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#51 Le 12/01/2025, à 18:38


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

ces paquets , proviennent à coup sur de depots tiers qui n' ont pas été remis " au gout du jour " ni reactivés .
montre :

find /etc/apt -name '*.list' -exec bash -c 'echo -e "\n$1\n"; nl -ba "$1"' _ '{}' \;

retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .

Hors ligne

#52 Le 12/01/2025, à 18:40


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04


     1	# See for how to upgrade to
     2	# newer versions of the distribution.
     3	deb noble restricted main
     5	## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
     6	## distribution.
     7	deb noble-updates restricted main
     9	## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
    10	## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any
    11	## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
    12	deb noble universe
    13	deb noble-updates universe
    15	## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu 
    16	## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to 
    17	## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in 
    18	## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
    19	## security team.
    20	deb noble multiverse
    21	deb noble-updates multiverse
    23	## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
    24	## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
    25	## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
    26	## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
    27	## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
    28	deb noble-backports restricted universe multiverse main
    31	deb noble-security restricted main
    32	deb noble-security universe
    33	deb noble-security multiverse


     1	# deb noble main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble


     1	# deb focal main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src focal main


     1	deb noble-apps-security main
     2	# deb-src jammy-apps-security main
     3	deb noble-apps-updates main
     4	# deb-src jammy-apps-updates main


     1	# deb focal main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src focal main


     1	# deb noble main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src jammy main


     1	# deb noble main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src jammy main


     1	deb noble-infra-security main
     2	# deb-src jammy-infra-security main
     3	deb noble-infra-updates main
     4	# deb-src jammy-infra-updates main


     1	# deb focal main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src focal main


     1	# deb noble main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src jammy main


     1	# deb focal main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src focal main



     1	# deb focal main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src focal main


     1	# deb focal main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src focal main


     1	# deb focal main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src focal main


     1	# deb noble main # désactivé pour la mise à niveau vers noble
     2	# deb-src jammy main

Hors ligne

#53 Le 12/01/2025, à 18:50


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

C'est bizarre le seul ppa que j'ai réactivé pour noble … pn/ubuntu/ n'apparait pas les ppa mozilla vpn des distribs précédentes apparaissent.

Hors ligne

#54 Le 18/01/2025, à 15:39


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

Bonjour pour faire le point sur ce topic
Les quelques paquets cassés qui restent sont surement des résidus d'anciens dépôts tiers non réactivés, voire d'anciennes versions d'Ubuntu.

En ce qui concerne le sujet initial
- Sous X en faisant sudo chmod +x /usr/share/screen-resolution-extra/nvidia-polkit, nvidia-settings peut enfin enregistrer les modifications soit dans .nvidia-settings-rc, soit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, et pour le coup en activant ForceCompositionPipeline=On, ForceFullCompositionPipeline=On.
Mes problèmes de déchirures de l'image dans Kodi sont résolus

- En découvrant Wayland, j'étais plutôt confiant vu que ces problèmes de déchirures n'existaient pas, par contre gnome vidéo (ex-Totem) ne fonctionne ce qui est balo vu que c'est le lecteur par défaut donc pas cool pour les nouveaux utilisateurs. Par contre MPV fonctionne parfaitement.

Pour VLC c'est une autre histoire, déjà que sous X, il plante au démarrage des vidéos si on le laisse en sortie vidéo automatique. Sous Wayland, il démarre bien, mais avec des vidéos HD, au bout d'un moment l'image saccade jusqu'à devenir stroboscopique. J'ai résolu le problème en choisissant manuellement la sortie soit Xvideo (XCB) soit OpenGl, mais il faut lui spécifier également une extension avec EGL pour OpenGL et ça fonctionne.
Après les vidéos ne sont pas parfaitement fluides sur certains travellings latéraux, mais ça peut venir des fichiers et de mon exigence dû à une trop grande conso de blu-ray.

Les nvidia-settings sous Wayland sont rachitiques.

L'interface Steam est instable, mais quand j'ai lancé Elden Ring pour faire un test, le jeu semble fonctionner normalement.

Bref, Wayland et Nvidia ne filent pas le parfait amour, j'espère que les prochaines versions du pilote viendront améliorer tout ça.

Hors ligne

#55 Le 18/01/2025, à 17:09


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

Bonjour , à part le depot ( ancien ) d' avidemux on ne voit rien de special pour les pilots graphiques ou autre chose en rapport avec ca de pres ou de loin .

fais voir les paquets orphelins :

apt list ?obsolete

Dernière modification par iznobe (Le 18/01/2025, à 17:09)

retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .

