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#1 Le 07/07/2010, à 06:10


Problème d'installation


J'ai mis Ubuntu en dual boot avec WinXP, lorsque je lance Ubuntu je reçois une erreur qui disait :

An error has occured : Invalid argument.

Il y a eu une erreur irrécupérable lors de l'installation et le système va redémarrer (c'était pas exactement ça mais c'est ce que ça voulait dire)

Bref donc après avoir vu cette erreur j'ai lancé en Safe Graphic Mode, qui m'a donné un petit menu à choix unique.
J'ai fait Redémarrer X, il me dit qu'il redémarre l'interface graphique... et la : tout marche à merveille (d'ailleurs je suis dessus la smile )
Donc la je me dis que le problème est réglé... je redémarre en mode normal, et ça me redonne l'erreur.

D'abord j'ai pensé que c'était un problème avec les pilotes graphiques, étant donné qu'il marche en Safe Graphic Mode... puis j'ai lu le log et apparament il ne trouvait pas d'écran...
Etant donné que j'y connais rien à Ubuntu, j'ai pas vraiment compris comment installer les pilotes graphiques...

Donc voilà après avoir fait pas mal de recherche je vous demande votre aide big_smile
J'utilise un portable intel T43.

Hors ligne

#2 Le 07/07/2010, à 07:51


Re : Problème d'installation

Ton PC doit être un IBM Thinkpad T43 qui se trouve dans la liste des portables compatibles avec Ubuntu :
Comme tu peux voir, il est dit qu'il n'y a rien à signaler jusqu'à Ubuntu "Jaunty" (Ubuntu 9.04), ce qui ne veut pas dire qu'il ne fonctionne pas avec la dernière version Ubuntu 10.04 mais les utilisateurs du IBM Thinkpad T43 n'ont pas pris le temps de mettre ça à jour.
Cela dit, j'ai quelques questions :
1) ton installation de Ubuntu est-elle toute récente ou bien est-elle ancienne ?
2) la version actuellement installée sur disque dur est-elle Ubuntu 10.04 ? Si oui, est-ce que ton PC accepte de démarrer en session live ( sur un live-CD Ubuntu 10.04 ou sur une clé live-USB Ubuntu 10.04) ? 
3) normalement le message dont tu parles devrait ressembler à la photo de ce lien :
C'est à dire qu'il y a écrit quelque chose comme :

pour plus d'information, veuillez consulter le fichier journal :

Peux-tu me confirmer que tu as aussi cette mention d'un fichier journal, avec le chemin pour y aller ?
Si oui, peux-tu poster tout le contenu de ce fichier journal dans ta réponse, entre balises codes comme expliqué là :

Dernière modification par malbo (Le 07/07/2010, à 07:56)

Hors ligne

#3 Le 07/07/2010, à 13:27


Re : Problème d'installation

1) ton installation de Ubuntu est-elle toute récente ou bien est-elle ancienne ?

Elle est récente (installée il y a 2 jours).

2) la version actuellement installée sur disque dur est-elle Ubuntu 10.04 ? Si oui, est-ce que ton PC accepte de démarrer en session live ( sur un live-CD Ubuntu 10.04 ou sur une clé live-USB Ubuntu 10.04) ?

C'est bien en 10.04, et je sais pas s'il marche en live.

peux-tu poster tout le contenu de ce fichier journal dans ta réponse, entre balises codes comme expliqué là :

J'ai désinstallé et réinstallé Ubuntu pour voir ce que ça donne, et j'ai toujours le même problème. Voilà le log :

07-06 14:24 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\user\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\Mes documents\\wubi.exe"']
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\data
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\bin\7z.exe
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Documents and Settings\user\Mes documents\wubi.exe
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=i386
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=4
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=user
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=user
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\user
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=        Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 3331.8828125 mb free ntfs)
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 3331.8828125 mb free ntfs)
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 5419.44921875 mb free ntfs)
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: cd 0.0 mb free cdfs)
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(F: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1526.421875
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 INFO   root: Running the installer...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: __init__...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: on_init...
07-06 14:24 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-06 14:24 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=D:, installation_size=4000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=cortex
07-06 14:24 INFO   root: Received settings
07-06 14:24 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
07-06 14:24 INFO   WindowsBackend: Installing into D:\ubuntu
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\disks
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\install
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\install\boot
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\disks\boot
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller C:\Documents and Settings\user\Mes documents\wubi.exe -> D:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString D:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir D:\ubuntu
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon D:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 10.04-rev189
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\data\custom-installation -> D:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\winboot -> D:\ubuntu\winboot
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu.ico -> D:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\initrd.lz
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Could not find any ISO or CD, downloading one now
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: New task get_metalink
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running get_metalink...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink, url=, basename=ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink, length=7420, text=None
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 7420 bytes)
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=D:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=639, text=None
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 639 bytes)
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=D:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=189, text=None
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 189 bytes)
07-06 14:24 INFO   saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
07-06 14:24 INFO   saplog: Checking block bindings..
07-06 14:24 INFO   saplog: Key verified successfully.
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
63592a82b86f25a2b75ec10e75fba8f5  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.metalink
1ad74973481704af353be8dce13b8a83  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.metalink
999542213cd64cabdca682c080a7227a  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.metalink
0b3f5975f84933431267f1be5daf0882  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink
d57239ea96a3e3c7ac3d03672de0596e  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+dove.metalink
fecad822acacbf0d5763eab4b21c7bef  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+imx51.metalink
a92079601c82c2c8b60c2e2d43df09b6  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink
4804fa76f01904b80847e06ff159f4b5  ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.metalink
4cb4790703d19ac401e10de456e643f0  ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.metalink

