouer l'installation, on va la faire à la mano
on va rajouter "rtw_RFE_type=64"
echo "options 8821cu rtw_RFE_type=64" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/8821cu.conf
cat /etc/modprobe.d/8821cu.conf
et tu reboot au mieux tu as du wifi et pas de bluetooth au pire tu as rien et là je crois que je suis au bout du bout !!!!!!!
Dernière modification par tycooon (Le 13/07/2024, à 13:44)
Hors ligne
#57 Le 13/07/2024, à 14:12
- Lia63
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
lia@lia-p62010fr:~$ sudo dmesg | grep rtl8821cu
[sudo] Mot de passe de lia :
Désolé, essayez de nouveau.
[sudo] Mot de passe de lia :
[ 26.817749] usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8821cu
[ 26.824967] rtl8821cu 1-1.2:1.2 wlxe0ad471026ca: renamed from wlan0
lia@lia-p62010fr:~$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/8821cu.conf
# /etc/modprobe.d/8821cu.conf
# Purpose: Allow easy access to specific driver options.
# Note: pull-request: wireless-next-2022-12-12
# wireless-next patches for v6.2
# wifi: rtw88: Add rtw8821cu chipset support
# The following line blacklists (deactivates) the above in-kernel driver.
blacklist rtw88_8821cu
# Edit the following line to change, add or delete options:
options 8821cu rtw_led_ctrl=1
# Note: The above `options` line is a good default for managed mode. Below is
# an example for AP mode. Modify as required after reading the documentation:
#options 8821cu rtw_drv_log_level=1 rtw_led_ctrl=1 rtw_vht_enable=2 rtw_power_mgnt=1 rtw_beamform_cap=1 rtw_dfs_region_domain=1