Hors ligne

#56 Le 18/01/2025, à 17:33


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04


acpi-support/now 0.144 amd64  [installé, local]
command-not-found-data/now 18.04.5 amd64  [installé, local]
cpp-5/now 5.5.0-12ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
empathy-common/now 3.25.90+really3.12.14-2ubuntu2 all  [installé, local]
gcc-5-base/now 5.5.0-12ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
gcc-5/now 5.5.0-12ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
gcc-6-base/now 6.5.0-2ubuntu1~18.04 amd64  [installé, local]
gcc-7-base/now 7.5.0-6ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
gconf-service-backend/now 3.2.6-7ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
gconf-service/now 3.2.6-7ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
gconf2-common/now 3.2.6-7ubuntu2 all  [installé, local]
gconf2/now 3.2.6-7ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
geoclue/now 0.12.99-4ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
gir1.2-geocodeglib-1.0/now 3.26.2-2build2 amd64  [installé, local]
gir1.2-gfbgraph-0.2/now 0.2.5-2 amd64  [installé, local]
gir1.2-gnomekeyring-1.0/now 3.12.0-1build1 amd64  [installé, local]
gir1.2-javascriptcoregtk-4.0/now 2.46.4-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 amd64  [installé, local]
gir1.2-networkmanager-1.0/now 1.10.6-2ubuntu1.4 amd64  [installé, local]
gir1.2-nmgtk-1.0/now 1.8.10-2ubuntu3 amd64  [installé, local]
gir1.2-rest-0.7/now 0.8.1-1.1build2 amd64  [installé, local]
gir1.2-zpj-0.0/now 0.0.3-5 amd64  [installé, local]
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic/now 3.12.0-2 all  [installé, local]
gnome-online-miners/now 3.34.0-4 amd64  [installé, local]
gnome-themes-standard/now 3.28-1ubuntu3 all  [installé, local]
libarpack2/now 3.8.0-1 amd64  [installé, local]
libasan2/now 5.5.0-12ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libasn1-8-heimdal/now 7.7.0+dfsg-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libatk1.0-data/now 2.36.0-3build1 all  [installé, local]
libatm1/now 1:2.5.1-4build2 amd64  [installé, local]
libatomicparsley0/now 2.1.5-9 amd64  [installé, local]
libavcodec-extra58/now 7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm5 amd64  [installé, local]
libavdevice58/now 7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm5 amd64  [installé, local]
libavfilter7/now 7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm5 amd64  [installé, local]
libavformat58/now 7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm5 amd64  [installé, local]
libavutil56/now 7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm5 amd64  [installé, local]
libbabeltrace-ctf1/now 1.5.8-2build1 all  [installé, local]
libboost-thread1.71.0/now 1.71.0-6ubuntu6 amd64  [installé, local]
libbrlapi0.6/now 5.5-4ubuntu2.0.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libcamel-1.2-61/now 3.28.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.3 amd64  [installé, local]
libcamel-1.2-63/now 3.44.4-0ubuntu1.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libcilkrts5/now 7.5.0-6ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
libcmis-0.5-5v5/now 0.5.2-3build1 amd64  [installé, local]
libcodec2-1.0/now 1.0.1-3 amd64  [installé, local]
libcupsfilters1/now 1.28.15-0ubuntu1.4 amd64  [installé, local]
libdav1d5/now 0.9.2-1 amd64  [installé, local]
libdbusmenu-gtk4/now 16.04.1+18.10.20180917-0ubuntu8 amd64  [installé, local]
libdleyna-core-1.0-3/now 0.4.0-1 amd64  [installé, local]
libdmapsharing-3.0-2/now 2.9.41-3build2 amd64  [installé, local]
libebackend-1.2-10/now 3.44.4-0ubuntu1.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libebook-contacts-1.2-2/now 3.28.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.3 amd64  [installé, local]
libecal-1.2-19/now 3.28.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.3 amd64  [installé, local]
libedataserver-1.2-23/now 3.28.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.3 amd64  [installé, local]
libedataserver-1.2-26/now 3.44.4-0ubuntu1.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libegl1-mesa/now 23.0.4-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libenchant1c2a/now 1.6.0-11.3build1 amd64  [installé, local]
libexempi3/now 2.4.5-2 amd64  [installé, local]
libexiv2-14/now 0.25-3.1ubuntu0.18.04.5 amd64  [installé, local]
libffi6/now 3.2.1-8 amd64  [installé, local]
libflac8/now 1.3.3-2ubuntu0.2 amd64  [installé, local]
libfontembed1/now 1.28.15-0ubuntu1.4 amd64  [installé, local]
libgcc-5-dev/now 5.5.0-12ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libgconf-2-4/now 3.2.6-7ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
libgconf2.0-cil/now 2.24.2-4 all  [installé, local]
libgeoclue0/now 0.12.99-4ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
libgeocode-glib0/now 3.26.2-2build2 amd64  [installé, local]
libgfbgraph-0.2-0/now 0.2.5-2 amd64  [installé, local]
libgfortran3/now 6.5.0-2ubuntu1~18.04 amd64  [installé, local]
libgl1-mesa-glx/now 23.0.4-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libglade2.0-cil/now 2.12.40-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libglib2.0-cil/now 2.12.40-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libgnome-keyring-common/now 3.12.0-1build1 all  [installé, local]
libgnome-keyring0/now 3.12.0-1build1 amd64  [installé, local]
libgssapi3-heimdal/now 7.7.0+dfsg-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libgssdp-1.0-3/now 1.0.2-2 amd64  [installé, local]
libgssdp-1.2-0/now amd64  [installé, local]
libgtk2.0-cil/now 2.12.40-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libgtkpod1/now 2.1.5-9 amd64  [installé, local]
libgupnp-1.0-4/now 1.0.2-2 amd64  [installé, local]
libgupnp-1.2-1/now 1.4.3-1 amd64  [installé, local]
libgupnp-igd-1.0-4/now 1.2.0-1build1 amd64  [installé, local]
libgutenprint2/now 5.2.13-2 amd64  [installé, local]
libgweather-common/now 40.0-5build1 all  [installé, local]
libhcrypto4-heimdal/now 7.7.0+dfsg-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libheimbase1-heimdal/now 7.7.0+dfsg-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libheimntlm0-heimdal/now 7.7.0+dfsg-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libhogweed4/now 3.4-1 amd64  [installé, local]
