Pages : 1
#1 Le 14/01/2010, à 11:03
- pipou24
Kit de developpement Nvidia
Je pense qu'une majorité d'entre vous ont déja eu la news, mais je me permet de la reléguer :
Nvidia vend un kit de developpement pour sa plateforme ARM Tegra :
C'est un produit interessant, qui pourrait offrir une alternative a la plateforme x86 dans les machine low-cost qui ont le vent en poupe (netbooks, nettop).
Bon developpement !
Non geek et fier de l'être. ㋡
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#2 Le 14/01/2010, à 12:46
- eiger
Re : Kit de developpement Nvidia
C'est en effet intéressant, mais il y a un "hic" (extrait du forum Tegra):
Currently, you must apply for and be accepted as a registered NVIDIA developer. While we cannot guarantee that every application will be accepted, applications that thoroughly answer the questions in the registered developer application have a higher rate of acceptance. Applications with misleading or false information will be removed with no further review. If the questions require that you breach confidentiality, please contact and request an NVIDIA representative contact your company as soon as possible.
The Tegra developer kits are currently priced at $399 and are currently only available in the US and Canada. We are working on making the developer kits internationally available where export laws allow, but we have no specific date yet.
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Pages : 1