#1 Le 04/09/2010, à 23:01
- Kenio
Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
Bonsoir, j'ai un problème à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi, j'ai l'erreur suivante
Could not retrieve the required installation files
J'ai attendu 2h00h(réel) pour l'installation et voilà ce qui arrive...
Pourriez-vous m'aider ?
Merci d'avance.
Dernière modification par Kenio (Le 04/09/2010, à 23:04)
Hors ligne
#2 Le 05/09/2010, à 05:20
- malbo
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
Pour réussir, il ne faut pas utiliser de live-CD ni de live-USB et ne pas télécharger à l'avance le fichier .iso. Il faut seulement laisser faire Wubi dans l'installation "tout par internet" :
Si l'install est réussie, tu réalises une clé live-USB de la même version que celle que Wubi aura installé afin de pouvoir dépanner ton Ubuntu le jour où tu seras dans la mouise.
Hors ligne
#3 Le 05/09/2010, à 11:35
- Kenio
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
Ah d'accord. J'ai un fichier .iso dans mes téléchargements, est-ce que ça compte ?
Dernière modification par Kenio (Le 05/09/2010, à 11:41)
Hors ligne
#4 Le 05/09/2010, à 14:33
- malbo
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
Ah d'accord. J'ai un fichier .iso dans mes téléchargements, est-ce que ça compte ?
pas de problème : pour éviter que Wubi le trouve pendant l'install, je te suggère de seulement le renommer en remplaçant juste la fin du nom du fichier XXXX.iso par XXXX_iso. Ainsi il ne sera pas reconnu.
Hors ligne
#5 Le 05/09/2010, à 14:48
- Kenio
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
D'accord, le téléchargement en est à 45 minutes restantes, je te tiens au courant.
Hors ligne
#6 Le 05/09/2010, à 17:57
- Kenio
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
Évidemment, ça ne fonctionne pas... J'ai le message :
Could not retrieve the required installation files
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le fichier journal:
Que faire ?
Hors ligne
#7 Le 05/09/2010, à 18:03
- malbo
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
Tu démarres sous Windows et tu fais une recherche dans C: sur wubi-10.04.1-rev190.log et tu vas trouver rapidement ce fichier. Tu ouvres le fichier wubi-10.04.1-rev190.log avec l'éditeur de texte de Windows et tu fais un copier/coller de son contenu dans la réponse à ce post mais en utilisant les balises codes comme expliqué dans le howto_forum au paragraphe "Poster une réponse" :
Hors ligne
#8 Le 05/09/2010, à 19:02
- Kenio
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
Je ne peux pas tout poster alors je vais faire 2 parties :
09-04 18:42 INFO root: === wubi 10.04.1 rev190 ===
09-04 18:42 DEBUG root: Logfile is c:\users\mounta~1\appdata\local\temp\wubi-10.04.1-rev190.log
09-04 18:42 DEBUG root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Users\\Mountasir\\Downloads\\wubi.exe"']
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\data
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\bin\7z.exe
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Users\Mountasir\Downloads\wubi.exe
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=i386
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\data\isolist.ini
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=vista
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Windows 7 Starter
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=None
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=7600
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=Mountasir
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Mountasir
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Users\Mountasir
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=vista
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 31943.3085938 mb free ntfs)
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 31943.3085938 mb free ntfs)
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: removable 0.0 mb free )
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1014.3671875
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
09-04 18:42 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 18:42 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:42 INFO root: Running the installer...
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: __init__...
09-04 18:42 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: on_init...
09-04 18:42 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-04 18:42 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-04 18:43 DEBUG WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=C:, installation_size=8000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu Netbook, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=kenio
09-04 18:43 INFO root: Received settings
09-04 18:43 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: # Running tasklist...