libhx509-5-heimdal/now 7.7.0+dfsg-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libicu60/now 60.2-3ubuntu3.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libicu66/now 66.1-2ubuntu2.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libicu70/now 70.1-2 amd64  [installé, local]
libieee1284-3/now 0.2.11-14build2 amd64  [installé, local]
libilmbase12/now 2.2.0-11ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
libilmbase25/now 2.5.7-2 amd64  [installé, local]
libisl15/now 0.18-4 amd64  [installé, local]
libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0/now 2.4.11-3ubuntu3 amd64  [installé, local]
libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-18/now 2.46.4-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libjte1/now 1.20-2ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
libkf5akonadi-data/now 4:21.12.3-0ubuntu3 all  [installé, local]
libkf5akonadicore5abi2/now 4:21.12.3-0ubuntu3 amd64  [installé, local]
libkf5akonadiprivate5abi2/now 4:21.12.3-0ubuntu3 amd64  [installé, local]
libkf5contacteditor5/now 4:21.12.3-0ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libkrb5-26-heimdal/now 7.7.0+dfsg-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libldap-2.4-2/now 2.4.49+dfsg-2ubuntu1.9 amd64  [installé, local]
libldap-2.5-0/now 2.5.18+dfsg-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 amd64  [installé, local]
liblircclient0/now 0.10.1-6.3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libminiupnpc10/now 1.9.20140610-4ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
libmpx0/now 5.5.0-12ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libncurses5/now 6.3-2ubuntu0.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libncursesw5/now 6.3-2ubuntu0.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libneon27-gnutls/now 0.32.2-1 amd64  [installé, local]
libnetpbm10/now 2:10.0-15.4 amd64  [installé, local]
libnettle6/now 3.4-1 amd64  [installé, local]
libnm-glib-vpn1/now 1.10.6-2ubuntu1.4 amd64  [installé, local]
libnm-glib4/now 1.10.6-2ubuntu1.4 amd64  [installé, local]
libnm-gtk0/now 1.8.10-2ubuntu3 amd64  [installé, local]
libnm-util2/now 1.10.6-2ubuntu1.4 amd64  [installé, local]
libopenexr22/now 2.2.0-11.1ubuntu1.4 amd64  [installé, local]
libopenexr25/now 2.5.7-1ubuntu0.1~esm1 amd64  [installé, local]
libp11-kit-gnome-keyring/now amd64  [installé, local]
libpgm-5.3-0/now 5.3.128~dfsg-2 amd64  [installé, local]
libphonenumber7/now 7.1.0-5ubuntu11 amd64  [installé, local]
libplist3/now 2.2.0-6build2 amd64  [installé, local]
libplymouth4/now 0.9.3-1ubuntu7.18.04.2 amd64  [installé, local]
libpostproc55/now 7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm5 amd64  [installé, local]
libprotobuf17/now amd64  [installé, local]
libpython2-stdlib/now 2.7.18-3 amd64  [installé, local]
libpython2.7-minimal/now 2.7.18-13ubuntu1.4+esm1 amd64  [installé, local]
libpython2.7-stdlib/now 2.7.18-13ubuntu1.4+esm1 amd64  [installé, local]
libpython2.7/now 2.7.18-13ubuntu1.4+esm1 amd64  [installé, local]
libqtav1/now 1.13.0+ds-4build1 amd64  [installé, local]
libqtavwidgets1/now 1.13.0+ds-4build1 amd64  [installé, local]
librest-0.7-0/now 0.8.1-1.1build2 amd64  [installé, local]
libroken18-heimdal/now 7.7.0+dfsg-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
librsync1/now 0.9.7-10build1 amd64  [installé, local]
libsrt1.4-gnutls/now 1.4.4-4 amd64  [installé, local]
libssl1.0.0/now 1.0.2n-1ubuntu5.5 amd64  [installé, local]
libswresample3/now 7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm5 amd64  [installé, local]
libswscale5/now 7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm5 amd64  [installé, local]
libtiff5/now 4.3.0-6ubuntu0.10 amd64  [installé, local]
libtinfo5/now 6.3-2ubuntu0.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libubsan0/now 7.5.0-6ubuntu2 amd64  [installé, local]
libusbmuxd4/now 1.1.0~git20171206.c724e70f-0.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libvpx7/now 1.11.0-2ubuntu2.3 amd64  [installé, local]
libwayland-egl1-mesa/now 23.0.4-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 amd64  [installé, local]
libwebkitgtk-3.0-0/now 2.4.11-3ubuntu3 amd64  [installé, local]
libwebp6/now 0.6.1-2ubuntu0.20.04.3 amd64  [installé, local]
libwind0-heimdal/now 7.7.0+dfsg-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
libwxbase3.0-0v5/now amd64  [installé, local]
libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-0v5/now amd64  [installé, local]
libx264-163/now 2:0.163.3060+git5db6aa6-2build1 amd64  [installé, local]
libzapojit-0.0-0/now 0.0.3-5 amd64  [installé, local]
linux-headers-5.15.0-130-generic/now 5.15.0-130.140 amd64  [installé, local]
linux-headers-5.15.0-130/now 5.15.0-130.140 all  [installé, local]
linux-image-5.15.0-130-generic/now 5.15.0-130.140 amd64  [installé, local]
linux-modules-5.15.0-130-generic/now 5.15.0-130.140 amd64  [installé, local]
linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-130-generic/now 5.15.0-130.140 amd64  [installé, local]
mlocate/now 1.1.15-1ubuntu2 all  [installé, local]
multiarch-support/now 2.27-3ubuntu1.4 amd64  [installé, local]
net.downloadhelper.coapp/now 1.6.0 amd64  [installé, local]
python-pkg-resources/now 44.1.1-1.2ubuntu0.22.04.1+esm1 all  [installé, local]
python-pyscript-doc/now 0.6.1-4 all  [installé, local]
python-six/now 1.16.0-3ubuntu1 all  [installé, local]
python-talloc/now 2.1.10-2ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
python2-minimal/now 2.7.18-3 amd64  [installé, local]
python2.7-minimal/now 2.7.18-13ubuntu1.4+esm1 amd64  [installé, local]
python2.7/now 2.7.18-13ubuntu1.4+esm1 amd64  [installé, local]
python2/now 2.7.18-3 amd64  [installé, local]
scsitools-gui/now 0.12-3ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]
telepathy-gabble/now 0.18.4-4 amd64  [installé, local]
telepathy-salut/now 0.8.1-7 amd64  [installé, local]
vdpau-va-driver/now 0.7.4-6ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local]