07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished get_metalink
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: New task download
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running download...
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  btdownloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished download
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: New task check_iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Checking D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  Distro:   checking Ubuntu ISO D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting .disk\info from D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  Distro:   parsing info from str=Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20100429)
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  Distro:   parsed info={'name': 'Ubuntu', 'subversion': 'Release', 'version': '10.04', 'build': '20100429', 'codename': 'Lucid Lynx', 'arch': 'i386'}
07-06 14:38 INFO   Distro: Found a valid iso for Ubuntu: D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: New task get_file_md5
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: #### Running get_file_md5...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: #### Finished get_file_md5
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished get_iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running extract_kernel...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Extracting files from ISO D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting md5sum.txt from D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting casper\vmlinuz from D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting casper\initrd.lz from D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Checking kernel, initrd and md5sums
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   checking D:\ubuntu\install\boot\vmlinuz
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   D:\ubuntu\install\boot\vmlinuz md5 = 1c0d4864792ec0bb7660f303f805a2fe == 1c0d4864792ec0bb7660f303f805a2fe
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   checking D:\ubuntu\install\boot\initrd.lz
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   D:\ubuntu\install\boot\initrd.lz md5 = 3655dace1196d23a3fc82d569f93d33f == 3655dace1196d23a3fc82d569f93d33f
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished extract_kernel
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running choose_disk_sizes...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total size=4000
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished choose_disk_sizes
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_preseed...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_preseed
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running modify_bootloader...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: New task modify_bootini
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running modify_bootini...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: modify_bootini C:
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished modify_bootini
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: New task modify_bootini
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running modify_bootini...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: modify_bootini D:
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Could not find boot.ini D:\boot.ini
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished modify_bootini
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished modify_bootloader
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running modify_grub_configuration...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished modify_grub_configuration
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_virtual_disks...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  Virtualdisk:  Creating virtual disk D:\ubuntu\disks\root.disk of 3744MB
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  Virtualdisk:  Creating virtual disk D:\ubuntu\disks\swap.disk of 256MB
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_virtual_disks
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running uncompress_files...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: compact D:\ubuntu\install\boot /U /A /F
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: compact D:\ubuntu\install\boot\*.* /U /A /F
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_files
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running eject_cd...
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished eject_cd
07-06 14:38 DEBUG  TaskList: # Finished tasklist
07-06 14:38 INFO   root: Almost finished installing
07-06 14:38 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl8BB.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-06 14:43 INFO   root: Finished installation
07-06 14:43 INFO   root: Rebooting
07-06 14:43 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-06 14:43 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running reboot...
07-06 14:43 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished reboot
07-06 14:43 DEBUG  TaskList: # Finished tasklist
07-06 14:43 DEBUG  root: application.quit
07-06 14:43 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
07-06 14:43 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
07-06 14:43 DEBUG  root: application.on_quit
07-06 14:43 INFO   root: sys.exit
07-07 15:46 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\user\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="D:\\ubuntu\\uninstall-wubi.exe"']
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\data
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\bin\7z.exe
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=D:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=i386
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=4
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=user
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=user
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\user
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=        Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.44140625 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.44140625 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 1735.7109375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(F: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=D:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=D:\ubuntu
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=Ubuntu
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1526.421875
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:46 INFO   root: Running the uninstaller...
07-07 15:46 INFO   CommonBackend: This is the uninstaller running
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: __init__...
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: on_init...
07-07 15:46 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:46 INFO   root: Received settings
07-07 15:46 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Sauvegarder l'ISO...
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Sauvegarder l'ISO
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage...
07-07 15:46 ERROR  WindowsBackend: Cannot find bcdedit
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_bootini C:
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(C: hd 7078.44140625 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_bootini D:
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(D: hd 1735.7109375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Supprimer le répertoire cible...
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Deleting D:\ubuntu
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer le répertoire cible
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Supprimer la clé du registre...
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer la clé du registre
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  TaskList: # Finished tasklist
07-07 15:46 INFO   root: Almost finished uninstalling
07-07 15:46 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl2F.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:46 INFO   root: Finished uninstallation
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  root: application.quit
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
07-07 15:46 DEBUG  root: application.on_quit
07-07 15:46 INFO   root: sys.exit
07-07 15:47 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\user\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="E:\\wubi.exe"', '--cdmenu']
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\data
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\bin\7z.exe
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=E:\wubi.exe
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=4
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=user
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=user
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\user
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=        Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.44140625 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.44140625 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 6435.234375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: cd 0.0 mb free udf)
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(F: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1526.421875
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl30.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 INFO   root: Running the CD menu...
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: __init__...
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: on_init...
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  root: application.quit
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  root: application.on_quit