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
09-04 18:43 INFO WindowsBackend: Installing into C:\ubuntu
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
09-04 18:43 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller C:\Users\Mountasir\Downloads\wubi.exe -> C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-04 18:43 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-04 18:43 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir C:\ubuntu
09-04 18:43 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu Netbook
09-04 18:43 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu Netbook.ico
09-04 18:43 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 10.04.1-rev190
09-04 18:43 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu Netbook
09-04 18:43 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout http://www.ubuntu.com
09-04 18:43 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink http://www.ubuntu.com/support
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
09-04 18:43 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\data\custom-installation -> C:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
09-04 18:43 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\winboot -> C:\ubuntu\winboot
09-04 18:43 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu Netbook.ico -> C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu Netbook.ico
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
09-04 18:43 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 18:43 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylDC1C.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:43 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 18:43 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:43 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 18:43 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
09-04 18:43 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\Users\Mountasir\Downloads\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 18:43 DEBUG WindowsBackend: extracting .disk\info from C:\Users\Mountasir\Downloads\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 18:43 DEBUG Distro: parsing info from str=Ubuntu-Netbook 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20100429.4)
09-04 18:43 DEBUG Distro: parsed info={'name': 'Ubuntu-Netbook', 'subversion': 'Release', 'version': '10.04', 'build': '20100429.4', 'codename': 'Lucid Lynx', 'arch': 'i386'}
09-04 18:43 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: Could not find any ISO or CD, downloading one now
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: New task get_metalink
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running get_metalink...
09-04 18:43 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink > C:\ubuntu\install
09-04 18:43 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, length=36061, text=None
09-04 18:43 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 36061 bytes)
09-04 18:43 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink > C:\ubuntu\install
09-04 18:43 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=651, text=None
09-04 18:43 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 651 bytes)
09-04 18:43 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg > C:\ubuntu\install
09-04 18:43 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=189, text=None
09-04 18:43 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 189 bytes)
09-04 18:43 INFO saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
09-04 18:43 INFO saplog: Checking block bindings..
09-04 18:43 INFO saplog: Key verified successfully.
09-04 18:43 DEBUG CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
a293f05f7be5e61937b1c277c6a69262 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+dove.metalink
dece0df9abb10efb1f590f759cccf340 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+imx51.metalink
a3805816968bf7199e080ba653a19ac1 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink
94706d50d0375fe01b4b480a9c875a7f ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-amd64.metalink
7e94a4ebedb1dcfc4fe376f5a96c45aa ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-i386.metalink
974c01945586ebcbb672f11ce6df0e39 ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.metalink
b3b2f75f70c5216d1325a5a02f3770ce ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.metalink
8b0786e4978a123ce91e87181eb0f570 ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.metalink
56dff8fca4d2612eb035a909092f5016 ubuntu-10.04.1-server-i386.metalink
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished get_metalink
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-04 18:43 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-04 18:43 DEBUG btdownloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 18:54 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-04 18:54 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-04 18:54 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-04 18:54 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 18:54 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 18:54 DEBUG WindowsBackend: extracting .disk\info from C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 18:54 DEBUG Distro: parsing info from str=Ubuntu-Netbook 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20100429.4)
09-04 18:54 DEBUG Distro: parsed info={'name': 'Ubuntu-Netbook', 'subversion': 'Release', 'version': '10.04', 'build': '20100429.4', 'codename': 'Lucid Lynx', 'arch': 'i386'}
09-04 18:54 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-04 18:54 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-04 18:54 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-04 18:54 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-04 18:54 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ubuntu.saudi.net.sa/releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 18:54 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ubuntu.saudi.net.sa/releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-04 19:13 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
09-04 19:13 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: stopping remaining background tasks: 'tasklist'
09-04 19:13 DEBUG TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist
09-04 19:13 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 230776832 bytes)
09-04 19:13 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-04 19:13 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: Task cancellation timed out, the program will exit anyway
09-04 19:13 DEBUG root: application.on_quit
09-04 19:13 DEBUG root: Forceful exit
09-04 19:13 INFO root: sys.exit
09-04 20:59 INFO root: === wubi 10.04.1 rev190 ===
09-04 20:59 DEBUG root: Logfile is c:\users\mounta~1\appdata\local\temp\wubi-10.04.1-rev190.log
09-04 20:59 DEBUG root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Users\\Mountasir\\Downloads\\wubi.exe"']
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\data
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\bin\7z.exe
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Users\Mountasir\Downloads\wubi.exe
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=i386
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\data\isolist.ini
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=vista
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Windows 7 Starter
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=None
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=7600
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=Mountasir
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Mountasir
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Users\Mountasir
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=vista
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 32152.671875 mb free ntfs)
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 32152.671875 mb free ntfs)
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=C:\ubuntu
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=Ubuntu Netbook
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1014.3671875
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 20:59 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 20:59 INFO root: Already installed, running the uninstaller...