Hors ligne

#57 Le 18/01/2025, à 17:55


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

pas grand chose a signaler a part : " vdpau-va-driver/now 0.7.4-6ubuntu1 amd64  [installé, local] "
libusbmuxd4/now 1.1.0~git20171206.c724e70f-0.1 amd64  [installé, local]
potentiellement .

apres tu peux nettoyer tous ces paquets orphelins , la plupart date de focal ...
il faudra probablement reinstaller correctement et pour noble peut etre un truc ou 2 si tu t' apercois que ca ne fonctionnent plus en suite .
Mais apres le nettoyage de ces paquets , il y a de fortes chances que ca rentre dans l' ordre .

retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .

Hors ligne

#58 Le 18/01/2025, à 18:03


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04


libwayland-egl1-mesa est en fait un paquet de transition et vdpau-va-driver n'est présent dans aucun dépot officiel des versions d'Ubuntu, donc je suppose qu'il venait d'un tiers

Hors ligne

#59 Le 18/01/2025, à 18:10


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

ils viennent presque tous de depots tiers ( pas forcément mais tres souvent ) dont l ' origine a été effacée des sources ou desactivées par les Mises A Niveaux successives .

certains paquets de depots tiers ont le meme nom qued' autre paquets officiels , mais ne comporte pas les meme dependances , ce qui aboutit a une cassure du systeme de paquets lorsque ces sources et ces paquets ne sont pas désinstallés correctement et qu ' on tente une mise a niveau ou un simple update parfois .

Dernière modification par iznobe (Le 18/01/2025, à 18:13)

retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .

Hors ligne

#60 Le 18/01/2025, à 19:52


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

Deux des librairies étaient liées à pas mal d'autres paquets dont l'une avec l'ensemble des logiciels vidéos (kodi, vlc, mpv, handbrake....). Après les avoir supprimées, j'ai donc réinstallé ces logicielles avec des dépendances saines, pour le coup, vlc semble mieux fonctionner.
Merci beaucoup donc.

Dernière modification par pucci (Le 18/01/2025, à 20:46)

Hors ligne

#61 Le 19/01/2025, à 22:11


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04


J'ai un nouveau problème vers cette fois-ci avec tracker-miner-fs-3 et/ou Back in Time voire le disque dur externe  où se fait la sauvegarde

back in time se lance comme prévu aujourd'hui à 19h pour une sauvegarde vers un disque dur externe.
Quand je retourne sur le pc vers  20h, je constate que le système est gelé, la souris ne répond plus et impossible de lancer un terminal ni Ctrl+Alt+T ni Ctrl–Alt–Fx, les touche magiques ne fonctionnent pas non plus.
Je suis obligé de passer par le bouton du pc.
En regardant les journaux, il semble que cela provienne de tracker-miner
les dernières entrées étaient alors :

