#1 Le 14/04/2011, à 07:52
- malbo
Installation "tout par internet" de Ubuntu 11.04 par Wubi
Etape 1 : depuis une session avec pouvoir d'administrateur (sous windows), vous téléchargez le petit fichier wubi.exe (1530520 octets) ici : http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/wubi.exe
Etape 2 : double-clic sur wubi.exe et remplir les champs :
Dans "Disque d'installation", c'est la partition système de Windows (disque C: ) qui est proposée par défaut. Si vous possédez une partition de stockage (souvent le disque D: appelé "DATA"), c'est plutôt cette partition de stockage qu'il faut choisir au lieu de la partition système de Windows. Pour la taille à réserver à Ubuntu (champ "Taille de l'installation", noté "espace occupé par" dans le lien un peu obsolète), 10 Go est largement suffisant. On peut se contenter de 7 Go si on est à l'étroit.
Après cela, Wubi télécharge tout seul l'image .iso et fait diverses manips. Quand c'est fini, il propose de redémarrer et vous acceptez.
Remarque : au début du téléchargement de l'image .iso, le pare-feu de Windows doit ouvrir une fenêtre avec le message "Voulez-vous continuer à bloquer ce programme", nom : pyrun. Évidemment, il faut cliquer sur "Débloquer" ou "Autoriser l'accès" (suivant la version de Windows). Si vous avez un autre pare-feu que le pare-feu d'origine de Windows, prenez vos dispositions pour que le programme pyrun.exe soit autorisé en mode serveur avant de lancer l'installation par Wubi.
Etape 3 : Au redémarrage, il faut intervenir sur les flêches haut et bas du clavier pour choisir une ligne "ubuntu" qui a été créée dans le menu de démarrage et le valider par la touche Entrée. Sur l'écran, on voit "Completing the Ubuntu installation...". Laissez faire et ne touchez plus ni la souris, ni le clavier. En effet, la véritable installation est en train de se réaliser, entièrement automatique (pas besoin de rester devant) et quand c'est fini, le PC redémarre tout seul sous windows.
C'est terminé. Au prochain redémarrage du PC, Le choix windows ou ubuntu se fait avec la même méthode que ci-dessus (les flêches haut et bas du clavier pour choisir la ligne "ubuntu" ou bien la ligne correspondant à windows et valider par Entrée)
A noter : si le PC est compatible de la version 64 bits de Ubuntu, cette dernière est installée automatiquement sans que rien soit demandé
Quelques conseils pour après l'install :
Conseil 1 : si vous découvrez Ubuntu, vous allez probablement faire de multiples tentatives ce qui peut vous conduire à l'écran noir et autre désagréments. Aussi, dès que l'installation de Ubuntu est fonctionnelle, je vous recommande de faire une sauvegarde. C'est très facile à faire depuis Windows : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.ph … 7#p2276187
Conseil 2 : évitez de stocker des doc dans Ubuntu parce qu'une install par Wubi est fragile. Et bien que la récupération des doc soit généralement possible même quand Ubuntu est en panne, voici quelques dispositions qui permettent de stocker ailleurs que dans Ubuntu : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.ph … 2#p3100472
Mises à jour du post :
le 28 avril 2011 : remplacement du petit fichier exécutable wubi par la version récemment mise à jour : wubi-r211-signed.exe (au lieu de wubi-r207.exe)
Le 23 juin 2011 : wubi-r211-signed.exe remplacé par wubi.exe
Dernière modification par malbo (Le 23/06/2011, à 05:25)
Hors ligne
#2 Le 28/04/2011, à 10:54
- malbo
Re : Installation "tout par internet" de Ubuntu 11.04 par Wubi
Pour ceux que ça pourrait intéresser, je viens de faire une installation dans Windows 7 de Ubuntu 11.04 par la méthode proposée dans le post #1.