(la suite dans les 2 prochain messages)

Et l'erreur à l'installation :


Dernière modification par nabuya (Le 07/07/2010, à 13:29)

Hors ligne

#4 Le 07/07/2010, à 13:28


Re : Problème d'installation

Suite du log :

07-07 15:47 INFO   root: sys.exit
07-07 15:47 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\user\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="E:\\wubi.exe"', '--cdmenu']
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\data
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\bin\7z.exe
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=E:\wubi.exe
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=4
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=user
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=user
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\user
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=        Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.3515625 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.3515625 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 6435.234375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: cd 0.0 mb free udf)
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(F: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1526.421875
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl31.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:47 INFO   root: Running the CD menu...
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: __init__...
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: on_init...
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  root: application.quit
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  root: application.on_quit
07-07 15:47 INFO   root: sys.exit
07-07 15:48 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\user\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="E:\\wubi.exe"']
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\data
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\bin\7z.exe
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=E:\wubi.exe
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=i386
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=4
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=user
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=user
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\user
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=        Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.2578125 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.2578125 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 6435.234375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: cd 0.0 mb free udf)
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(F: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1526.421875
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 INFO   root: Running the installer...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: __init__...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: on_init...
07-07 15:48 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:48 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=D:, installation_size=6000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=cortex
07-07 15:48 INFO   root: Received settings
07-07 15:48 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
07-07 15:48 INFO   WindowsBackend: Installing into D:\ubuntu
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\disks
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\install
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\install\boot
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\disks\boot
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller E:\wubi.exe -> D:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString D:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir D:\ubuntu
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon D:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 10.04-rev189
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\data\custom-installation -> D:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\winboot -> D:\ubuntu\winboot
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu.ico -> D:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl32.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Could not find any ISO or CD, downloading one now
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: New task get_metalink
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running get_metalink...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink, url=, basename=ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink, length=7420, text=None
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 7420 bytes)
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=D:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=639, text=None
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 639 bytes)
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=D:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=189, text=None
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 189 bytes)
07-07 15:48 INFO   saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
07-07 15:48 INFO   saplog: Checking block bindings..
07-07 15:48 INFO   saplog: Key verified successfully.
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
63592a82b86f25a2b75ec10e75fba8f5  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.metalink
1ad74973481704af353be8dce13b8a83  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.metalink
999542213cd64cabdca682c080a7227a  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.metalink
0b3f5975f84933431267f1be5daf0882  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink
d57239ea96a3e3c7ac3d03672de0596e  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+dove.metalink
fecad822acacbf0d5763eab4b21c7bef  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+imx51.metalink
a92079601c82c2c8b60c2e2d43df09b6  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink
4804fa76f01904b80847e06ff159f4b5  ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.metalink
4cb4790703d19ac401e10de456e643f0  ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.metalink