anv. 19 21:36:54 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[3574]: [session uid=1001 pid=3574] Successfully activated service 'io.snapcraft.Settings'
janv. 19 21:36:54 pucci-MS-7A70 io.snapcraft.Settings[7271]: userd.go:93: Starting snap userd
janv. 19 21:36:55 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2535]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 21:36:55 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2535]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 21:36:56 pucci-MS-7A70 firefox_firefox.desktop[7026]: [ERROR glean_core::metrics::ping] Invalid reason code active for ping usage-reporting
janv. 19 21:36:57 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2535]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 21:36:57 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2535]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 21:36:57 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2535]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 21:36:57 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2535]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 21:36:57 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2535]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 21:36:57 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2535]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
pucci@pucci-MS-7A70:/home/gauchito$ journalctl --no-pager --since "2025-01-19 19:10" --until "2025-01-19 20:04"
janv. 19 19:10:44 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[12562]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:10:44 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[12562]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:10:45 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:10:45 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:10:45 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.206s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:10:45 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 138.
janv. 19 19:10:45 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:10:45 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:10:53 pucci-MS-7A70 snap-store[4335]: fwupd_client_download_bytes_async: assertion 'url != NULL' failed
janv. 19 19:12:08 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[12879]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:12:08 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[12879]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:12:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:12:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:12:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.749s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:12:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 139.
janv. 19 19:12:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:12:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:12:55 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[12939]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:12:55 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[12939]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:12:56 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:12:56 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:12:56 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.052s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:12:56 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 140.
janv. 19 19:12:57 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:12:57 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:13:35 pucci-MS-7A70 canonical-livepatch.canonical-livepatchd[2024]: Client information is recent, not refreshing.
janv. 19 19:13:37 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started snap.canonical-livepatch.canonical-livepatch-7e2fb1cf-740b-402a-809d-591e0c1df669.scope.
janv. 19 19:13:38 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started snap.canonical-livepatch.canonical-livepatch-b2ece967-a881-4f73-829a-57f86a3597eb.scope.
janv. 19 19:13:38 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started snap.canonical-livepatch.canonical-livepatch-f43c0ebd-47e5-45e1-94bf-08614b068c69.scope.
janv. 19 19:13:38 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started snap.canonical-livepatch.canonical-livepatch-a15e22ae-ff38-489a-b2f5-944519d97a02.scope.
janv. 19 19:13:47 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[12978]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:13:47 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[12978]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:13:48 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:13:48 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:13:48 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.730s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:13:49 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 141.
janv. 19 19:13:49 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:13:49 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:14:12 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13135]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:14:12 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13135]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:14:12 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:14:12 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:14:12 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.568s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:14:12 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 142.
janv. 19 19:14:12 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:14:12 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:14:13 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:14:13 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:14:16 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:14:16 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:14:34 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13170]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:14:34 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13170]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:14:35 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:14:35 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:14:35 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.333s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:14:35 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 143.
janv. 19 19:14:35 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:14:35 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:14:58 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13265]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:14:58 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13265]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:14:59 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:14:59 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:14:59 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.356s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:14:59 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 144.
janv. 19 19:14:59 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:14:59 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:15:01 pucci-MS-7A70 sssd_nss[11865]: Shutting down (status = 0)
janv. 19 19:15:01 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[1]: sssd-nss.service: Deactivated successfully.
janv. 19 19:15:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[13295]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0)
janv. 19 19:15:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[13296]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1)
janv. 19 19:15:01 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[1]: Started sssd-nss.service - SSSD NSS Service responder.
janv. 19 19:15:01 pucci-MS-7A70 sssd_nss[13297]: Starting up
janv. 19 19:15:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[13295]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
janv. 19 19:15:22 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13283]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:15:22 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13283]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:15:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:15:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:15:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.521s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:15:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 145.
janv. 19 19:15:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:15:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:15:49 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13308]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:15:49 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13308]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:15:50 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:15:50 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:15:50 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.687s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:15:50 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 146.
janv. 19 19:15:51 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:15:51 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:16:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13343]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:16:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13343]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:16:16 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:16:16 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:16:16 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.818s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:16:16 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 147.
janv. 19 19:16:16 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:16:17 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:16:40 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13364]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:16:40 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13364]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:16:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:16:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:16:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.242s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:16:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 148.
janv. 19 19:16:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:16:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:17:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[13421]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0)
janv. 19 19:17:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[13422]: (root) CMD (cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
janv. 19 19:17:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[13421]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
janv. 19 19:17:04 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13399]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:17:04 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13399]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:17:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:17:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:17:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.579s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:17:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 149.
janv. 19 19:17:06 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:17:06 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:17:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13441]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:17:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13441]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:17:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:17:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:17:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.381s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:17:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 150.
janv. 19 19:17:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:17:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:17:53 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13469]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:17:53 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13469]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:17:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:17:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:17:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.204s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:17:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 151.
janv. 19 19:17:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:17:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:18:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13495]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:18:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13495]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:18:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:18:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:18:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.441s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:18:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 152.
janv. 19 19:18:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:18:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:18:40 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13517]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:18:40 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13517]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:18:40 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:18:40 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:18:40 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.911s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:18:40 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 153.
janv. 19 19:18:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:18:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:18:50 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:18:50 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:18:50 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:18:50 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:18:56 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:18:56 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 9 threads of 6 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:18:56 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Successfully made thread 13780 of process 13185 owned by '1001' RT at priority 10.
janv. 19 19:18:56 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 10 threads of 7 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:19:03 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13545]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:19:03 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13545]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:19:04 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:19:04 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:19:04 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.101s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:19:04 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 154.
janv. 19 19:19:04 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:19:04 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:19:27 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13826]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:19:27 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[13826]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.830s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 155.
janv. 19 19:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:19:52 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[14020]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:19:52 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[14020]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:19:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:19:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:19:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.331s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:19:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 156.
janv. 19 19:19:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:19:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:20:16 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[14338]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:20:16 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[14338]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:20:17 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:20:17 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:20:17 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.131s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:20:17 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 157.
janv. 19 19:20:17 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:20:17 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:20:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[14541]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:20:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[14541]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:20:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:20:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:20:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 9.270s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:20:42 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 10 threads of 7 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:20:42 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 10 threads of 7 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:20:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 158.
janv. 19 19:20:43 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:20:43 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:20:45 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 10 threads of 7 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:20:45 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 10 threads of 7 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:20:45 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Successfully made thread 15352 of process 13232 owned by '1001' RT at priority 10.
janv. 19 19:20:45 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:21:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15278]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:21:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15278]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:21:07 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:21:07 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:21:07 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.311s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:21:07 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 159.
janv. 19 19:21:07 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:21:07 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:21:30 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15428]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:21:30 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15428]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:21:31 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:21:31 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:21:31 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.145s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:21:31 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 160.
janv. 19 19:21:31 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:21:31 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:21:54 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15445]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:21:54 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15445]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:21:55 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:21:55 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:21:55 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.218s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:21:55 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 161.
janv. 19 19:21:55 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:21:55 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:22:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15471]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:22:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15471]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:22:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:22:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:22:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.955s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:22:19 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 162.
janv. 19 19:22:19 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:22:19 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:22:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15492]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:22:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15492]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:22:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:22:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:22:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.128s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:22:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 163.