09-04 20:59 INFO root: Running the uninstaller...
09-04 20:59 INFO CommonBackend: This is the uninstaller running
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: __init__...
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: on_init...
09-04 20:59 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-04 20:59 INFO root: Received settings
09-04 20:59 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-04 20:59 DEBUG TaskList: # Running tasklist...
09-04 20:59 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Sauvegarder l'ISO...
09-04 20:59 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Sauvegarder l'ISO
09-04 20:59 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage...
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Could not find bcd id
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_bootini C:
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(C: hd 32152.671875 mb free ntfs)
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_bootini D:
09-04 20:59 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-04 20:59 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage
09-04 20:59 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Supprimer le répertoire cible...
09-04 20:59 DEBUG CommonBackend: Deleting C:\ubuntu
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer le répertoire cible
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Supprimer la clé du registre...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer la clé du registre
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: # Finished tasklist
09-04 21:00 INFO root: Almost finished uninstalling
09-04 21:00 INFO root: Finished uninstallation
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Users\Mountasir\Downloads\wubi.exe
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=i386
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\data\isolist.ini
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=vista
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Windows 7 Starter
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=None
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=7600
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=Mountasir
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Mountasir
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Users\Mountasir
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=vista
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 32374.3046875 mb free ntfs)
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 32374.3046875 mb free ntfs)
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1014.3671875
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 INFO root: Running the installer...
09-04 21:00 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-04 21:00 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=C:, installation_size=10000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu Netbook, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=kenio
09-04 21:00 INFO root: Received settings
09-04 21:00 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: # Running tasklist...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
09-04 21:00 INFO WindowsBackend: Installing into C:\ubuntu
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller C:\Users\Mountasir\Downloads\wubi.exe -> C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-04 21:00 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-04 21:00 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir C:\ubuntu
09-04 21:00 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu Netbook
09-04 21:00 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu Netbook.ico
09-04 21:00 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 10.04.1-rev190
09-04 21:00 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu Netbook
09-04 21:00 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout http://www.ubuntu.com
09-04 21:00 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink http://www.ubuntu.com/support
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\data\custom-installation -> C:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\winboot -> C:\ubuntu\winboot
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu Netbook.ico -> C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu Netbook.ico
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl3D3E.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\Users\Mountasir\Downloads\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 21:00 DEBUG WindowsBackend: extracting .disk\info from C:\Users\Mountasir\Downloads\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: parsing info from str=Ubuntu-Netbook 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20100429.4)
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: parsed info={'name': 'Ubuntu-Netbook', 'subversion': 'Release', 'version': '10.04', 'build': '20100429.4', 'codename': 'Lucid Lynx', 'arch': 'i386'}
09-04 21:00 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: Could not find any ISO or CD, downloading one now
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: New task get_metalink
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running get_metalink...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink > C:\ubuntu\install
09-04 21:00 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, length=36061, text=None
09-04 21:00 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 36061 bytes)
09-04 21:00 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink > C:\ubuntu\install
09-04 21:00 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=651, text=None
09-04 21:00 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 651 bytes)
09-04 21:00 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg > C:\ubuntu\install
09-04 21:00 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=189, text=None
09-04 21:00 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 189 bytes)
09-04 21:00 INFO saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
09-04 21:00 INFO saplog: Checking block bindings..
09-04 21:00 INFO saplog: Key verified successfully.