Voici le rapport d'installation wubi-11.04-rev211.log consultable depuis Win7 dans le chemin suivant : C:\Users\VotreNomUtilisateurSousWin7\AppData\Local\Temp (moi je l'ai consulté depuis Ubuntu dans l'emplacement suivant : /media/LabelDeLaPartitionWin7/Users/VotreNomUtilisateurSousWin7/AppData/Local/Temp) :
04-28 09:46 INFO root: === wubi 11.04 rev211 ===
04-28 09:46 DEBUG root: Logfile is c:\users\malbo\appdata\local\temp\wubi-11.04-rev211.log
04-28 09:46 DEBUG root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Users\\malbo\\Desktop\\wubi-r211-signed.exe"']
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\data
04-28 09:46 DEBUG WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\bin\7z.exe
04-28 09:46 DEBUG WindowsBackend: startup_folder=C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Users\malbo\Desktop\wubi-r211-signed.exe
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
04-28 09:46 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=amd64
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\data\isolist.ini
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
04-28 09:46 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
04-28 09:46 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
04-28 09:46 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
04-28 09:46 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=vista
04-28 09:46 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Windows 7 Home Premium
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=None
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=7600
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=malbo
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=malbo
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Users\malbo
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name=AMD Phenom(tm) 9500 Quad-Core Processor
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=vista
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 50919.0859375 mb free ntfs)
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 50919.0859375 mb free ntfs)
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: cd 0.0 mb free )
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: hd 25354.0507813 mb free ntfs)
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=E:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=E:\ubuntu
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=Ubuntu
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
04-28 09:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
04-28 09:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
04-28 09:47 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1023.5546875
04-28 09:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
04-28 09:47 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pylF43F.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:47 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:47 INFO root: Already installed, running the uninstaller...
04-28 09:47 INFO root: Running the uninstaller...
04-28 09:47 INFO CommonBackend: Launching previous uninestaller E:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
04-28 09:47 DEBUG root: application.quit
04-28 09:47 DEBUG root: application.on_quit
04-28 09:47 INFO root: sys.exit
04-28 09:47 INFO root: Quitting application
04-28 09:49 INFO root: === wubi 11.04 rev211 ===
04-28 09:49 DEBUG root: Logfile is c:\users\malbo\appdata\local\temp\wubi-11.04-rev211.log
04-28 09:49 DEBUG root: sys.argv = ['main.pyo', '--exefile="C:\\Users\\malbo\\Desktop\\wubi-r211-signed.exe"']
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: data_dir=C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\data
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: 7z=C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\bin\7z.exe
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: startup_folder=C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Fetching basic info...
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: original_exe=C:\Users\malbo\Desktop\wubi-r211-signed.exe
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: platform=win32
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: osname=nt
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: language=fr_FR
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: encoding=cp1252
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: arch=amd64
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Parsing isolist=C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\data\isolist.ini
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-i386
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Xubuntu-amd64
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-amd64
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-i386
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-amd64
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Ubuntu-i386
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Mythbuntu-amd64
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro Kubuntu-i386
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Adding distro UbuntuNetbook-i386
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Fetching host info...
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: registry_key=Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows version=vista
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_version2=Windows 7 Home Premium
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_sp=None
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_build=7600
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: gmt=1
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: country=FR
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: timezone=Europe/Paris
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_username=malbo
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_full_name=malbo
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: user_directory=C:\Users\malbo
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language_code=1036
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: windows_language=French
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: processor_name=AMD Phenom(tm) 9500 Quad-Core Processor
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: bootloader=vista
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: system_drive=Drive(C: hd 50910.6523438 mb free ntfs)
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(C: hd 50910.6523438 mb free ntfs)
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(D: cd 0.0 mb free )
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: drive=Drive(E: hd 31044.2929688 mb free ntfs)
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: uninstaller_path=None
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_target_dir=None
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: previous_distro_name=None
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_id=67896332
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_layout=fr
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: keyboard_variant=
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: python locale=('fr_FR', 'cp1252')
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: locale=fr_FR.UTF-8
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total_memory_mb=1023.5546875
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching ISOs on USB devices
04-28 09:49 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CDs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu Netbook CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Kubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Xubuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Mythbuntu CD
04-28 09:49 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:49 INFO root: Running the installer...
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: __init__...
04-28 09:49 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: on_init...
04-28 09:49 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
04-28 09:49 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
04-28 09:50 DEBUG WinuiInstallationPage: target_drive=E:, installation_size=5000MB, distro_name=Ubuntu, language=fr_FR, locale=fr_FR.UTF-8, username=malbo
04-28 09:50 INFO root: Received settings
04-28 09:50 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: # Running tasklist...
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running select_target_dir...
04-28 09:50 INFO WindowsBackend: Installing into E:\ubuntu
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished select_target_dir
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_dir_structure...