# After editing is complete, save this file (if using nano: Ctrl + x, y, Enter)
# and reboot to activate the changes.
# Important: Some adapters based on the rtl8821cu chipset may require the
# `rtw_RFE_type` option to be set. If wifi or bluetooth does not work
# after driver installation, see the appropriate section in the below
# documentation. This issue has not been seen on wifi only adapters.
# Documentation:
# -----
# Log options ( rtw_drv_log_level )
# 0 = NONE (default)
# 1 = ALWAYS
# 2 = ERROR
# 4 = INFO
# 5 = DEBUG
# 6 = MAX
# Note: You can save a log file that only includes RTW log entries by running
# the following in a terminal:
# sudo ./save-log.sh
# Note: A log option greater than 1 must be set. The name of the log
# file will be `rtw.log`.
# -----
# LED options ( rtw_led_ctrl )
# 0 = Always off
# 1 = Normal blink (default)
# 2 = Always on
# -----
# VHT options ( rtw_vht_enable )
# 0 = Disable
# 1 = Enable (default)
# 2 = Force auto enable (use only for 5 GHz AP mode)
# Notes:
# - A non-default setting can degrade performance greatly in managed mode.
# - Option 2 allows 80 MHz channel width for 5GHz AP mode, such as when
# you are using hostapd.
# -----
# Power options ( rtw_power_mgnt )
# 0 = Disable power saving
# 1 = Power saving on, minPS (default)
# 2 = Power saving on, maxPS (not recommended for AP mode)
# -----
# Beamforming options ( rtw_beamform_cap )
# 1 = SU Beamformer (recommended for AP mode)
# 2 = SU Beamformee
# 3 = SU Beamformer and SU Beamformee
# 10= SU Beamformee and MU Beamformee (default)
# 11= SU Beamformer and SU Beamformee and MU Beamformee
# Note: MU Beamformer is not supported.
# From the source code:
# /* /os_dep/linux/os_intfs.c
# *
# * BIT0: Enable VHT SU Beamformer
# * BIT1: Enable VHT SU Beamformee
# * BIT2: Enable VHT MU Beamformer, depend on VHT SU Beamformer (not supported)
# * BIT3: Enable VHT MU Beamformee, depend on VHT SU Beamformee
# */
# -----
# USB options: ( rtw_switch_usb_mode )
# Note: This option is not supported on this chipset. This chipset is USB2 only.
# -----
# DFS Options ( rtw_dfs_region_domain )
# 0 = NONE (default)
# 1 = FCC
# 2 = MKK
# 3 = ETSI
# Notes:
# - Activates DFS channels in AP mode.
# - DFS FCC 80 MHz channels for hostapd: 52(58), 100(106), 116(122) and 132(138)
# - For more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels
# Note: An AP needs to listen on a DFS channel for a period of 60 seconds
# before transmitting on the channel. If any radar pulses are detected,
# the AP cannot use that channel and will have to try a different channel.
# -----
# Wireless Mode options ( rtw_wireless_mode )
# 1 = 2.4GHz 802.11b
# 2 = 2.4GHz 802.11g
# 3 = 2.4GHz 802.11b/g
# 4 = 5GHz 802.11a
# 8 = 2.4Hz 802.11n
# 11 = 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n
# 16 = 5GHz 802.11n
# 20 = 5GHz 802.11a/n
# 64 = 5GHz 802.11ac
# 84 = 5GHz 802.11a/n/ac
# 95 = 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n 5GHz 802.11a/n/ac (default)
# -----
# Country Code options ( rtw_country_code )
# Note: Allows the Country Code to be set in cases where it is unable to
# be obtained otherwise.
# URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2
# Example for the US: rtw_country_code=US
# Example for Panama: rtw_country_code=PA
# Example for Norway: rtw_country_code=NO
# Example for Kuwait: rtw_country_code=KW
# Example for Taiwan: rtw_country_code=TW
# -----
# Select RFE type ( rtw_RFE_type )
# 0 = (2-Ant, DPDT), (2G_WLG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 1 = (1-Ant, SPDT@Ant1), (2G_WLG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 2 = (1-Ant, SPDT@Ant1) , (2G_BTG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 3 = (1-Ant, DPDT@Ant2), (2G_WLG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 4 = (1-Ant, DPDT@Ant2), (2G_BTG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 5 = (2-Ant), (2G_WLG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 6 = (2-Ant), (2G_WLG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 7 = (1-Ant), (2G_BTG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW) (try this setting first)
# 64 = this appears to be the default on adapters that do not support bluetooth
# Note: RFE Type is used to set antenna isolation and the BT coexistence
# mechanism. Some adapters require this setting and some do not. It may be
# necessary to try different settings to determine which setting is optimal
# for your adapter.
# -----
# To see all options that are available:
# $ ls /sys/module/8821cu/parameters/
# -----
# To see the values that are in use:
# $ grep [[:alnum:]] /sys/module/8821cu/parameters/*
# -----
# hostapd setup information for rtl8821cu
# Note: The best settings can vary but the following may be a good place to start.
# /etc/modprobe.d/8821cu.conf
# options 8821cu rtw_drv_log_level=0 rtw_led_ctrl=0 rtw_vht_enable=2 rtw_power_mgnt=1 rtw_dfs_region_domain=1
# Note: The best setting for `rtw_dfs_region_domain=` will depend on your location.
# /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
# hw ht capab: 0x862
# ht_capab=[HT40+][HT40-][SHORT-GI-20][SHORT-GI-40][MAX-AMSDU-7935]
# hw vht capab: 0x03c00022
# vht_capab=[MAX-MPDU-11454][SHORT-GI-80][HTC-VHT][MAX-A-MPDU-LEN-EXP7]
Hors ligne
#58 Le 13/07/2024, à 14:14
- Lia63
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
lia@lia-p62010fr:~$ echo "options 8821cu rtw_RFE_type=64" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/8821cu.conf
options 8821cu rtw_RFE_type=64
lia@lia-p62010fr:~$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/8821cu.conf