09-04 21:00 DEBUG CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
a293f05f7be5e61937b1c277c6a69262 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+dove.metalink
dece0df9abb10efb1f590f759cccf340 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+imx51.metalink
a3805816968bf7199e080ba653a19ac1 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink
94706d50d0375fe01b4b480a9c875a7f ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-amd64.metalink
7e94a4ebedb1dcfc4fe376f5a96c45aa ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-i386.metalink
974c01945586ebcbb672f11ce6df0e39 ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.metalink
b3b2f75f70c5216d1325a5a02f3770ce ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.metalink
8b0786e4978a123ce91e87181eb0f570 ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.metalink
56dff8fca4d2612eb035a909092f5016 ubuntu-10.04.1-server-i386.metalink
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished get_metalink
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-04 21:00 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-04 21:00 DEBUG btdownloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 21:11 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-04 21:11 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-04 21:11 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-04 21:11 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 21:11 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 21:11 DEBUG WindowsBackend: extracting .disk\info from C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 21:11 DEBUG Distro: parsing info from str=Ubuntu-Netbook 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20100429.4)
09-04 21:11 DEBUG Distro: parsed info={'name': 'Ubuntu-Netbook', 'subversion': 'Release', 'version': '10.04', 'build': '20100429.4', 'codename': 'Lucid Lynx', 'arch': 'i386'}
09-04 21:11 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-04 21:11 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-04 21:11 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-04 21:11 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-04 21:11 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ubuntu.saudi.net.sa/releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 21:11 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ubuntu.saudi.net.sa/releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-04 22:19 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-04 22:19 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 733837312 bytes)
09-04 22:19 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-04 22:19 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-04 22:19 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 22:19 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 22:19 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-04 22:19 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-04 22:19 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-04 22:19 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-04 22:19 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/ubuntu-iso/CDs/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 22:19 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/ubuntu-iso/CDs/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-04 22:58 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 419325737 bytes)
09-04 22:58 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-04 22:58 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-04 22:58 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-04 22:58 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 22:58 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 22:58 DEBUG Distro: wrong size: 419325737 < 600000000
09-04 22:58 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-04 22:58 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-04 22:58 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-04 22:58 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 22:58 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-04 23:17 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-04 23:17 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 733837312 bytes)
09-04 23:17 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-04 23:17 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-04 23:17 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 23:17 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 23:17 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-04 23:17 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-04 23:17 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-04 23:17 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-04 23:17 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/ubuntu-releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 23:17 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/ubuntu-releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-04 23:50 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-04 23:50 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 733837312 bytes)
09-04 23:50 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-04 23:50 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-04 23:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 23:50 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-04 23:50 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-04 23:50 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-04 23:50 ERROR TaskList: Could not retrieve the required installation files
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\tasklist.py", line 197, in __call__
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\backend.py", line 498, in get_iso
Exception: Could not retrieve the required installation files
09-04 23:50 DEBUG TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist
09-04 23:50 DEBUG TaskList: # Finished tasklist
09-04 23:50 ERROR root: Could not retrieve the required installation files
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "\lib\wubi\application.py", line 56, in run
File "\lib\wubi\application.py", line 130, in select_task
File "\lib\wubi\application.py", line 156, in run_installer
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\tasklist.py", line 197, in __call__
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\backend.py", line 498, in get_iso
Exception: Could not retrieve the required installation files
09-05 00:40 INFO root: === wubi 10.04.1 rev190 ===
09-05 00:40 DEBUG root: Logfile is c:\users\mounta~1\appdata\local\temp\wubi-10.04.1-rev190.log
09-05 00:40 DEBUG root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Users\\Mountasir\\Downloads\\wubi.exe"']
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\data
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\bin\7z.exe
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Users\Mountasir\Downloads\wubi.exe
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=i386
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\data\isolist.ini
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
Hors ligne
#9 Le 05/09/2010, à 19:03
- Kenio
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=vista
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Windows 7 Starter
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=None
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=7600
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=Mountasir
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Mountasir
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Users\Mountasir
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=vista
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 31523.7382813 mb free ntfs)
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 31523.7382813 mb free ntfs)
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=C:\ubuntu
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=Ubuntu Netbook
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1014.3671875
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
09-05 00:40 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 00:40 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 00:40 INFO root: Already installed, running the uninstaller...
09-05 00:40 INFO root: Running the uninstaller...
09-05 00:40 INFO CommonBackend: This is the uninstaller running
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: __init__...
09-05 00:40 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: on_init...