janv. 19 19:22:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:22:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:22:45 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:22:45 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:23:03 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15510]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:23:03 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15510]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:23:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:23:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:23:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.186s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:23:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 164.
janv. 19 19:23:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:23:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:23:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15555]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:23:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15555]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:23:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:23:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:23:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.226s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:23:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 165.
janv. 19 19:23:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:23:29 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:23:52 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15575]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:23:52 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15575]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:23:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:23:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:23:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.233s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:23:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 166.
janv. 19 19:23:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:23:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:24:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15597]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:24:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15597]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:24:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:24:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:24:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.299s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:24:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 167.
janv. 19 19:24:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:24:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:24:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15621]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:24:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15621]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:24:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:24:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:24:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.327s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:24:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 168.
janv. 19 19:24:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:24:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:25:01 pucci-MS-7A70 sssd_nss[13297]: Shutting down (status = 0)
janv. 19 19:25:01 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[1]: sssd-nss.service: Deactivated successfully.
janv. 19 19:25:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[15658]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0)
janv. 19 19:25:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[15659]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1)
janv. 19 19:25:01 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[1]: Started sssd-nss.service - SSSD NSS Service responder.
janv. 19 19:25:01 pucci-MS-7A70 sssd_nss[15660]: Starting up
janv. 19 19:25:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[15658]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
janv. 19 19:25:05 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15642]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:25:05 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15642]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:25:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:25:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:25:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.164s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:25:06 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 169.
janv. 19 19:25:06 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:25:06 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:25:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15667]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:25:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15667]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:25:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:25:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:25:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.281s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:25:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 170.
janv. 19 19:25:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:25:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:25:48 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:25:48 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:25:53 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15688]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:25:53 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15688]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:25:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:25:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:25:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.431s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:25:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 171.
janv. 19 19:25:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:25:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:26:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15741]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:26:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15741]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:26:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:26:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:26:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.180s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:26:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 172.
janv. 19 19:26:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:26:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:26:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15772]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:26:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15772]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:26:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:26:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:26:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.327s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:26:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 173.
janv. 19 19:26:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:26:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:27:05 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15795]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:27:05 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15795]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:27:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:27:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:27:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.073s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:27:06 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 174.
janv. 19 19:27:06 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:27:06 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:27:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15819]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:27:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15819]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:27:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:27:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:27:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.187s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:27:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 175.
janv. 19 19:27:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:27:30 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:27:53 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15837]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:27:53 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15837]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:27:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:27:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:27:53 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.080s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:27:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 176.
janv. 19 19:27:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:27:54 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:28:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15860]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:28:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15860]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:28:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:28:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:28:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.101s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:28:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 177.
janv. 19 19:28:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:28:18 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:28:34 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:28:34 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:28:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15880]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:28:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15880]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:28:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:28:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:28:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.796s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:28:42 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 178.
janv. 19 19:28:43 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:28:43 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:28:55 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:28:55 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:29:08 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15946]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:29:08 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[15946]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:29:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:29:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:29:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 9.489s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:29:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 179.
janv. 19 19:29:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:29:09 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:29:32 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16072]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:29:32 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16072]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:29:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:29:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:29:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.425s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:29:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 180.
janv. 19 19:29:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:29:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:29:53 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:29:53 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:29:55 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:29:55 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:29:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16093]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:29:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16093]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:29:58 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:29:58 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:29:58 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.984s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:29:58 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 181.
janv. 19 19:29:58 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:29:58 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:30:01 pucci-MS-7A70 sssd_nss[15660]: Shutting down (status = 0)
janv. 19 19:30:01 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[1]: sssd-nss.service: Deactivated successfully.
janv. 19 19:30:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[16231]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by root(uid=0)
janv. 19 19:30:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[16232]: (root) CMD ([ -x /etc/init.d/anacron ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d anacron start >/dev/null; fi)
janv. 19 19:30:01 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[1]: Started sssd-nss.service - SSSD NSS Service responder.
janv. 19 19:30:01 pucci-MS-7A70 sssd_nss[16233]: Starting up
janv. 19 19:30:01 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[16231]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
janv. 19 19:30:10 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:30:10 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:30:22 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16219]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:30:22 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16219]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:30:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:30:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:30:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.787s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:30:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 182.
janv. 19 19:30:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:30:23 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:30:32 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:30:32 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:30:32 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:30:32 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:30:34 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:30:34 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:30:46 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16301]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:30:46 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16301]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:30:47 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:30:47 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:30:47 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.601s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:30:47 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 183.
janv. 19 19:30:47 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:30:47 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:30:52 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:30:52 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:10 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16429]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:31:10 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16429]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:31:11 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:31:11 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:31:11 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.439s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:31:11 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 184.
janv. 19 19:31:11 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:31:12 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:31:15 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:15 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:30 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:30 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:31 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:31 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:33 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:33 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:38 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:38 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:38 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16485]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:31:38 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16485]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:31:39 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:39 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:39 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:39 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:39 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:39 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:31:40 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:31:40 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:31:40 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 9.469s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:31:40 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 185.
janv. 19 19:31:40 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:31:41 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:32:02 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:02 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:05 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16840]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:32:05 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16840]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:32:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:32:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:32:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 8.623s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:32:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 186.
janv. 19 19:32:05 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:32:06 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:32:12 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:12 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:21 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:21 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:22 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:22 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:25 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:25 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:27 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:27 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:29 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:29 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:29 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:29 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:29 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:29 pucci-MS-7A70 rtkit-daemon[2601]: Supervising 11 threads of 8 processes of 1 users.
janv. 19 19:32:32 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16924]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:32:32 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[16924]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:32:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:32:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:32:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 9.434s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:32:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 187.
janv. 19 19:32:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:32:33 pucci-MS-7A70 firefox_firefox.desktop[6897]: [ERROR glean_core::metrics::ping] Invalid reason code inactive for ping usage-reporting
janv. 19 19:32:33 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.
janv. 19 19:32:55 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[17297]: Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed
janv. 19 19:32:55 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-f[17297]: Database corruption detected, bailing out
janv. 19 19:32:55 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
janv. 19 19:32:55 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
janv. 19 19:32:55 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Consumed 7.922s CPU time.
janv. 19 19:32:55 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: tracker-miner-fs-3.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 188.
janv. 19 19:32:56 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Starting tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner...
janv. 19 19:32:56 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3624]: Started tracker-miner-fs-3.service - Tracker file system data miner.