07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished get_metalink
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: New task download
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running download...
07-07 15:48 DEBUG  btdownloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-07 15:49 INFO   WindowsFrontend: Operation cancelled
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: stopping remaining background tasks: 'tasklist'
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished download
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: Task cancellation timed out, the program will exit anyway
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  root: application.on_quit
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  root: Forceful exit
07-07 15:49 INFO   root: sys.exit
07-07 15:49 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\user\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="D:\\ubuntu\\uninstall-wubi.exe"']
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\data
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\bin\7z.exe
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=D:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=4
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=user
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=user
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\user
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=        Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.16015625 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.16015625 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 6433.703125 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: cd 0.0 mb free udf)
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(F: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=D:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=D:\ubuntu
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=Ubuntu
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1526.421875
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 INFO   root: Running the uninstaller...
07-07 15:49 INFO   CommonBackend: This is the uninstaller running
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: __init__...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: on_init...
07-07 15:49 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:49 INFO   root: Received settings
07-07 15:49 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Sauvegarder l'ISO...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Sauvegarder l'ISO
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage...
07-07 15:49 ERROR  WindowsBackend: Cannot find bcdedit
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_bootini C:
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(C: hd 7078.16015625 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_bootini D:
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(D: hd 6433.703125 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Supprimer le répertoire cible...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Deleting D:\ubuntu
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer le répertoire cible
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Supprimer la clé du registre...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer la clé du registre
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: # Finished tasklist
07-07 15:49 INFO   root: Almost finished uninstalling
07-07 15:49 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19B.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:49 INFO   root: Finished uninstallation
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  root: application.quit
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  root: application.on_quit
07-07 15:49 INFO   root: sys.exit
07-07 15:49 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\user\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="E:\\ubuntu\\wubi.exe"']
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\data
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\bin\7z.exe
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=E:\ubuntu\wubi.exe
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=4
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=user
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=user
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\user
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=        Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.05078125 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 7078.05078125 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 6435.234375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: cd 0.0 mb free udf)
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(F: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1526.421875
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD

Hors ligne

#5 Le 07/07/2010, à 13:28


Re : Problème d'installation

La fin du log :

07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:49 INFO   root: Running the installer...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: __init__...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: on_init...
07-07 15:49 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:49 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=C:, installation_size=5000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=cortex
07-07 15:49 INFO   root: Received settings
07-07 15:49 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
07-07 15:49 INFO   WindowsBackend: Installing into C:\ubuntu
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
07-07 15:49 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller E:\ubuntu\wubi.exe -> C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir C:\ubuntu
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 10.04-rev189
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\data\custom-installation -> C:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\winboot -> C:\ubuntu\winboot
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu.ico -> C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\.disk\info
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Could not find any ISO or CD, downloading one now
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: New task get_metalink
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running get_metalink...
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > C:\ubuntu\install
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink, url=, basename=ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink, length=7420, text=None
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 7420 bytes)
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > C:\ubuntu\install
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=639, text=None
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 639 bytes)
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > C:\ubuntu\install
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=189, text=None
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 189 bytes)
07-07 15:50 INFO   saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
07-07 15:50 INFO   saplog: Checking block bindings..
07-07 15:50 INFO   saplog: Key verified successfully.
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
63592a82b86f25a2b75ec10e75fba8f5  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.metalink
1ad74973481704af353be8dce13b8a83  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.metalink
999542213cd64cabdca682c080a7227a  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.metalink
0b3f5975f84933431267f1be5daf0882  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink
d57239ea96a3e3c7ac3d03672de0596e  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+dove.metalink
fecad822acacbf0d5763eab4b21c7bef  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+imx51.metalink
a92079601c82c2c8b60c2e2d43df09b6  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink
4804fa76f01904b80847e06ff159f4b5  ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.metalink
4cb4790703d19ac401e10de456e643f0  ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.metalink