09-05 00:40 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl9EF1.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 00:41 INFO WindowsFrontend: Operation cancelled
09-05 00:41 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
09-05 00:41 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
09-05 00:41 DEBUG root: application.on_quit
09-05 00:41 INFO root: sys.exit
09-05 12:47 INFO root: === wubi 10.04.1 rev190 ===
09-05 12:47 DEBUG root: Logfile is c:\users\mounta~1\appdata\local\temp\wubi-10.04.1-rev190.log
09-05 12:47 DEBUG root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Users\\Mountasir\\Desktop\\wubi.exe"']
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\data
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\bin\7z.exe
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Users\Mountasir\Desktop\wubi.exe
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=i386
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\data\isolist.ini
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=vista
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Windows 7 Starter
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=None
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=7600
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=Mountasir
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Mountasir
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Users\Mountasir
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=vista
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 32331.2070313 mb free ntfs)
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 32331.2070313 mb free ntfs)
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=C:\ubuntu
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=Ubuntu Netbook
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1014.3671875
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
09-05 12:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 12:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:47 INFO root: Already installed, running the uninstaller...
09-05 12:47 INFO root: Running the uninstaller...
09-05 12:47 INFO CommonBackend: This is the uninstaller running
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: __init__...
09-05 12:47 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: on_init...
09-05 12:47 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 12:48 INFO root: Received settings
09-05 12:48 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: # Running tasklist...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Sauvegarder l'ISO...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Sauvegarder l'ISO
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Could not find bcd id
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_bootini C:
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(C: hd 32331.2070313 mb free ntfs)
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_bootini D:
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Supprimer le répertoire cible...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Deleting C:\ubuntu
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer le répertoire cible
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Supprimer la clé du registre...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer la clé du registre
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: # Finished tasklist
09-05 12:48 INFO root: Almost finished uninstalling
09-05 12:48 INFO root: Finished uninstallation
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Users\Mountasir\Desktop\wubi.exe
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=i386
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\data\isolist.ini
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=vista
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Windows 7 Starter
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=None
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=7600
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=Mountasir
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Mountasir
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Users\Mountasir
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=vista
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 32332.2539063 mb free ntfs)
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 32332.2539063 mb free ntfs)
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1014.3671875
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 INFO root: Running the installer...
09-05 12:48 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 12:48 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=C:, installation_size=10000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu Netbook, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=kenio
09-05 12:48 INFO root: Received settings
09-05 12:48 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: # Running tasklist...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
09-05 12:48 INFO WindowsBackend: Installing into C:\ubuntu
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller C:\Users\Mountasir\Desktop\wubi.exe -> C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-05 12:48 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-05 12:48 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir C:\ubuntu
09-05 12:48 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu Netbook
09-05 12:48 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu Netbook.ico
09-05 12:48 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 10.04.1-rev190
09-05 12:48 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu Netbook
09-05 12:48 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout http://www.ubuntu.com
09-05 12:48 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink http://www.ubuntu.com/support
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\data\custom-installation -> C:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\winboot -> C:\ubuntu\winboot
09-05 12:48 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu Netbook.ico -> C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu Netbook.ico
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pylBDF1.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 12:48 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: Could not find any ISO or CD, downloading one now
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: New task get_metalink
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running get_metalink...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink > C:\ubuntu\install
09-05 12:48 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, length=36061, text=None
09-05 12:48 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 36061 bytes)
09-05 12:48 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink > C:\ubuntu\install
09-05 12:48 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=651, text=None
09-05 12:48 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 651 bytes)
09-05 12:48 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg > C:\ubuntu\install
09-05 12:48 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=189, text=None
09-05 12:48 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 189 bytes)
09-05 12:48 INFO saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
09-05 12:48 INFO saplog: Checking block bindings..
09-05 12:48 INFO saplog: Key verified successfully.