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir E:\ubuntu
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir E:\ubuntu\disks
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir E:\ubuntu\install
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir E:\ubuntu\install\boot
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir E:\ubuntu\disks\boot
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir E:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Creating dir E:\ubuntu\install\boot\grub
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_dir_structure
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running uncompress_target_dir...
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_target_dir
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_uninstaller...
04-28 09:50 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying uninstaller C:\Users\malbo\Desktop\wubi-r211-signed.exe -> E:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
04-28 09:50 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi UninstallString E:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe
04-28 09:50 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi InstallationDir E:\ubuntu
04-28 09:50 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayName Ubuntu
04-28 09:50 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayIcon E:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
04-28 09:50 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi DisplayVersion 11.04-rev211
04-28 09:50 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi Publisher Ubuntu
04-28 09:50 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi URLInfoAbout http://www.ubuntu.com
04-28 09:50 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi HelpLink http://www.ubuntu.com/support
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_uninstaller
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running copy_installation_files...
04-28 09:50 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\data\custom-installation -> E:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation
04-28 09:50 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\winboot -> E:\ubuntu\winboot
04-28 09:50 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\data\images\Ubuntu.ico -> E:\ubuntu\Ubuntu.ico
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished copy_installation_files
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running get_iso...
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local CD
04-28 09:50 DEBUG Distro: checking whether C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:50 DEBUG Distro: does not contain C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:50 DEBUG Distro: checking whether D:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:50 DEBUG Distro: does not contain D:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:50 DEBUG Distro: checking whether E:\ is a valid Ubuntu CD
04-28 09:50 DEBUG Distro: does not contain E:\casper\filesystem.squashfs
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Searching for local ISO
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: Could not find any ISO or CD, downloading one now
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: New task get_metalink
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running get_metalink...
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.metalink > E:\ubuntu\install
04-28 09:50 ERROR CommonBackend: Cannot download metalink file http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.metalink err=[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-amd64.metalink > E:\ubuntu\install
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.metalink, url=http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-amd64.metalink, basename=natty-desktop-amd64.metalink, length=998, text=None
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 998 bytes)
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/MD5SUMS-metalink > E:\ubuntu\install
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=E:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink, url=http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/MD5SUMS-metalink, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink, length=257, text=None
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 257 bytes)
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg > E:\ubuntu\install
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=E:\ubuntu\install\MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, url=http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, basename=MD5SUMS-metalink.gpg, length=198, text=None
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 198 bytes)
04-28 09:50 INFO saplog: Verified a signature from ID:'46181433FBB75451'.
04-28 09:50 INFO saplog: Checking block bindings..
04-28 09:50 INFO saplog: Key verified successfully.
04-28 09:50 DEBUG CommonBackend: metalink md5sums:
b6e2f3998dadefdfce2676badbf51627 natty-desktop-amd64+mac.metalink
6401310fe8309e7ff84d1733a44ba705 natty-desktop-amd64.metalink
a7905ea9fdb98c00e4a7fb6e2031c8b7 natty-desktop-i386.metalink
4352a7c7d52053df07afe8e608760788 natty-desktop-powerpc.metalink
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished get_metalink
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
04-28 09:50 DEBUG btdownloader: downloading http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110427.1/natty-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent > E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso
04-28 09:50 ERROR TaskList: problem getting response info - HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\tasklist.py", line 197, in __call__
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\btdownloader.py", line 79, in download
File "\lib\bittorrent\download.py", line 129, in download
File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\btdownloader.py", line 70, in error_callback
DownloadError: problem getting response info - HTTP Error 404: Not Found
04-28 09:50 ERROR TaskList: Non fatal error problem getting response info - HTTP Error 404: Not Found in task download
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: New task download
04-28 09:50 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running download...