07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished get_metalink
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: New task download
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running download...
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  btdownloader: downloading > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-07 15:50 INFO   WindowsFrontend: Operation cancelled
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: stopping remaining background tasks: 'tasklist'
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished download
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: Task cancellation timed out, the program will exit anyway
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  root: application.on_quit
07-07 15:50 DEBUG  root: Forceful exit
07-07 15:50 INFO   root: sys.exit
07-07 16:05 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\user\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\Mes documents\\wubi.exe"']
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\data
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\bin\7z.exe
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Documents and Settings\user\Mes documents\wubi.exe
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=4
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=user
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=user
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\user
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=        Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 7073.08984375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 7073.08984375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 6435.234375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(F: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=C:\ubuntu
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=Ubuntu
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1526.421875
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 INFO   root: Already installed, running the uninstaller...
07-07 16:05 INFO   root: Running the uninstaller...
07-07 16:05 INFO   CommonBackend: This is the uninstaller running
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: __init__...
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: on_init...
07-07 16:05 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 16:05 INFO   root: Received settings
07-07 16:05 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Sauvegarder l'ISO...
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Sauvegarder l'ISO
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage...
07-07 16:05 ERROR  WindowsBackend: Cannot find bcdedit
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_bootini C:
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(C: hd 7073.08984375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_bootini D:
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(D: hd 6435.234375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Supprimer le répertoire cible...
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Deleting C:\ubuntu
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer le répertoire cible
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running Supprimer la clé du registre...
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer la clé du registre
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  TaskList: # Finished tasklist
07-07 16:05 INFO   root: Almost finished uninstalling
07-07 16:05 INFO   root: Finished uninstallation
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Documents and Settings\user\Mes documents\wubi.exe
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=4
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=user
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=user
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\user
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=        Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 7074.55078125 mb free ntfs)
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 7074.55078125 mb free ntfs)
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 6435.234375 mb free ntfs)
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(F: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1526.421875
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:05 INFO   root: Running the installer...
07-07 16:05 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 16:05 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=D:, installation_size=6000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=cortex
07-07 16:06 INFO   root: Received settings
07-07 16:06 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
07-07 16:06 INFO   WindowsBackend: Installing into D:\ubuntu
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\disks
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\install
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\install\boot
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\disks\boot
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller C:\Documents and Settings\user\Mes documents\wubi.exe -> D:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString D:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir D:\ubuntu
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon D:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 10.04-rev189
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\data\custom-installation -> D:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\winboot -> D:\ubuntu\winboot
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu.ico -> D:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\user\LOCALS~1\Temp\pylA53.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether F:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain F:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Could not find any ISO or CD, downloading one now
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: New task get_metalink
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running get_metalink...
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink, url=, basename=ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink, length=7420, text=None
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 7420 bytes)
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=D:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=639, text=None
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 639 bytes)
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=D:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=189, text=None
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 189 bytes)
07-07 16:06 INFO   saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
07-07 16:06 INFO   saplog: Checking block bindings..
07-07 16:06 INFO   saplog: Key verified successfully.
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
63592a82b86f25a2b75ec10e75fba8f5  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.metalink
1ad74973481704af353be8dce13b8a83  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.metalink
999542213cd64cabdca682c080a7227a  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.metalink
0b3f5975f84933431267f1be5daf0882  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink
d57239ea96a3e3c7ac3d03672de0596e  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+dove.metalink
fecad822acacbf0d5763eab4b21c7bef  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+imx51.metalink
a92079601c82c2c8b60c2e2d43df09b6  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink
4804fa76f01904b80847e06ff159f4b5  ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.metalink
4cb4790703d19ac401e10de456e643f0  ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.metalink

07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished get_metalink
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: New task download
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running download...
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  btdownloader: downloading > D:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-07 16:06 ERROR  TaskList: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 229, in listen_forever
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 70, in error_callback
DownloadError: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 221, in listen_forever
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 96, in fail
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 70, in error_callback
DownloadError: Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error (10060, 'Operation timed out')>

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 197, in __call__
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 79, in download
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 303, in download
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 256, in listen_forever
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 70, in error_callback
DownloadError: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 229, in listen_forever
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 70, in error_callback
DownloadError: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 221, in listen_forever
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 96, in fail
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 70, in error_callback
DownloadError: Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error (10060, 'Operation timed out')>

07-07 16:06 ERROR  TaskList: Non fatal error Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 229, in listen_forever
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 70, in error_callback
DownloadError: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 221, in listen_forever
  File "\lib\bittorrent\", line 96, in fail
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 70, in error_callback
DownloadError: Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error (10060, 'Operation timed out')>

 in task download
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished download
07-07 16:06 ERROR  TaskList: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'D:\\ubuntu\\install\\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 197, in __call__
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 493, in get_iso
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 348, in download_iso
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'D:\\ubuntu\\install\\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso'
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist
07-07 16:06 ERROR  root: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'D:\\ubuntu\\install\\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\lib\wubi\", line 56, in run
  File "\lib\wubi\", line 130, in select_task
  File "\lib\wubi\", line 156, in run_installer
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 197, in __call__
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 493, in get_iso
  File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\", line 348, in download_iso
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'D:\\ubuntu\\install\\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso'
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  TaskList: # Finished tasklist

Hors ligne

#6 Le 07/07/2010, à 17:15


Re : Problème d'installation

ça me fait peur ton fichier log. dedans on y voit que tu installes Wubi à tour de bras là-dedans :

première install :
Elle utilise un exécutable Wubi.exe qui se trouve sur ton disque dur :
07-06 14:24 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Documents and Settings\user\Mes documents\wubi.exe
Tu choisis d'installer Ubuntu sur ton disque D:
Elle se termine victorieusement le 5 juillet à 14H43 à cette ligne :
07-06 14:43 INFO   root: sys.exit

Deuxième install :
début le 7 juillet à 15H46 à cette ligne :
07-07 15:46 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
Elle est faite depuis un live-CD (lettre E: ) :
07-07 15:47 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=E:\wubi.exe
Et cette fois, tu choisis d'installer Ubuntu sur ton disque C: (au lieu de D: pour la première install)
Wubi ne trouve pas de fichier .iso sur le live CD et commence un téléchargement qui est interrompu ( par toi ?) :
07-07 15:49 INFO   WindowsFrontend: Operation cancelled
Reprise de la tentative et encore opération de téléchargement arrêtée une minute plus tard :
07-07 15:50 INFO   WindowsFrontend: Operation cancelled
Elle se termine (mal) ici :
07-07 15:50 INFO   root: sys.exit