09-05 12:48 DEBUG CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
a293f05f7be5e61937b1c277c6a69262 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+dove.metalink
dece0df9abb10efb1f590f759cccf340 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+imx51.metalink
a3805816968bf7199e080ba653a19ac1 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink
94706d50d0375fe01b4b480a9c875a7f ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-amd64.metalink
7e94a4ebedb1dcfc4fe376f5a96c45aa ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-i386.metalink
974c01945586ebcbb672f11ce6df0e39 ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.metalink
b3b2f75f70c5216d1325a5a02f3770ce ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.metalink
8b0786e4978a123ce91e87181eb0f570 ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.metalink
56dff8fca4d2612eb035a909092f5016 ubuntu-10.04.1-server-i386.metalink
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished get_metalink
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-05 12:48 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-05 12:48 DEBUG btdownloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 13:02 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-05 13:02 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-05 13:02 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-05 13:02 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 13:02 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 13:02 DEBUG WindowsBackend: extracting .disk\info from C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 13:02 DEBUG Distro: parsing info from str=Ubuntu-Netbook 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20100429.4)
09-05 13:02 DEBUG Distro: parsed info={'name': 'Ubuntu-Netbook', 'subversion': 'Release', 'version': '10.04', 'build': '20100429.4', 'codename': 'Lucid Lynx', 'arch': 'i386'}
09-05 13:02 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-05 13:02 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-05 13:02 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-05 13:02 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-05 13:02 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ubuntu.saudi.net.sa/releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 13:02 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ubuntu.saudi.net.sa/releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-05 14:47 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-05 14:47 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 733837312 bytes)
09-05 14:47 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-05 14:47 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-05 14:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 14:47 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 14:47 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-05 14:47 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-05 14:47 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-05 14:47 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-05 14:47 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/ubuntu-iso/CDs/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 14:47 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/ubuntu-iso/CDs/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-05 15:19 INFO WindowsFrontend: Operation cancelled
09-05 15:19 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
09-05 15:19 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
09-05 15:19 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: stopping remaining background tasks: 'tasklist'
09-05 15:19 DEBUG TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist
09-05 15:19 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: Task cancellation timed out, the program will exit anyway
09-05 15:19 DEBUG root: application.on_quit
09-05 15:19 DEBUG root: Forceful exit
09-05 15:19 INFO root: sys.exit
09-05 15:20 INFO root: === wubi 10.04.1 rev190 ===
09-05 15:20 DEBUG root: Logfile is c:\users\mounta~1\appdata\local\temp\wubi-10.04.1-rev190.log
09-05 15:20 DEBUG root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Users\\Mountasir\\Desktop\\wubi.exe"']
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\data
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\bin\7z.exe
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Users\Mountasir\Desktop\wubi.exe
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\data\isolist.ini
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=vista
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Windows 7 Starter
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=None
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=7600
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=Mountasir
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Mountasir
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Users\Mountasir
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=vista
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 31584.7460938 mb free ntfs)
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 31584.7460938 mb free ntfs)
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=C:\ubuntu
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=Ubuntu Netbook
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1014.3671875
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 INFO root: Already installed, running the uninstaller...
09-05 15:20 INFO root: Running the uninstaller...
09-05 15:20 INFO CommonBackend: This is the uninstaller running
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: __init__...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: on_init...
09-05 15:20 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 15:20 INFO root: Received settings
09-05 15:20 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: # Running tasklist...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Sauvegarder l'ISO...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Sauvegarder l'ISO
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Could not find bcd id
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_bootini C:
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(C: hd 31584.7460938 mb free ntfs)
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_bootini D:
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: undo_configsys Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer l'entrée pour le programme d'amorçage
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Supprimer le répertoire cible...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Deleting C:\ubuntu
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer le répertoire cible
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running Supprimer la clé du registre...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished Supprimer la clé du registre
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: # Finished tasklist
09-05 15:20 INFO root: Almost finished uninstalling
09-05 15:20 INFO root: Finished uninstallation
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Users\Mountasir\Desktop\wubi.exe
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\data\isolist.ini
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro KubuntuNetbook-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=vista
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Windows 7 Starter
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=None
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=7600
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=Mountasir
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=Mountasir
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Users\Mountasir
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name=Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=vista
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 31735.3125 mb free ntfs)
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 31735.3125 mb free ntfs)
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: hd 29874.5 mb free ntfs)
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1014.3671875
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 INFO root: Running the installer...
09-05 15:20 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 15:20 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=C:, installation_size=15000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu Netbook, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=kenio
09-05 15:20 INFO root: Received settings
09-05 15:20 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: # Running tasklist...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
09-05 15:20 INFO WindowsBackend: Installing into C:\ubuntu
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir C:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller C:\Users\Mountasir\Desktop\wubi.exe -> C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-05 15:20 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
09-05 15:20 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir C:\ubuntu
09-05 15:20 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu Netbook
09-05 15:20 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu Netbook.ico
09-05 15:20 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 10.04.1-rev190
09-05 15:20 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu Netbook
09-05 15:20 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout http://www.ubuntu.com
09-05 15:20 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink http://www.ubuntu.com/support
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\data\custom-installation -> C:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\winboot -> C:\ubuntu\winboot
09-05 15:20 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu Netbook.ico -> C:\ubuntu\Ubuntu Netbook.ico
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\MOUNTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl4CDA.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
09-05 15:20 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: Could not find any ISO or CD, downloading one now
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: New task get_metalink
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running get_metalink...