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: downloading http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110427.1/natty-desktop-amd64.iso > E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso, url=http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110427.1/natty-desktop-amd64.iso, basename=natty-desktop-amd64.iso, length=732112896, text=None
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
04-28 10:12 DEBUG downloader: download finished (read 732112896 bytes)
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: New task check_iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running check_iso...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG Distro: checking Ubuntu ISO E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG WindowsBackend: extracting .disk\info from E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG Distro: parsing info from str=Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" - Release amd64 (20110427.1)
04-28 10:12 DEBUG Distro: parsed info={'name': 'Ubuntu', 'subversion': 'Release', 'version': '11.04', 'build': '20110427.1', 'codename': 'Natty Narwhal', 'arch': 'amd64'}
04-28 10:12 INFO Distro: Found a valid iso for Ubuntu: E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: New task get_file_md5
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: #### Running get_file_md5...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: #### Finished get_file_md5
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished check_iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished get_iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running extract_kernel...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG CommonBackend: Extracting files from ISO E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG WindowsBackend: extracting md5sum.txt from E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG WindowsBackend: extracting casper\vmlinuz from E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG WindowsBackend: extracting casper\initrd.lz from E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso
04-28 10:12 DEBUG CommonBackend: Checking kernel, initrd and md5sums
04-28 10:12 DEBUG CommonBackend: checking E:\ubuntu\install\boot\vmlinuz
04-28 10:12 DEBUG CommonBackend: E:\ubuntu\install\boot\vmlinuz md5 = 45a7bee6779b8cd75634a70fd7a566dd == 45a7bee6779b8cd75634a70fd7a566dd
04-28 10:12 DEBUG CommonBackend: checking E:\ubuntu\install\boot\initrd.lz
04-28 10:12 DEBUG CommonBackend: E:\ubuntu\install\boot\initrd.lz md5 = 4aa66b9da42e1a3f667ab0c8009cc801 == 4aa66b9da42e1a3f667ab0c8009cc801
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished extract_kernel
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running choose_disk_sizes...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG WindowsBackend: total size=5000
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished choose_disk_sizes
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_preseed...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_preseed
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running modify_bootloader...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: New task modify_bcd
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running modify_bcd...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG WindowsBackend: modify_bcd Drive(C: hd 50910.6523438 mb free ntfs)
04-28 10:12 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi VistaBootDrive {128412de-43dd-11e0-bcb1-bc0f41b48750}
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished modify_bcd
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: New task modify_bcd
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running modify_bcd...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG WindowsBackend: modify_bcd Drive(E: hd 31044.2929688 mb free ntfs)
04-28 10:12 DEBUG WindowsBackend: BCD has already been modified
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished modify_bcd
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished modify_bootloader
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running modify_grub_configuration...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished modify_grub_configuration
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_virtual_disks...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG Virtualdisk: Creating virtual disk E:\ubuntu\disks\root.disk of 4744MB
04-28 10:12 DEBUG Virtualdisk: Creating virtual disk E:\ubuntu\disks\swap.disk of 256MB
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_virtual_disks
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running uncompress_files...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG WindowsBackend: compact E:\ubuntu\install\boot /U /A /F
04-28 10:12 DEBUG WindowsBackend: compact E:\ubuntu\install\boot\*.* /U /A /F
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished uncompress_files
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running eject_cd...
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished eject_cd
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: # Finished tasklist
04-28 10:12 INFO root: Almost finished installing
04-28 10:12 INFO WinuiPage: appname=wubi, localedir=C:\Users\malbo\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl17C9.tmp\translations, languages=['fr_FR', 'fr']
04-28 10:54 INFO root: Finished installation
04-28 10:54 INFO root: Rebooting
04-28 10:54 DEBUG TaskList: # Running tasklist...
04-28 10:54 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running reboot...
04-28 10:54 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished reboot
04-28 10:54 DEBUG TaskList: # Finished tasklist
04-28 10:54 DEBUG root: application.quit
04-28 10:54 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: frontend.quit
04-28 10:54 DEBUG WindowsFrontend: frontend.on_quit
04-28 10:54 DEBUG root: application.on_quit
04-28 10:54 INFO root: sys.exit
Dans cette partie du rapport, on peut vérifier que c'est la daily-live (la version "du jour") du 27 avril 2011 qui a été téléchargée automatiquement par BitTorrent entre 09H50 et 10H12:
04-28 09:50 DEBUG downloader: Download start filename=E:\ubuntu\install\natty-desktop-amd64.iso, url=http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110427.1/natty-desktop-amd64.iso, basename=natty-desktop-amd64.iso, length=732112896, text=None
04-28 10:12 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished download
Je ne sais pas pourquoi ce n'est pas la daily-live du 28 avril mais celle du 27 qui a été téléchargée. M'enfin, c'est du produit frais...
Dernière modification par malbo (Le 28/04/2011, à 11:15)
Hors ligne