# /etc/modprobe.d/8821cu.conf
# Purpose: Allow easy access to specific driver options.
# Note: pull-request: wireless-next-2022-12-12
# wireless-next patches for v6.2
# wifi: rtw88: Add rtw8821cu chipset support
# The following line blacklists (deactivates) the above in-kernel driver.
blacklist rtw88_8821cu
# Edit the following line to change, add or delete options:
options 8821cu rtw_led_ctrl=1
# Note: The above `options` line is a good default for managed mode. Below is
# an example for AP mode. Modify as required after reading the documentation:
#options 8821cu rtw_drv_log_level=1 rtw_led_ctrl=1 rtw_vht_enable=2 rtw_power_mgnt=1 rtw_beamform_cap=1 rtw_dfs_region_domain=1
# After editing is complete, save this file (if using nano: Ctrl + x, y, Enter)
# and reboot to activate the changes.
# Important: Some adapters based on the rtl8821cu chipset may require the
# `rtw_RFE_type` option to be set. If wifi or bluetooth does not work
# after driver installation, see the appropriate section in the below
# documentation. This issue has not been seen on wifi only adapters.
# Documentation:
# -----
# Log options ( rtw_drv_log_level )
# 0 = NONE (default)
# 1 = ALWAYS
# 2 = ERROR
# 4 = INFO
# 5 = DEBUG
# 6 = MAX
# Note: You can save a log file that only includes RTW log entries by running
# the following in a terminal:
# sudo ./save-log.sh
# Note: A log option greater than 1 must be set. The name of the log
# file will be `rtw.log`.
# -----
# LED options ( rtw_led_ctrl )
# 0 = Always off
# 1 = Normal blink (default)
# 2 = Always on
# -----
# VHT options ( rtw_vht_enable )
# 0 = Disable
# 1 = Enable (default)
# 2 = Force auto enable (use only for 5 GHz AP mode)
# Notes:
# - A non-default setting can degrade performance greatly in managed mode.
# - Option 2 allows 80 MHz channel width for 5GHz AP mode, such as when
# you are using hostapd.
# -----
# Power options ( rtw_power_mgnt )
# 0 = Disable power saving
# 1 = Power saving on, minPS (default)
# 2 = Power saving on, maxPS (not recommended for AP mode)
# -----
# Beamforming options ( rtw_beamform_cap )
# 1 = SU Beamformer (recommended for AP mode)
# 2 = SU Beamformee
# 3 = SU Beamformer and SU Beamformee
# 10= SU Beamformee and MU Beamformee (default)
# 11= SU Beamformer and SU Beamformee and MU Beamformee
# Note: MU Beamformer is not supported.
# From the source code:
# /* /os_dep/linux/os_intfs.c
# *
# * BIT0: Enable VHT SU Beamformer
# * BIT1: Enable VHT SU Beamformee
# * BIT2: Enable VHT MU Beamformer, depend on VHT SU Beamformer (not supported)
# * BIT3: Enable VHT MU Beamformee, depend on VHT SU Beamformee
# */
# -----
# USB options: ( rtw_switch_usb_mode )
# Note: This option is not supported on this chipset. This chipset is USB2 only.
# -----
# DFS Options ( rtw_dfs_region_domain )
# 0 = NONE (default)
# 1 = FCC
# 2 = MKK
# 3 = ETSI
# Notes:
# - Activates DFS channels in AP mode.
# - DFS FCC 80 MHz channels for hostapd: 52(58), 100(106), 116(122) and 132(138)
# - For more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels
# Note: An AP needs to listen on a DFS channel for a period of 60 seconds
# before transmitting on the channel. If any radar pulses are detected,
# the AP cannot use that channel and will have to try a different channel.