09-05 15:20 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink > C:\ubuntu\install
09-05 15:20 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink, length=36061, text=None
09-05 15:20 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 36061 bytes)
09-05 15:20 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink > C:\ubuntu\install
09-05 15:20 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=651, text=None
09-05 15:20 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 651 bytes)
09-05 15:20 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg > C:\ubuntu\install
09-05 15:20 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=189, text=None
09-05 15:20 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 189 bytes)
09-05 15:20 INFO saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
09-05 15:20 INFO saplog: Checking block bindings..
09-05 15:20 INFO saplog: Key verified successfully.
09-05 15:20 DEBUG CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
a293f05f7be5e61937b1c277c6a69262 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+dove.metalink
dece0df9abb10efb1f590f759cccf340 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-armel+imx51.metalink
a3805816968bf7199e080ba653a19ac1 ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.metalink
94706d50d0375fe01b4b480a9c875a7f ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-amd64.metalink
7e94a4ebedb1dcfc4fe376f5a96c45aa ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-i386.metalink
974c01945586ebcbb672f11ce6df0e39 ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.metalink
b3b2f75f70c5216d1325a5a02f3770ce ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.metalink
8b0786e4978a123ce91e87181eb0f570 ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.metalink
56dff8fca4d2612eb035a909092f5016 ubuntu-10.04.1-server-i386.metalink
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished get_metalink
09-05 15:20 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-05 15:21 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-05 15:21 DEBUG btdownloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 15:30 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-05 15:30 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-05 15:30 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-05 15:30 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 15:30 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 15:30 DEBUG WindowsBackend: extracting .disk\info from C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 15:30 DEBUG Distro: parsing info from str=Ubuntu-Netbook 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" - Release i386 (20100429.4)
09-05 15:30 DEBUG Distro: parsed info={'name': 'Ubuntu-Netbook', 'subversion': 'Release', 'version': '10.04', 'build': '20100429.4', 'codename': 'Lucid Lynx', 'arch': 'i386'}
09-05 15:30 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-05 15:30 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-05 15:30 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-05 15:30 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-05 15:30 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ubuntu.saudi.net.sa/releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 15:30 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ubuntu.saudi.net.sa/releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-05 16:34 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-05 16:34 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 733837312 bytes)
09-05 16:34 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-05 16:34 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-05 16:34 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 16:34 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 16:34 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-05 16:34 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-05 16:34 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-05 16:34 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-05 16:34 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/ubuntu-iso/CDs/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 16:34 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/ubuntu-iso/CDs/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-05 17:49 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-05 17:49 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 733837312 bytes)
09-05 17:49 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-05 17:49 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-05 17:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 17:49 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 17:49 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-05 17:49 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-05 17:49 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-05 17:49 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-05 17:49 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 17:49 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-05 18:26 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-05 18:26 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 733837312 bytes)
09-05 18:26 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-05 18:26 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-05 18:26 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 18:26 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 18:26 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-05 18:26 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-05 18:26 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
09-05 18:26 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
09-05 18:26 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/ubuntu-releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso > C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 18:26 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, url=http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/ubuntu-releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, basename=ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso, length=733837312, text=None
09-05 18:53 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
09-05 18:53 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 733837312 bytes)
09-05 18:53 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
09-05 18:53 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
09-05 18:53 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 18:53 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu Netbook ISO C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
09-05 18:53 DEBUG Distro: wrong version: 10.04 != 10.04.1
09-05 18:53 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
09-05 18:53 ERROR TaskList: Could not retrieve the required installation files
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\tasklist.py", line 197, in __call__
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\backend.py", line 498, in get_iso
Exception: Could not retrieve the required installation files
09-05 18:53 DEBUG TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist
09-05 18:53 DEBUG TaskList: # Finished tasklist
09-05 18:53 ERROR root: Could not retrieve the required installation files
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "\lib\wubi\application.py", line 56, in run
File "\lib\wubi\application.py", line 130, in select_task
File "\lib\wubi\application.py", line 156, in run_installer
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\tasklist.py", line 197, in __call__
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\backend.py", line 498, in get_iso
Exception: Could not retrieve the required installation files
Hors ligne
#10 Le 06/09/2010, à 05:36
- malbo
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
même problème rencontré sur le forum anglais de Ubuntu :
avec sa solution indiquée dans le post même :
EDIT: Right, so it was the wrong version: Ubuntu is 10.04.1, Ubuntu Netbook Edition is still 10.04 and won't work with wubi 10.4.1. I found wubi version 10.4 on cnet.com and used that, install worked.