Troisième install :
tu remets ça le 7 juillet à 16H05 :
07-07 16:05 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
En réutilisant wubi.exe qui se trouve sur ton disque dur :
07-07 16:05 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Documents and Settings\user\Mes documents\wubi.exe
Il semble que tu aies choisis d'installer Ubuntu sur D: à présent :
07-07 16:06 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir D:\ubuntu
Le téléchargement de l'iso est une cata et Wubi affiche une erreur 13 (fichier .iso corrompu)
J'ai l'impression que pour cette troisième install, tu as essayé de refaire la même install que le première.

Il va falloir que tu n'utilises plus du tout le live CD (parce que Wubi n'arrive pas à trouver les fichiers dont il a besoin dessus pour une raison que je ne connais pas) et que tu refasses une install tout pas internet comme tu as fait la première fois. Jusqu'à ce que ça marche.
Je te recommande cette procédure :

Dernière modification par malbo (Le 07/07/2010, à 17:29)

Hors ligne

#7 Le 08/07/2010, à 16:52


Re : Problème d'installation

Je t'ai conseillé une procédure inadaptée dans mon post précédent. Je viens de tomber moi-même sur les mêmes symptômes que toi ([Errno 13] Permission denied) et comme il s'agit d'un PC qui ne m'appartient pas (on va dire ça) et que je ne sais pas agir sur le pare-feu de ce PC (parce que c'est peut-être ça le problème mais je n'en suis pas du tout sûr), je n'ai rien trouvé de plus simple que de télécharger wubi.exe sur le bureau de la session administrateur (sous XP) et de télécharger également Ubuntu 10.04 sur ce bureau, afin que les deux soient dans le même dossier. Je n'ai pas voulu utiliser de torrent sur ce PC, je me suis contenté de télécharger ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso depuis le navigateur en croisant les doigts pour qu'il n'y ait pas de Pb réseau. Là, ça a bien voulu fonctionner. Mon fichier wubi-10.04-rev189.log après la victoire :

07-08 17:33 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\admini~1\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrateur\\Bureau\\wubi.exe"']
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\data
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\bin\7z.exe
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\wubi.exe
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=amd64
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=1
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=Administrateur
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Administrateur
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU          540  @ 1.86GHz
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 32728.9296875 mb free ntfs)
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 32728.9296875 mb free ntfs)
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=C:\ubuntu
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=Ubuntu
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=2038.359375
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:33 INFO   root: Running the installer...
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: __init__...
07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: on_init...
07-08 17:33 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-08 17:33 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=C:, installation_size=7000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=administrateur
07-08 17:34 INFO   root: Received settings
07-08 17:34 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
07-08 17:34 INFO   WindowsBackend: Installing into C:\ubuntu
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\wubi.exe -> C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir C:\ubuntu
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 10.04-rev189
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\data\custom-installation -> C:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\winboot -> C:\ubuntu\winboot
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu.ico -> C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Distro:   checking Ubuntu ISO C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting .disk\info from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Distro:   parsing info from str=Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20100429)
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Distro:   parsed info={'name': 'Ubuntu', 'subversion': 'Release', 'version': '10.04', 'build': '20100429', 'codename': 'Lucid Lynx', 'arch': 'i386'}
07-08 17:34 INFO   Distro: Found a valid iso for Ubuntu: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Trying to use ISO C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: New task check_iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Checking C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Distro:   checking Ubuntu ISO C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-08 17:34 INFO   Distro: Found a valid iso for Ubuntu: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Using distro Ubuntu i386 instead of Ubuntu amd64
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: New task get_metalink
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: #### Running get_metalink...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > C:\ubuntu\install
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink, url=, basename=ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink, length=7420, text=None
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 7420 bytes)
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > C:\ubuntu\install
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=639, text=None
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 639 bytes)
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > C:\ubuntu\install
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=189, text=None
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 189 bytes)
07-08 17:34 INFO   saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
07-08 17:34 INFO   saplog: Checking block bindings..
07-08 17:34 INFO   saplog: Key verified successfully.
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
63592a82b86f25a2b75ec10e75fba8f5  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.metalink
1ad74973481704af353be8dce13b8a83  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.metalink
999542213cd64cabdca682c080a7227a  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.metalink
0b3f5975f84933431267f1be5daf0882  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink
d57239ea96a3e3c7ac3d03672de0596e  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+dove.metalink
fecad822acacbf0d5763eab4b21c7bef  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+imx51.metalink
a92079601c82c2c8b60c2e2d43df09b6  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink
4804fa76f01904b80847e06ff159f4b5  ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.metalink
4cb4790703d19ac401e10de456e643f0  ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.metalink