Au redémarrage j'ai de nouveau des messages avec des problèmes de tracker-miner-f disant "Could not execute sparql: Database corrupt: database disk image is malformed"
J'arrête tracker-miner, j'efface le dossier /home/gauchito/.cache/tracker3/files/ puis relance tracker-miner.
Je pensais ainsi résoudre le problème.
Je relance back in time, la sauvegarde reprends pusi au bout d'une dizaine de minutes de nouveau le système se gèle sans que je puisse l'arrêté proprement via une console ou les touches magiques.
Les dernieres entrées du journal concerne encore tracker-miner mais cette fois pas de problème de base de donnée :

janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: (tracker-extract-3:11143): Tracker-WARNING **: 21:17:57.512: Task for 'file:///data/gauchito-docs/Documents/Nael/exposes_Nael/mongolie/mandala%20fleur_fichiers/blank.gif' finished with error: Could not get any metadata for uri:'file:///data/gauchito-docs/Documents/Nael/exposes_Nael/mongolie/mandala%20fleur_fichiers/blank.gif' and mime:'image/gif'
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:17:57 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:17:59 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x47 0x49
janv. 19 21:17:59 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: (tracker-extract-3:11143): Tracker-WARNING **: 21:17:59.378: Task for 'file:///data/gauchito-docs/Documents/Nael/exposes_Nael/expo%20vik/photo%20vik/guerrier_viking.jpg' finished with error: Could not get any metadata for uri:'file:///data/gauchito-docs/Documents/Nael/exposes_Nael/expo%20vik/photo%20vik/guerrier_viking.jpg' and mime:'image/jpeg'
janv. 19 21:18:00 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: (tracker-extract-3:11143): Tracker-WARNING **: 21:18:00.155: Task for 'file:///data/gauchito-docs/Documents/jeu/glorantha/Anniceris_%20%5BJDR%5D%20Cadres,%20Personnages%20&%20R__cits_fichiers/comment-iframe_data/blank.gif' finished with error: Could not get any metadata for uri:'file:///data/gauchito-docs/Documents/jeu/glorantha/Anniceris_%20%5BJDR%5D%20Cadres,%20Personnages%20&%20R__cits_fichiers/comment-iframe_data/blank.gif' and mime:'image/gif'
janv. 19 21:18:00 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:04 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:04 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:04 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:18:06 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:18:07 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:08 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: sBIT: invalid
janv. 19 21:18:09 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:09 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:10 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:18:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:15 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:19 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:18:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:41 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:50 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:50 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:50 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:50 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:51 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:51 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:51 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:51 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:18:51 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: (tracker-extract-3:11143): Tracker-WARNING **: 21:18:51.870: Task for 'file:///data/gauchito-docs/Documents/Marine/cours_marine/0_college/2019_2020/Dossiers%20th%C3%A9matiques/Presentarse/Flashcards%20Reporteros%205_.pdf_files/icon_spacer-vflN3BYt2.gif' finished with error: Could not get any metadata for uri:'file:///data/gauchito-docs/Documents/Marine/cours_marine/0_college/2019_2020/Dossiers%20th%C3%A9matiques/Presentarse/Flashcards%20Reporteros%205_.pdf_files/icon_spacer-vflN3BYt2.gif' and mime:'image/gif'
janv. 19 21:19:02 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:19:02 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:19:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:19:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:19:17 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: Duplicate property or field node
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: IDAT: Too much image data
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:28 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
janv. 19 21:19:29 pucci-MS-7A70 tracker-miner-fs-3[11143]: libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50

Je ne sais s'il faut que j'ouvre un nouveau topic pour cela mais je suis un peu perdu. Désolé de vous solliciter autant

Dernière modification par pucci (Le 19/01/2025, à 22:38)

Hors ligne

#62 Le 20/01/2025, à 15:50


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

Bonjour, j'ai vérifié le disque dur externe avec smartctl  et apparemment, il n'est pas défectueux.

J'ai commencé par un smartctl -t short /dev/sdc

sudo smartctl -l error /dev/sdc
smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-6.8.0-51-generic] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

SMART Error Log Version: 1
No Errors Logged

sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc

sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc
smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-6.8.0-51-generic] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Model Family:     Toshiba 2.5" HDD MQ01UBD... (USB 3.0)
Device Model:     TOSHIBA MQ01UBD100
Serial Number:    4791TSR6T
LU WWN Device Id: 0 000000 000000000
Firmware Version: AX001U
User Capacity:    1000204886016 bytes [1,00 TB]
Sector Sizes:     512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Rotation Rate:    5400 rpm
Form Factor:      2.5 inches
Device is:        In smartctl database 7.3/5528
ATA Version is:   ATA8-ACS (minor revision not indicated)
SATA Version is:  SATA 2.6, 3.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is:    Mon Jan 20 14:01:15 2025 CET
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status:  (0x00)	Offline data collection activity
					was never started.
					Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
Self-test execution status:      (   0)	The previous self-test routine completed
					without error or no self-test has ever 
					been run.
Total time to complete Offline 
data collection: 		(  120) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: 			 (0x5b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
					Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
					Suspend Offline collection upon new
					Offline surface scan supported.
					Self-test supported.
					No Conveyance Self-test supported.
					Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities:            (0x0003)	Saves SMART data before entering
					power-saving mode.
					Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability:        (0x01)	Error logging supported.
					General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine 
recommended polling time: 	 (   2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: 	 ( 261) minutes.
SCT capabilities: 	       (0x003d)	SCT Status supported.
					SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
					SCT Feature Control supported.
					SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000b   100   100   050    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  2 Throughput_Performance  0x0005   100   100   050    Pre-fail  Offline      -       0
  3 Spin_Up_Time            0x0027   100   100   001    Pre-fail  Always       -       2789
  4 Start_Stop_Count        0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       2126
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   050    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000b   100   100   050    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  8 Seek_Time_Performance   0x0005   100   100   050    Pre-fail  Offline      -       0
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   093   093   000    Old_age   Always       -       2927
 10 Spin_Retry_Count        0x0033   142   100   030    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
 12 Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       766
191 G-Sense_Error_Rate      0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       10
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032   099   099   000    Old_age   Always       -       540
193 Load_Cycle_Count        0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       6394
194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0022   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       27 (Min/Max 15/52)
196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0030   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
220 Disk_Shift              0x0002   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       22
222 Loaded_Hours            0x0032   099   099   000    Old_age   Always       -       500
223 Load_Retry_Count        0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
224 Load_Friction           0x0022   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
226 Load-in_Time            0x0026   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       185
240 Head_Flying_Hours       0x0001   100   100   001    Pre-fail  Offline      -       0

SMART Error Log Version: 1
No Errors Logged

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num  Test_Description    Status                  Remaining  LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error
# 1  Short offline       Completed without error       00%      2927         -
# 2  Extended offline    Aborted by host               90%      2927         -
# 3  Short offline       Completed without error       00%      2927         -
# 4  Short offline       Completed without error       00%      2926         -

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
    1        0        0  Not_testing
    2        0        0  Not_testing
    3        0        0  Not_testing
    4        0        0  Not_testing
    5        0        0  Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
  After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

The above only provides legacy SMART information - try 'smartctl -x' for more

Mais sur un sudo smartctl --all, il me dit "No self-tests have been logged." alors que j'en ai bien fait un ?

J'ai testé une sauvegarde sur moins de dossier (mais néanmoins plus que ceux traités avant le freeze) sur un nouveau profil et cela s'est bien passé.

J'ai fait un mentest pour voir si la RAM n'était endommagée (2 x8 gb de DDR4 2400 XMP) et au bout de deux passages aucune erreur n'a été trouvée.
Il faudrait surement dépoussiérer le pc, il faut que je mette la main sur l'outil adéquat. J'en profiterais pour vérifier de visu les connecteurs de la RAM.

