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#1 Le 31/08/2005, à 21:12


[Résolu] unrar

Je viens d'installer unrar, mais j'échoue en voulant décompresser 2 fichiers.

D'où peut venir mon erreur ?

Hors ligne

#2 Le 31/08/2005, à 21:17


Re : [Résolu] unrar

Je joins le message:

unrar cepv152_man.rar

unrar 0.0.1           Copyright (c) 2004 Ben Asselstine

Extracting from /home/magnus/neverwinternight/cepv152_man.rar

Extracting  HotU/cep1patch150.hak                                     Failed
Extracting  HotU/cep1patch152.hak                                     Failed
Extracting  HotU/cep2da.hak                                           Failed
Extracting  Live/cep1patch150.hak                                     Failed
Extracting  Live/cep1patch152.hak                                     Failed
Extracting  Live/cep2da.hak                                           Failed
Extracting  SoU/cep1patch150.hak                                      Failed
Extracting  SoU/cep1patch152.hak                                      Failed
Extracting  SoU/cep2da.hak                                            Failed
Extracting  2da changes.txt                                           Failed
Extracting  cep1patch.hak                                             Failed
Extracting  CEP Credits v152.pdf                                      Failed
Extracting  CEP FAQ v152.pdf                                          Failed
Extracting  CEP Open Day.mod                                          Failed
Extracting  CEP Players Guide v152.pdf                                Failed
Extracting  CEP Starter Module.mod                                    Failed
Extracting  cep.tlk                                                   Failed
Extracting  cep_crafting.erf                                          Failed
Extracting  cepanatomy.hak                                            Failed
Extracting  cepbaseitem.hak                                           Failed
Extracting  cepcreature.hak                                           Failed
Extracting  cepplace.hak                                              Failed
Extracting  cepportrait.hak                                           Failed
Extracting  ceptexture.hak                                            Failed
Extracting  readme.txt                                                Failed
25 Failed
root@ubuntu:/home/magnus/neverwinternight # unrar Ghalandia.rar

unrar 0.0.1           Copyright (c) 2004 Ben Asselstine

Extracting from /home/magnus/neverwinternight/Ghalandia.rar

Extracting  Ghalandia.hak                                             Failed
1 Failed
root@ubuntu:/home/magnus/neverwinternight #

Hors ligne

#3 Le 31/08/2005, à 23:37


Re : [Résolu] unrar

As tu testé tes fichiers rar pour voir s'il n'y a pas d'erreur?

Dernière modification par Donk (Le 31/08/2005, à 23:38)

Hors ligne

#4 Le 01/09/2005, à 05:32


Re : [Résolu] unrar

Comment fait on ?

Hors ligne

#5 Le 01/09/2005, à 06:32


Re : [Résolu] unrar

en console

rar -t  nom_de_fichier

When you are unsure, ask for help. Nobody knows everything, and nobody is expected to be perfect in the Ubuntu community.

Hors ligne

#6 Le 01/09/2005, à 19:04


Re : [Résolu] unrar

Il est possible que le logiciel que j'ai installé ne supporte pas un format .rar fait sous windows ?

J'ai donc installé un autre logiciel mais je n'arrive pas à trouver les options correctes.

root@ubuntu:/home/magnus/neverwinternight # unrar -el cepv152_man.rar

UNRAR 3.40 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2004 Alexander Roshal

Usage:     unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
               <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>

  e             Extract files to current directory
  l[t,b]        List archive [technical, bare]
  p             Print file to stdout
  t             Test archive files
  v[t,b]        Verbosely list archive [technical,bare]
  x             Extract files with full path

  -             Stop switches scanning
  ad            Append archive name to destination path
  ap<path>      Set path inside archive
  av-           Disable authenticity verification check
  c-            Disable comments show
  cfg-          Disable read configuration
  cl            Convert names to lower case
  cu            Convert names to upper case
  dh            Open shared files
  ep            Exclude paths from names
  ep3           Expand paths to full including the drive letter
  f             Freshen files
  idp           Disable percentage display
  ierr          Send all messages to stderr
  inul          Disable all messages
  kb            Keep broken extracted files
  o+            Overwrite existing files
  o-            Do not overwrite existing files
  ow            Save or restore file owner and group
  p[password]   Set password
  p-            Do not query password
  r             Recurse subdirectories
  ri<P>[:<S>]   Set priority (0-default,1-min..15-max) and sleep time in ms
  ta<date>      Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
  tb<date>      Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
  tn<time>      Process files newer than <time>
  to<time>      Process files older than <time>
  ts<m,c,a>[N]  Save or restore file time (modification, creation, access)
  u             Update files
  v             List all volumes
  ver[n]        File version control
  vp            Pause before each volume
  x<file>       Exclude specified file
  x@            Read file names to exclude from stdin
  x@<list>      Exclude files in specified list file
  y             Assume Yes on all queries

Que me manque t il ?

Hors ligne

#7 Le 01/09/2005, à 19:31


Re : [Résolu] unrar

fait: unrar -e cepv152_man.rar

Hors ligne

#8 Le 01/09/2005, à 19:32


Re : [Résolu] unrar


essaye d'installer "unrar-nonfree" au lieu de "unrar".
J'avais ce prob un tps, avec "unrar-nonfree", plus de soucis.


Hors ligne

#9 Le 01/09/2005, à 20:00


Re : [Résolu] unrar

C'est justement unrar-nonfree que j'ai installé.

Voilà ce que celà a donné:

root@ubuntu:/home/magnus/neverwinternight # unrar -e cepv152_man.rar

UNRAR 3.40 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2004 Alexander Roshal

Usage:     unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
               <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>

  e             Extract files to current directory
  l[t,b]        List archive [technical, bare]
  p             Print file to stdout
  t             Test archive files
  v[t,b]        Verbosely list archive [technical,bare]
  x             Extract files with full path

  -             Stop switches scanning
  ad            Append archive name to destination path
  ap<path>      Set path inside archive
  av-           Disable authenticity verification check
  c-            Disable comments show
  cfg-          Disable read configuration
  cl            Convert names to lower case
  cu            Convert names to upper case
  dh            Open shared files
  ep            Exclude paths from names
  ep3           Expand paths to full including the drive letter
  f             Freshen files
  idp           Disable percentage display
  ierr          Send all messages to stderr
  inul          Disable all messages
  kb            Keep broken extracted files
  o+            Overwrite existing files
  o-            Do not overwrite existing files
  ow            Save or restore file owner and group
  p[password]   Set password
  p-            Do not query password
  r             Recurse subdirectories
  ri<P>[:<S>]   Set priority (0-default,1-min..15-max) and sleep time in ms
  ta<date>      Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
  tb<date>      Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
  tn<time>      Process files newer than <time>
  to<time>      Process files older than <time>
  ts<m,c,a>[N]  Save or restore file time (modification, creation, access)
  u             Update files
  v             List all volumes
  ver[n]        File version control
  vp            Pause before each volume
  x<file>       Exclude specified file
  x@            Read file names to exclude from stdin
  x@<list>      Exclude files in specified list file
  y             Assume Yes on all queries
root@ubuntu:/home/magnus/neverwinternight #

Hors ligne

#10 Le 01/09/2005, à 20:19


Re : [Résolu] unrar

J'ai trouvé la solution :

La syntaxe est    unrar x -vp

Hors ligne