07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: #### Finished get_metalink
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: New task get_file_md5
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: #### Running get_file_md5...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: #### Finished get_file_md5
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: New task copy_file
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Copying C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running copy_file...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished copy_file
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished get_iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running extract_kernel...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Extracting files from ISO C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting md5sum.txt from C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting casper\vmlinuz from C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting casper\initrd.lz from C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Checking kernel, initrd and md5sums
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   checking C:\ubuntu\install\boot\vmlinuz
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   C:\ubuntu\install\boot\vmlinuz md5 = 1c0d4864792ec0bb7660f303f805a2fe == 1c0d4864792ec0bb7660f303f805a2fe
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   checking C:\ubuntu\install\boot\initrd.lz
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   C:\ubuntu\install\boot\initrd.lz md5 = 3655dace1196d23a3fc82d569f93d33f == 3655dace1196d23a3fc82d569f93d33f
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished extract_kernel
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running choose_disk_sizes...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total size=7000
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished choose_disk_sizes
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_preseed...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_preseed
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running modify_bootloader...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: New task modify_bootini
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running modify_bootini...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: modify_bootini C:
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished modify_bootini
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished modify_bootloader
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running modify_grub_configuration...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished modify_grub_configuration
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_virtual_disks...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Virtualdisk:  Creating virtual disk C:\ubuntu\disks\root.disk of 6744MB
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Virtualdisk:  Creating virtual disk C:\ubuntu\disks\swap.disk of 256MB
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_virtual_disks
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running uncompress_files...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: compact C:\ubuntu\install\boot /U /A /F
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: compact C:\ubuntu\install\boot\*.* /U /A /F
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_files
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running eject_cd...
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished eject_cd
07-08 17:34 DEBUG  TaskList: # Finished tasklist
07-08 17:34 INFO   root: Almost finished installing
07-08 17:34 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl28.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-08 17:35 INFO   root: Finished installation
07-08 17:35 DEBUG  root: application.quit
07-08 17:35 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
07-08 17:35 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
07-08 17:35 DEBUG  root: application.on_quit
07-08 17:35 INFO   root: sys.exit

Commentaires :
Wubi trouve Wubi.exe là :

07-08 17:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\wubi.exe

Il détecte une architecture amd64 donc il va essayer de me refiler Ubuntu 64 bits :

07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=amd64

il trouve un processeur dont je ne sais pas s'il est 64 bits (?) :

07-08 17:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU          540  @ 1.86GHz

Enfin, il a trouvé le fichier .iso qui est sur le bureau :

07-08 17:34 DEBUG  Distro:   checking Ubuntu ISO C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso

Là, à mon avis, il fait remarquer qu'on prend la version 32 bits alors que la version 64 bits était possible :

07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Using distro Ubuntu i386 instead of Ubuntu amd64

Après avoir fait tout un tas de vérif, il accepte finalement de copier le .iso dans Ubuntu :

07-08 17:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Copying C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso

Dernière modification par malbo (Le 08/07/2010, à 19:12)

Hors ligne

#8 Le 09/07/2010, à 12:09


Re : Problème d'installation

finalement, suite à mon post précédent, j'ai eu un doute. En fait, Wubi avait raison de considérer que le PC était compatible 64 bits. Ce matin, j'ai d'abord tout viré de l'install ubuntu d'hier et j'ai tout repris à zéro :
- téléchargement sur le bureau de Wubi.exe à cette adresse :
- téléchargement sur le bureau de ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso à cette adresse :
Double-clic sur Wubi.exe, et ça marche.
Etat du fichier wubi-10.04-rev189.log après install réussie :

