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#1 Le 24/05/2006, à 08:58



Bonjour à tous,

A tous ceux qui codent en C ou C++, je voulais juste vous faire part de cette librairie codée par un développeur -et en particulier d'un émulateur Super Nintendo- nommé Byuu
Voici un petit extrait introduisant rapidement ce qu'est libco:

05/05/2006 - libco v0.02
         What is libco? Oh, it's just a library to allow true cooperative multithreading in c/c++. Something the language should have supported natively, but that is impossible to implement in pure c/c++. And thus requires platform-specific APIs or hardcoded assembler implementations. Think of it as ultra-lightweight threads that do not run in parallel (eg that are not pre-emptive). The threads choose when to return control to the routine that called the thread, and this thusly allows one to return anywhere inside of an application. Or to put it another way, this library adds context-safe "jump" support to c++, on top of the existing "call" support. Say function A calls function B, and then function B calls function C. What if you want to return from C, and resume where you left off with at A? Too bad, c++ doesn't support that. And don't even think about then jumping right back to where you left off in C when you've done some stuff with A. Unless of course, you like huge state machines that continue to grow out of hand as your application continues to grow in complexity.
La suite ici:

Et voici le lien vers la dernière version de la librairie: et l'annonce du forum de Zsnes:

Dernière modification par tukuyomi (Le 24/05/2006, à 09:24)

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