Wubi que tu as utilisé est en version 10.04.1 et ça ne colle pas : il faut un Wubi en version 10.04.
Pour trouver cette version, je te suggère d'aller sur le site cnet.com suivant les indications de l'ami anglais AngGalaxy et de télécharger Wubi 10.04 :
ce téléchargement, je viens de le faire et de vérifier le md5sum obtenu pour ce fichier wubi.exe : je trouve e81f931b1de017520f6d4aa4f78c5c8b
Ce md5sum est bien différent de celui de Wubi 10.04.1 qui est 5c976b1d655b10df3b10811e77b09a25 et tu pourras vérifier que le Wubi.exe que tu as utilisé jusqu'ici (et qui ne marche pas) a bien ce md5sum.
Pour vérifier un md5sum depuis Windows, si tu ne sais pas comment faire, tu trouveras une procédure présentée ici :
Mais il faudra d'abord installer md5sum récupéré chez etree.org comme indiqué là :
Normalement, avec ce wubi.exe téléchargé chez cnet.com, tu n'auras plus de problème et tu pourras enfin avoir ton Ubuntu Netbook. Après un essai pas trop prolongé de Ubuntu Netbook avec Wubi, je te recommande d'abandonner rapidement Ubuntu installé par Wubi au profit d'une installation classique de Ubuntu netbook sur partitions Linux. Oui, c'est plus risqué pour Windows préinstallé puisqu'il faut repartitionner le disque dur (sauvegarde impérative des doc précieux sur DD externe auparavant) mais c'est plus sérieux que l'installation par Wubi qui tient avec des bouts de ficelle et qui n'est pas supportée correctement.
Conclusion personnelle : cette situation est inadmissible et révèle que le projet Wubi est aussi mal maitrisé au niveau de la gestion des versions visibles par le public (les développeurs de Wubi s'y retrouvent mais nous on fait comment?) qu'au niveau purement technique. Moi même pour trouver cette version Wubi 10.04, je ne sais pas où aller et je suis obligé comme un crétin d'aller la télécharger sur un site lambda, heureusement pas à jour de la dernière version de Wubi. Lamentable.
Dernière modification par malbo (Le 06/09/2010, à 07:07)
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#11 Le 06/09/2010, à 18:53
- Kenio
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
Je suis d'accord avec toi, mais j'ai eu de gros problèmes lors de l'installation de Ubuntu Netbook sur mon netbook ...
On peut mettre un DD externe avec un netbook (j'en possède un : Samsung N140) ? Si oui, comment (niveau technique/mécanique je suis pas fort ...).
Merci encore.
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#12 Le 07/09/2010, à 06:44
- malbo
Re : Erreur à la fin de l'installation avec Wubi
Fais déjà l'essai d'une install Wubi avec la solution que je te donne. Ensuite, si tu veux te lancer dans une install sur DD externe, je ne trouve pas dans la documentation du site de doc à jour à te recommander. Le jour où tu voudras le faire, poste à la rubrique "Questions et informations avant l'installation" pour demander qu'on t'indique un tuto ou une doc pour faire une install sur DD externe en précisant bien que tu vas faire l'install depuis une clé live-USB puisque tu as un netbook (les tutos font souvent référence à un live-CD). En terme de performance, l'install de Ubuntu par Wubi sera plus performante que l'install sur DD externe (à cause de l'USB qui ralentit la communication). Mais pour la stabilité et le support, Wubi n'est pas un OS "de garde" (comme on dirait pour le vin) et tu as raison de penser à une install solide sur partitions Linux.
Dernière modification par malbo (Le 07/09/2010, à 08:05)
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