07-09 10:33 INFO   root: === wubi 10.04 rev189 ===
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  root: Logfile is c:\docume~1\admini~1\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrateur\\Bureau\\wubi.exe"']
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\data
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\bin\7z.exe
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\wubi.exe
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: platform=win32
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: osname=nt
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: arch=amd64
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\data\isolist.ini
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows version=xp
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Microsoft Windows XP
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_sp=Service Pack 3
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_build=2600
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: gmt=1
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: country=FR
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_username=Administrateur
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Administrateur
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU          540  @ 1.86GHz
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: bootloader=xp
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 32711.46875 mb free ntfs)
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 32711.46875 mb free ntfs)
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: cd 0.0 mb free )
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=2038.359375
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:33 INFO   root: Running the installer...
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: __init__...
07-09 10:33 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: on_init...
07-09 10:33 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-09 10:33 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=C:, installation_size=7000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=administrateur
07-09 10:34 INFO   root: Received settings
07-09 10:34 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
07-09 10:34 INFO   WindowsBackend: Installing into C:\ubuntu
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\wubi.exe -> C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir C:\ubuntu
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 10.04-rev189
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\data\custom-installation -> C:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\winboot -> C:\ubuntu\winboot
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: Copying C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu.ico -> C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  Distro:   checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  Distro:   checking Ubuntu ISO C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting .disk\info from C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  Distro:   parsing info from str=Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx" - Release amd64 (20100429)
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  Distro:   parsed info={'name': 'Ubuntu', 'subversion': 'Release', 'version': '10.04', 'build': '20100429', 'codename': 'Lucid Lynx', 'arch': 'amd64'}
07-09 10:34 INFO   Distro: Found a valid iso for Ubuntu: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Trying to use ISO C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: New task check_iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Checking C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  Distro:   checking Ubuntu ISO C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso
07-09 10:34 INFO   Distro: Found a valid iso for Ubuntu: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: New task get_metalink
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: #### Running get_metalink...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > C:\ubuntu\install
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.metalink, url=, basename=ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.metalink, length=7472, text=None
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 7472 bytes)
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > C:\ubuntu\install
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=639, text=None
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 639 bytes)
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  downloader: downloading > C:\ubuntu\install
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=189, text=None
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  downloader: download finished (read 189 bytes)
07-09 10:34 INFO   saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
07-09 10:34 INFO   saplog: Checking block bindings..
07-09 10:34 INFO   saplog: Key verified successfully.
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
63592a82b86f25a2b75ec10e75fba8f5  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-amd64.metalink
1ad74973481704af353be8dce13b8a83  ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.metalink
999542213cd64cabdca682c080a7227a  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.metalink
0b3f5975f84933431267f1be5daf0882  ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.metalink
d57239ea96a3e3c7ac3d03672de0596e  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+dove.metalink
fecad822acacbf0d5763eab4b21c7bef  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+imx51.metalink
a92079601c82c2c8b60c2e2d43df09b6  ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink
4804fa76f01904b80847e06ff159f4b5  ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.metalink
4cb4790703d19ac401e10de456e643f0  ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.metalink

07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: #### Finished get_metalink
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: New task get_file_md5
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: #### Running get_file_md5...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: #### Finished get_file_md5
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: New task copy_file
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Copying C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running copy_file...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished copy_file
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished get_iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running extract_kernel...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Extracting files from ISO C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting md5sum.txt from C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting casper\vmlinuz from C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend:   extracting casper\initrd.lz from C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend: Checking kernel, initrd and md5sums
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   checking C:\ubuntu\install\boot\vmlinuz
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   C:\ubuntu\install\boot\vmlinuz md5 = 135737a6c8608631a2cde5a8aad7995c == 135737a6c8608631a2cde5a8aad7995c
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   checking C:\ubuntu\install\boot\initrd.lz
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  CommonBackend:   C:\ubuntu\install\boot\initrd.lz md5 = 4c67c0bd8c44ecca988e71e7631ed0aa == 4c67c0bd8c44ecca988e71e7631ed0aa
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished extract_kernel
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running choose_disk_sizes...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: total size=7000
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished choose_disk_sizes
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_preseed...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_preseed
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running modify_bootloader...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: New task modify_bootini
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Running modify_bootini...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: modify_bootini C:
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished modify_bootini
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished modify_bootloader
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running modify_grub_configuration...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished modify_grub_configuration
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running create_virtual_disks...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  Virtualdisk:  Creating virtual disk C:\ubuntu\disks\root.disk of 6744MB
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  Virtualdisk:  Creating virtual disk C:\ubuntu\disks\swap.disk of 256MB
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished create_virtual_disks
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running uncompress_files...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: compact C:\ubuntu\install\boot /U /A /F
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: compact C:\ubuntu\install\boot\*.* /U /A /F
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_files
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running eject_cd...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished eject_cd
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: # Finished tasklist
07-09 10:34 INFO   root: Almost finished installing
07-09 10:34 INFO   WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\pyl19.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
07-09 10:34 INFO   root: Finished installation
07-09 10:34 INFO   root: Rebooting
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: # Running tasklist...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Running reboot...
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: ## Finished reboot
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  TaskList: # Finished tasklist
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  root: application.quit
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
07-09 10:34 DEBUG  root: application.on_quit
07-09 10:34 INFO   root: sys.exit

J'ai donc maintenant Ubuntu 10.04 en version 64 bits dans ce PC. Ouf, on y arrive.

Dernière modification par malbo (Le 09/07/2010, à 12:11)

Hors ligne