Dernière modification par pucci (Le 20/01/2025, à 15:52)

Hors ligne

#63 Le 20/01/2025, à 16:48


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

Je viens de faire une sauvegarde quasi complète par rapport à celle de d'habitude (j'ai enlevé quelques dossiers non pertinents) mais sur un autre profil et cela a fonctionné sans geler le système.
Il me semble donc que Backintime et le disque dur externe ne sont pas en cause directement dans les plantages d'hier.

Hors ligne

#64 Le 20/01/2025, à 16:53


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

Bonjour , si tracker-miner te fait des miseres , tu peux toujours le desactiver si tu es sur gnome ( version ubuntu " classique " ) :

 sudo systemctl --user mask tracker-extract-3.service tracker-miner-fs-3.service tracker-miner-rss-3.service tracker-writeback-3.service tracker-xdg-portal-3.service tracker-miner-fs-control-3.service
sudo tracker3 reset -s -r

retour COMPLET et utilisable de commande
MSI Z490A-pro , i7 10700 , 32 GB RAM .

Hors ligne

#65 Le 20/01/2025, à 18:18


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

Merci pour les commandes, aujourd'hui tout se passe bien pour l'instant, mais si tracker miner recommence je le désactiverai.

Hors ligne

#66 Le 26/01/2025, à 20:23


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04


alors que la sauvegarde via backintime déclenchée manuellement lundi avait fonctionné sans problème, Ce dimanche, elle se démarre comme programmé à 19h et de nouveau après 45 minutes le système est complétement planté, la souris ne répond plus impossible d'utiliser les touches magiques de se connecter à un terminal. La pression sur le bouton démarrer ne fonctionne pas non plus.

Aucune erreur dans les journaux, pas de tracker-mine qui s'emballe...
Je ne comprends comment backinime puisse bloquer le système à tel point que ni les touches magiques ni le recours au terminal ne soit possible (avec la 20.04 cela fonctionnait bien)

grep backintime /var/log/syslog | tail -500
2025-01-26T00:40:09.990316+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3619]: Started app-gnome-backintime-4167.scope - Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
2025-01-26T00:40:10.116811+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1638]: [system] Activating service name='net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper' requested by ':1.114' (uid=1001 pid=4234 comm="/usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/share/backintime/common/" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
2025-01-26T00:40:10.224856+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1638]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper'
2025-01-26T01:14:34.818383+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3504]: Started app-gnome-backintime-4029.scope - Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
2025-01-26T01:14:35.015944+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1642]: [system] Activating service name='net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper' requested by ':1.115' (uid=1001 pid=4075 comm="/usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/share/backintime/common/" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
2025-01-26T01:14:35.123310+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1642]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper'
2025-01-26T01:17:23.851736+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3522]: Started app-gnome-backintime-4016.scope - Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
2025-01-26T01:17:23.960817+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1635]: [system] Activating service name='net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper' requested by ':1.115' (uid=1001 pid=4081 comm="/usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/share/backintime/common/" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
2025-01-26T01:17:24.074981+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1635]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper'
2025-01-26T01:23:06.806504+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3511]: Started app-gnome-backintime-4052.scope - Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
2025-01-26T01:23:07.011918+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1638]: [system] Activating service name='net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper' requested by ':1.121' (uid=1001 pid=4078 comm="/usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/share/backintime/common/" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
2025-01-26T01:23:07.111613+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1638]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper'
2025-01-26T01:37:15.967127+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3497]: Started app-gnome-backintime-4015.scope - Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
2025-01-26T01:37:16.186094+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1634]: [system] Activating service name='net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper' requested by ':1.117' (uid=1001 pid=4066 comm="/usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/share/backintime/common/" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
2025-01-26T01:37:16.296574+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1634]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper'
2025-01-26T12:45:56.672196+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3634]: Started app-gnome-backintime-4176.scope - Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
2025-01-26T12:45:56.891505+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1708]: [system] Activating service name='net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper' requested by ':1.122' (uid=1001 pid=4226 comm="/usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/share/backintime/common/" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
2025-01-26T12:45:56.995955+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1708]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper'
2025-01-26T19:00:01.865479+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 CRON[33493]: (gauchito) CMD (/usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/backintime --profile-id 2 backup-job >/dev/null)
2025-01-26T19:00:02.260080+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 backintime: test(2) :: INFO: Lock
2025-01-26T19:00:05.857066+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 backintime: test(2) :: INFO: Take a new snapshot. Profile: 2 test
2025-01-26T19:00:05.913090+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 backintime: test(2) :: INFO: Call rsync to take the snapshot
2025-01-26T20:01:42.466430+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3609]: Started app-gnome-backintime-4103.scope - Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
2025-01-26T20:01:42.704023+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1703]: [system] Activating service name='net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper' requested by ':1.117' (uid=1001 pid=4145 comm="/usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/share/backintime/common/" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
2025-01-26T20:01:42.812547+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 dbus-daemon[1703]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.launchpad.backintime.serviceHelper'
2025-01-26T20:06:11.703706+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 systemd[3609]: Started app-gnome-backintime\x2dqt-7668.scope - Application launched by gnome-shell.
2025-01-26T20:06:12.144490+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 backintime-qt.desktop[7674]: QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
2025-01-26T20:06:24.570856+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 backintime-qt.desktop[7674]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
2025-01-26T20:07:13.479291+01:00 pucci-MS-7A70 backintime-qt.desktop[7674]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()

Les dernières entrées après 20h sont après le redémarrage "brutal".
Dites-moi si il vaut mieux ouvrir un autre fil pour ce problème ?

Dernière modification par pucci (Le 26/01/2025, à 20:44)

Hors ligne

#67 Le 27/01/2025, à 17:29


Re : [résolu] où sauver les modifs des nvidia Settings sur 24.04

Je vais mettre ce fil en résolu puisque le problème initial l'est et je vais ouvrir un nouveau fil pour mes soucis avec backintime dans la section du forum idoine.

Hors ligne