# -----
# Wireless Mode options ( rtw_wireless_mode )
# 1 = 2.4GHz 802.11b
# 2 = 2.4GHz 802.11g
# 3 = 2.4GHz 802.11b/g
# 4 = 5GHz 802.11a
# 8 = 2.4Hz 802.11n
# 11 = 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n
# 16 = 5GHz 802.11n
# 20 = 5GHz 802.11a/n
# 64 = 5GHz 802.11ac
# 84 = 5GHz 802.11a/n/ac
# 95 = 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n 5GHz 802.11a/n/ac (default)
# -----
# Country Code options ( rtw_country_code )
# Note: Allows the Country Code to be set in cases where it is unable to
# be obtained otherwise.
# URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2
# Example for the US: rtw_country_code=US
# Example for Panama: rtw_country_code=PA
# Example for Norway: rtw_country_code=NO
# Example for Kuwait: rtw_country_code=KW
# Example for Taiwan: rtw_country_code=TW
# -----
# Select RFE type ( rtw_RFE_type )
# 0 = (2-Ant, DPDT), (2G_WLG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 1 = (1-Ant, SPDT@Ant1), (2G_WLG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 2 = (1-Ant, SPDT@Ant1) , (2G_BTG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 3 = (1-Ant, DPDT@Ant2), (2G_WLG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 4 = (1-Ant, DPDT@Ant2), (2G_BTG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 5 = (2-Ant), (2G_WLG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 6 = (2-Ant), (2G_WLG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW)
# 7 = (1-Ant), (2G_BTG, iPA, iLNA, iSW), (5G, iPA, iLNA, iSW) (try this setting first)
# 64 = this appears to be the default on adapters that do not support bluetooth
# Note: RFE Type is used to set antenna isolation and the BT coexistence
# mechanism. Some adapters require this setting and some do not. It may be
# necessary to try different settings to determine which setting is optimal
# for your adapter.
# -----
# To see all options that are available:
# $ ls /sys/module/8821cu/parameters/
# -----
# To see the values that are in use:
# $ grep [[:alnum:]] /sys/module/8821cu/parameters/*
# -----
# hostapd setup information for rtl8821cu
# Note: The best settings can vary but the following may be a good place to start.
# /etc/modprobe.d/8821cu.conf
# options 8821cu rtw_drv_log_level=0 rtw_led_ctrl=0 rtw_vht_enable=2 rtw_power_mgnt=1 rtw_dfs_region_domain=1
# Note: The best setting for `rtw_dfs_region_domain=` will depend on your location.
# /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
# hw ht capab: 0x862
# ht_capab=[HT40+][HT40-][SHORT-GI-20][SHORT-GI-40][MAX-AMSDU-7935]
# hw vht capab: 0x03c00022
# vht_capab=[MAX-MPDU-11454][SHORT-GI-80][HTC-VHT][MAX-A-MPDU-LEN-EXP7]
# -----
options 8821cu rtw_RFE_type=64
je reboote et on va voir...
en tout cas super merci!!!!
Hors ligne
#59 Le 13/07/2024, à 14:17
- Lia63
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
rien n'a changé....
tant pis il restera comme ça...
merci à tous!!!
Hors ligne
#60 Le 13/07/2024, à 14:29
- tycooon
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
Désolé et pourtant tout est nickel pas de message d'erreur :
[ 26.817749] usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8821cu
[ 26.824967] rtl8821cu 1-1.2:1.2 wlxe0ad471026ca: renamed from wlan0
Hors ligne
#61 Le 14/07/2024, à 06:58
- xubu1957
Re : clé ID 0bda:c820 à activer
Vu orangepi.org/orangepiwiki/index.php/USB_wireless_network_card_test
sudo ip link set wlxe0ad471026ca up
réagit comment ?
Essaye :
sudo modprobe -r rtl8821cu
sudo modprobe rtl8821cu
Conseils pour les nouveaux demandeurs et pas qu'eux
Important : Pensez à passer vos sujets en [Réso|u] lorsque ceux-ci le sont, au début du titre en cliquant sur Modifier sous le premier message, et un bref récapitulatif de la solution à la fin de celui-ci. Merci. Membre de Linux-Azur
Hors ligne